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Fleet Theft/Sales/Security: An Equity System Proposal



  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kevaldt wrote: »
    I understand, losing all that work can be heartbreaking but you have to take into account the fact that you are putting this on one account... Why is it that you had one all powerful account in a position like this? There are ways to limit this type of damage altogether but it seems more and more that large fleets are allowing 1 or 2 accounts superior authority in the fleet and thats whats leaving them open to this type of attack.

    Especially when you consider that this this account was so easily TRIBBLE in the first place... Cryptic provides account security tools to all of their players, including account guard which in the end is a pretty secure system.

    Instead of looking to others to help you or Cryptic to put a penalty driven system in place as a measure to try and curb this sort of abuse, why dont you ask the TRIBBLE player why their account was vulnerable like this? Did they have a crappy password in place? Did they turn off account guard (universally stupid, btw)?

    Yes, this hacker is a douchenozzle for this type of activity, but there had to be an opening there to exploit in the first place, and a reason for the attack.

    Two leaders is definitely not a magic solution and can arguably be a problem. We had two top ranked leaders. Leaders can boot eachother.
  • rjewkesrjewkes Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Real solution is to have a voting system when a leader is gone the 30 days you get the next top three contenders to Campaign for fleet admiral, as it stands if the next highest randked guy is the lowest rank he can take over.

    but if this is a hack, and the guy is allready top dog then nothing can keep him from kicking all

    Now what if it took 2-3 Ranking members to kick someone?

    And Fleets need a way to track provission useage not just there was 25 now theres 1, and who took provissions needs to be clear. Also what about a rank based limit like in the bank?

    what if fleet provissions became an in bank item? or like fleetbank EC Repository? That way it can be controlled better than absolutely all or none allowance for purchase?
    Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think we're tending to stray off the original topic, which was Lev's proposal for a fleet equity system.

    If you've got other ideas, there's a more general thread about Fleet Protections here:


    I'd rather not roll the two together for various reasons.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • ballermarisballermaris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Enough already!

    We learned the lessons and so has STO, there is a perception that there needs to be only one leader, unfortunately with the reborn Caspian Rising and Caspian Honour Guard; we have three due to being an INTERNATIONAL fleet.

    Discussions are over.

    I blame myself, period. People have still put their trust in me to get this fleet back upright. Until you experience the loss personally, learn from our experience and stop with the what if's.

    We are done looking back and are facing forward; and all of you need to do the same before you smack into the wall.

    Have a nice day, and oh yeah.... TIER 3 here we come!

  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Enough already!

    We learned the lessons and so has STO, there is a perception that there needs to be only one leader, unfortunately with the reborn Caspian Rising and Caspian Honour Guard; we have three due to being an INTERNATIONAL fleet.

    Discussions are over.

    I blame myself, period. People have still put their trust in me to get this fleet back upright. Until you experience the loss personally, learn from our experience and stop with the what if's.

    We are done looking back and are facing forward; and all of you need to do the same before you smack into the wall.

    Have a nice day, and oh yeah.... TIER 3 here we come!


    I did want to add, I was in-game and floored by how quickly my fleetmates recovered and how much other fleets helped out. They shouldn't have to but it is hugely appreciated that they did.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We have a FED and KDF fleet each with 500 members that are very active with only one rank 7.

    Why because that is the answer to insure that nobody rips our fleet off.

    He's also the only one with the kick option.

    Our leader is on everyday, very helpful, and best describe as selfless.

    He's also very caring and we always have the option of talking to him on TeamSpeak.

    So anyone in our fleet can interview him to see what kind of person he is anytime.

    The Rank 6 members have all the rights they need to run our fleet.

    We have several three from the UK, one from Croatia, and five from the US.

    So does our fleet worry no, does our fleet worry about our leadership no.

    If you or your fleet members do then maybe you should find a different solution.

    The last thing you should worry about is it here today gone tomorrow.

    Members want security and answers our fleet has that you may not agree and that's ok.

    We all think they are wise they looked at the tools they had and used them best way they could.

    The only change that i think would be ok is where a FL can only leave a fleet if they push the Leave button.

    Then all Fleets need to do is make wise choices of who they promote to Rank 7.

    But they already have that issue or this problem would not be happing.

    Crypitc can fix, change the game, and any thing else, but it cannot fix bad choices.
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