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What would you like to see after LoR?



  • quanmanchuquanmanchu Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What this game needs is without the shadow of a doubt some Hello Kitty(tm) pets.

    Ok, My humour is starting to gross me out. Sorry...

    ...But I would like to have something done with Ferenginar. Somehow connect it with Trading and Exchange. Make the ugly Ferengis have a greater purpose than just being there as any other alien race.

    Hmmmm....what if certain weapons and items in the game are assigned to manufactures and the metadata obtained by Cryptic were used for a sort of stock market game that has value of stock determined by the success of product lines of these companies? You could invest in Dilithium or GPL or EC.
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    Please, no.

    I whole-heartedly disagree with this - principally because allowing the Romulan Republic to be a thing is making the story more of a living story. I get that there are plenty of players out there a bit disappointed that we're not going to be playing as the RSE that we know. When it comes to this sort of thing, Cryptic should not be backtracking on their decisions - they need to stick to their guns. If anything needs to happen to the Romulans in the future, it's that they need to be expanded into their own full faction - complete with unique starbases and fleets - rather than simply reverting back to their previous incarnation.

    I'm none too happy with the way the Klingons have been portrayed, but i'm not wasting my time asking Cryptic to go back on their decision.

    Agreed. However I would like to see some opposition to the whole reunification idea inside the Romulan Republic. I have a hard time believing that every Romulan now supports D'Tan's view on this matter. Give the players the chance to either support Reunification or an independant Romulan Republic in a new story arc. This whole thing should be a lot more controversial, maybe by creating two different political parties who run for support in the Republic. Also the Reman point of view on this subject is entirely missing.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eisenw0lf wrote: »
    Agreed. However I would like to see some opposition to the whole reunification idea inside the Romulan Republic. I have a hard time believing that every Romulan now supports D'Tan's view on this matter. Give the players the chance to either support Reunification or an independant Romulan Republic in a new story arc. This whole thing should be a lot more controversial, maybe by creating two different political parties who run for support in the Republic. Also the Reman point of view on this subject is entirely missing.

    If the Republic has to be kept, then you need at least three parties. RSE Loyalists can play the "democracy" game as well (if not better) than those Romulans who abandoned their heritage to embrace D'Tan's twisted ethos.

    Remans? Who needs to listen to slaves?
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Bug fixes and balance passes.

    Before we focus on more new stuff, they need to be more willing to go back to the past and fix some of the long standing issues, along with any new issues that LoR will bring.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • adon333adon333 Member Posts: 304
    edited May 2013
    atomictiki wrote: »
    If the Republic has to be kept, then you need at least three parties. RSE Loyalists can play the "democracy" game as well (if not better) than those Romulans who abandoned their heritage to embrace D'Tan's twisted ethos.

    Remans? Who needs to listen to slaves?


    Yeah, that's right.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More end game content. Not just STFs and adventure zones. Story missions as well. But...

    I want more New Romulus type adventure zones just cuz I want to run free. Freeeee. Risa would be good. Betazed. Andoria. Rura Penthe even. All of these places can and should be expanded.

    I'd like the passage of time to be made more clear.
    Allow players to be RSE.

    TNG-era politics is been there, done that. Boring.

    It's the exact opposite of the living story you want. It's a greatest hits album. Bad enough I had to redo the DS9 Changeling storyline with the Undine. Change is good. New Romulus is good.

    Hopefully they'll refresh the dull-as-targ soup KDF in a similar way soon.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    I think STO is in serious need of new end-game material. More FEs, more STFs, more Dailies, etc. I'm not a huge fan of the Rep grind. I'd prefer to see end-game with a bit more story.

    I believe the intent of the next Season is to start work on PvP, though - of course they've said that a lot of times and its never happened. :)

    and if they did all that and a year later? will it be enough content? from the way i see it, thats something can not be answered because people will ask for even more and more and more.. at some point it would have to stop. right now the end game content is adequate.

    anyway, what would i expect to see after LoR.

    beginning work on a cardassian faction.
    revamping the federation storyline so it works just as well as RR and KDF revamp when LoR launches.
    revamping PvP, the current PvP system is completely lop sided and has been since the last update.
    more galaxy sectors to explore and updating the tour the galaxy event to include these sectors accordingly.
    the usual mixture of suspects as far as content goes that cryptic loves to add to make revenue ect..
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    and if they did all that and a year later? will it be enough content? from the way i see it, thats something can not be answered because people will ask for even more and more and more.. at some point it would have to stop. right now the end game content is adequate.
    True, there will never be enough content, but you can't not make content simply because there will never be enough content. :)

    There's a reason why other big MMOs put out regular Expansion Packs: it's to get content into the game. And let's be honest here, STO had the least number of end-game Raids of any major MMO. If STO wants to be considered a big MMO it needs to address its end-game. People are only going to do the same handful of STF/Raids so many times before they decide to move on. So where you think the number of STFs is "adequate" I think the vast majority of fans consider that number severely lacking.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    and if they did all that and a year later? will it be enough content? from the way i see it, thats something can not be answered because people will ask for even more and more and more.. at some point it would have to stop. right now the end game content is adequate.

    Medium sized MMO's, especially the F2P ones, operate on a revolving door of players. New players show up, they play the game, they spend money on whatever cash shop options strike their fancy while they're here, they leave when burn-out or boredom sets in. There are some players who buck the trend, pick out an MMO and play it until its doors close but those are the exception, not the rule.

    "End game content is adequate" is never true in any MMO. New end game content brings back old players, new end game content keeps new players here longer, new end game content allows an MMO to appeal to a wider range of players.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    TNG-era politics is been there, done that. Boring.

    It's the exact opposite of the living story you want. It's a greatest hits album. Bad enough I had to redo the DS9 Changeling storyline with the Undine. Change is good. New Romulus is good.

    Hopefully they'll refresh the dull-as-targ soup KDF in a similar way soon.

    What is boring is having a second Federation, which is what the Repbulic is. Play dynamic would be greatly improved by having the white hats (Feds), warriors (KDF) and espionage (RSE) all have different elements of gameplay.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Two things I'd like to see are projects that Dstahl has already mentioned:

    Season 8 was supposed to be focused around an uprising on the Gorn Homeworld. Not sure how far they got on that before switching gears to LoR.

    He also mention a Founders of the Federation Expansion that would open up the Sector b/w Sirus and Deferi Space, which is where Betazed, Tellar and Ferenginar are located.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Primary (in order)
    Ship balancing
    Fleet expenses drastically cut (hopefully resolved in coming update)
    Kit revamp

    Ship interior and DS9 upgrade (or, spatially speaking, downgrade)

    Long Term
    Cardassian faction :cool:
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atomictiki wrote: »
    What is boring is having a second Federation, which is what the Repbulic is. Play dynamic would be greatly improved by having the white hats (Feds), warriors (KDF) and espionage (RSE) all have different elements of gameplay.

    "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I don't want a dynamic three-dimensional universe! I want cardboard cutouts and planets of hats!"
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    IMHO, any expansion should have the following.

    STF level missions with STF level rewards for each of the rep systems. This also includes the fleet system. Each STF should reward everything necessary to climb in the rep system it covers, so marks, dilithium, and vendor trash for the EC stuff. Also, each expansion should try to add at least one more STF for each system. Recycling could also work here, for instance take ISE and change it up a bit.

    One or two off FEs each expansion, that clearly advance the story, and these become the new end game missions in the mission line up. Right now, everything that has happened in the game has happened before the final mission in Undine space when you find out OMG Undine, and then OMG Iconians, with the exception of the Romulan rep missions, which ultimately don't provide anything with forwarding that plot. That plot needs to be followed up on, either in game, or with something that all players can access freely. Not in Star Trek magazine. Now you can put the expanded version in Star Trek magazine, but at least give us the highlights real, and its better if we played it out.

    Then other expansion worthy topics.

    Crafting and exploration revamp. Crafting should be able to put out at least non-STF level Mark XII gear (based on that dev post saying that anything besides omega rep is not true end game gear), and should be able to be sold or somehow traded, so that crafters can exist in the game. If crafting requires dilithium, then you should be able to give dilithium to crafters in exchange for an item.

    Exploration needs to be random and dynamic (or at least fake it really well). Add in more minigames to them as well. Maybe create generic maps with generic spawn points, but change the enviroment, enemies, and/or missions, so you have a cave map, but one time its well lit, and you're collecting dilithium, and the next, its foggy, and you're fighting Jem'hadar. And you never know what its going to be.

    And finally, small stuff.

    Let us use holodecks for mission replay. Add holodecks to ship interiors as well.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    malkarris wrote: »
    Let us use holodecks for mission replay. Add holodecks to ship interiors as well.

    This has been mentioned many times in the past and I'm a big supporter of it. I hope that's on a list somewhere! :) I guess while redesigning the comically enormous ship interiors it'll be easy for them to add that in.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i think its about time you had a look at the transwarp destinations on the main transwarp gadget.
    of the four i have on my fed and five i have on kdf ive only ever used 2 on each they are the home system and fleet starbase in both cases.
    it would have been handy when you did the season 7 new rom update but now with the nimbus 3 zone to visit daily i think the nimbus sector would be a good choice.
    im not sure of what other users might find handy but the defari sector would be a good choice for me as i tend to visit there a fair bit.
    you could do a page on your web site where we could all visit to cast a vote and see what the most popular choices would be.
    or perhaps you could prefix the two as mensioned home & starbase and make the others as one time programable for each player.
    but even if you did the one change for nimbus sector it would be nice, in any case i hope you give this some consideration. thanks.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i think its about time you had a look at the transwarp destinations on the main transwarp gadget.
    of the four i have on my fed and five i have on kdf ive only ever used 2 on each they are the home system and fleet starbase in both cases.
    it would have been handy when you did the season 7 new rom update but now with the nimbus 3 zone to visit daily i think the nimbus sector would be a good choice.
    im not sure of what other users might find handy but the defari sector would be a good choice for me as i tend to visit there a fair bit.
    you could do a page on your web site where we could all visit to cast a vote and see what the most popular choices would be.
    or perhaps you could prefix the two as mensioned home & starbase and make the others as one time programable for each player.
    but even if you did the one change for nimbus sector it would be nice, in any case i hope you give this some consideration. thanks.

    I don't think anyone would want to have a pirate planet as a transwarp destination, besides, there's already going to be a transwarp to New Romulas as a Tier 1 Romulan Reputation reward. But I'm all for more transwarps, maybe to Bolarus or something in that dead sector.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i seem to get an awful lot of bridge officers that i dont need through the doff missions and although i tend to sell most on the exchange perhaps it would be a good idea if we could exchange any unwanted boffs for doffs at the academy.
    or maybe extend the cooldown period for these doff missions, perhaps make it that the missions sometimes give a doff reward instead of a boff or reduce the amount of times these doff missions give a boff reward this might have the added bonus of making them easier and more valuable to sell on the exchange.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i seem to get an awful lot of bridge officers that i dont need through the doff missions and although i tend to sell most on the exchange perhaps it would be a good idea if we could exchange any unwanted boffs for doffs at the academy.

    Or for dilithium! :D You have to pay a ridiculous amount of dilithium to get white quality boffs (probably not too much really, but 1 dilithium isn't worth a white quality), so you should be able to sell them for at least a bit, right? :D
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maco/omega/hg costume block fix
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't think anyone would want to have a pirate planet as a transwarp destination, besides, there's already going to be a transwarp to New Romulas as a Tier 1 Romulan Reputation reward. But I'm all for more transwarps, maybe to Bolarus or something in that dead sector.
    i said nimbus sector not the planet there are many systems in the nimbus sector not just nimbus3 and new rom but many others besides and the reward as you say is for romulans so not much use for my fed or kdf is it.
    also i did say if you read the whole thing that we as users could vote for our choices to make it fair or make them programable by the user.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i like the mini fleet play idea but i would hate to lose one of my ships, weapons, consoles or boffs in one of these missions so it would be needed for them to be able to respawn themselfs if distroyed eather in game or after the game finishes, i know some c-store stuff can be reaqired but all of my ships are the free one time deals so if i lose one there is no way i can get it back.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Revamp of crafting system: Add craftable small craft back to the crafting system (Cryptic unique designs, leaving more profitable canon ones in c-store), Craftable refit/retrofit upgrades for tier 1 ships to higher tiers. Older gear and equipment revamped to match current level gear (Aegis Set). Max crafting system mega mission - Building a starship. Add a unique ship that can only be obtained from completing this mega mission. It would require parts found through the episode missions, data samples, particle traces, essential systems/sub systems (impulse engine, deflector array, etc., Dilithium, EC, Boffs, and Doffs, as well as end game content materials.

    2) Revamp of exploration system: Add random enemy encounters, random distress calls from planet at x,y,z, coordinates, "Fog of war" although in this case it should be uncharted space, and a couple of scattered planets throughout the unexplored space clusters where you have missions to observe less advanced cultures, discover the remains of an ancient alien culture, first contact missions with warp capable or more advanced alien races.

    3) Continuation of Storyline: Iconians/Elachi, and escalation of the war, eventually leading to Romulan Republic separating from alliances with KDF/FED culminating in Fed v KDF v ROM Republic.

    4) Rom only fleets (Temporary kdf/fed alliance until escalation of war mentioned above.)

    5) Romulan Fleetbases (Temporary KDF/FED alliance until Escalation of war as mentioned above)

    6) Old zones revamped: Risa, Andoria, Vulcan. Revamped to incorporate Bajor ground map dynamics (day/night cycle), more functional, and better populated with buildings and terrain revamps.

    7) Fleet recruitment revamp: Addition of Fleet recruitment boards that would give basic fleet information, only list currently recruiting fleets and fleet recruiter contact information. This would remove fleet recruitment spam from the chat system, and would help to better link up fleets with those looking to join a fleet.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bug fixes, i'd like to see a whole update of nothing but bug fixing.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -Crafting system overhaul.

    -Meaningful ship interiors and ship crew customization(customizing bartenders, setting ship uniforms, etc.). Perhaps a ship morale system that can have a minor bonus or penalty to ship performance(Ex. +/-5 power to all subsystems).
  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What I would like to see after LoR Release.

    - 1-2 new none borg stfs come into play
    - New KDF clothing designs/missions/shios
    - Romulan STF gear "ground/space" if not made sooner
    - More customization
    *more hair styles that work for all factions (rom/kdf/fed) that are similar to the new ones for LoR.
    *more ship hull materials
    *expand color pallete for certain outfits if not all
    - Expand the story line further with new feature episodes
    - A galaxy map that rules them all (everything connected)(no loading screens)
    - Exploration Revamp (get rid of btran and make a real exploration system
    - More sectors.. maybe a whole new galaxy :)
    - New species for the Romulan Faction and as well for KDF/FED
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What is a "real exploration system"? What they have now is the best a MMO can hope for; the only realistic thing people can ask for is more variety in the missions.
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some new STFs; Iconian, Elachi.
  • wolfentirwolfentir Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like to see whole sector of space devoted to PvP where factions would fight over territory.
    Also, ability for fleets to declare wars on each other and fight (in instances) around each others stations and even attack them.

    Other then that, I don't see a point in getting new gear so we can fight mobs in same maps over and over because there is nothing else to do.
  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    JVC not being a DB about the T5C.

    Like my fanpage!
    Join Date: August 29th 2010
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