So, I have heard a lot of clamor about the Romulans potentially getting a Scimitar or Scimitar Pack, but if cryptic was to add a scimitar, could they really preserve the lethality of the scimitar from Nemesis while not making it uber OP?
The way I see it a STO Scimitar would look something like this...
Base turn: 6
4 fore weapons, 4 aft (Possibly 5f 3a), Can equip DHCs/DCs
hull: 39k
Shield modifier: 1.2
impulse modifier: .17
Hangar Bays: 1 (advanced or elite scorpions standard)
Console - Thalaron core (does something like increase weapon power or singularity core effects)
Singularity core power: Thalaron Breath (does crew/shield dmg)
BOff slots: Lt Cmdr tac and eng, Lt eng sci and universal
Battle Cloak (Adv. BC would be pretty OP)
This way, it would perform much like a FED Dreadnought or KDF bortasqu with an excuse to use the thalaron attack as a singularity power.
Any further suggestions/ improvements?
Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!
Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
My guess is the Scimitar will be a 3-pack in the C-Store - with the Tholian Discharge being a set bonus for having all 3 consoles. Because of the Scorpions I think it will be more carrier-like. Since it's bigger then the D'deridex I would expect it to have a 4.5-5 turn rather then 6.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I think if they put this ship in the game it would be better if it is scaled down and named as reman warbird more like the ships in the comics bevor the jj desaster ...
I dont really think they will add a Scimitar because there is a limit to how much they can scale down stuff. The Scimitar in Kithomer Vortex is huge with the OP one shot kill thing.
They wont release a ship that big, and they wont release it smaller either. Imagine, in romulan borg missions, someone has a Scimitar and it would just look stupid having a small one vs the huge one.
No, its not really plausible in my opinion.
'A few deaths are a tragedy. A few million is a statistic.'
I doubt the playable Scimitar will have the Thalaron weapon; D'Tan probably doesn't like WMDs.
A three-pack might have:
- Scimitar class (Tactical variant; canon design): comes with Disruptor Barrage, which fires all 52 disruptor banks in a very narrow firing arc directly ahead. Roughly equivalent to the Galaxy-X's Phaser Lance.
- Preceptor class (Engineering variant; Romulan design): has two slots for Shields; eg "Secondary Shields".
- Koderex class (Science variant; Romulan design): comes with Romulan Advanced Battle Cloak. Allows for firing energy weapons while cloaked, but removes a lot of power from weapons.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I think the Scimitar carrier would be an ideal ship, considering the scorpion fighters that may go with her, Plus the Thaleron weapon console would be fantastic!
Honestly... Even if it is a little OP NOTHING in STO behaves like it does in the Show. The 3 major ship types and the idea that one is blatantly superior to the others etc... Is all a contrivance.
I mean the Defiant had ONE Quad Cannon, 2 Quantum Launchers, and a 360 Beam Array top and Bottom... Does that sound anything like the current Defiant in game?
There is no way this beast will have the massive number of launchers, cannons, beams, and the super cloak it should have.
Captain - Load the Tholians in the tubes.
Officer - They are resisting Captain!
Oops! I can't even blame that typo on my tablet... I'm going to miss that Tholian. He was my fave.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Th Scimi gets 3 forward slots, 2 aft. cannot mount dhc.
Has Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting.
Can fire all weapons while cloaked.
all universal boff seatings except commander which will be tac. (ltcom uni, lt uni, 2x ensign uni.)
Why these stats? We ever only see it fire single bolt disruptor weapons, so no dc there.
It shoots while cloaked but the firepower was not instant pwn. it was wearing down the enterprise and screwed over the warbirds that kinda forgot to use shields.
But the point is: it was not a massive pwn boat many believe it to be. 52 disruptor bank mean jack if the yield per bank is pitiful.
+ it was not spurting glowy bolts of doom in any case, so a reduced weapon loadout will serve well to counter act its ability to shoot you while cloaked.
The thalaron console will be a shot gun exotic damage attack. 3 min CD to be in line with lances, auto disruptor batteries and the iso charge.
its damage will be adjusted so it fits in with those.
Th Scimi gets 3 forward slots, 2 aft. cannot mount dhc.
Has Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting.
So you want to give a carrier, which normally carries 6 weapons, just 5? (and you can't say it has the sixth in the form of the thalaron weapon since the dreadnaught has 8 weapons and its lance, and the guramba has 7 weapons and its javelin and the kumari gets its phaser splat burst attack from a console) ... And take away the ability to mount DHCs, on a Romulan ship when all others can mount DHCs? I mean, it's a carrier. It will likely have a turn rate less than 5. Mounting DHCs is already a sketchy choice on such a ship. Why bother removing the ability?
Can fire all weapons while cloaked.
You realize if you're firing beams, even while cloaked, you just gave your position away?
So, I have heard a lot of clamor about the Romulans potentially getting a Scimitar or Scimitar Pack, but if cryptic was to add a scimitar, could they really preserve the lethality of the scimitar from Nemesis while not making it uber OP?
The way I see it a STO Scimitar would look something like this...
Base turn: 6
4 fore weapons, 4 aft (Possibly 5f 3a), Can equip DHCs/DCs
hull: 39k
Shield modifier: 1.2
impulse modifier: .17
Hangar Bays: 1 (advanced or elite scorpions standard)
Console - Thalaron core (does something like increase weapon power or singularity core effects)
Singularity core power: Thalaron Breath (does crew/shield dmg)
BOff slots: Lt Cmdr tac and eng, Lt eng sci and universal
Battle Cloak (Adv. BC would be pretty OP)
This way, it would perform much like a FED Dreadnought or KDF bortasqu with an excuse to use the thalaron attack as a singularity power.
Th Scimi gets 3 forward slots, 2 aft. cannot mount dhc.
Has Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting.
Can fire all weapons while cloaked.
all universal boff seatings except commander which will be tac. (ltcom uni, lt uni, 2x ensign uni.)
Why these stats? We ever only see it fire single bolt disruptor weapons, so no dc there.
It shoots while cloaked but the firepower was not instant pwn. it was wearing down the enterprise and screwed over the warbirds that kinda forgot to use shields.
But the point is: it was not a massive pwn boat many believe it to be. 52 disruptor bank mean jack if the yield per bank is pitiful.
+ it was not spurting glowy bolts of doom in any case, so a reduced weapon loadout will serve well to counter act its ability to shoot you while cloaked.
The thalaron console will be a shot gun exotic damage attack. 3 min CD to be in line with lances, auto disruptor batteries and the iso charge.
its damage will be adjusted so it fits in with those.
I think that would work well enough.
Just finished watching Nemesis on Netflix, and while the above summation is correct for what we see the Scimitar do the Enterprise, you forget that he was purposefully trying not to destroy the Enterprise, and was toying with her. I believe the ease with which it dispatched the warbirds is supposed to be indicative of her power if she was actually trying to blow the Enterprise up.
That said, I would love to fly a ship like that, tho. Cloak up, toy with your prey, wear down their defenses, hit them with a Thalaron burst... that sounds fun.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
My guess is the Scimitar will be a 3-pack in the C-Store - with the Tholian Discharge being a set bonus for having all 3 consoles. Because of the Scorpions I think it will be more carrier-like. Since it's bigger then the D'deridex I would expect it to have a 4.5-5 turn rather then 6.
Either 3 pack like the oddy or a carrier like the atrox either way a C-store ship so i agree with you cosmic .
How many Borg Cubes dud Voyager destroyed ... dont be shy now ... and yes Queen Moron of the Borg destroying her own ships to break Janeway also counts.
I can assure you this, Janeway's kill count is not even close the number I've destroyed in three years of STO play.
So you want to give a carrier, which normally carries 6 weapons, just 5? (and you can't say it has the sixth in the form of the thalaron weapon since the dreadnaught has 8 weapons and its lance, and the guramba has 7 weapons and its javelin and the kumari gets its phaser splat burst attack from a console) ... And take away the ability to mount DHCs, on a Romulan ship when all others can mount DHCs? I mean, it's a carrier. It will likely have a turn rate less than 5. Mounting DHCs is already a sketchy choice on such a ship. Why bother removing the ability?
You realize if you're firing beams, even while cloaked, you just gave your position away?
Where the heck do people get the notion that the scimitar is a carrier?
Have you looked at the scorpions? thats volkswagen size. those things are ground attack craft.
In any case:
You want a carrier that can shoot while cloaked. Which is incredibly lame and boring.
I propose a ship that, while wielding less nominal firepower than another ship, can employ it with impunity unless actively de-cloaked by someone.
Together with sensor analysis which increases your damage and your subsystem targeting you have a very decent predator there that lends itself to a sneaky style of play. Because we already have several blunt hammer in the romulan fleet: no need to add another one.
Where the heck do people get the notion that the scimitar is a carrier?
From the fact that it's full of fighters, maybe?
Have you looked at the scorpions? thats volkswagen size. those things are ground attack craft.
Scorpions are standard Small Craft in the game, like a Peregrine - you can even buy them as Combat Pets and as playable Small Craft when LoR goes live.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Scimitar should be a carrier with two hangars and five fore weapons. If you want to get clever you can dot the thing with different firing locations for all the weapons so if you add them all up you get that crazy amount.
Any Thalaron weapon in game would pretty much be a 45 degree cone attack that will do heavy plasma damage (what else is it going to be, this is the EVERYTHING MUST BE PLASMA faction after all) and autokill a bunch of crew.
Obviously it gets a battle cloak but forget that ridiculous perfect cloak. If anything I can see a three pack set bonus being "Secondary Shielding" which would automatically restore 25% shield power to an offline shield quadrant once per minute or something similar. A secondary shield sounds like something that's just a really useful backup, not something just as good as the first.
The one bit from Nemesis that I think they have to respect is Picard's line, "She's a predator." This is a ship built to stalk enemies and demolish them, so I can see it having something like an inherent bonus to battle cloak cooldown and cloaked turn rate so it could plausibly use cannons in a very bursty way.
How many Borg Cubes dud Voyager destroyed ... dont be shy now ... and yes Queen Moron of the Borg destroying her own ships to break Janeway also counts.
Voyager had Borg? I thought they were "scary movie" versions of
I could see the smaller version from "countdown" being usable. However, thalaron radiation would only affect organic matter. Fire even a short burst at a ship and the whole crew dies. Not some, all of them. Canon tells us that it can destroy all life on a planet in seconds. That is why it is considered illegal by everyone in the alpha and beta quadrants. Shields and hull would be unaffected, but the living matter on that ship ain't gon' make it.
come on people this isnt rocket science people!!! all they have to do is say the scimitar was a one of a kind prototype ship and based on the ship we present you with the scimitar "class" BASED on that ship after that you can pretty much do what you want load it out how you want etc etc if your a dev
So, I have heard a lot of clamor about the Romulans potentially getting a Scimitar or Scimitar Pack, but if cryptic was to add a scimitar, could they really preserve the lethality of the scimitar from Nemesis while not making it uber OP?
The way I see it a STO Scimitar would look something like this...
Base turn: 6 5
4 fore weapons, 4 aft (Possibly 5f 3a), Can equip DHCs/DCs
hull: 39k
Shield modifier: 1.2 1.15
impulse modifier: .17
Hangar Bays: 1 (advanced or elite scorpions standard) 2
Console - Thalaron core (does something like increase weapon power or singularity core effects)
Singularity core power: Thalaron Breath (does crew/shield dmg)
BOff slots: Lt Cmdr tac and eng, Lt eng sci and universal
Battle Cloak (Adv. BC would be pretty OP)
This way, it would perform much like a FED Dreadnought or KDF bortasqu with an excuse to use the thalaron attack as a singularity power.
It could be sci-ish if it had:
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical,1 Lieutenant Commander Engineer,1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 2 Ensign Universal
then it would be a cross between the T5 D'deridex and Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught (which has a 44k hull, 1.15 shield mod, but no cloak)
Give it the Romulan battle cloak sell as a 3pk just rotate stations so tac = tac cmdr, eng- engy cmdr, sci = sci cmdr
Where the heck do people get the notion that the scimitar is a carrier?
Have you looked at the scorpions? thats volkswagen size. those things are ground attack craft.
so are peregrine fighters or runabouts for that matter
In any case:
You want a carrier that can shoot while cloaked. Which is incredibly lame and boring.
I propose a ship that, while wielding less nominal firepower than another ship, can employ it with impunity unless actively de-cloaked by someone.
Together with sensor analysis which increases your damage and your subsystem targeting you have a very decent predator there that lends itself to a sneaky style of play. Because we already have several blunt hammer in the romulan fleet: no need to add another one.
You realize if its cloaked it has no shields so it better have a 100k hull otherwise any halfway decent alpha-strike with a quantum THY-3 will blow it up. :P
They wont release a ship that big, and they wont release it smaller either. Imagine, in romulan borg missions, someone has a Scimitar and it would just look stupid having a small one vs the huge one.
No, its not really plausible in my opinion.
(Dunno what the kdf could have)
A three-pack might have:
- Scimitar class (Tactical variant; canon design): comes with Disruptor Barrage, which fires all 52 disruptor banks in a very narrow firing arc directly ahead. Roughly equivalent to the Galaxy-X's Phaser Lance.
- Preceptor class (Engineering variant; Romulan design): has two slots for Shields; eg "Secondary Shields".
- Koderex class (Science variant; Romulan design): comes with Romulan Advanced Battle Cloak. Allows for firing energy weapons while cloaked, but removes a lot of power from weapons.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I mean the Defiant had ONE Quad Cannon, 2 Quantum Launchers, and a 360 Beam Array top and Bottom... Does that sound anything like the current Defiant in game?
There is no way this beast will have the massive number of launchers, cannons, beams, and the super cloak it should have.
It has the potential to be a Science Carrier or something like that.
Answer me this. How many borg cubes have you destroyed in your STO career?
How many borg cubes did Starfleet destroy in the entire TNG series?
Captain - Load the Tholians in the tubes.
Officer - They are resisting Captain!
Has Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting.
Can fire all weapons while cloaked.
all universal boff seatings except commander which will be tac. (ltcom uni, lt uni, 2x ensign uni.)
Why these stats? We ever only see it fire single bolt disruptor weapons, so no dc there.
It shoots while cloaked but the firepower was not instant pwn. it was wearing down the enterprise and screwed over the warbirds that kinda forgot to use shields.
But the point is: it was not a massive pwn boat many believe it to be. 52 disruptor bank mean jack if the yield per bank is pitiful.
+ it was not spurting glowy bolts of doom in any case, so a reduced weapon loadout will serve well to counter act its ability to shoot you while cloaked.
The thalaron console will be a shot gun exotic damage attack. 3 min CD to be in line with lances, auto disruptor batteries and the iso charge.
its damage will be adjusted so it fits in with those.
I think that would work well enough.
So you want to give a carrier, which normally carries 6 weapons, just 5? (and you can't say it has the sixth in the form of the thalaron weapon since the dreadnaught has 8 weapons and its lance, and the guramba has 7 weapons and its javelin and the kumari gets its phaser splat burst attack from a console) ... And take away the ability to mount DHCs, on a Romulan ship when all others can mount DHCs? I mean, it's a carrier. It will likely have a turn rate less than 5. Mounting DHCs is already a sketchy choice on such a ship. Why bother removing the ability?
You realize if you're firing beams, even while cloaked, you just gave your position away?
Shield modifiers is too high.
It's not a science boat.
Just finished watching Nemesis on Netflix, and while the above summation is correct for what we see the Scimitar do the Enterprise, you forget that he was purposefully trying not to destroy the Enterprise, and was toying with her. I believe the ease with which it dispatched the warbirds is supposed to be indicative of her power if she was actually trying to blow the Enterprise up.
That said, I would love to fly a ship like that, tho. Cloak up, toy with your prey, wear down their defenses, hit them with a Thalaron burst... that sounds fun.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Either 3 pack like the oddy or a carrier like the atrox either way a C-store ship so i agree with you cosmic .
I can assure you this, Janeway's kill count is not even close the number I've destroyed in three years of STO play.
Where the heck do people get the notion that the scimitar is a carrier?
Have you looked at the scorpions? thats volkswagen size. those things are ground attack craft.
In any case:
You want a carrier that can shoot while cloaked. Which is incredibly lame and boring.
I propose a ship that, while wielding less nominal firepower than another ship, can employ it with impunity unless actively de-cloaked by someone.
Together with sensor analysis which increases your damage and your subsystem targeting you have a very decent predator there that lends itself to a sneaky style of play. Because we already have several blunt hammer in the romulan fleet: no need to add another one.
Scorpions are standard Small Craft in the game, like a Peregrine - you can even buy them as Combat Pets and as playable Small Craft when LoR goes live.
Any Thalaron weapon in game would pretty much be a 45 degree cone attack that will do heavy plasma damage (what else is it going to be, this is the EVERYTHING MUST BE PLASMA faction after all) and autokill a bunch of crew.
Obviously it gets a battle cloak but forget that ridiculous perfect cloak. If anything I can see a three pack set bonus being "Secondary Shielding" which would automatically restore 25% shield power to an offline shield quadrant once per minute or something similar. A secondary shield sounds like something that's just a really useful backup, not something just as good as the first.
The one bit from Nemesis that I think they have to respect is Picard's line, "She's a predator." This is a ship built to stalk enemies and demolish them, so I can see it having something like an inherent bonus to battle cloak cooldown and cloaked turn rate so it could plausibly use cannons in a very bursty way.
Yup Janeways got nothing compared to the average sto player.
Voyager had Borg? I thought they were "scary movie" versions of
It could be sci-ish if it had:
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical,1 Lieutenant Commander Engineer,1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 2 Ensign Universal
then it would be a cross between the T5 D'deridex and Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught (which has a 44k hull, 1.15 shield mod, but no cloak)
Give it the Romulan battle cloak sell as a 3pk just rotate stations so tac = tac cmdr, eng- engy cmdr, sci = sci cmdr
You realize if its cloaked it has no shields so it better have a 100k hull otherwise any halfway decent alpha-strike with a quantum THY-3 will blow it up. :P