Kind of interesting, if lf/when they do a Cardassian Faction, I hope they use the proper ranks like they did for the Romulans. Gil is like a Lt. Commander, Giln is like a Commander, Gu is like Captain, and Legate is like an Admiral.
Kind of interesting, if lf/when they do a Cardassian Faction, I hope they use the proper ranks like they did for the Romulans. Gil is like a Lt. Commander, Giln is like a Commander, Gul is like Captain, and Legate is like an Admiral.
They have the correct ranks for the others, so I don't see why they wouldn't. I think gil is actually more like ensign though. For the many unnamed ranks they'll have to tap into non-canon sources/wing it.
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
The lack of cardassian ships could be worked around by having the cdu implement different modular designs for their current Galor class configured to escort/cruiser/science specs.
As for races, I believe most people who are interested in playing cardassian faction actually want to play a cardassian..... there isn't a great need to implement other races.
Well, there was a lack of Romulan ships, but they worked their way around that with the Dhelan and the Ha'apax and all that. The same would work with the Cardassians, so it isn't a big issue.
I agree that a large amount of races isn't an issue either, but its nice to have some choice. I say that they should just add Bajorans and the alien generator and they'll be set.
You do realise that as a consequence of the Treaty of Bajor, the Cardassians were not allowed to field a military or wage war of any kind.
They don't have a military, they rely on the Federation for support. It even says this in one of the game tool tips.
Better to spend the money making endgame content than making another half faction to be honest.
They still retain a self defense force, which is used to defend themselves from the True Way.
And IRL the Weimar Republic's military severely limited by the Treaty of Versailles, but that continued to develop weaponry they were restricted from developing.
As much as I might enjoy playing the "bloody Cardies" I don't want another hippie - freedome loving - scrappy / underdog faction fighting to rebuild. It sounds like the Cardassians of STO are very much like that already. Also, the True Way is just laughable in that it so easy to defeat so they are not an alternative either.
I challenge Cryptic to make a "dark" faction ... maybe the Obsidian Order Reborn ... and give players a real choice not to mention awesome RP possibilities.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Using our history as an example, the Cardassians are like japan after WW2, they not allowed to build up a military, police and swat teams yes but no troops, warships or fighters. They are under the thumb of both the Feds and KDF now. The Romulans used to be involved but we know that story. So unless you REALLY like playing a freighter capt or miner then yeah lets bring Cardassians into the game.
I'm fairly sure Cryptic said something about adding the Kazon to the Klingon Empire, and the Ocampa to the Federation.
And I always wonder why people want to add the Kazon to the KDF so it because of the forehead?
Because if that's it I'm calling BS since there are lots of aliens with foreheads in the Federation.
Also, why Kazon at all? The Borg refuse to assimilate them because they're so dumb...hardly a surprise considering their definition of a prison is a line on the floor you're told not to cross and that they leave unguarded.
And the Borg are not exactly picky since they assimilate Talaxians and find them "excellent drones".
I was disappointing with the way Romulans and Remans were handled. I actually thought we were getting a full-on third faction, not just a glorified new addition to the Federation or Klingon Empire. The idea of a third faction made me hopeful for the Dominion as a fourth player faction later with Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Breen, Cardasian, Dosi, Karemma, Yaderan and Son'a as members of the Dominion for players to choose from, complete with new Dominion space above the Gamma quadrant and next to the Defari/Breen sector.
Actually unworthy of assimalation would make a great racial trait, your immune to assimulation and have reduced threat to borgs both on the ground and in space.
Honestly I'd only want the Kazan if it came with that giant carrier. That seems to be a good trade off.
Well, they wouldn't have to make a unique transporter
Honestly, if Kazon was next, I'd probably boycott it. And it is probably the only faction they could make that I would boycott. (I take that back, I would boycott a Pakled faction also)
And I always wonder why people want to add the Kazon to the KDF so it because of the forehead?
Because if that's it I'm calling BS since there are lots of aliens with foreheads in the Federation.
Also, why Kazon at all? The Borg refuse to assimilate them because they're so dumb...hardly a surprise considering their definition of a prison is a line on the floor you're told not to cross and that they leave unguarded.
And the Borg are not exactly picky since they assimilate Talaxians and find them "excellent drones".
Well, Kazon's like to fight and they have their own (backward) version of honor. All-in-all, the Klingons would think they were a bunch of pathetic losers, but maybe some of them developed a brain since Voyager passed through lol
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Honestly, if Kazon was next, I'd probably boycott it. And it is probably the only faction they could make that I would boycott. (I take that back, I would boycott a Pakled faction also)
Pakleds are part of the Federation faction. Does this mean you are boycotting Starfleet?
Pakleds are part of the Federation faction. Does this mean you are boycotting Starfleet?
No, it means I'm not playing as Pakled. Besides, they aren't Federation members, it says in their info that "some have joined the Federation." Even though it is ridiculous to believe that even the smartest Pakled could pass the entrance exam!
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Well they managed to become space faring, one way or another. I imagine that some of them can be educated in some way as they were on DS9 and eventually managed to enter Starfleet.
Since I can't find where I start a new thread I'll post it here.
As the title says, I feel that Cryptic are Cardassian Fanboys because they seem to be unfairly bias towards them in the sense they are harder to defeat than any other enemy in the game and that includes the Borg.
The Cardassian ships I feel are harder to defeat than a Borg Cube and they Soldiers always seem to have higher hitpoints than any other enemy you will encounter.
Add to that the Keldon Class gets that annoy Photonic Galor Class ability and the Galor Class has they weapon which I'm guessing is Tetryon based which seems to be able to take down you shields very quickly and seems un-effected when you jam the ships targeting sensors.
I haven't managed to get a Cardassian ship to use yet so I'm not sure how powerful they are, but they seem overly powerful as an enemy leading me to believe that they have been made so on purpose.
I would like to know if anyone else feels this way about them as it feels as though no matter what level weapons and shields I have, they are always a higher level which I feel is wrong.
Well they managed to become space faring, one way or another. I imagine that some of them can be educated in some way as they were on DS9 and eventually managed to enter Starfleet.
I always suspected that Pakleds were more intelligent than they let on.
First, update the Orions so they get a new storyline only available to Orion characters once at lvl 50. Perhaps about pirating, being betrayed etc, would help draw people into KDF more.
Then, release a Spoonhea- uhh Cardassian mini-faction with a Cardassian only storyline, about being part of the Detapa councils new military, and having to help the Federation in the war against the KDF, while dealing with the true way.
The cardies helping the Feds fight the KDF would be interesting, as it could be key to the end of the war that Cryptic have been hinting at.
Since I can't find where I start a new thread I'll post it here.
As the title says, I feel that Cryptic are Cardassian Fanboys because they seem to be unfairly bias towards them in the sense they are harder to defeat than any other enemy in the game and that includes the Borg.
The Cardassian ships I feel are harder to defeat than a Borg Cube and they Soldiers always seem to have higher hitpoints than any other enemy you will encounter.
Add to that the Keldon Class gets that annoy Photonic Galor Class ability and the Galor Class has they weapon which I'm guessing is Tetryon based which seems to be able to take down you shields very quickly and seems un-effected when you jam the ships targeting sensors.
I haven't managed to get a Cardassian ship to use yet so I'm not sure how powerful they are, but they seem overly powerful as an enemy leading me to believe that they have been made so on purpose.
I would like to know if anyone else feels this way about them as it feels as though no matter what level weapons and shields I have, they are always a higher level which I feel is wrong.
I notice this as well. The weapons are SPiral waves, or a Phaser weapon with an added Disruptor proc.
On ground, spam weapons malfunction. In space, Viral Matrix them. It isn't that effective, but it helps. Tractor beam as well.
I LOVE the Cardassians (and met Andrew Robinson at a signing - he's really a cool guy) so the chance to play Cardies would be something I'd love... but it just wouldn't work IMO. Like the Romulans, the Cardassians I love are no more, and no amount of wishing is going to make Cryptic do something even close to good enough for my beloved Cardassians.
Now the Dominion...
Hear me out. We already have "The New Link" formed out of the remainder of the 100 Founders sent out from the Dominion and they want to be left alone. Laas seems to have been a big player in the True Way movement (I cannot think of any good reason why Gul Madred would have had any hold on Jem'Hadar otherwise) but the True Way do not offer a good enough experience for my money as a faction.
Why could the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant not have been using its time since losing the war to ponder why it lost. It lost because it's soldiers were identical, it's commanders (the Vorta) sycophants and clones don't learn enough because they are too ready to die (termination implants) rather than live and grow.
What if there was a splintering of the Great Link? Odo maintains that peace is preferable and has a large enough following that the "true" Dominion is no threat to the Alpha Quadrant. But what if some of the Founders felt that they had a better idea? The use of individuals as soldiers and commanders. They lost because no Allied commander they faced was the same as any other. Maybe they see this as a strength to be exploited and learned from.
Sure they still have loyal Vorta and Jem'Hadar, but they draft Dosi, Karemma, Paradan and Tosk Hunters into the New Dominion. The Dosi are brutish and strong (making excellent tac officers), the Karemma are clever and build weapons for the New Dominion (making excellent engineers) and the Paradans are clever with tech and intelligence (making the better scientists). All new races can be whatever the New Dominion needs but it gives us, the players, more choice in races, more choice in ships and a real "bad guy" to play because the New Dominion is out for revenge against those solids who stood in their way in the Alpha Quadrant.
My 2 pence worth, but I liked some of the Gamma races enough to want them fleshed out a bit (and I liked the Karemma vessel when we saw it).
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
I LOVE the Cardassians (and met Andrew Robinson at a signing - he's really a cool guy) so the chance to play Cardies would be something I'd love... but it just wouldn't work IMO. Like the Romulans, the Cardassians I love are no more, and no amount of wishing is going to make Cryptic do something even close to good enough for my beloved Cardassians.
Now the Dominion...
Hear me out. We already have "The New Link" formed out of the remainder of the 100 Founders sent out from the Dominion and they want to be left alone. Laas seems to have been a big player in the True Way movement (I cannot think of any good reason why Gul Madred would have had any hold on Jem'Hadar otherwise) but the True Way do not offer a good enough experience for my money as a faction.
Why could the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant not have been using its time since losing the war to ponder why it lost. It lost because it's soldiers were identical, it's commanders (the Vorta) sycophants and clones don't learn enough because they are too ready to die (termination implants) rather than live and grow.
What if there was a splintering of the Great Link? Odo maintains that peace is preferable and has a large enough following that the "true" Dominion is no threat to the Alpha Quadrant. But what if some of the Founders felt that they had a better idea? The use of individuals as soldiers and commanders. They lost because no Allied commander they faced was the same as any other. Maybe they see this as a strength to be exploited and learned from.
Sure they still have loyal Vorta and Jem'Hadar, but they draft Dosi, Karemma, Paradan and Tosk Hunters into the New Dominion. The Dosi are brutish and strong (making excellent tac officers), the Karemma are clever and build weapons for the New Dominion (making excellent engineers) and the Paradans are clever with tech and intelligence (making the better scientists). All new races can be whatever the New Dominion needs but it gives us, the players, more choice in races, more choice in ships and a real "bad guy" to play because the New Dominion is out for revenge against those solids who stood in their way in the Alpha Quadrant.
My 2 pence worth, but I liked some of the Gamma races enough to want them fleshed out a bit (and I liked the Karemma vessel when we saw it).
Assuming they create such a faction (which I'd find rather interesting and very much playable, I'd say the Son'a would also fit in there.
We know they were allies of the Dominion even after "Insurrection"...and I have a suspicion why they'd stick around.
One of the pieces of information missing from the movie was that one of their experiments to become immortal rendered them sterile. So cloning technology would be a rather quick solution to that problem...and would also allow them to increase their numbers rather quickly. And who's got some of the best cloning technology in the known galaxy?;)
So I'd say add Son'a to the list of playable species along whith their ships.:cool:
Assuming they create such a faction (which I'd find rather interesting and very much playable, I'd say the Son'a would also fit in there.
We know they were allies of the Dominion even after "Insurrection"...and I have a suspicion why they'd stick around.
One of the pieces of information missing from the movie was that one of their experiments to become immortal rendered them sterile. So cloning technology would be a rather quick solution to that problem...and would also allow them to increase their numbers rather quickly. And who's got some of the best cloning technology in the known galaxy?;)
So I'd say add Son'a to the list of playable species along whith their ships.:cool:
As a Premium race, so you don't see too many, I could go for that. Trouble there is I wouldn't be surprised to see a Son'a lockbox at some point...
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Kind of interesting, if lf/when they do a Cardassian Faction, I hope they use the proper ranks like they did for the Romulans. Gil is like a Lt. Commander, Giln is like a Commander, Gu is like Captain, and Legate is like an Admiral.
They have the correct ranks for the others, so I don't see why they wouldn't. I think gil is actually more like ensign though. For the many unnamed ranks they'll have to tap into non-canon sources/wing it.
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Well, there was a lack of Romulan ships, but they worked their way around that with the Dhelan and the Ha'apax and all that. The same would work with the Cardassians, so it isn't a big issue.
I agree that a large amount of races isn't an issue either, but its nice to have some choice. I say that they should just add Bajorans and the alien generator and they'll be set.
They don't have a military, they rely on the Federation for support. It even says this in one of the game tool tips.
Better to spend the money making endgame content than making another half faction to be honest.
They still retain a self defense force, which is used to defend themselves from the True Way.
And IRL the Weimar Republic's military severely limited by the Treaty of Versailles, but that continued to develop weaponry they were restricted from developing.
I challenge Cryptic to make a "dark" faction ... maybe the Obsidian Order Reborn ... and give players a real choice not to mention awesome RP possibilities.
- Judge Aaron Satie
That's why I'd be less surprised to see it be a dominion faction that includes Cardassians.
I'm fairly sure Cryptic said something about adding the Kazon to the Klingon Empire, and the Ocampa to the Federation.
And I always wonder why people want to add the Kazon to the KDF so it because of the forehead?
Because if that's it I'm calling BS since there are lots of aliens with foreheads in the Federation.
Also, why Kazon at all? The Borg refuse to assimilate them because they're so dumb...hardly a surprise considering their definition of a prison is a line on the floor you're told not to cross and that they leave unguarded.
And the Borg are not exactly picky since they assimilate Talaxians and find them "excellent drones".
And the bad haircuts. And the poor personalities. And petty feuding. And the bad fashion sense...
Plus if someone is going to be stuck with the Delta Dweeb Gang, it should be a faction that has hungry Gorn.
Let's see:
bad haircut-CHECK
bad personality AND bad fashion-CHECK and CHECK
petty feuding "pointed ears? you're a traitor!"-CHECK
seems like a case of "let's drop some s**t on the Klingons since Kazon are unworthy of being a Fed race".:rolleyes:
Honestly I'd only want the Kazan if it came with that giant carrier. That seems to be a good trade off.
If you deny the open collar there, you deny all good taste.
Well, they wouldn't have to make a unique transporter
Honestly, if Kazon was next, I'd probably boycott it. And it is probably the only faction they could make that I would boycott. (I take that back, I would boycott a Pakled faction also)
Well, Kazon's like to fight and they have their own (backward) version of honor. All-in-all, the Klingons would think they were a bunch of pathetic losers, but maybe some of them developed a brain since Voyager passed through lol
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Pakleds are part of the Federation faction. Does this mean you are boycotting Starfleet?
No, it means I'm not playing as Pakled. Besides, they aren't Federation members, it says in their info that "some have joined the Federation." Even though it is ridiculous to believe that even the smartest Pakled could pass the entrance exam!
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
As the title says, I feel that Cryptic are Cardassian Fanboys because they seem to be unfairly bias towards them in the sense they are harder to defeat than any other enemy in the game and that includes the Borg.
The Cardassian ships I feel are harder to defeat than a Borg Cube and they Soldiers always seem to have higher hitpoints than any other enemy you will encounter.
Add to that the Keldon Class gets that annoy Photonic Galor Class ability and the Galor Class has they weapon which I'm guessing is Tetryon based which seems to be able to take down you shields very quickly and seems un-effected when you jam the ships targeting sensors.
I haven't managed to get a Cardassian ship to use yet so I'm not sure how powerful they are, but they seem overly powerful as an enemy leading me to believe that they have been made so on purpose.
I would like to know if anyone else feels this way about them as it feels as though no matter what level weapons and shields I have, they are always a higher level which I feel is wrong.
Cardassians aren't hard to beat unless you're swarmed and if that's happening it's your fault for letting them get the upper hand.
I always suspected that Pakleds were more intelligent than they let on.
Of course they are. THye play up that "Helpless idiot" thing to get marks to lower their guard.
First, update the Orions so they get a new storyline only available to Orion characters once at lvl 50. Perhaps about pirating, being betrayed etc, would help draw people into KDF more.
Then, release a Spoonhea- uhh Cardassian mini-faction with a Cardassian only storyline, about being part of the Detapa councils new military, and having to help the Federation in the war against the KDF, while dealing with the true way.
The cardies helping the Feds fight the KDF would be interesting, as it could be key to the end of the war that Cryptic have been hinting at.
I notice this as well. The weapons are SPiral waves, or a Phaser weapon with an added Disruptor proc.
On ground, spam weapons malfunction. In space, Viral Matrix them. It isn't that effective, but it helps. Tractor beam as well.
Now the Dominion...
Hear me out. We already have "The New Link" formed out of the remainder of the 100 Founders sent out from the Dominion and they want to be left alone. Laas seems to have been a big player in the True Way movement (I cannot think of any good reason why Gul Madred would have had any hold on Jem'Hadar otherwise) but the True Way do not offer a good enough experience for my money as a faction.
Why could the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant not have been using its time since losing the war to ponder why it lost. It lost because it's soldiers were identical, it's commanders (the Vorta) sycophants and clones don't learn enough because they are too ready to die (termination implants) rather than live and grow.
What if there was a splintering of the Great Link? Odo maintains that peace is preferable and has a large enough following that the "true" Dominion is no threat to the Alpha Quadrant. But what if some of the Founders felt that they had a better idea? The use of individuals as soldiers and commanders. They lost because no Allied commander they faced was the same as any other. Maybe they see this as a strength to be exploited and learned from.
Sure they still have loyal Vorta and Jem'Hadar, but they draft Dosi, Karemma, Paradan and Tosk Hunters into the New Dominion. The Dosi are brutish and strong (making excellent tac officers), the Karemma are clever and build weapons for the New Dominion (making excellent engineers) and the Paradans are clever with tech and intelligence (making the better scientists). All new races can be whatever the New Dominion needs but it gives us, the players, more choice in races, more choice in ships and a real "bad guy" to play because the New Dominion is out for revenge against those solids who stood in their way in the Alpha Quadrant.
My 2 pence worth, but I liked some of the Gamma races enough to want them fleshed out a bit (and I liked the Karemma vessel when we saw it).
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Assuming they create such a faction (which I'd find rather interesting and very much playable, I'd say the Son'a would also fit in there.
We know they were allies of the Dominion even after "Insurrection"...and I have a suspicion why they'd stick around.
One of the pieces of information missing from the movie was that one of their experiments to become immortal rendered them sterile. So cloning technology would be a rather quick solution to that problem...and would also allow them to increase their numbers rather quickly. And who's got some of the best cloning technology in the known galaxy?;)
So I'd say add Son'a to the list of playable species along whith their ships.:cool:
As a Premium race, so you don't see too many, I could go for that. Trouble there is I wouldn't be surprised to see a Son'a lockbox at some point...
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016