So I play almost as low as you can go, limit GPUCPU action and what not.
The wings on the Valdore in the flotilla turned white when I got close to it.
All the character models have black patches on their faces and bodies.
The front of my TOS scarf only appears at the bottom below the uniform belt (above and properly over the custom belt). The back of the TOS sash works fine.
Not really a huge deal IMO, the expansion is great so far.
Yeah getting this as well, mostly alot of romulan faces all back/blue and flickering not sure what the cause is.. but again cryptic not properly preparing or fixing the game before a launch. :rolleyes:
my borg romulan toon's red laser eye is effecting the sorrunding skin, it causing all sorts of issues with the romulan skin. in addition to that the borg romulan hair for the female looks metallic then what hair should look like.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.