I don't see much immediate need to buy any Rom C-Store items. I'd much rather play the new Rom and KDF content with the stock ships so I can see what it's really like - just like I did back when STO launched. If I get to end-game and find I really like playing a Rom, then I'll think about buying a T5.5 ship. But I might find that I don't really care for doing end-game as a Rom - I've already done it hundreds of times as a Fed and KDF.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
They keep saying it will be "free" expansion - but we all know the c-store will be jammed with new shinnies and the good stuff.
Guess what? it will be a FREE expansion... Just because the ships will probably be available in the store doesn't mean that the expansion itself is going to go from free to "you must pay to access Nimbus" or something similar. My goodness, it seems that you have nothing good to say of this game and it seems that you love complaining just to complain.
But we also know that all the content can be completed using the free RA ships and gear you grabbed from running missions.
As for "the good stuff" - that tends to be a case of vanity, fanaticism, farming efficiency, PvP, or compensation.
And it will be.
They don't make money based off of NEED.
They rake money in based off of DESIRE.
It's one of the better F2P implementations out there because of that.
No-one "needs" anything this game has to offer - the game itself is not "worth" anything - people spend money on it for want - and that is just what I expect to happen with all the new shinnies.
you don't need a Vesta pack or an Oddy pack or a Andorian pack - or costumes or on and on to do ANY of the content in the game - but most people get it anyways.
Free RA ships and ingame gear drops will get you through an ESTF just fine if you know what you are doing - but well over 70% of the ships I see are c-store or lock-box.
I expect most people will want the best shinnies as soon as possible - now now now - I mean there is a thread right here complaining about the 20hr CD timers on the Rep.
I think the vast majority of people who will be playing Roms are experienced STO players. They know how quickly you go from Rank to Rank, and so have a good understanding of the value of ships below T5 and how quickly you'll go through them. I don't think you're going to see as big of a run on ships for Roms - though costumes and alternate playable races/Boffs will probably sell well.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Guess what? it will be a FREE expansion... Just because the ships will probably be available in the store doesn't mean that the expansion itself is going to go from free to "you must pay to access Nimbus" or something similar. My goodness, it seems that you have nothing good to say of this game and it seems that you love complaining just to complain.
Paid for by the thousands made from lock boxes and c-store sales. Free in the sense that you don't pay for it when it comes out but it's been paid for already.
I guess some people anticipated the 50k dilithium rewards dropping in 15 days. It's a bit early and I doubt it will have a significant effect but greed has no limit.
Paid for by the thousands made from lock boxes and c-store sales. Free in the sense that you don't pay for it when it comes out but it's been paid for already.
Pandaria was "paid for" by the fans who Subscribed to WoW and bought items in their Store, and yet it still costs money. The Hutt Cartel was "paid for" by the fans who Subscribed and used the Store in SWTOR, and yet it still costs money. Riders of Rohan was "paid for" by the fans who Subscribed, used Lockboxes, and used the Store in LotRO, and yet it still costs money.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Guess what? it will be a FREE expansion... Just because the ships will probably be available in the store doesn't mean that the expansion itself is going to go from free to "you must pay to access Nimbus" or something similar. My goodness, it seems that you have nothing good to say of this game and it seems that you love complaining just to complain.
I am well aware the the expansion will be "free" - as I stated everything can be done in the game for free with the free stuff.
The game keeps being "free" because lots of people spend real money on all the stuff that is not free.
My point for this thread was to find out how many people are accumulating Zen in anticipation of the expansion and all it's shinnies.
Why the hostility? People spending money on the game is GOOD - that means it keeps running.
I expect most people will want the best shinnies as soon as possible - now now now - I mean there is a thread right here complaining about the 20hr CD timers on the Rep.
You're putting in the time either way.
It's not like removing the timers would remove the grind. You still need to grind however many thousands of marks per rep faction.
You're just no longer being forced to log in once a day for 30-50 days. You're actually free to approach the system in a way which suits your gaming schedule. And if your schedule dictates you can only log in for 15-30 minutes per day each day every day, then good for you, because you're free to do that too.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
I am well aware the the expansion will be "free" - as I stated everything can be done in the game for free with the free stuff.
The game keeps being "free" because lots of people spend real money on all the stuff that is not free.
My point for this thread was to find out how many people are accumulating Zen in anticipation of the expansion and all it's shinnies.
Why the hostility? People spending money on the game is GOOD - that means it keeps running.
Really? Hmm. The following doesn't seem like a "point to find out how many people are acculumating Zen in anticipation," it seems, to me, that it's a dig at those who are fine with how Cryptic is implementing the expansion...
They keep saying it will be "free" expansion - but we all know the c-store will be jammed with new shinnies and the good stuff.
Really? Hmm. The following doesn't seem like a "point to find out how many people are acculumating Zen in anticipation," it seems, to me, that it's a dig at those who are fine with how Cryptic is implementing the expansion...
Earth to Major Tom - Cryptic IS implementing this "free" expansion to make a BOAT load of money off of people buying shinnies - lotss and lots of stuff will be pushed out as have to get.
That IS their JOB!! - This expansion is for profit - not for fun - they have a job and want to get paid. Selling shinnies and lots of other stuff to people taking this "free" expansion is what they want.
I am perfectly fine with people buying lots and lots of c-store ships and stuff - that is what keeps the game going.
So yes - for those of us who do love the game - lets hope this "free" expansion becomes the most costly ever! That means more money for content development and the game servers keep running.
Earth to Major Tom - Cryptic IS implementing this "free" expansion to make a BOAT load of money off of people buying shinnies - lotss and lots of stuff will be pushed out as have to get.
That IS their JOB!! - This expansion is for profit - not for fun - they have a job and want to get paid. Selling shinnies and lots of other stuff to people taking this "free" expansion is what they want.
I am perfectly fine with people buying lots and lots of c-store ships and stuff - that is what keeps the game going.
So yes - for those of us who do love the game - lets hope this "free" expansion becomes the most costly ever! That means more money for content development and the game servers keep running.
I myself expect to spend around 20,000 zen.
Okay, so, you expect people to acknowlegde your point when you respond to someone in such a manner? I am sorry, but you will not get anything from doing that, especially from me. I am just pointing out that what you were 'trying' to point out didn't seem to be doing what you "claimed" you were doing...
Also, it's not for fun, eh? How many people do you know who would have FUN with this expansion? I know several people who would have FUN with this expansion, so saying that it's not for fun, right, keep telling yourself that, you might even believe yourself in time.
Again, the expansion itself is going to be completely free, the ONLY things that aren't going to be free are Alien Gen characters (subscriber/LTS only), and most of the ships to be released as well as other stuff that are available now. The story content and whatnot are completely free (that's basically what this expansion is all about anyway...the story.
I'm not hoarding exactly; I've been saving up for a Fleet Ambassador. Now I'm maybe saving up for a Romulan something or other instead. I haven't decided yet.
Okay, so, you expect people to acknowlegde your point when you respond to someone in such a manner? I am sorry, but you will not get anything from doing that, especially from me. I am just pointing out that what you were 'trying' to point out didn't seem to be doing what you "claimed" you were doing...
Also, it's not for fun, eh? How many people do you know who would have FUN with this expansion? I know several people who would have FUN with this expansion, so saying that it's not for fun, right, keep telling yourself that, you might even believe yourself in time.
Again, the expansion itself is going to be completely free, the ONLY things that aren't going to be free are Alien Gen characters (subscriber/LTS only), and most of the ships to be released as well as other stuff that are available now. The story content and whatnot are completely free (that's basically what this expansion is all about anyway...the story.
I won't carry this on - but you did say i was taking a "dig" at people - so expect a response that fits something that is incorrect.
You just don't get anything I am saying so lets leave it at that. And "fun" was in regards to the people making the expansion - PWE is not doing it for "fun" - they are doing it for money.
Paid for by the thousands made from lock boxes and c-store sales. Free in the sense that you don't pay for it when it comes out but it's been paid for already.
It's all because of those evil, greedy people working for the company who want to keep getting paychecks.
Off of multiple characters I'm now in a position to buy 10 keys a week + make a few hundred Zen, mostly off of DOFFing (I've really only got one character I play missions with right now), so yes I'll probably be able to buy... something, on day 1.
I'll probably cut the keys a couple weeks before the expansion comes out, just to make sure I have enough to grab what I want, then go back to the old cycle.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
I think the vast majority of people who will be playing Roms are experienced STO players. They know how quickly you go from Rank to Rank, and so have a good understanding of the value of ships below T5 and how quickly you'll go through them. I don't think you're going to see as big of a run on ships for Roms - though costumes and alternate playable races/Boffs will probably sell well.
And the last time I paid Zen for dilithium it was 320 per zen. So, you'll never see me put in another dollar JUST for dilithium below 300+. Its the principle of the matter to me now. I may be tempted to buy a Z store T5-ship, but I'll not be tempted by anything under T5.
STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
Mega-noob here. How do you get zen from dilithium, and how can you grind enough dilithium to get a ludacris amount like 10k?
For the first question, look at upper right corner of the screen, under the minimap and to the right. There's a small arrow there. Press on it, and it'll bring up a list. One of the options there is Dilithium Exchange. Click on that option. It should be fairly obvious at that point, but the short of it is that it is a player-run exchange market between zen and dilithium.
As to gaining a ludicrous amount like 10k... if you mean zen, it is simply a matter of getting the dilithium (which of course takes time, given the 8000/day refining limit) and buying the zen. Obviously, since you're buying, it is best to buy when zen sells cheaply.
LOL waiting for the new thread "Dilithium has sky-rocketed!"
Hey that "Dilithium Has Officially Crashed" Thread of mine was one of the most viewed and responded to threads in STO discussion in the last 6 months. Its just over 30 days old so its techinaclly a zombie now.
Funny if someone had cashed out when I started that thread in the 130's - they still would have made a killing compared to todays 103 and a month ago bottom of 85
Frankly I have no idea where is the market going next. But it does help that I've been doing nothing but farm dil to buy zen and then dump it on the C-store since August 2012. And the latter really doesn't change overtime unlike the dil exchange recently.
So I keep gaining and gaining in game power, but my financial scoresheet has nothing to show for it.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
I think the vast majority of people who will be playing Roms are experienced STO players. They know how quickly you go from Rank to Rank, and so have a good understanding of the value of ships below T5 and how quickly you'll go through them. I don't think you're going to see as big of a run on ships for Roms - though costumes and alternate playable races/Boffs will probably sell well.
Agreed, when I make a Romulan, I wont have to buy any of the Romulan ships and just use the ally faction ships instead.
The only point id ever actually pay real money getting Dilithium, is when it is 300+ per Zen
But we also know that all the content can be completed using the free RA ships and gear you grabbed from running missions.
As for "the good stuff" - that tends to be a case of vanity, fanaticism, farming efficiency, PvP, or compensation.
And it will be.
They don't make money based off of NEED.
They rake money in based off of DESIRE.
It's one of the better F2P implementations out there because of that.
No-one "needs" anything this game has to offer - the game itself is not "worth" anything - people spend money on it for want - and that is just what I expect to happen with all the new shinnies.
you don't need a Vesta pack or an Oddy pack or a Andorian pack - or costumes or on and on to do ANY of the content in the game - but most people get it anyways.
Free RA ships and ingame gear drops will get you through an ESTF just fine if you know what you are doing - but well over 70% of the ships I see are c-store or lock-box.
I expect most people will want the best shinnies as soon as possible - now now now - I mean there is a thread right here complaining about the 20hr CD timers on the Rep.
Zen price should continue to rise.
Paid for by the thousands made from lock boxes and c-store sales. Free in the sense that you don't pay for it when it comes out but it's been paid for already.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
sitting on 10.000+ Zen now just waiting for the shiny Romulan stuff and i'm grinding away like every day.
and anyway new char (or 2? or 3?) means more Inventory / DOff / Bank slots that WILL be bought.
I am well aware the the expansion will be "free" - as I stated everything can be done in the game for free with the free stuff.
The game keeps being "free" because lots of people spend real money on all the stuff that is not free.
My point for this thread was to find out how many people are accumulating Zen in anticipation of the expansion and all it's shinnies.
Why the hostility? People spending money on the game is GOOD - that means it keeps running.
It's not like removing the timers would remove the grind. You still need to grind however many thousands of marks per rep faction.
You're just no longer being forced to log in once a day for 30-50 days. You're actually free to approach the system in a way which suits your gaming schedule. And if your schedule dictates you can only log in for 15-30 minutes per day each day every day, then good for you, because you're free to do that too.
Earth to Major Tom - Cryptic IS implementing this "free" expansion to make a BOAT load of money off of people buying shinnies - lotss and lots of stuff will be pushed out as have to get.
That IS their JOB!! - This expansion is for profit - not for fun - they have a job and want to get paid. Selling shinnies and lots of other stuff to people taking this "free" expansion is what they want.
I am perfectly fine with people buying lots and lots of c-store ships and stuff - that is what keeps the game going.
So yes - for those of us who do love the game - lets hope this "free" expansion becomes the most costly ever! That means more money for content development and the game servers keep running.
I myself expect to spend around 20,000 zen.
Also, it's not for fun, eh? How many people do you know who would have FUN with this expansion? I know several people who would have FUN with this expansion, so saying that it's not for fun, right, keep telling yourself that, you might even believe yourself in time.
Again, the expansion itself is going to be completely free, the ONLY things that aren't going to be free are Alien Gen characters (subscriber/LTS only), and most of the ships to be released as well as other stuff that are available now. The story content and whatnot are completely free (that's basically what this expansion is all about anyway...the story.
I won't carry this on - but you did say i was taking a "dig" at people - so expect a response that fits something that is incorrect.
You just don't get anything I am saying so lets leave it at that. And "fun" was in regards to the people making the expansion - PWE is not doing it for "fun" - they are doing it for money.
Something you seem to miss.
I'm waiting for a faction of Ferengi altruists, because their writing staff finds greedy Ferengi to be "icky."
I'll probably cut the keys a couple weeks before the expansion comes out, just to make sure I have enough to grab what I want, then go back to the old cycle.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
And the last time I paid Zen for dilithium it was 320 per zen. So, you'll never see me put in another dollar JUST for dilithium below 300+. Its the principle of the matter to me now. I may be tempted to buy a Z store T5-ship, but I'll not be tempted by anything under T5.
Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
As to gaining a ludicrous amount like 10k... if you mean zen, it is simply a matter of getting the dilithium (which of course takes time, given the 8000/day refining limit) and buying the zen. Obviously, since you're buying, it is best to buy when zen sells cheaply.
Hey that "Dilithium Has Officially Crashed" Thread of mine was one of the most viewed and responded to threads in STO discussion in the last 6 months. Its just over 30 days old so its techinaclly a zombie now.
Funny if someone had cashed out when I started that thread in the 130's - they still would have made a killing compared to todays 103 and a month ago bottom of 85
So I keep gaining and gaining in game power, but my financial scoresheet has nothing to show for it.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Agreed, when I make a Romulan, I wont have to buy any of the Romulan ships and just use the ally faction ships instead.
have something over 17k now, waiting for the Romulan ships, costumes and stuff.
also DOFF packs..
if the Zen price gets over 300 Dill, ill consider waiting with my store purchases and sell the Zen before it falls again.
also, there is the starbase grind.
Y u no buy low rank ships for the consoles?
i am almost certain there will be a D'Deridex/Scimitar 3 pack, and a BOP 3 Pack, then a TOS Romulan bundle.
BOP and TOS ill consider a must, so that alone makes for 7500 Zen.