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[Legacy of Romulus] Emergency Power to X being updated on Tribble



  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    3x EPtX - EPtX#1(A), EPtX#2(B), EPtX#3(C)
    w/ 20s Dur, 45s CD, 20s TCD

    000 A
    020 A expires, A TCD expires, B
    040 B expires, B TCD expires, C
    045 A CD expires
    060 C expires, C TCD expires, A
    065 B CD expires
    080 A expires, A TCD expires, B
    085 C CD expires
    100 B expires, B TCD expires, C
    105 A CD expires
    120 C expires, C TCD expires, A
    125 B CD expires
    140 A expires, A TCD expires, B
    145 C CD expires
    160 B expires, B TCD expires, C
    165 A CD expires

    Etc, etc, etc. You can 3x EPtX for 0s gap...if the 5s (or less) gap is a concern.

    Yes indeed. Though I'd have a hard time seeing any ship wanting to run 3 copies of a skill. :eek:

    2x EPtX - EPtX#1(A) & EPtX#2(B) /w 20s Dur, 30s CD, 15s/20s TCD
    1x EPtY - EPtY(C) w/ 20s Dur, 30s CD, 15s TCD
    w/ DCEs (100% proc /cough)

    Running A, C, B, A, C, B, A, C, B, etc...

    000 A
    015 A TCD expires, C
    020 A expires
    030 A CD expires, C TCD expires, B
    035 C expires
    045 C CD expires, B TCD expires, A
    050 B expires
    060 B CD expires, A TCD expires, C
    065 A expires
    075 A CD expires, C TCD expires, B
    080 C expires
    090 C CD expires, B TCD expires, A
    095 B expires
    105 B CD expires, A TCD expires, C

    Etc, etc, etc.

    There is a 25s gap between A#1 and A#2, A#2 and A#3.
    There is a 25s gap between C#1 and C#2, C#2 and C#3.
    There is a 25s gap between B#1 and B#2, B#2 and B#3.

    A&B are both EPtX, though - C is EPtY. So the following appears...

    EPtY 25s gap.
    EPtX...10s gap, 0s gap (5s clip), 10s gap, 0s gap (5s clip)

    EPtX would have 20s up, 10s down, 35s up, 10s down, 35s up, 10s down, etc, etc.
    EPtY would have 15s down, 20s up, 25s down, 20s up, 25s down, 20s up, etc, etc.

    Running C, A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, etc...

    000 C
    015 C TCD expires, A
    020 C expires
    030 C CD expires
    035 A expires, A TCD expires. B
    045 A CD expires
    050 B TCD expires, C
    055 B expires
    065 B CD expires, C TCD expires, A
    070 C expires
    080 C CD expires
    085 A expires, A TCD expires, B
    095 A CD expires
    100 B TCD expires, C
    105 B expires
    115 B CD expires, C TCD expires, A
    120 C expires

    Etc, etc, etc...

    A&B are EPtX. C is EPtY.

    EPtY - 20s up, 30s down, 20s up, 30s down, 20s up, 30s down...
    EPtX - 15s down, 40s up, 10s down, 40s up, 10s down...

    So you can see where things can get a bit twisted running 2x EPtX & EPtY.

    Course, that 100% DCE...which isn't always the case...so it can go all sorts of whacky.

    Whew! Really complicated indeed. Things get really complicated especially after the first run.
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know, right? Let us both blissfully dream of a game in which all ships are awesome and useful in their own, canon ways with true balance where people synergistically team with whomever they want and all ships of all types are welcome because no one is clearly gimped.

    It would be like being whisked from our black&white, dust-bowl kansas into sweet, sweet, technicolor OZ.

    I'll third this. Escorts sitting still was the reason I quite using standard escorts for the most part.

    I wonder if you could get this effect by buffing the damage of all ships to the same level on their primary fire arc, so forward for escorts, forward-ish for science, and broadside for cruisers all put out the same amount of damage in alpha, aka, you hit the spacebar and everything puts out X damage in that one firing cycle, calculated before bofffs and captain skills. And put locks on weapon types for different ships, so that if Cruisers can't use duel heavy cannons, then escorts can't use beam arrays. Or maybe a limiter, so that can only use one of two fore and aft. That way, escorts would have to always more around or be killed and their tankiness wouldn't matter as much since it would be more about defence. But yeah, however they did it, a sweat dream.

    And virusdancer, thanks for doing that, I've been lost on that change since the begining. Now I understand.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • miri2miri2 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Etc, etc, etc...
    Well, great. Now that I know more about how this plays out on a micro level, I have no idea how it plays out on a macro level! Thanks a lot, Virusdancer, you jerk. :P

    malkarris wrote: »
    I'll third this. Escorts sitting still was the reason I quite using standard escorts for the most part.
    I dunnow. If you wanted to fix that, I'm almost thinking that the best way to go about it would be to get rid of (or at least nerf the everliving tar out of) the shield-rebalancing function of Tactical Team. Yes, it hurts everyone, but it forces escorts to break off attack runs a little faster, and makes nailing a ship with an early Beam Overload or the like an effective way to blunt an attack.

    I dunnow, it's probably less good of an idea than I think it is. In a way, it's kinda' like the change that this thread's talking about-- nerfing/redefining a power that everyone and their brother uses, potentially to find out that it hurts the wrong party.
    Starscream wrote:
    It's funny, really, when you think about it. Tragic, but funny! *Sobs manically*
    “True success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
    -- Winston Churchill
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The length of uptime will be as on Holodeck. The powers will retain every other change on Tribble.

    Its the Best of Both Worlds! And its happening! How on Earth is it happening?! I'm shocked!!

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes great great news!
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