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What would you like to see after LoR?



  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    With the launch of LoR right around the corner, let's talk about the future. What "pet projects" would you like to see the Devs focusing on after LoR drops?

    My personal requests would be (in no particular order):

    - Interiors: Would like to see a quality pass on the existing bridges and interior layouts, some scaling done to match the new "possible scale" established by the TOS and Belfast interiors, as well as the addition of some new and oft requested interiors such as TNG, VOY, Star Trek I-VI era, etc. Additionally, it would be nice to have a bit more functionality added to the interiors, perhaps some mini-daily missions (not duty officer) which could be completed for dilithium, which could include some random puzzle scenarios in the Engineering & Science disciplines, showing your surgeon's hands down in the Medical Bay, or Tactical Training exercises on the Phaser Range or in the Holodeck.

    - Customization / Quality of Life Pass: There have been many long standing requests for focus on a variety of topics that fall under this rather broad category. For example, uniform tweaks and cleanup, the addition of player requested vanity titles, fixing the system to allow us to set how we want to be addressed (rank) in game by the NPCs, ship skin fixes, etc.

    - Toggles: We have the ability to turn on/off the display of weapons and armor, I'd like to see this taken to another level, where we can toggle the TRON-esque holo-thingamabobs on or off of our weapons. Additionally, I'd like to see us be able to choose the graphics for our Kits, rather than being pre-determined by the kit itself. Some of the lower level kits have nice, understated equipment looks that I'd like to be able to use through the length of my career without eventually looking like a mutated Whiplash from Iron Man 2 by the time I hit Admiral ranks.

    - Mini-Fleet play: So we have Admirals in game (pretty much everyone is an Admiral nowdays) how about following up on some of the good suggestions from the players for utilizing our old ships in a Tactical Wing type setup where we can do missions in space with an "away team" comprised of some of our old ships, being commanded by Bridge Officers who we have "promoted" to the Command Level?

    - Fleet Cruiser Retrofit: We have a Fleet version of the other Tier 2 ships (Nova & Sabre) it's time for a Fleet Cruiser. Even if it only uses the Vesper/Excalibur skins and locks out the Constitution skin to avoid the "Tier 5 Connie" scenario. With the Nova and Sabre both being 40 years older than the Excalibur, it makes no sense for them to have Tier 5 versions, while the Excalibur doesnt.

    So those are the big items on my wish list. What are you wishing for? :P

    I would like to see

    * the romulan faction become independent. their own fleet starbase..... or a fleet zone connected to the current command centre on new Romulus. don't have to be a space station.

    * would like to see more feature episodes to develop the games story on several fronts. i'd like to see advance a bit. dominion, cardassian, breen, tholian. but more importantly the undine.

    * kdf k'vort bop

    * account bank access on the Belfast bridge.

    * would also like to see galaxy, intrepid and sovereign bridges added to the game similar to the defiant(Belfast) bridge.

    * cruiser pass, turn rates etc some need tweaking here and there.

    * end game content.

    much longer term

    * 3 way pvp

    * territory control system

    * another faction, cardassian

    * an ice/snow world adventure zone. bit like nimbus
  • stararmystararmy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    - 3v3 PVP arena where all captains have a full boff away team
    - Open PVP frontier zones with territory control and conquerable fleet-controlled/defended locations
    - Revamped exploration
    - Move away from the 'amusement park' mission model and more towards persistent effects on the game world whereever possible
    - New sectors
    - More Nimbus-like worlds (large MMO-style maps with multiple missions and player groups)


    - Replica interiors, usable with standard bridges
    - Transporter effects
    - Hair expansion pack
    - Species and gender respec
    - Boff costume slots
    - TNG Skants for male and females
    Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Six months of fixing bugs sounds good to me. From the old lingering and much ignored bugs, to the latest and greatest. Kill them, fix them, smash them into bug oblivion, whatever just do something useful before compounding the problems with more new content.
  • bruccybruccy Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yup big bug bash gets my vote for what the devs should do now
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A proper full on dominion war expansion pack but this should come after the war with romulans in the current story which should hopefully end soon because its draging on way to long and its getting dull the iconians stuff.

    ===post above is by cptskeeteruk===

    EDIT: Closed for necroing an old thread. Remember, if a thread has been inactive for 30 days, you should not post to it. Feel free to create a new thread on the subject if you would like to discuss further :) ~BranFlakes
This discussion has been closed.