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Last Stand Mission to many ships for 3 waves

iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Romulan Discussion
It took me about an hour or so to fight of the first wave plus I was getting killed of course, and there's a total of 3 waves. I haven't finished the 2nd wave, because it takes about an hour or so. I think they should just have one wave for this mission, because currently its 3 large groups of waves.
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  • mick556mick556 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    God this mission is so incredibly BORING. I have spent the last 2 hours on one mission. Not because I keep dying but because they've fit like 4 missions into one and stretched it out. I've played games that sucked, but I've never played one that made me wish there was an "unconditional surrender" feature... I honestly would take 10 hours of Tal Shiar interrogation than finish this mission. Nice job devs... I'm guessing this mission is the result of a Hot Pocket and Red Bull famine.
    Vice Admiral Jack Larkin
    Commanding Officer: U.S.S. Parabellum NCC-95963-E
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Simply put.. First time EVER have I chosen to SKIP a story arc instalment.

    This series (esp Candle in a HUrricane) needs a MASSIVE complete Re-work.

    1. Agreed... Simply WAY too many ships.... IT equates in essence to at minimum 27 to 1 (9 ships each wave by 3 waves).

    2. The abilities and strength of the ships... Nothing wrong with a challenge and hard battles BUT this is idiotic.

    Virtually IMPOSSIBLE to destroy, Instant jump warping to up to 15k dead behind you every 10-15 secs, Shields take forever to knock down and then seem to instantly recharge as soon as your max fire power is interrupted for more than 2 seconds...

    Of course, its impossible to maintain concentrated fire when every 10 secs without failure your engines, weapons and aux are all taken offline for at least 15 seconds.

    This is the most stupid and pointless mission in STO....

    Great story arc, then you cop this load of TRIBBLE... VERY DISSAPOINTING....

    Hopefully they will fix it.... But advice... IF you haven't gotten to it yet, SKIP IT... you will spend up to an hour+ JUST on the FIRST wave of three.
  • szponixxszponixx Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well... I can't say it was difficult. I think that the fights are just right, but as the guys before me said - there are too many of them. It takes whole lotta time to destroy those 3 waves and it's boring as hell...
  • wanderer89wanderer89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I posted about this yesterday. I dont have an issue with fighting three waves, but the difficulty of the Elachi ships is just unreal. Its near impossible to maintain fire on one side of their shields in the D'deridex because of their ability to teleport behind you. I'd recommend a *slight* nerf to the Elachi ships, say, increase the cooldown on those abilities of theirs. Otherwise, grand. I just find Last Stand really, really boring :(
    Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
    Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class

  • andiros1andiros1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    It took me about an hour or so to fight of the first wave plus I was getting killed of course, and there's a total of 3 waves. I haven't finished the 2nd wave, because it takes about an hour or so. I think they should just have one wave for this mission, because currently its 3 large groups of waves.
    I liked it was not that hard you need to play different and use your cloak more often in combat approach each group from behind and kill of the smaller ships .
    I did not feel it was challenging at all if you assign the correct Officers for each station piece a cake . Good luck
  • grtiggygrtiggy Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    honestly i didnt have a problem with the mission/storyline per say, or really the number of ships but more the ship i was shoe-horned into for it. the base turn rate and speed is just to slow for that mission and there is no alternative, was actualyl very tempted to jump in one of my previus ships, and i really did not want to full beam fit my de'derdix battle cloak be damed, you try cloaking up during that fight or alot of others and the few seconds shields down and still targetable and you can loose alot of HP trying to cloak to turn for another pass. but yea tone down the numbers and it would be a bit better.
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    grtiggy wrote: »
    honestly i didnt have a problem with the mission/storyline per say, or really the number of ships but more the ship i was shoe-horned into for it. the base turn rate and speed is just to slow for that mission and there is no alternative, was actualyl very tempted to jump in one of my previus ships, and i really did not want to full beam fit my de'derdix battle cloak be damed, you try cloaking up during that fight or alot of others and the few seconds shields down and still targetable and you can loose alot of HP trying to cloak to turn for another pass. but yea tone down the numbers and it would be a bit better.

    Trust me, Doesn't Help at all.

    Ended up re-spec my de'derdix with all beams and two photon launchers (faster ROF and Higher DPS). Still just as annoying.

    After dumping out 3 times (getting nowhere fast and decidedly annoyed by the fact that you get one or two shots in, bang ship jumps.... turn around... by the time your turned, bang ship jumps... repeat for 3 hours) Switched back to my previous ship.

    Yeah it works better in respect to keeping them lined up for longer, but the lack of overall firepower (reduced weapons and bof slots) means virtually the same result, except you die more.

    So far the only option for this mission (btw didn't mind the first 2 portions, just the third) is park on top of the starbase, auto target and fire on targets. Get in the car, drive down to the local cinema, by a ticket and go see a movie.... Come back perhaps you MIGHT have actually killed enough of em to continue. (Yes Sarcasm)
  • iceaxe18iceaxe18 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A few hours ago I decided to try that mission again, because I hadn't finished the mission yet, so it took me about 3 hours or so, and I finally finished it, but I was pretty frustrated though, and it got pretty boring to. I'm glad that's over with.
  • cgjannekcgjannek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ended up with this Mission as the last one before I got my D'deridex, so taking them on in the Mogai was even harder (would someone please mount my DHC's facing rear)
    After finally killing the first subgroup of Wave 1 I couldn't believe looking at the counter that this wasn't a wave but instead they mean for me to kill ALL of those 3 times?!?
    About half an hour later and halfway through the 2nd wave I asked a friend if there was another System coming after this one, because if so, I would've quit that Mission right there.
    And yes, I admit i found them too hard!
    I leveled 4 Toons to 50 and do Elite STFs regularily but those guys...
    No thank you! I'm pretty sure I'll never get the "Kill 100 Elachi Ships" Accolade because now that I made Commander I'm gonna skip the rest of that story arc and never look back. Don't want to see another of those jumping jacks ever again.
    And mind you, right now, most players there are seasoned veterans, but there will be those noobs that start off with a Rom Char as their very first one, and for those I'm pretty sure the Elachi, and this Mission in particular, will end their STO experience for good.
  • rancidzombie1701rancidzombie1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This mission is just freakin insanely stupid. really when is the last time you saw a battleship turn faster than a fighter, was the programmer smokin the stupid stick when they coded the level. the story line is ok, but really, the difficulty is far too high, and you waste so much time on a low point in the story line
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    worst mission ever..

    Division Hispana
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    iceaxe18 wrote: »
    It took me about an hour or so to fight of the first wave plus I was getting killed of course, and there's a total of 3 waves. I haven't finished the 2nd wave, because it takes about an hour or so. I think they should just have one wave for this mission, because currently its 3 large groups of waves.

    There must be something seriously wrong with your ship setup if the first wave took you this long to defeat. It shouldn't take you longer than a few minutes! Which ship are you flying and which BOff powers have you chosen?
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It seems to me that the Eleachi ships can take a lot of beam and cannon damage, but are vulnerable against kinetic damage.

    I did the mission with a science ship and the gravity well was a real murderer. The Harg'Peng torpedo works also nice.

    I always try to get as fast out of the middle of the battle and skirt the edges, picking some smaller target or some lone stranglers in these kind of fights. It works well. The allied ships are repairing themselves most of the time, but the do keep aggro.
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Obviously they did not even test this battle, otherwise they would have realized it has WAY TO MANY SHIPS.

    I can't even hear my ship firing my weapons because there are so many sounds from the hundreds of ships that the sounds of my weapons can't be played. So I would say that alone says they put way to many ships in one area.

    I have not used the foundry yet but I did watch a tutorial starter video and the first thing the guy said was, BE VERY CAREFUL about putting to many ships into one battle.

    I am playing this battle on normal difficulty and its near to impossible. The only way to have any chance is to continually die, respawn, die, respawn, die, respawn, die, respawn. How is that supposed to resemble anything like fun?

    What were they thinking? :eek::confused::rolleyes:

    We had this exact same scenario in a level 60 battle against the Mad Dragon in Neverwinter Alpha testing, they had way to many spawns that the dragon continually brought into the fight. Not only that but the dragon itself was so damn difficult that it was instant death for anyone if he focused on you. We told them, we pleaded with them, and finally they did relent and toned it down so that it was possible to win the fight if you did everything perfectly, and had the perfect group, and all players had well above average skills.

    I think Cryptic does this to see how hard a battle should be, and then tones it down until the complaints stop. However did they even test this? I don't think so or they would have re-adjusted everything when it was on the test server. Really poor design of the ending for an otherwise really good storyline to put in a battle that is so difficult that you would rather just surrender and let them put you in one of them pods so you can be on their side.... :rolleyes:
  • aelrhianaaelrhiana Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After avout 40 minutes on wave one I asked my husband to lend a hand with his Jem Dreadnought. He may have matched my level, but that ship is as kitted out as a ship can get. It was over in about 5 minutes. Same deal for Devil's Choice, Defense of NR. I asked both him and a fleetmate for a hand in their lvl 50 ships. We were done in about 10 minutes.

    But yes, those Elachi ships (and their wave numbers!) really need to be toned down.
  • itsthebishopitsthebishop Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After 3 hours... skipping it. Nigh impossible solo on advanced. Even on normal it was still taking close to an hour per wave.

    Throw the mission designer in an airlock with Tovan, please.
    Romulan Praetorian Guard
    Original join date:January 2010
  • odiumnascorodiumnascor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It really isn't all that hard of a mission... Candle in a Hurricane is the "hardest" part, but if you don't go grabbing aggro from every ship on the map at once, you're fine. The escorts don't do the jump, so start with that group by attacking them from behind (you know, use your cloak, I know it's a foreign concept). If they try to get you in the cone, just angle your ship and Singularity Jump or Evasive Maneuvers out of it.

    Next, go for the frigate group and charge them head-to-head, that way you mess up their fore shields and when they jump, they leave those shields facing you. If you have a torp on the back of your D'deridax, you're golden as soon as they jump behind you and eat the torp. Run a torp on front and one on back and you won't have a problem.

    For the last group, just take out the cruiser first since it cones, jumps, and heals the others with TSS. Easy.

    Just repeat twice more and you're done, easy mission. Yes, it drags on since it is time consuming, but the little ships that are launched to "help" will keep aggro off you if you don't charge in like an idiot. All you need is TSS and HE for heals if you mess up and you shouldn't die a single time. The mission isn't broken due to difficulty, it's just boring due to being so repetitive.
  • stev69stev69 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    After 3 hours... skipping it. Nigh impossible solo on advanced. Even on normal it was still taking close to an hour per wave.

    Throw the mission designer in an airlock with Tovan, please.

    I solo'd this mission on elite in about an hour and a half, not saying it wasn't a ball ache though.

    You get caught in that Elachi beam attack and its one shot over, that gave me a few grey hairs.
  • stev69stev69 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tequilla56 wrote: »

    Simply put.. First time EVER have I chosen to SKIP a story arc instalment.

    This series (esp Candle in a HUrricane) needs a MASSIVE complete Re-work.

    1. Agreed... Simply WAY too many ships.... IT equates in essence to at minimum 27 to 1 (9 ships each wave by 3 waves).

    2. The abilities and strength of the ships... Nothing wrong with a challenge and hard battles BUT this is idiotic.

    Virtually IMPOSSIBLE to destroy, Instant jump warping to up to 15k dead behind you every 10-15 secs, Shields take forever to knock down and then seem to instantly recharge as soon as your max fire power is interrupted for more than 2 seconds...

    Of course, its impossible to maintain concentrated fire when every 10 secs without failure your engines, weapons and aux are all taken offline for at least 15 seconds.

    This is the most stupid and pointless mission in STO....

    Great story arc, then you cop this load of TRIBBLE... VERY DISSAPOINTING....

    Hopefully they will fix it.... But advice... IF you haven't gotten to it yet, SKIP IT... you will spend up to an hour+ JUST on the FIRST wave of three.

    So it basically equates to 9 -1 as you will never have more than one wave in the battle area at one time, and its pretty easy to pull one target out at a time and combat them 1 -1.
  • jrq2jrq2 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I took the proactive approach to this, seeing as I have leveled WAY too many toons I got to the point of just getting an escort for all of my toons regardless of what career they are and just equipped the ships with Beam arrays and torpedoes and made myself a Zombie build with BFaW and Torpedo spread and just used a lot of engine batteries with evasive maneuvers.

    This build really helped a lot with is mission, that and I made sure not to fly too close to the other mobs in that area.

    It took longer than the last mission with saving the Holograms, but all in all it wasn?t too painful.

    It took around 20 min for me.
  • nolamnolam Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I came here very VERY infruriated after completing this mission to write a terrible remark, but I'm glad everyone else has pitched in.

    After wasting an hour and a half on a mission which is just like one of those repetitive boring missions that we all remembered and resented from the original release of Star Trek Online, I wish I could have skipped this thing. I expect a mission to be ongoing and have a set path, not just three freaking waves of 10 ships each, let alone two whole other systems that needed cleared!!!!

    This mission is terrible, anyone with common sense should skip it before they get too far ahead of themselves.

    I love this game, but I went into this mission hoping that it would be around 30-45 minutes (like the ~30 missions before it!!!) and it was a whopping two hours!!! that's ridiculous!!! If I was not a veteran it would have made me quit the game for a week from frustration. This is an Admiral or end-game type mission, not something you throw at a player halfway up the ranks!
  • galahax01galahax01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also going to post here about the hatred I now have for this mission.

    I echo mostly everything previous posters have said, Too many ships, too many waves, overall it just flat out takes too long. Took me about an hour and half from start to end on normal.

    Now, i've read a few commenters that say, "well, you gotta do your tactics like this" "or you should outfit this way and its easy". Well think about this, not everyone is playing with YOUR rig or style of playing the first time around. Someone mentioned earlier that for a complete newb with no help (or money to upgrade) at all, they'd get so sick of this that they would have a new negative view of the game.

    I have to agree with that point of view. All they have is whatever mission rewards they have earned. They have a ship rigged in its basest form. That is how I chose to play this mission with my first rom toon. For Last Stand, there is NO WAY it can be completed with a fair amount of ease or in a timely manner. Not at least with the natural progression of using a D'Derabrick. And if anyone out there says "Oh yes it can, I did it", prove it. I want to see a Youtube video from start to finish just so you can shut me up personally.

    So my recommendation is with everyone else...Either remove a wave or two, cut the number of ships in each wave, increase their jump ability cooldown, or remove the "above average" state of the mobs.
  • derbock203derbock203 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    funny thing is, this mission shouldve never met holodeck in this current state - there was a long argument about this on tribble like weeks ago and it seems nobody listened.
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow, I have to completely disagree. By far and away this mission is my favorite mission ever int he history of STO. On tribble I played it over enough times to fully kit my ship out with caustic plasma. On Holodeck, sometimes I play it just for fun. I found defense of New Romulus to be a tad crazy but Last Stand is not hard at all. I did it in the Mogai BTW. My only complaint about this mission is that I cannot pick it up on my Fed and KDF characters because I'd like to try it with all my ships. Maybe I just enjoy a challenge ...
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Could be you are set up wrong.

    Every time I have done the last stand I have flown throught it with ease very quickly. Even the battleships don't last that long.

    I would suggest that some folks need to work on their builds, rather than blame the mission, as it really is very easy to complete, and fast too. Go try the invasion of new Romulas if you want a stupidly difficult and long mission. ;) Oh and yes, I did this mission with gear I was rewarded from previous missions the first couple of times I did it.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    They pretty much ignored any feedback on the Revenge Arc, only bug reports and critical ones on the ground section.

    The Romulan missions suffer a case of too many ships, it already apparent when we have to fight Tal Shiar fleets (like in Nimbus III, there are what? 10 ships, does Haarkev needs 20 security escorts to go to the bathroom?) but the problem becomes worst because as Elachi ships work fine as boss on the the initial missions, they became too problematic at higher levels because they maintain their "mini-boss" status yet they became part of 10+ fleets.

    They also got the bad habit of making the player "spearhead" the Fleet meaning everyone shoots at the player.
    Or maybe they're still trying to figure out what is wrong with this....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • nx89nx89 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Played this and ended up skipping it. WAY too many waves of ships. Got up to the third system - where mission had thus far consisted of: "go here - shoot 3 waves of 3 groups a piece", with very little story. It just got tiring and despite having alright equipment (admittedly not the greatest but the most affordable for that rank), it was taking an age to get through a single wave. Everything else I've experienced thus far with LoR has been fun and engaging but "Last Stand" sadly doesn't boldly go where the rest of the Rommie story (at least what I've played through so far) has done.

    The Elachi space-jump thing is certainly a decent quirk but can get irritating when you're trying to turn in a D'dex whilst firing. D'dex is a great ship except for the turn rate - utter space cow! But, I realise that's to balance its size and fire power capabilities.

    This mission seems odd because unlike the others where there was a coherent sense of plot and progression, this one just comes across as solid pew-pew. Really disjointing to the story up until that point. Once the bugs and other high-priority issues have been taken care of - could this mission please get some love?
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited June 2013
    I didnt like that mission, or the one where you fly a shuttle shooting walkers, and the crazy stupid battle to protect new romulus.

    First time I did last stand I managed to kill the first wave using a ship my captain wasnt suited for after dieing more times than should happen with a good build, saw that was just part 1 of 3 and left the station to do it's own last stand without me. Tried it again at lvl 40ish with a ship more suited to a tac captain but tissue paper hull after i pulled out to repair they killed all the small shuttles and parked themselves in 4 groups shooting the station. I pulled in at 9 kilometers and opened fire with torp spread and cannon rapid and not a single ship bothered to disengage the station and come at me. That was the first wave of 10 minutes shhoting stationary targets that wont fire back.

    Second and third waves I pulled away from the station outside of agro range and waited for them to kill off the small ships and engage the station, they ignored me the same as the first wave. So best way to do the mission is to not do it until it calms the fu.. down. then shoot them while they ignore you.

    My thoughts on the mission is did they TRIBBLE up and give everyone a team version? Because thats exactly what it felt like was a mission designed for 5 players. Seriou bad design if that was for single player when a small group of the weakest fighters for the first wave then a mid size group of midrange for second , followed by the last wave of a few weak, some mid and 1 or 2 battle ships would have been perfect. Not 3 waves of the same exact ships doing the same exact thing. Bad design because it is copy and paste the first wave and too many in each wave.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    fenr00k wrote: »
    Could be you are set up wrong.

    Go try the invasion of new Romulas if you want a stupidly difficult and long mission. ;) Oh and yes, I did this mission with gear I was rewarded from previous missions the first couple of times I did it.


    I thought this thread was about the defense of New Romulas, I am stuck on that mission..

    Last night I had the Command ship down to nearly blowing up and all of a sudden I look and the damn thing is fully healed! :eek: and once again surrounded by support vessels! I hate this mission with a passion though I am not to the point of skipping it yet...:rolleyes:
  • arclite02arclite02 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah, between the weak, massively outnumbered ships that are supposed to "help" you, the mission treating Elachi Super-Dreadnoughts like they were nothing more than fairly average cruiser classes, the Elachi ships being incredibly durable, shockingly mobile, heavily armed, AND getting those damned charge cannons that 5 or 6 of them will spam at once, each with the power to strip 75% off of a D'Deridex clean through shields or instantly nuke any of your support ships...

    This one's just a TINY bit out of control.

    And combining that with the decidedly sub-par combat characteristics of the ill-equipped "D'Deribrick" (good name, galahax - i like it!) that many players will be stuck flying? Not helping.

    Seriously, if a mission requires a complete and total, hyper-optimized, finely tuned, ground up refit of BOFFS, Skills, equipment and powers, just to drop the difficulty below "Insane"?? That's something you reserve for an Elite STF, not something you broadside clueless mid-rank players with!!!
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