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Kicked out of any pve event in 5 seconds (closed, necro)



  • acavalloacavallo Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been unable to do ANY PVE mission on ANY of my Characters. I tried to do events for Fleet marks... I am forced to leave the mission in 5 seconds. I tried doing a couple STFs... forced to leave in 5 seconds.... tried Mine trap... forced to leave in 5 seconds.... GAHHHH. This is maddening. It's happening with both Fed and KDF characters. Please fix.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tpalelena wrote: »
    My romulan federation allied tactical officer gets kicked out of events like Gorn mine field or Terran empire invasion after 5 seconds.

    Apparently I cant team up, and the stupid map managed gives me FIVE seconds to do anything about that.

    I've been having the same issue with my Vulcan in Gorn Minefield (50% on this one) and the Elite version of Crystalline Catastrophe (I lost count of how many times I tried to get in before I finally succeeded, so it was considerably worse than 50%, but pointless once I got in, due to how OP the Entity is now, and the other players eventually giving up and leaving me alone to face it).
  • blacksouleternalblacksouleternal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Spent an entire hour trying to get into mirror universe, never made it. Non stop cant find map errors and 5 second ejections.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So far I have had no such problems with Borg STF missions or the missions with Choice of Marks rewards.

    The only missions I have been having problems with are missions that says Gear/Dilithium rewards. I have not played the the Fleet actions that rewards Fleet Marks yet so I do not know what they are like now.

    Edit oh ya Mirror Invasion also have had problems getting into as well.
  • domvinadomvina Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Still having issues. Brand new RR character. Kicked from SB24 5s after entering despite several queue attempts.
  • ulinsky007ulinsky007 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    protogoth wrote: »
    I've been having the same issue with my Vulcan in Gorn Minefield (50% on this one) and the Elite version of Crystalline Catastrophe (I lost count of how many times I tried to get in before I finally succeeded, so it was considerably worse than 50%, but pointless once I got in, due to how OP the Entity is now, and the other players eventually giving up and leaving me alone to face it).
    Have exactly the same issue on Federation & Romulan characters.

    What is going on?
  • ulinsky007ulinsky007 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    protogoth wrote: »
    I've been having the same issue with my Vulcan in Gorn Minefield (50% on this one) and the Elite version of Crystalline Catastrophe (I lost count of how many times I tried to get in before I finally succeeded, so it was considerably worse than 50%, but pointless once I got in, due to how OP the Entity is now, and the other players eventually giving up and leaving me alone to face it).

    Have exactly the same issue on Federation & Romulan characters.

    What is going on?
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ulinsky007 wrote: »
    Have exactly the same issue on Federation & Romulan characters.

    What is going on?

    I haven't tried Crystalline Elite on my Orion yet (she has the same issues with hit-or-miss getting into anything and being able to stay more than 5 seconds, though). My Romulan isn't level 50 yet, but she has had decent success getting in and staying in Federation Minefield, until today, when I was unable to get in for more than 5 seconds all day, until just a few minutes ago. The results of that? Read on.

    So just now, I actually managed to get into Federation Minefield on my Romulan, but the team was already fighting the Dennison when I got in, and just as I got within range of it, they destroyed it. I got a couple of ship devices (Engine Batteries, to be precise), and not a thing else. No dilithium, no nothing, just two Engine Batteries. Upon warping out, I checked the queue, and guess what? 28 minute cool down. :mad:

    Brandon is aware of the issue with the Crystalline Catastrophe (Elite) being way OP, and the warpin-warpout issue in connection with that (and I'm pretty sure he knows about this getting kicked issue, too, since plenty of people have complained about it in that thread). Here's the thread for that:

    Or, well, that's my post in it, but yeah.
  • xelene13xelene13 Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    STILL continuously getting kicked from CE event after 5 seconds. :mad:
  • nsawcnsawc Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have been having this issue as well, though today I cannot even get ino the mirror event at all because it says I'm already in queue. Being unable to do any of these pve instances is getting really annoying, they need to fix this asap.
  • dieutoutpuissantdieutoutpuissant Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because of this bug, and because of the old "couldn't get map name from map manager" bug, which is currently back, the game is completely unplayable. It's far more game-breaking than any other issues we've encountered so far, since we can't queue for anything!
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    These matches are a huge chunk of the game,

    Gorn minefield, Klingon Scout Force, SB24, Mirror invasion plus others in the PvE list.

    Some people who have limited time on this game or need XP and ec its the only real quick way to get it.

    Cannot get names from map manager, you will be removed in 5 seconds etc.

    Please, Please fix this issue. These matches are part of the game, many people prefer playing them to other stf's. Please sort it out, these matches are not stable and you all seem to be keen on game stability.

    The PvE list is as stable as a lunatic howling at the moon.

    Please fix it as soon as humanely possible.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    for the last few days i was ok with it but now, uh, "I, good sir, have had enough" i am not a bajoran female on Terok Nor :S
  • captinwh0captinwh0 Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    same issue hear, i am a fed and i was last kicked out of azure nebula rescue
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    captinwh0 wrote: »
    same issue hear, i am a fed and i was last kicked out of azure nebula rescue

    #1 This does happen from time to time. Usually right after a major patch such as a new season update to the game.

    #2 If a thread hasn't been posted in for more than 30 days, start a new thread. This is called thread necromancy and is against the rules. Please make sure to look at the date of the last post, but also look at the first post to see when the thread was created. Sometimes you can come across a thread that was necroed and there were several posts before you read the thread, making it appear as though it was still active when it actually died a long time ago.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can say for sure the devs are aware of these bugs. Other completely different thing is, as all we know, that they will do something about it one day..
This discussion has been closed.