This would be the lone saving grace, yes, depending upon how early you make your alliance choice.
You make your alliance choice at level 10.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Ah, that explains quite a bit. So, the player only lacks choice in tier 1, then?
Yes. At T1 you're just using whatever hung of junk you can get your hands on - which is an old BoP. I assume the story has your colony being attacked and you doing whatever you can to defend it.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see a T1 Rom ship in the C-Store. People would mostly buy it for the console, just as they do the T1 Fed ships.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see a T1 Rom ship in the C-Store. People would mostly buy it for the console, just as they do the T1 Fed ships.
That kind of begs the curious question...will there be a T5 TOS BoP? Will they not do that...on principle, in regard to the Connie - or - much like the B'rel, will it be good to go?
edit: Stahl says they're ready for that...though, he's kind of cryptic about what he means by that.
Ah, that explains quite a bit. So, the player only lacks choice in tier 1, then?
Your TOS warbird is your Miranda. At Tier 2 you will have at least one warbird choice plus your allied ships.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
That's great, but I'm referring in the context of that statement to the leveling experience and not the endgame experience. Sticking players with a ship they may very well loathe for ten levels (no matter how short and relatively painless that experience may be) just isn't very cool.
If the dhelan class is the only tier 2 ship (I'm comfortably sure there will be other options) then I will rock out the 150 year old original bird of prey till tier 3.
It's not a matter of comfort, but a simple matter of choosing Romulan ships that I like. It will still be the same for me at end game. I'm prepared to dump about $300 into the c-store for my end game ships and maybe a little more if the Nemesis era uniform becomes available.
It's not a matter of comfort, but a simple matter of choosing Romulan ships that I like.
But until you've seen the stats - until you've seen how the new Warbird mechanics work - how are you choosing the Romulan ship that you like?
Is it just an appearance thing? Is it an expectation (hope) of what the ship will be (which it might not be)...?
When I think about the ships I like to fly and do not like to's from having flown them. In many cases early on - that meant a whole Hell of a lot of rerolls as I would try out the different ships. PreS7 - it was very easy to do so.
By doing what they're doing - they're giving me the opportunity to go through and get an idea of each ship and then make an informed decision. I think that's great. Sure, it's something that players have the choice of doing on their own...they can pick a different type at each level, but c'mon - you could do that as a Fed and still not have a decent idea of what those ships would fly like at endgame. By doing what they're doing - I think they're really allowing for folks to make that informed decision. I think that's great.
People are saying they're not going to fly something - without having seen any stats - without flying it for even a second... based on what? I just find that odd...very odd.
Ah, that explains quite a bit. So, the player only lacks choice in tier 1, then?
Spock's Brain.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see a T1 Rom ship in the C-Store. People would mostly buy it for the console, just as they do the T1 Fed ships.
That kind of begs the curious question...will there be a T5 TOS BoP? Will they not do that...on principle, in regard to the Connie - or - much like the B'rel, will it be good to go?
edit: Stahl says they're ready for that...though, he's kind of cryptic about what he means by that.
Your TOS warbird is your Miranda. At Tier 2 you will have at least one warbird choice plus your allied ships.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
If the dhelan class is the only tier 2 ship (I'm comfortably sure there will be other options) then I will rock out the 150 year old original bird of prey till tier 3.
It's not a matter of comfort, but a simple matter of choosing Romulan ships that I like. It will still be the same for me at end game. I'm prepared to dump about $300 into the c-store for my end game ships and maybe a little more if the Nemesis era uniform becomes available.
But until you've seen the stats - until you've seen how the new Warbird mechanics work - how are you choosing the Romulan ship that you like?
Is it just an appearance thing? Is it an expectation (hope) of what the ship will be (which it might not be)...?
When I think about the ships I like to fly and do not like to's from having flown them. In many cases early on - that meant a whole Hell of a lot of rerolls as I would try out the different ships. PreS7 - it was very easy to do so.
By doing what they're doing - they're giving me the opportunity to go through and get an idea of each ship and then make an informed decision. I think that's great. Sure, it's something that players have the choice of doing on their own...they can pick a different type at each level, but c'mon - you could do that as a Fed and still not have a decent idea of what those ships would fly like at endgame. By doing what they're doing - I think they're really allowing for folks to make that informed decision. I think that's great.
People are saying they're not going to fly something - without having seen any stats - without flying it for even a second... based on what? I just find that odd...very odd.