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Why do you PvP?



  • naldorannaldoran Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What motivates me to PvP these days? Quite simple really: I enjoy the thrill of hunting down others, grouping up with my buddies, maneuvering the target into a vulnerable position, and then proceeding to cause misery and suffering to the unfortunate in a (relatively) permanent way. This is why I'm playing EVE of late, instead of STO.

    Too bad the carebears would quite en-masse if they were told that the shiny ship they spent dilithium on is permanently gone now because I blew them to smithereens. :(
    12th Fleet | Sad Pandas | Starfleet M.A.C.O.
  • sylverwolfiesylverwolfie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In STO, I PvP because it is challenging.

    At this point, PvE in STO is boring to me. It isn't challenging at all, nor has it been since launch. At least to me.

    I do enjoy the building of ships, trying them out with the various bridge officers, duty officers, equipment, etc. to see how efficient I can make them, but testing those builds vs. the AI doesn't mean anything to me. Only PvP gives the challenge needed for me to improve the builds.

    In practically all other games I play, I PvE only. This game is one of the very rare occasions where I PvP. The only games I remember that I enjoyed PvP was in Star Fleet Command (1 and 2), and X-wing vs. Tie Fighter. Outside of those games, I've stuck to only PvE.

    Winning or losing, doesn't matter to me. The best matches are those that are close in score, and whether I win or lose, if the game was challenging and close, I enjoy it.

    Obsidian / Mee
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because it will be a loooong time before AI can provide both the variety and challenge.
  • delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Blowing players up is infinitely more interesting and entertaining than facerolling the same borg ad nauseam, even if looking at the same maps since forever has become a running joke. And it awards a borderline insulting amount of EC, but it's more EC than any other mission awards, and I'm poor. And getting cheesed by other players is a bit less stressful then getting insta-gibbed by invisitorps, if only marginally so.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Companion thread: here.
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its all about the social interaction. The QQ, the "wtfs", the nerdrage, the bromances...., the legions of followers!!!!!!!!!

    the carving a form from the abyss, the creation of legend.

    The dedication to a pursuit, the mission (when there truly is none)

    3 years deep, unloading a killshot on a noob is still like opening a fortune cookie or schrodingers cat box


    will he rage quit?
    will he call u haxxor then /ignore?
    will he say "NICE ONE!!!!!" <<< my favorite
    will he make a million excuses? <least favorite (hey i was typing bro)

    WILL HE DIE WITH HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

    Will he learn, improve, and become the best player in the game? (mt tie u TRIBBLE)

    Ive been on the front line in this game on the pvp war against nooberiness since before it came out.

    Those with a deep insight, understanding, and appreciation for high game competition dont need a reason. They live and breathe arc based trek combat.

    "couldnt login for unknown reason" i cant deal with. being 17,500 of 26000 in line to get in.... gives me hardon. SO MANY NOOBS TO PWN! let me in damnit
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aldo1raine wrote: »
    Vaping noobs

    vaping pandas is so much more fun.
  • fishworshipper1fishworshipper1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I PvP, mostly 1v1, because it is challenging and fun, and it has a very nice thrill when you tank an Alpha Strike, pour warp plasma onto them, teleport behind them and let loose on all your damage dealing weapons and abilities.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The challenge of gettin in a couple kills before the leets notice I'm a threat.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i pvp solely becus the community tonight, as pvp pop failed for 2 hours, and when i switched to roll rom igot back of line to 15k. good game the roms lowbies who joined for my big pvp and the bug hero heh

    got one good kill besides kerrat

    insanely, worth the wait and headache of unplayability yesterday. kudos!
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    No matter how badly Cryptic ****s up, we find a way to have fun.
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its all about the social interaction. The QQ, the "wtfs", the nerdrage, the bromances...., the legions of followers!!!!!!!!!

    the carving a form from the abyss, the creation of legend.

    The dedication to a pursuit, the mission (when there truly is none)

    3 years deep, unloading a killshot on a noob is still like opening a fortune cookie or schrodingers cat box


    will he rage quit?
    will he call u haxxor then /ignore?
    will he say "NICE ONE!!!!!" <<< my favorite
    will he make a million excuses? <least favorite (hey i was typing bro)

    WILL HE DIE WITH HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

    Will he learn, improve, and become the best player in the game? (mt tie u TRIBBLE)

    Ive been on the front line in this game on the pvp war against nooberiness since before it came out.

    Those with a deep insight, understanding, and appreciation for high game competition dont need a reason. They live and breathe arc based trek combat.

    "couldnt login for unknown reason" i cant deal with. being 17,500 of 26000 in line to get in.... gives me hardon. SO MANY NOOBS TO PWN! let me in damnit

    r u mini's son in law? :o
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My friends list outside of one RL friend, is composed entirely of folks I have struck up friendships with during pvp. Most of the time, ones that I have fought against. I came to this game three years ago during beta with the stereotypical view of "peeveepee-ers" and their general idiocy. The people I met here completely changed that view (at least in STO). For every legendary jerk I run across in OPVP, Arenas or C&H, I met 5 others telling them to stuff it and quit being a jerk.....

    Whew, sorry to break good there....back to the thuggery and negativity everyone! :)

    Oh and yeah the big pvp was fun yesterday mini
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Simple question.

    What motivates you to PvP, in this game and/or others?

    The hard part:

    Remain constructive, do not make derogatory remarks about others reasons and try to keep PvE out of it.

    I like PvP because it's always different. For me, PvP is at its most fun when everybody is doing their own thing, and at its most dull when everybody is following a playbook when it comes to builds and tactics; but it's always more unpredictable than PvE either way. It keeps things interesting. I'm not in it for the challenge or anything.

    Some ideas for deeper conversation:

    Do you prefer straight up kill matches, capture the flag? Special modes?

    Well... it depends. A well thought out special mode can be more fun, a poorly thought out one can be less fun. I'm equally happy playing ground arena or ground assault, but I'll play space cap' n hold only if I'm getting thrashed in space arenas that day and just can't take it anymore.
    Are you in it just for the competition?

    I don't actually like indulging my competitive side; I hate losing way more than I enjoy winning, so no. I focus purely on the fun of the game, and pay no attention to the scores.
    Are you in it for ego stroking? (I'm serious)

    I'd have to be a lot better at PvP to be in it for the sake of my ego. :o
    Do you enjoy the social aspects (teaming, cooperation & coordination, competition against other live players)?

    I guess I do. On occasion, when finding myself with a really good team, I enjoy it if we stick together for a few games; I've made some friends that way. It isn't really why I play though; I don't feel like games that end with a 'GG' and everyone going their separate ways are any less satisfying.
  • crimisicrimisi Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If your going to pvp now don't leave ESD without HIM :p

    Veni Vidi Vici
    Confucius says "A Panda is most dangerous when Sad".
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I PVP for a variety of reasons, but coming from a competitive first person shooter background, I enjoy the challenge of engaging other similar-minded players on the battle-field. My old quake clan had many members capable of winning in 1 vs. 5+ situations where aim and dodge skill mattered far more than anything else. Although STO is a different animal altogether, its ship-to-ship combat is still much more enjoyable than many other current titles.

    I also use PVP as a crucible for build optimization, burning away impurities until the result is the best possible solution.

    PVP is also a good way of evaluating the present PVP combat environment and adapting builds accordingly.
  • mikenight00mikenight00 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I PvP when I grow tired of PvE, but I don't get the rush some people experience when doing it since death has no real meaning in this game. Now if i knew that the Fed I just snuffed lost part of their equipment, and had to use dil to repair what was left of their ship, i'd be more willing to PvP more often. But in the game's current state there is little there to keep my interest.
    Never Forget 5/21
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My reasons to PVP is because I grew tired of PVP and needed a challenge.

    Now I laugh in the face of death as everytime I am beaten it makes me improve my build and adapt and improve.

    I especially enjoy playing against the more established players MT and Naz and seeing how far I am from them.

    It is better to aim for the best than to rot in the endless grind of STF's.
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    My reasons to PVP is because I grew tired of PVP and needed a challenge.

    Now I laugh in the face of death as everytime I am beaten it makes me improve my build and adapt and improve.

    I especially enjoy playing against the more established players MT and Naz and seeing how far I am from them.

    It is better to aim for the best than to rot in the endless grind of STF's.

    Thanks for the compliment I guess.

    For me, best bit of PvP is when a newcomer to PvP teaches me something I never knew and opens up a new door for me to walk through and figure out stuff.

    1 example I use is learning to use hazards to debuff siphons. A random taught me that.

    Another is when you can hear the excitement in a person's voice in the heat of the moment in a close match.
  • theeishtmotheeishtmo Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do it as the final test of a build, and because it's just fun to dive head long, and alone, into the middle of a group of klinks or feds and see what I can do. Sometimes, I even survive.
    I know there is a method but all I see is madness.
  • howlmothhowlmoth Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Premade Team vs. Premade Team PvP is about as close as STO comes to "end game content". Unlike other games, there is no real group progression where fleets work weeks to progress through a PvE encounter (like raiding in other games).

    Working to get better as a group in an MMO is part of what makes playing it rewarding.

    Right now, PvP is the only aspect of the game that provides that challenge for a group, and it speaks a lot to the dedication of the PvP community (since any aspect of this competitive play is completely player generated and sustained).
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I PvP for three main reasons:

    1. PvE is inherently beatable every time once you figure out how to do it. There is no AI on earth that can outwit a player (as yet). Thus, I get bored of it very quickly without new fresh stuff all of the time.

    2. PvP adds the dynamic reason 1 often lacks. Something new to challenge myself with. No two PvP games are every quite the same (usually). A human player has the creativity and learning capacity no AI does, and thus the challenge level increases as both sides seek new and unique ways to defeat the other.

    3. Because PvP is the only place I can find those of the like mind as mine, it seems. I dont mind the casual player mentality sometimes, but I like being around min/max competitive people, I always have. Yes, even you trolls.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • magnumoftheblackmagnumoftheblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The only reason that I PVP is to remind the elitists Tac captains in Defiants that Engineers can mop them up without breaking a sweat in an Assault cruiser.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited June 2013
    With the correct mix of ships PvP is glorious with a lot of back and forth between teams. It is also fun to mix PvP + PvE in Ker'rat.

    If only the nerfed the lockbox ships and consoles ... we could finally have some nearly even matches.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I used to PvP because it was fun and a further learning curve.
    Now, not so much.
    Too many cheese filled premades floating about.
    When you go in as a premade, there seems to be non about.
    Tonight, Ive given up on the game, 11 PvP space, not one decent one had. All frikkin premades.
    Its not fun at all, there is no fighting it, even a good pug team against a good premade doesnt stand a chance.
    As a pug team, the whole thing is its luck of the draw who you have.
    So to really sum of STO.
    PvE is easy and sucks, PvP is broken and 90% of the time isnt even worth the 5-10 minute queue time to get in.
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