Like the title states, I want to know the pros and cons of the Fleet Tier 5 Imperial (sovvie).
I have never met anyone that actually owns this particular assault cruiser nor have I ever read much about it on the forums; except to say that it has nearly identical stats to the excel or that it can dps better because of its extra tac Boff and universal Boff ensign console. I have reviewed the stats myself and surprisingly it differs slight to the Excelsior, particularly where the turn rate is different. The Fleet Imperial has a turn rate of 7 whilst I believe the Fleet Excelsior has a turn rate of 8. Thus, stats aside, I am more curious to know what people's impressions are of this ship which, due to its level at the fleet shipyard, is rare and few and far between?!
I presently own the Fleet Excelsior and have quite a fun build going with it. As a tac captain who normally flies escorts, the Excelsior has been a blast to fly and inevitably her looks have grown on me considerably. Our fleet has just finished the tier 5 fleet shipyard and in 12 days time the Imperial will be available to buy for 1 fleet ship module. So, its no big expense. However, that being said, is it worth the time and trouble considering how successful the fleet Excelsior actually is?!
I haven't been able to find anything, not even a youtube video on the Fleet Tier 5 Shipyard Imperial! (There is a few of the ship's skin from before it was restricted to the top tier fleet yard, but your basically looking at the free version or the regent with the same skin). I should also mention that I do own the c-store Regent, but this is a Tier 3 ship with only 3 tac consoles and a lower hull. The Fleet sovvie itself has four tac consoles, and same hull as fleet Excelsior.
Thanks! :cool:
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
In the past if I were to choose one, I would have picked the Soverign, hands down. But... I broke down and bought a Galaxy, and I learned something.
For all my time playing and experimenting, I never realized that I could load 4 EP2* skills so long as I chose 2 different ones to use. That makes what in the past I would call a "redundant" eng ensign actually a useful commodity.
With that knowledge, it is a much closer choice. I think I'd go with the Sovvy, but I'm a TNG fan... That weighs heavily in my decision.
IMO, without having my hands on either, they are both good choices, pick the one you like more and you will have more fun.
Edit: I'd have to agree with the poster above me, I adore my fleet ambassador.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Clearly you have not researched both ships thoroughly enough.
Wow, straight to the jugular, great! :rolleyes:
I made the correction, thanks for pointing it out, my mistake as I got the two mixed up. As for the Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit, yes, I do like the ship but it lacks the 4th tac consoles & i don't believe it has a Lt. Cmdr tac station?! ( )
Thus, how is it superior to both the excelsior and the imperial exactly? I have only ever flown the free tier 5 version of this ship and yes, I agree, its a great ship and I imagine that the fleet level is even better. However, I am still curious about the fleet assault cruiser in particular. Not to mention its $15.00 cheaper in the end.
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Edit: I'd have to agree with the poster above me, I adore my fleet ambassador.
I see a trend here... lol. Hey, honestly, I don't disagree, I loved the Ambassador and only got rid of the free version I had because the Fleet one came out. However, admittedly, I love the soverign class and would reskin the Imperial to look like the sovvie itself from the movie. However, I am really curious to know what its like first.
As much as I enjoyed the Regent I found it lacking at end game stuff. Mainly because it lacks bite. Personally, I am surprised at how close the ship's stats are to the Fleet excel. As an assault cruiser I always felt the Regent should have been given four tac consoles and the Imperial five tac consoles with the same hull as the Fleet Bassy. It's strange to me that a ship so high a tier for a fleet shipyard has no better hull than the Fleet Excelsior, which is so much older in design. Just my humble opinion though! :rolleyes:
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
The Sovereign has +5 Weapon Power, +1 Ens Tac ability, and -1 turn. The Excelsior has +5 Eng Power, +1 Ens Eng ability, and +1 turn. The ships are really too close to call and it would come down to individual play-style more then anything else, IMO.
The Excelsior does have all the Transwarp bonuses, though. That can make a big difference if you're jumping around the galaxy chasing ECs.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Thus, how is it superior to both the excelsior and the imperial exactly?
It doesn't need a Lt. Cmdr Tac station or a 4th tac console to be awesome. If you use the Universal Lieutenant as a tac boff, you have 3 tactical boffs. That's two attack patterns you can throw on there (if that's your thing) with plenty of room for two copies of Tac Team and beam or torpedo abilities. But that's not where its strength lies:
You want Romulan Boffs in those tac stations that have the Superior Romulan Operative Trait. You want to maximise your critical chance in that ship. You will also need the Romulan Zero Point Conduit, the Borg Assimilated Module and the Romulan reputation reward that boosts space crits by 3%. There is also the Lobi store temporal console that boosts crits too, but I don't expect everyone to open lockboxes just to get the Lobi for it.
In total however, you can get your crit chance to 15% (your critical damage will be 80% higher too). That's nearly one in 6 shots that will crit. If you use torpedoes they will crit constantly.
This more than makes up for a crappy fourth tactical console.
Worried about tank? Your Cmdr engineer boff and Lt. Cmdr science boff have you covered, far better than the Fleet Imperial, which practically requires you to use the universal lieutenant as a science boff (you'd be a fool not to). You can even throw gravity well in the Fleet Ambassador and have a control ability if that's your thing.
Fleet Ambassador has enormous critical damage potential, combined with excellent versatility and resilient defense. You are as tough as a Feet Galaxy if you know how to fly it and your damage will exceed the Fleet Excel and Fleet Imperial if you go balls-to-the-wall boosting your critical chance.
There's also the Tac Odyssey, it has 3 tac consoles to the fleet AC's 4, but it has a slightly better shield mod and has a Lt Tac with LTC and Ens universal, which is comparable to the Fleet AC's LTC+Ens Tac and LT universal. Odyssey has a base turn rate of 6 compared to 7 or 8 but getting the 3 pack and using the chevron sep console turns an Odyssey into the most maneuverable Cruiser in the game, making a DBB build viable without needing RCS consoles to keep your nose on target.
The main downsides are most people think the Odyssey is ugly, and 2500 crew can easily be more of a liability than an asset.
That's a mistake most people think the odyssey looks fine its just that on the forums the people who don't like it complain a lot more so it seems to be that way.
So here's mine: fly what looks cool to you and make it's strengths and weakness work for you. Adapt your gameplay to the ship.
Because no matter what it does, you'll be looking at it do those things. So, if you don't like the way it looks, then that's going to be a problem (in my opinion). If you don't care what the ship looks like then the above suggestions should help
Me? I've played with both non-Fleet versions and I am sticking to the Excelsior because of its Transwarp ability and ... I simply love how it looks :P
Personally, I'm aiming for the Fleet Assault Cruiser. I have to say that both ships look amazing though, and I really did have to look at both of them closely (for about 3 hours to be exact) and decide.
Pricing: When it comes down to buying the FAC vs. the Fleet Excelsior, the FE is cheaper if you plan to buy then Regent then upgrade to the FAC for one character. However, the FAC is a Zen ship which also means that if you have multiple characters like me, it is already unlocked for all of my characters and I only need a fleet module for each to upgrade to the FAC. In that sense, the FAC is cheaper.
EDIT: If you absolutely love the consoles from the Regent and want to place them in the FE, it is indeed possible, but it'll be undoubtedly be the most expensive way to go in terms of Zen/EC.
Consoles: Both ships have the same console slots, so there should be no debate there.
Hull and Shield Modifier: No difference. Both have a 1.1 shield modifier and 42,900 base hull.
Turn Rate/Inertia Rating: FE is better than the FAC by a whopping total of 1 turn rate. Woohoo! The FE does have a better inertia rating by +10, which means that it'll have less problems going from full speed to a full stop (though FAC would be better if you like "power sliding").
Power Bonus: FE is distributed evenly between all subsystem, giving it a +5 to engines over the FAC (also helps turn rate slightly). The FAC is more tactically focused and therefore shifted that power to weapons. The FAC has 5 more weapons power than the FE (not too big of a deal either, imo).
BOffs: Here's where the FAC really differs from the FE. Both of them boast a Lt. Commander Tactical Boff, Commander and Lt. Engineering Boff seating. However, the FE suffers from the arguable "useless 3rd Ensign" seating problem as it has it's Ensign seating in Engineering. The FAC has shifted that final Ensign slot in favor for a Tactical station. Additionally, the FAC has a universal Lt. Boff station while the FE is stuck with a Lt. Science Boff station. In my honest opinion though, the last difference isn't much of a big deal, as most people would just put a science officer there anyways.
Special Abilities: The major argument for getting an FE would be that it has the (much sought after) Transwarp Abilities to many major sectors. Additionally, this ability is integrated and does not take up a console slot. The FAC in comparison has a console and a special torpedo only if you previously had the Regent. However, because both the console and torpedo from the Regent can be placed on the FE, I will null this advantage in the comparison. As a side note though, if you plan to add the consoles from the Regent to the FE this will most undoubtedly be the most expensive in terms of Zen/EC. (See edit of pricing above)
All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats!
Edit: And if your not using your uni slot as a sci in that case... I don't know what content you are facing... HE I consider mandatory in ESTF, and TSS is just way too good not to take.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
I actually had this same debate a while ago myself, though not exactly. I was debating buying the excel or the regent. I was keeping in mind the fleet versions for down down the road so its virtually the same debate as you.
I ended up buying them both and now after many months I have found a build that I like and honestly it works best on the excelsior. Mainly because I have finally found a good use of the extra ensign slot.. without getting too detailed with my build, its basically using doffs to keep epts 3 and eptw2 up constantly. I had grown to love the build. It never dies in estfs and in pvp it is quite potent and also rarely dies. I can't have the same build.on the fleet sovvy as I do on the fleet excel so it has become an obvious choice for me.
With tac team doffs you can get the same result in the excel while also having the capacity to be a better tank and team healer.
It all depends on your build though. opinion, any build will benefit from a higher turn rate though. Just based on that alone, I would go with the excelsior.
You want Romulan Boffs in those tac stations that have the Superior Romulan Operative Trait.
You will also need the Romulan Zero Point Conduit, the Borg Assimilated Module and the Romulan reputation reward that boosts space crits by 3%. There is also the Lobi store temporal console that boosts crits too, but I don't expect everyone to open lockboxes just to get the Lobi for it.
This more than makes up for a crappy fourth tactical console.
Fleet Ambassador has enormous critical damage potential, combined with excellent versatility and resilient defense. You are as tough as a Feet Galaxy if you know how to fly it and your damage will exceed the Fleet Excel and Fleet Imperial if you go balls-to-the-wall boosting your critical chance.
I have all three consoles - Rom Rep to be worked on. Touche on 4th tact console. Need to get Rom Boffs now as well. Good argument for the Bassy, which I have said from the beginning is a great ship and enjoyable. However, as I said originally, I have never personally seen or have met someone who owns the Fleet AC and am curious. The price is right too, at least for now. :rolleyes:
I see the merits of this ship and have seen it do wonders in PVP with the right premade and build. However, I just can't see myself flying it... sorry.
I ended up buying them both and now after many months I have found a build that I like and honestly it works best on the excelsior. ... It all depends on your build though. opinion, any build will benefit from a higher turn rate though. Just based on that alone, I would go with the excelsior.
See, this is my problem, I do love the Excelsior and have enjoyed using my Fleet version. The FleetAC is so few and far between, however, that I suppose I was wondering if there was something different about it that would make it a more viable option. Something that both yourself and emacsheadroom have pointed out could be done in different ships.
Personally, I'm aiming for the Fleet Assault Cruiser. I have to say that both ships look amazing though, and I really did have to look at both of them closely (for about 3 hours to be exact) and decide.
I agree with Kimmym, excellent analysis and insightful into both ships. Thank you!
Inevitably I suppose that in lieu of so little player use/review with the FleetAC due to it Fleet Tier 5 shipyard requirements that I had to put this out there. I appreciate everyone's advice and suggestions. If anyone ever reads this and has a youtube video, etc... of this ship in action (FAC) let me know.
Again, thanks!
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Especially if you have access to the T5 shipyard that the Fleet Sovereign needs. That's the Fleet Excelsior's biggest advantage, IMO.
Doesn't the Fleet Excelsior also need a T5 Shipyard? I don't see the advantage here.
As for the Ambassador Stats, add that as another Cryptic Error. The Ambassador should maybe be better than the Excelsior, sure. But better than the Fleet Assault Cruiser? I don't think so!
Doesn't the Fleet Excelsior also need a T5 Shipyard? I don't see the advantage here.
As for the Ambassador Stats, add that as another Cryptic Error. The Ambassador should maybe be better than the Excelsior, sure. But better than the Fleet Assault Cruiser? I don't think so!
The fleet Excelsior unlocks at Tier 3 Shipyard. Which is why I always found it odd that stat wise it is pretty much on par with the FleetAC.
I agree with you regarding the Ambassador, another Fleet Tier 3 unlock. It seems odd to me that it also has higher hull than the FAC given that it is an older ship.
Owning the Fleet Excel I have plenty of fun with it. Spent time in Kerrat last night for the first time and found it very very resilient. Ironically, for the first time ever I met someone flying the FleetAC!! Unfortunately we didn't get to talk much but overall the OP said he was enjoying the ship.
For $5.00 I will probably just pick it up and give it a go. Just need to rearrange my DOFFS in particular and also I need to do something with Engineer Boffs even in my Fleet Excelsior. Not use to having so many Eng options and hence, am probably missing something somewhere.
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
I agree with you regarding the Ambassador, another Fleet Tier 3 unlock. It seems odd to me that it also has higher hull than the FAC given that it is an older ship.
Someone at Cryptic not done their homework! :rolleyes:
For $5.00 I will probably just pick it up and give it a go. Just need to rearrange my DOFFS in particular and also I need to do something with Engineer Boffs even in my Fleet Excelsior. Not use to having so many Eng options and hence, am probably missing something somewhere.
I've seen a number of people comment on how useless that Ensign ENG slot is on the Fleet Excelsior. Whilst I'd agree it would be nice as something else (maybe even Universal) it can fill a purpose. ENG Team on one Boff, EPtW on the 2nd Boff, and EPtS on the 3rd Boff. Sure you can't use the EPtW and EP2S at the same time, but you've got some variation depending what you're doing. I wouldn't have thought EPtE would benefit the Fleet Excelsior much either, and EPtA is best suited to SCI ships (I've found).
That's referring to the captain's rank, its a T5 VA ship
Then I shouldn't put so much trust in my ability to read.
Either way, as previously mentioned (not by me) it does seem daft to have one Fleet T5 ship available at Tier 3 Shipyard and the other at Tier 5 when they have exactly the same stats. :rolleyes:
I have a fleet excel and a D'kora, which is very similar to the Fleet assault in Boff layout, but lacks a tac console and comes with battle mode to make up for it. The D'kora is more optimal for damage and an equal tank.
The ambassador with 3 tacs is going to give you some good consistent damage, but not tank as well. A singular romulan Boff isn't going to make much difference on the damage of a low powered BFaW, and lack of tac console.
You mean the big open space at the back of the hull? I don't believe that has ever been addressed.
Not a shuttle bay. I use to know, but forget what it is now. Something I had inquired when I first saw plans for this ship eons ago now.
I hear the D'Kora is quite nice but honestly, I just cannot stand Ferengi ships...the look of them I mean. I know, silly, and if I owned one I'd probably use it in conjunction with holo emitters! :eek:
I agree about the Ambassador. Inevitably, if a fourth tac console was so pointless people wouldn't be going mad for a five tac console fleet Defiant or Anorian escort, right?! I wish we could customize the Ambassador more to look a little more like the Connie - its her nacelles. Too galaxy for my personal taste. Again, its a $20.00 ship too compared to $5.00 (I already own the Regent) for the FAC. :rolleyes:
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Not being able to use DHC hurts the D'Kora since it has the turn rate to pull it off in battle mode, and I'll never understand why the Galor was given DHC capability and the D'Kora not. It does quite well with DBB though.
Let me start by saying I have not read any post except for the first one which started the topic. This is all from a personal preference standpoint and you shouldn't really base your own opinion off of what I say.. now that that's out of the way, on to what I really want to say.
I own the Fleet Assault Cruiser and it is great. Having 4 engineering consoles and 4 tactical consoles is great. As for the 'useless ensign' slot, I put a beam or torp attack in it instead of a Tac Team, seeing as I have 2 Tac Teams in the other slots. And as for my engineering powers, I tend to balance Emergency power to shields and auxiliary to SIF, maybe throw in a Reverse Shield Polarity somewhere in there. Science is pretty standard with 2 hazard emitters as I do STFs pretty often, and one HE wasn't cutting it.
As for my consoles, I just slapped on a blend of neutronium, ablative and monotanium armor alloys. 2 field generators for science and 4 phaser relays.
Note, I don't own an Excelsior of any kind (Probably because I hold that they should be in the museum with the Ambassador-class and not on the front lines), but from the boff layout alone, it seems to be build for self healing, as for the fleet Sovereign, it's more an offensive cruiser.
EDIT: Let me clarify that I swap the universal slot between Tactical or Science sometimes
It really comes down to personal preference, to be honest.
Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
Not being able to use DHC hurts the D'Kora since it has the turn rate to pull it off in battle mode, and I'll never understand why the Galor was given DHC capability and the D'Kora not. It does quite well with DBB though.
Don't forget the Breen Cruiser, which I absolutely love... but inevitably it breaks immersion. I find as long as I keep in mind that the game is not based on what and how Star Trek ships are supposed to be, then I think nothing of the inconsistencies that exist.
I own the Fleet Assault Cruiser and it is great. Having 4 engineering consoles and 4 tactical consoles is great. As for the 'useless ensign' slot, I put a beam or torp attack in it instead of a Tac Team, seeing as I have 2 Tac Teams in the other slots. And as for my engineering powers, I tend to balance Emergency power to shields and auxiliary to SIF, maybe throw in a Reverse Shield Polarity somewhere in there. Science is pretty standard with 2 hazard emitters as I do STFs pretty often, and one HE wasn't cutting it. ... It really comes down to personal preference, to be honest.
Nice! Sounds like a similar set up (engineering) like the one I have on my Fleet Excelsior. As much as I enjoy it, I do find myself missing the extra tac Boff stations I have become so accustomed to with escorts. Nice to get the thumbs up from someone who owns one.
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
To me the Excelsior is for those who want a manuverable offensive cruiser, while the Regent is a further take on the offensive nature of Cruisers. If there was a chart it would be something like this:
The Excelsior is good for those who like a manuverabile cruiser with a heavy firepower build. The Regent is a ship that has a variety of capabilities that range from an Assault Cruiser with the LT Universal dedicated to Science, to destroyer-type with the LT Universal dedicated to Tactical. But a Cruiser Captain could assign the LT Universal to Engineering that could easily augment the offensive capabilities for sustained DPS with more slots dedicated to powers.
So compared to the Excelsior, the Regent has significantly more versitility.
As for it's performance in PvP, while I never seen or heard people praising the Regent in PvP, I have seen Exclesiors really do some serious damage. So both ships have their merit.
You mean the big open space at the back of the hull? I don't believe that has ever been addressed.
It's the main shuttlebay. It's like the Sovereign having it's main shuttlebay on the bridge island and a second in the tail. The Excelsior's is underneath with a second in the tail.
Don't forget the Breen Cruiser, which I absolutely love... but inevitably it breaks immersion. I find as long as I keep in mind that the game is not based on what and how Star Trek ships are supposed to be, then I think nothing of the inconsistencies that exist.
The Chel Grett is a purpose built warship though so at least that one makes sense, just look at it's boff's pretty much an Escort with less turn rate and more hull/shields while the D'Kora and Galor are very obviously Cruisers.
Now I am kind of interested on trying an assault on my engi toon....but I love how my Excelsior holds its own in estfs consistently often getting higher damage then escorts. Things to ponder...
No, the Fleet Excel has a turn rate of 8. The Fleet Imperial has a turn rate of 7. Clearly you have not researched both ships thoroughly enough.
Besides which, the Fleet Ambassador is better than both of them.
In the past if I were to choose one, I would have picked the Soverign, hands down. But... I broke down and bought a Galaxy, and I learned something.
For all my time playing and experimenting, I never realized that I could load 4 EP2* skills so long as I chose 2 different ones to use. That makes what in the past I would call a "redundant" eng ensign actually a useful commodity.
With that knowledge, it is a much closer choice. I think I'd go with the Sovvy, but I'm a TNG fan... That weighs heavily in my decision.
IMO, without having my hands on either, they are both good choices, pick the one you like more and you will have more fun.
Edit: I'd have to agree with the poster above me, I adore my fleet ambassador.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Wow, straight to the jugular, great! :rolleyes:
I made the correction, thanks for pointing it out, my mistake as I got the two mixed up. As for the Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit, yes, I do like the ship but it lacks the 4th tac consoles & i don't believe it has a Lt. Cmdr tac station?! ( )
Thus, how is it superior to both the excelsior and the imperial exactly? I have only ever flown the free tier 5 version of this ship and yes, I agree, its a great ship and I imagine that the fleet level is even better. However, I am still curious about the fleet assault cruiser in particular. Not to mention its $15.00 cheaper in the end.
I see a trend here... lol. Hey, honestly, I don't disagree, I loved the Ambassador and only got rid of the free version I had because the Fleet one came out. However, admittedly, I love the soverign class and would reskin the Imperial to look like the sovvie itself from the movie. However, I am really curious to know what its like first.
As much as I enjoyed the Regent I found it lacking at end game stuff. Mainly because it lacks bite. Personally, I am surprised at how close the ship's stats are to the Fleet excel. As an assault cruiser I always felt the Regent should have been given four tac consoles and the Imperial five tac consoles with the same hull as the Fleet Bassy. It's strange to me that a ship so high a tier for a fleet shipyard has no better hull than the Fleet Excelsior, which is so much older in design. Just my humble opinion though! :rolleyes:
The Excelsior does have all the Transwarp bonuses, though. That can make a big difference if you're jumping around the galaxy chasing ECs.
It doesn't need a Lt. Cmdr Tac station or a 4th tac console to be awesome. If you use the Universal Lieutenant as a tac boff, you have 3 tactical boffs. That's two attack patterns you can throw on there (if that's your thing) with plenty of room for two copies of Tac Team and beam or torpedo abilities. But that's not where its strength lies:
You want Romulan Boffs in those tac stations that have the Superior Romulan Operative Trait. You want to maximise your critical chance in that ship. You will also need the Romulan Zero Point Conduit, the Borg Assimilated Module and the Romulan reputation reward that boosts space crits by 3%. There is also the Lobi store temporal console that boosts crits too, but I don't expect everyone to open lockboxes just to get the Lobi for it.
In total however, you can get your crit chance to 15% (your critical damage will be 80% higher too). That's nearly one in 6 shots that will crit. If you use torpedoes they will crit constantly.
This more than makes up for a crappy fourth tactical console.
Worried about tank? Your Cmdr engineer boff and Lt. Cmdr science boff have you covered, far better than the Fleet Imperial, which practically requires you to use the universal lieutenant as a science boff (you'd be a fool not to). You can even throw gravity well in the Fleet Ambassador and have a control ability if that's your thing.
Fleet Ambassador has enormous critical damage potential, combined with excellent versatility and resilient defense. You are as tough as a Feet Galaxy if you know how to fly it and your damage will exceed the Fleet Excel and Fleet Imperial if you go balls-to-the-wall boosting your critical chance.
The main downsides are most people think the Odyssey is ugly, and 2500 crew can easily be more of a liability than an asset.
So here's mine: fly what looks cool to you and make it's strengths and weakness work for you. Adapt your gameplay to the ship.
Because no matter what it does, you'll be looking at it do those things. So, if you don't like the way it looks, then that's going to be a problem (in my opinion). If you don't care what the ship looks like then the above suggestions should help
Me? I've played with both non-Fleet versions and I am sticking to the Excelsior because of its Transwarp ability and ... I simply love how it looks :P
Good luck!
Pricing: When it comes down to buying the FAC vs. the Fleet Excelsior, the FE is cheaper if you plan to buy then Regent then upgrade to the FAC for one character. However, the FAC is a Zen ship which also means that if you have multiple characters like me, it is already unlocked for all of my characters and I only need a fleet module for each to upgrade to the FAC. In that sense, the FAC is cheaper.
EDIT: If you absolutely love the consoles from the Regent and want to place them in the FE, it is indeed possible, but it'll be undoubtedly be the most expensive way to go in terms of Zen/EC.
Consoles: Both ships have the same console slots, so there should be no debate there.
Hull and Shield Modifier: No difference. Both have a 1.1 shield modifier and 42,900 base hull.
Turn Rate/Inertia Rating: FE is better than the FAC by a whopping total of 1 turn rate. Woohoo! The FE does have a better inertia rating by +10, which means that it'll have less problems going from full speed to a full stop (though FAC would be better if you like "power sliding").
Power Bonus: FE is distributed evenly between all subsystem, giving it a +5 to engines over the FAC (also helps turn rate slightly). The FAC is more tactically focused and therefore shifted that power to weapons. The FAC has 5 more weapons power than the FE (not too big of a deal either, imo).
BOffs: Here's where the FAC really differs from the FE. Both of them boast a Lt. Commander Tactical Boff, Commander and Lt. Engineering Boff seating. However, the FE suffers from the arguable "useless 3rd Ensign" seating problem as it has it's Ensign seating in Engineering. The FAC has shifted that final Ensign slot in favor for a Tactical station. Additionally, the FAC has a universal Lt. Boff station while the FE is stuck with a Lt. Science Boff station. In my honest opinion though, the last difference isn't much of a big deal, as most people would just put a science officer there anyways.
Special Abilities: The major argument for getting an FE would be that it has the (much sought after) Transwarp Abilities to many major sectors. Additionally, this ability is integrated and does not take up a console slot. The FAC in comparison has a console and a special torpedo only if you previously had the Regent. However, because both the console and torpedo from the Regent can be placed on the FE, I will null this advantage in the comparison. As a side note though, if you plan to add the consoles from the Regent to the FE this will most undoubtedly be the most expensive in terms of Zen/EC. (See edit of pricing above)
All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats!
I can not imagine a more thorough analysis.
Edit: And if your not using your uni slot as a sci in that case... I don't know what content you are facing... HE I consider mandatory in ESTF, and TSS is just way too good not to take.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I ended up buying them both and now after many months I have found a build that I like and honestly it works best on the excelsior. Mainly because I have finally found a good use of the extra ensign slot.. without getting too detailed with my build, its basically using doffs to keep epts 3 and eptw2 up constantly. I had grown to love the build. It never dies in estfs and in pvp it is quite potent and also rarely dies. I can't have the same build.on the fleet sovvy as I do on the fleet excel so it has become an obvious choice for me.
With tac team doffs you can get the same result in the excel while also having the capacity to be a better tank and team healer.
It all depends on your build though. opinion, any build will benefit from a higher turn rate though. Just based on that alone, I would go with the excelsior.
I have all three consoles - Rom Rep to be worked on. Touche on 4th tact console. Need to get Rom Boffs now as well. Good argument for the Bassy, which I have said from the beginning is a great ship and enjoyable. However, as I said originally, I have never personally seen or have met someone who owns the Fleet AC and am curious. The price is right too, at least for now. :rolleyes:
I see the merits of this ship and have seen it do wonders in PVP with the right premade and build. However, I just can't see myself flying it... sorry.
See, this is my problem, I do love the Excelsior and have enjoyed using my Fleet version. The FleetAC is so few and far between, however, that I suppose I was wondering if there was something different about it that would make it a more viable option. Something that both yourself and emacsheadroom have pointed out could be done in different ships.
I agree with Kimmym, excellent analysis and insightful into both ships. Thank you!
Inevitably I suppose that in lieu of so little player use/review with the FleetAC due to it Fleet Tier 5 shipyard requirements that I had to put this out there. I appreciate everyone's advice and suggestions. If anyone ever reads this and has a youtube video, etc... of this ship in action (FAC) let me know.
Again, thanks!
Can the Excel launch anything?
As for the Ambassador Stats, add that as another Cryptic Error. The Ambassador should maybe be better than the Excelsior, sure. But better than the Fleet Assault Cruiser? I don't think so!
The fleet Excelsior unlocks at Tier 3 Shipyard. Which is why I always found it odd that stat wise it is pretty much on par with the FleetAC.
I agree with you regarding the Ambassador, another Fleet Tier 3 unlock. It seems odd to me that it also has higher hull than the FAC given that it is an older ship.
Owning the Fleet Excel I have plenty of fun with it. Spent time in Kerrat last night for the first time and found it very very resilient. Ironically, for the first time ever I met someone flying the FleetAC!! Unfortunately we didn't get to talk much but overall the OP said he was enjoying the ship.
For $5.00 I will probably just pick it up and give it a go. Just need to rearrange my DOFFS in particular and also I need to do something with Engineer Boffs even in my Fleet Excelsior. Not use to having so many Eng options and hence, am probably missing something somewhere.
Someone at Cryptic not done their homework! :rolleyes:
I've seen a number of people comment on how useless that Ensign ENG slot is on the Fleet Excelsior. Whilst I'd agree it would be nice as something else (maybe even Universal) it can fill a purpose. ENG Team on one Boff, EPtW on the 2nd Boff, and EPtS on the 3rd Boff. Sure you can't use the EPtW and EP2S at the same time, but you've got some variation depending what you're doing. I wouldn't have thought EPtE would benefit the Fleet Excelsior much either, and EPtA is best suited to SCI ships (I've found).
Either way, as previously mentioned (not by me) it does seem daft to have one Fleet T5 ship available at Tier 3 Shipyard and the other at Tier 5 when they have exactly the same stats. :rolleyes:
You mean the big open space at the back of the hull? I don't believe that has ever been addressed.
The ambassador with 3 tacs is going to give you some good consistent damage, but not tank as well. A singular romulan Boff isn't going to make much difference on the damage of a low powered BFaW, and lack of tac console.
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Not a shuttle bay. I use to know, but forget what it is now. Something I had inquired when I first saw plans for this ship eons ago now.
I hear the D'Kora is quite nice but honestly, I just cannot stand Ferengi ships...the look of them I mean. I know, silly, and if I owned one I'd probably use it in conjunction with holo emitters! :eek:
I agree about the Ambassador. Inevitably, if a fourth tac console was so pointless people wouldn't be going mad for a five tac console fleet Defiant or Anorian escort, right?! I wish we could customize the Ambassador more to look a little more like the Connie - its her nacelles. Too galaxy for my personal taste. Again, its a $20.00 ship too compared to $5.00 (I already own the Regent) for the FAC. :rolleyes:
I own the Fleet Assault Cruiser and it is great. Having 4 engineering consoles and 4 tactical consoles is great. As for the 'useless ensign' slot, I put a beam or torp attack in it instead of a Tac Team, seeing as I have 2 Tac Teams in the other slots. And as for my engineering powers, I tend to balance Emergency power to shields and auxiliary to SIF, maybe throw in a Reverse Shield Polarity somewhere in there. Science is pretty standard with 2 hazard emitters as I do STFs pretty often, and one HE wasn't cutting it.
As for my consoles, I just slapped on a blend of neutronium, ablative and monotanium armor alloys. 2 field generators for science and 4 phaser relays.
Note, I don't own an Excelsior of any kind (Probably because I hold that they should be in the museum with the Ambassador-class and not on the front lines), but from the boff layout alone, it seems to be build for self healing, as for the fleet Sovereign, it's more an offensive cruiser.
EDIT: Let me clarify that I swap the universal slot between Tactical or Science sometimes
It really comes down to personal preference, to be honest.
Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
Don't forget the Breen Cruiser, which I absolutely love... but inevitably it breaks immersion. I find as long as I keep in mind that the game is not based on what and how Star Trek ships are supposed to be, then I think nothing of the inconsistencies that exist.
Nice! Sounds like a similar set up (engineering) like the one I have on my Fleet Excelsior. As much as I enjoy it, I do find myself missing the extra tac Boff stations I have become so accustomed to with escorts. Nice to get the thumbs up from someone who owns one.
Escort <- Destroyer <- Regent <- Excelsior <-Sovereign <- Galaxy -> Star Cruiser -> Science Cruiser -> Science Ship
The Excelsior is good for those who like a manuverabile cruiser with a heavy firepower build. The Regent is a ship that has a variety of capabilities that range from an Assault Cruiser with the LT Universal dedicated to Science, to destroyer-type with the LT Universal dedicated to Tactical. But a Cruiser Captain could assign the LT Universal to Engineering that could easily augment the offensive capabilities for sustained DPS with more slots dedicated to powers.
So compared to the Excelsior, the Regent has significantly more versitility.
As for it's performance in PvP, while I never seen or heard people praising the Regent in PvP, I have seen Exclesiors really do some serious damage. So both ships have their merit.
It's the main shuttlebay. It's like the Sovereign having it's main shuttlebay on the bridge island and a second in the tail. The Excelsior's is underneath with a second in the tail.
The Chel Grett is a purpose built warship though so at least that one makes sense, just look at it's boff's pretty much an Escort with less turn rate and more hull/shields while the D'Kora and Galor are very obviously Cruisers.