Take advantage of the Legacy Pack's limited-time pricing
NOW as prices are set to go up on
(date extended!*) Thursday, June 6th, 2013, at 11:59AM PDT! Read more for full details.
Click here to read more.
*Was originally planned to go up on Friday, 5/31.
Dev Blogs have the words "Dev Blog" in their titles. Here was my quote:
Brandon =/\=
I'm still contemplating if I should get the Legacy Pack... I could save up for it.... but I already got the Starter Pack. And I would have to wait and not puchase anything from the big pack while leveling... oh cruel fate....
I'm afraid I'm not in a position to afford either of these packs, but know that if I could, I would totally get a Legacy Pack. Good stuff.
Mine Trap Supporter
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
This way I'll save even more by just buying the ships I want
What Cryptic should have done was release packs according to best fit to captain career. Release heavy engineering ships in a "Romulan Repair" pack, heavily slanted science ships in a "Romulan Researcher" pack, and tactical ships in a "Romulan Revenge" pack (that last one, couldn't think of something starting with "R").
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
One day.. and the Alpha Quadrant is ours!
Viduus au paeti & Glohhaasi' mnekha!!!
There's not that many C-Store ships. Not few, but not that many.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
As for these two Romulan Packs, I think their contents are topnotch. I wish I had to extra cash. lol...
Really? Because it never included that, during the entire lifetime of the game.
The store has been around since the beginning.
Not really. The Lifetime Sub gives you the same 500 Zen stipend as any other Gold Member (please refrain from making Austin Powers references for the moment), which equates to a running discount on anything you buy from the Zen Store. Heck, if you had saved up the last two months of Zen, you would be able to never pay a dime beyond the Lifetime Sub and still get a Fleet Mogai Retrofit, complete with a matching Mogai console set bonus. Actually, saving up in advance just makes it faster, you could still do it even if you started now.
(1) Buy the Mogai right out of the gate for 1000 Zen. This assumes you saved up ahead of time; if not, wait 2 months and start the process then.
(2) Use its console on whatever VA ship you get with the VA Ship Token you get as a Gold Member, for 4 months or so.
(3) Buy the Mogai Retrofit after than for 2000 Zen. Use both Mogai consoles on your Mogai Retrofit for the set bonus, for about a month or so.
(4) Buy a Fleet Ship Module for 500 Zen and then buy a Fleet Mogai Retrofit, and move your console set over to that. This assumes that they maintain the discount for owning the C-Store variant of the Fleet ship, of course.
If you don't like the Mogai, you can always get one of the other pairs of ships instead. It may add or reduce the overall Zen cost, but the Dilithium Exchange can help with that as well. I, for one, have saved up 5000 Zen over the past couple months specifically to buy the ships I want to get, because I just knew I would want them.
I have been considering the Starter Pack anyway... not a bad price for the two ships and the boff, especially since the boff adds 2 boff slots to your Romulan characters. See Legacy of Romulus - Starter Pack
Sadly, it doesn't look like it. From the Legacy and Starter Pack FAQ page:
Q: Will either of the packs actually be sold in the C-Store?
A: No, the packs are and will only be available for purchase via our Legacy and Starter Pack overview page here.
Damn. Can't afford to spend even more for a while, but put that bundle in the shop at even 15k zen and I couldn't buy it fast enough.
When you start charging hundreds of dollars for a pack, then later they will likely release the Scimitar for hundreds of dollars in Lobi Crystals.
It seems it's just me unless they delete these kinds of posts, but I think Cryptic is charging too much.
When I later see a Romulan with Survivor of Romulus, lifetime subscription and a Lobi Crytal ship I will shake my head and think of just how much he had to spend to get there.
You know i just started playing this game......i spent a little money not much mind you.
i was worried bout wasting cash, don't have alot i'm kinda poor.
that was four days ago now......i can NOT GET INTO MY SHIP!
AND U TRIBBLE HEADS SIT HERE chatting away bout how much you like it here with the "GOLD" card LIKE EVERYTHING IS FINE.
When you bought that thing it just gave u a right to cut in front of everyone......20k+ peeps
Don't know bout yall but ill never spend another dime on this.
I've been in a que line for 3 hour's and 45 mins
by the time i get too play i got to go too work...but thanks fer all the laughs :mad:
Brandon =/\=
I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. You all have had problem after problem with the release and how do you reward your loyal customers for sticking with the game? By extending an opportunity to spend REAL MONEY to get items in game. This make no sense!!!
I am usually the first one on my fleet to speak up in Cryptic's defense about almost everything but I can't really do it in this case. In Neverwinter you had a problem with the exchange and fixed it very quickly then you gave everyone items in game for free as a thank you for the wait. You need to do the same thing here. This is a much bigger problem and a much bigger audience.
So please throw us a bone. Give us some Lock Box keys, Zen points, or some special items and uniforms. We would all appreciate it and it would go a long way to smooth things over.
Mine Trap Supporter