New Post:
OK, now I have played LoR, I freely admit I was not only wrong but very wrong about who it was.
It is the enemies from the Star Trek Enterprise episode called; Elachi.
Other names include the 'Shroomies' and if you have played the missions you will notice the link with the mysterious species known as; Solangen based lifeforms.
Original Post:
Ok I'll keep it short and to the point.
I think this;
New Bad Guy.
Is actually the future (2409) variant of this race (2150);
Unknown Bad Guys.
Those 'Bad Guys' are from the Star Trek Enterprise episode;
Fight or Flight.
I have three general reasons for this theory.
1) The obvious similaritys between the 22nd and 25th Century Variants like comparing a Galaxy class starship to a Constitution Class.
2) If you use your logic, you can more or less trace the NX-01's journey and sum it to be heading towards Romulan space; (
3) *Spoiler* If you play the Demo on Tribble, you will witness your characters colony being attacked with the people being harvested. In the episode Fight or Flight, this unknown race harvested what is essentially the fat in the bodies of other races.
What do you think?
This is one Alternate yet connected theory worth noting:
Actually the most likely theory at this point is that the new baddies are the "Shroomies" from the Ent episode Silent Enemy. The new guys are also referred to in game as the "Silent Enemy" and respond to your hails in the same way the shroomies do. Scroll on down to see the "Shroomies" aaaand again scroll down to see the shroomie ship.
Of course it is entirely possible that the Triglobulin and Shroomie aliens are one in the same but the ships don't look at all similar. Also the ship which descends over your colony and over a few others looks very much like the "Shroomie" ship.
I love that word "Shroomie"
Episode One - A Single Moment Episode Two - Infancy Episode Three - Unto the Breach
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy
I thought this also. got the feeling enterprise has been a heavy influence on the dev team so I think you could be right
As for the theory though, the aliens are supposedly canon in some way, so... could be.
Too bad they aren't the Fen Domar, they should be in the space somewhere between Romulan Territory and the Delta Quadrant border. Scroll on down to see the "Shroomies" aaaand again scroll down to see the shroomie ship.
Of course it is entirely possible that the Triglobulin and Shroomie aliens are one in the same but the ships don't look at all similar. Also the ship which descends over your colony and over a few others looks very much like the "Shroomie" ship.
I love that word "Shroomie"
The Aliens mentioned in the post quoted also seem alot more likely to me... Design and behavior are all pretty much the same.
Not in the slightest. I'm very happy that the devs are getting some ideas and designs from ENT. I hope we see much more from ENT, there's a whole lot of potential.
Well if its Martians we already have the ultimate weapon to defeat them.....BEHOLD!!!!
Very true, I will add that point to the Blog Entry
I think they are saving that for the Klingons and the Iconians for the Federation.
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy
I hope that is the case, they look interesting. And I would like an excuse to use the word Shroomie lol.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
See everyone likes the word Shroomie.
I believe it's already been established that you're fighting the Silent Enemy from the Enterprise episode "Silent Enemy." The original preview for LoR referred to fighting a "silent enemy" and the way they communicate is by looping back audio of the person they're communicating, same as in the TV series.
As to WHY you're fighting them, or they're fighting you, that doesn't get established until later on.
Romulans are not just similar to Vulcans. They are Vulcan's. Just a different nation of them....
Arrghh my brain!!!!
Why do you think I was hoping for the Hur'q? (Klingon focused content that everyone can enjoy~)
But seriously. I really want something like their ships in ST: Invasion when they get put in.
Helpful. Isn't everyone an Alien in Star Trek? :P
It is the enemies from the Star Trek Enterprise episode called; Elachi.
Other names include the 'Shroomies' and if you have played the missions you will notice the link with the mysterious species known as; Solangen based lifeforms.
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy
episode was called : "Silent Enemy"
Sto named them as the "Elachi"
Good catch!
Thats what I meant :rolleyes:
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy