ok this bug i had a version of 3 weeks back er 3 patches back and it got fixed 2 back an dnow its so bad again to make the game unplayable.
Every time i engage full impulse all my power goes poof, OK that's like it says it should right...well you click it off and goto near full speed and the weapons , auxiliary and engines all stay way far below what they should be 30 to be exact....and it wont fix.... UNTIL
i come to full stop and wait 5-10 secs OR play with "attack, defense balance on the hud"
anyways its made playing an armitage impossible as i have to constantly now be messing with power issues....
i even nerfed my ships items to add power level items and nothing is working although in battle at least a dreadnaught that i have will survive....albeit not anywhere fun like an escort.
anyhow i hope this helps you fix someone else stuff too. people tell me to re install well 4 megabit net and a 6 hr download to find out that doesn't work is gonna be a permanent uninstall time.
im unable to do as much as i was mission wise and once again if i get new players ona mission i may not succeed where i might help them win ....anyhow
i'll be coming back once a day to do the CE mission and a fleet alert and donate to my fleet ....if it doesn't get fixed after the CE bonus well oh well life goes on.
i have had enough probs with the game im just like ya ok whatever ....and when i have problems i don't spend money either....hint hint...