Dura really you took my thread idea? Oh well anyone who hasposted that they are interested in joining will be put down in a list and after LoR launches will be asked for their character name and will be invited manually. Anyone is welcome to join our fleet even if they are not in tfs or hos.
Long live the Spectres!
wohoo! Really looking forward to help you guys to be the first T5 rom fleet
See you all on may 21st
Everyone Join My Fleet U.E.F. Dynasty Its a Family - Friendly Fleet that help you with anything... also we just started our website so when you join plz join our website and wear the U.E.F. Squad Uniform... Thank you!
Hey, Shi'Mor from TFS here it would be nice if someone could send me an invite for LoS. ( as i am also not able anymore to login to my fed alt as i am affected by the server not responding bug for this account )
Over 50 Romulans have joined our cause with at least 5 reaching lvl 50 in the first day. Seeking all Romulans to join our T4 Starbase in support of our Federation alliance.
Over 50 Romulans have joined our cause with at least 5 reaching lvl 50 in the first day. Seeking all Romulans to join our T4 Starbase in support of our Federation alliance.
I was a part of Task Force Spectre before I went inactive, and was very pleased with the fleet. Now that I'm back, and very excited to be able to play as a Romulan, I'd love to be a part of this! I'm only level 21 right now, but I should be able to reach level 50 pretty quickly once summer starts.
Everyone Join My Fleet U.E.F. Dynasty Its a Family - Friendly Fleet that help you with anything... also we just started our website so when you join plz join our website and wear the U.E.F. Squad Uniform... Thank you!
look this is a recruitment page for LOS not for someone to blurt about their fleet.
we are going strong guys keep it up! weneed more players
Task Force Spectre has started it 4th fleet. It is Task Force Spectre Academy it a fleet for all our new recruits. Open to all level. Making it easier to contribute to get fleet credits. Once you pass the probation period you will be ask to join the main fleet. Main fleet Task Force Spectre is Tier 5 Mil,Sci,Eng. Tier 3 embassy. Tier 3 dil mines 100% completed. Legion of spectre our romulan fleet is tier 5 starbase and military, working on tier 5 eng,sci. Our kdf fleet House of spectre is tier 5 starbase and sci, working on tier 5 miltary and eng. Embassy and dil mines are 100% completed. Any question contact @lightspeeds or @stingray74 or @cronos722 looking forward to meet you.
Choosing the right fleet is not easy, you need to find one that matches your personality and shares your interests. Our fleet has a great wealth of knowledge and experience and great team players, mixed with just as much joking, pranksters, occasionally questionable fleet chat, sarcasm and general messing about. So if you're not thin skinned and you could be described as any of the above, come and join us!
To us this is a game not a way of life and we have fun
Choosing the right fleet is not easy, you need to find one that matches your personality and shares your interests. Our fleet has a great wealth of knowledge and experience and great team players, mixed with just as much joking, pranksters, occasionally questionable fleet chat, sarcasm and general messing about. So if you're not thin skinned and you could be described as any of the above, come and join us!
To us this is a game not a way of life and we have fun
Been in the Fleet for a year and I agree with the above post.
wohoo! Really looking forward to help you guys to be the first T5 rom fleet
See you all on may 21st
Still very unhappy that the Legacy pack works out at $156 due to the thieving TRIBBLE, I mean European Union, applying a digital distribution tax.
I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
My Rom Char is named: D'Kell (D'Kell@SheyMo)
Thx in advance.
However, I've just hit level 50 on my Romulan toon. Please invite me to your Romulan fleet
My toon is Ho Kwan@HCGxKaLiBeR
posted some other posts in the previous page. Waiting for your invite!
Please invite me in!
Task Force Spectre Fleet Video
My handle is: Haydn@haydntg
look this is a recruitment page for LOS not for someone to blurt about their fleet.
we are going strong guys keep it up! weneed more players
I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
Kiev Surnak@cddiede
Character handle is: Neroth@Ajantiss
To us this is a game not a way of life and we have fun
Been in the Fleet for a year and I agree with the above post.
our fleet members are from
51 % are from the USA
15 % are from Europe
8 % are from Canada
14% are from the UK
12 % are from others
Task Force Spectre Fleet Video
To join us Contact in game @sportz19721010 @avaeris @stingray74 @cronos722 @lightspeeds