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Crazy Idea: give Romulas NO choice, force them to join KDF

zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
So Cryptic fears that if they make a 3rd faction that they will end up like Klingons with a 18% or less playerbase, and KDF queue numbers would even suffer from a 3rd Faction (makes no sense, the Klingons that are here are not going anywhere.)


lets push ALL Romulans to the KDF side of things -> then we have maybe two 50% factions and finally can look more into KDF C-Store items and an Open PVP war might actually be feasible by player numbers.

The former Sela - Duras connection could be used for this very well and fit nicely to canon.

And FYI: KDF Endgame is better than FED Endgame,
they have better daily quests (more dil for doing the SAME stuff) and i take Marauding > Diplomacy any day for DOffing.

but of course that brainfart won't happen because everybody wants Elite Fleet PHASERS for their Romulans instead of Disruptors ....oh wait, that makes more sense too.

Remind me why would anyone want Romulans on FED side instead of KDF?
If all Romulans get moved to the KDF queues the argument that their queues are moving slower would be over and i cant think of any other argument really.

Post edited by zerobang on


  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes this is a great idea. But it will never happen. sorry it's a waste of a thread.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know as well as me, that its too late to change anything about the Romulan faction.,
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It would make alot more sense PvP-wise if the Republic as a whole would ally with the Klingon Empire and would not make it up to her commanders to ally themselves to whoever they want.
  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »

    Discuss what? It is not a crazy idea, it's a stupid one, and is not happening.
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can support this, but there'd have to be a way for Feds to at least get access to Warbirds, or at least their singularity core thing/mechanic/magic.
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The only reason I even play fed is because I like to actually play PvE and PvP queues with other human beings. If this new thing makes this more feasible then I'm all for it.

    Yes KDF endgame can be more fun in some aspects, but the grind is harder because you miss out on things like specialty vendors and the small fleet problem is compounded due to lack of players.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    brigadooom wrote: »
    I can support this, but there'd have to be a way for Feds to at least get access to Warbirds, or at least their singularity core thing/mechanic/magic.

    FEDs will get C-Store / Elite Fleet Warpcores soon enough, greed for money and greed for power creep will make it happen sooner than later. Romulans are just the first to get that Slot. In Fact Geko has already tweeted stuff about Warpcores.

    And no... i don't see a reason why FED or KDF Faction players need Romulan Ships... that makes as much sense as handing a Galaxy or Odyssey Class to the Klingons or a Bird of Prey to the FEDs.
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why would any of the new romulans join the kdf?
    Less missions, ships, customization.
    Unles you force the romulans to join the kdf, the kdf will remember the "good old days of the 18%"
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Why would any of the new romulans join the kdf?
    Less missions, ships, customization.
    Unles you force the romulans to join the kdf, the kdf will remember the "good old days of the 18%"
    Lol because they want to be isolationist and xenophobic, which is what happens when you are part of a shunned minority.

    Perfect for Romulans.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Less missions, ships, customization.

    -> Missions: Romulans get new missions that carry you from level 1 to 40 and then the Featured Episodes start. The Mission Journal stays faction specific for Romulans, you can team / coop play FED/KDF missions but you will not get any of the special faction specific item rewards. As of dStahl.

    And honestly, who wants to play OLD Fed / KDF missions anyway?
    And Endgame, STFs / Reputation etc. is all the same for both factions. So nope, "more missions" doesn't really count.

    Ships -> you want to fly FED / KDF ships with your Romulan? WHY? The only reason to have access to those at all is to get the C-Store consoles that you already bought and then dismiss them... i would expect a C-Store Romulan fleet and no access to already purchased +1 console Ships... but thats just me.

    Customization -> ...Romulan Ships will have their own stuff, don't care if FED or KDF here.

    But ok i guess it is a selling point if you get new Players joining the game, starting a Romulan and then be able to buy a Fleet Galaxy Class for $20 instead of a Fleet Warbird for $20 ... options.

    I think that's silly, if you want FED / KDF Ships then you play that faction and not the Romulans... but whatever.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Why would any of the new romulans join the kdf?
    Less missions, ships, customization.
    Unles you force the romulans to join the kdf, the kdf will remember the "good old days of the 18%"

    Just having more of something doesn't make it better.

    The KDF have some of the best mission content in the game, the Fek'hiri episodes for example are brilliant. They also have some of the best ships in the game, better dailies and doff missions. And Qu'nos is just a nicer place to be than ESD.

    I'm going to take advantage of Cryptics decision and have my new Reman toon align to the KDF, then I can enjoy all the new content through him.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    And no... i don't see a reason why FED or KDF Faction players need Romulan Ships... that makes as much sense as handing a Galaxy or Odyssey Class to the Klingons or a Bird of Prey to the FEDs.
    Cryptic Logic ~ it fails every time.
  • squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it would probably reduce overall Romulan uptake, though not necessarily by the whole percentage that would have gone Fed otherwise. You're right that, as far as gameplay items, KDF makes somewhat more sense than Romulans, but there are setting connections to support becoming peons to either side so... eh.
  • miaximiaxi Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hahahaha... no. Keep your live-in alien pigs off my D'deridex.
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    So Cryptic fears that if they make a 3rd faction that they will end up like Klingons with a 18% or less playerbase, and KDF queue numbers would even suffer from a 3rd Faction (makes no sense, the Klingons that are here are not going anywhere.)


    lets push ALL Romulans to the KDF side of things -> then we have maybe two 50% factions and finally can look more into KDF C-Store items and an Open PVP war might actually be feasible by player numbers.

    The former Sela - Duras connection could be used for this very well and fit nicely to canon.

    And FYI: KDF Endgame is better than FED Endgame,
    they have better daily quests (more dil for doing the SAME stuff) and i take Marauding > Diplomacy any day for DOffing.

    but of course that brainfart won't happen because everybody wants Elite Fleet PHASERS for their Romulans instead of Disruptors ....oh wait, that makes more sense too.

    Remind me why would anyone want Romulans on FED side instead of KDF?
    If all Romulans get moved to the KDF queues the argument that their queues are moving slower would be over and i cant think of any other argument really.


    nope, and for a few reasons i can think off of the top of my head. Following the destruction of Romulas the Klingon Empire invaded and slaughtered many Romulans. Also lets add to the fact that Romulan's hate Klingons, that has been a constant for 100+ years at this point.

    The Romulan stratagy is also to side with who is stronger, they are survivalists and the Federation is in a much stronger position right now than the Klingons. Let's also consider the Unification of Vulcan's and Romulan's this is a current agenda of the new Republic so why would they cast aside there long term goals?

    As for world PVP no thank you, I have no interest in open world PVP, how would you implement it, that you could attack on sight? I'm sorry but nope, and the other method is manually flagging for PVP which also won't work people don't tend to flag themselves, and Cryptic will not make another server just for PVP to occur you can keep dreaming though.

    Also lets not forget that as much as the PVP community likes to think, the core of the game is not centered on PVP, its on grinding things, and grinding is PVE not PVP. Most players strictly do PVE content as well so balancing the game around PVP is a terrible idea.

    In the end there are far more reasons why no Romulan would ever wan't to work with a Klingon than with one.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    miaxi wrote: »
    Hahahaha... no. Keep your live-in alien pigs off my D'deridex.

    if you are talking about DOffs and BOffs... i intend to not let anything but Romulans on board anyway, no matter what side.

    I have too many Dosi, Wadi and Bajorans on my 10 Characters already to make it feel like a wild mish mash ...uncanny.

    Being a racist DOffer is real hard...
    Jem'Hadar char -> has a very hard time getting an Jemmy DOffs at all.
    Ferengi char in D'Kora -> lots of GREEN ferengi, very few Purple... no way to upgrade lower DOffs to higher Ferengi DOffs... *stuck*
    Cardassian in Galor -> well there is the Cardassian Officer Exchange, but with 28 hours duration and low Purple chance it may take years to get 400 Purples without the Exchange out of that ONE assignment... at least it's moving forward constantly (and with 6 chars in the same faction i can email all Cardies to my Spoonhead too...)

    Orion and Gorn chars at least have the option to upgrade DOffs on the species specific up-grinders... i'm just not doing that for so much Dilithium while there are free ways in the game, slow progress here, but progress.

    I will throw every non-romulan off my Warbird. mark my words!
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Or just DELETE PVP forever

    Remember the Romulans are not going to take orders from the wimp in charge of the Federation OR The imbred incharge of the Empire

    They are going to be allys
    if anyone was going to be absorbed it should be the federation
    Live long and Prosper
  • miaximiaxi Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was talking about the actual alien pigs klingons breed on their ships because they like their food fresh, also known as Targ, but your point is good, too.

  • dixoniumdixonium Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And rob the player of one of the first meaningful choices they've ever been allowed to make in the ongoing development of their character? No thanks.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    nope, and for a few reasons i can think off of the top of my head. Following the destruction of Romulas the Klingon Empire invaded and slaughtered many Romulans. Also lets add to the fact that Romulan's hate Klingons, that has been a constant for 100+ years at this point.

    The Romulan stratagy is also to side with who is stronger, they are survivalists and the Federation is in a much stronger position right now than the Klingons. Let's also consider the Unification of Vulcan's and Romulan's this is a current agenda of the new Republic so why would they cast aside there long term goals?

    As for world PVP no thank you, I have no interest in open world PVP, how would you implement it, that you could attack on sight? I'm sorry but nope, and the other method is manually flagging for PVP which also won't work people don't tend to flag themselves, and Cryptic will not make another server just for PVP to occur you can keep dreaming though.

    Also lets not forget that as much as the PVP community likes to think, the core of the game is not centered on PVP, its on grinding things, and grinding is PVE not PVP. Most players strictly do PVE content as well so balancing the game around PVP is a terrible idea.

    In the end there are far more reasons why no Romulan would ever wan't to work with a Klingon than with one.

    The Romulan stratagy is also to side with who is stronger <-
    they sided with the Duras Sisters... who lost the Klingon Civil War after Picard stopped their Romulan help.

    The Romulans help whoever agrees with their goals and/or can be controlled to do their bidding.

    "Let's also consider the Unification of Vulcan's and Romulan's this is a current agenda of the new Republic so why would they cast aside there long term goals?"

    IMHO, and that is just my opinion -> SELA is in the game, so USE her, D'Tan is a wuzz, he has done nothing so far to earn my loyalty and wants to get back together with Vulcan, Vulcans that DENIED to help the Romulans when the Hobus Star problem became known!

    Look at Nero's feelings towards the Federation and Vulcan because of this whole thing.

    D'Tan may carry on Spocks torch as unificationist, but leaders change quickly these days. As a Romulan Citizen i would not expect him to survive 2409. Not if he is the wuzz that STOs Playerbase feels he is.... but maybe he is really a Bad A*s and we just don't know it yet? We wll see if he is worthy to be followed. imho the only thing that speaks for him by now is that he has the Support of Obisek, and that dude is cool.

    "As for world PVP no thank you"
    *shrug* PVP needs to be better, an open PvP Sector War would just be logical for a game like this. Add a PvP Reputation system on top of it and many more would join, there just needs to be actual fun content (Maps / Modes) and Incentive (Rep System) and it would work just fine. We just need the Player numbers to back it up, but with a 18% KDF faction, that would just not be balanced.

    "In the end there are far more reasons why no Romulan would ever wan't to work with a Klingon than with one."

    -> In the end the Soldiers will follow where the leaders will take them.
    If Sela says help Duras, then it will be so, if Jempok (enemy of Martok and friend of Duras iirc) says let the Romulans on our Starbases and sell them tech + some story reason, like the War is going badly for the KDF, we need support or we loose... then having some Romulan and Reman cannon fodder to throw at the Feds would be just fine IMHO.

    Also also lets not forget:
    - there was an exchange of the D-7 Class for Cloaking Device tech.
    - there are Klingons who lived peacefully together with Romulans on a Prison colony, their Children were set free
    - Romulans and Klingons fought the Dominion side by side, which was the biggest war in recent history, doesn't matter if the Feds were holding them together.
    - Even Worf said "the Romulans fought with honor" in Nemesis... if WORF can change his opinion, who let a Romulan DIE because he did not want to give him his blood... then the Dominion War might have changed some opinions too i'd say.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    From a game play POV it's a bad idea
  • p41nm4k3rp41nm4k3r Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2013
    I have a better idea, remove the KDF from the game entirely.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    IMHO, and that is just my opinion -> SELA is in the game, so USE her, D'Tan is a wuzz, he has done nothing so far to earn my loyalty and wants to get back together with Vulcan, Vulcans that DENIED to help the Romulans when the Hobus Star problem became known!

    omg soo this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ im happy to see im not the only one who cant eat this TRIBBLE
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited March 2013
    p41nm4k3r wrote: »
    I have a better idea, remove the KDF from the game entirely.

    You mean the KDF conqueres the Federation.
  • p41nm4k3rp41nm4k3r Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2013
    You mean the KDF conqueres the Federation.
    Only if they are deleted afterwards.
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    The Romulan stratagy is also to side with who is stronger <-
    they sided with the Duras Sisters... who lost the Klingon Civil War after Picard stopped their Romulan help.

    The Romulans help whoever agrees with their goals and/or can be controlled to do their bidding.

    "Let's also consider the Unification of Vulcan's and Romulan's this is a current agenda of the new Republic so why would they cast aside there long term goals?"

    IMHO, and that is just my opinion -> SELA is in the game, so USE her, D'Tan is a wuzz, he has done nothing so far to earn my loyalty and wants to get back together with Vulcan, Vulcans that DENIED to help the Romulans when the Hobus Star problem became known!

    Look at Nero's feelings towards the Federation and Vulcan because of this whole thing.

    D'Tan may carry on Spocks torch as unificationist, but leaders change quickly these days. As a Romulan Citizen i would not expect him to survive 2409. Not if he is the wuzz that STOs Playerbase feels he is.... but maybe he is really a Bad A*s and we just don't know it yet? We wll see if he is worthy to be followed. imho the only thing that speaks for him by now is that he has the Support of Obisek, and that dude is cool.

    "As for world PVP no thank you"
    *shrug* PVP needs to be better, an open PvP Sector War would just be logical for a game like this. Add a PvP Reputation system on top of it and many more would join, there just needs to be actual fun content (Maps / Modes) and Incentive (Rep System) and it would work just fine. We just need the Player numbers to back it up, but with a 18% KDF faction, that would just not be balanced.

    "In the end there are far more reasons why no Romulan would ever wan't to work with a Klingon than with one."

    -> In the end the Soldiers will follow where the leaders will take them.
    If Sela says help Duras, then it will be so, if Jempok (enemy of Martok and friend of Duras iirc) says let the Romulans on our Starbases and sell them tech + some story reason, like the War is going badly for the KDF, we need support or we loose... then having some Romulan and Reman cannon fodder to throw at the Feds would be just fine IMHO.

    Also also lets not forget:
    - there was an exchange of the D-7 Class for Cloaking Device tech.
    - there are Klingons who lived peacefully together with Romulans on a Prison colony, their Children were set free
    - Romulans and Klingons fought the Dominion side by side, which was the biggest war in recent history, doesn't matter if the Feds were holding them together.
    - Even Worf said "the Romulans fought with honor" in Nemesis... if WORF can change his opinion, who let a Romulan DIE because he did not want to give him his blood... then the Dominion War might have changed some opinions too i'd say.

    no world PVP that is one thing that is a terrible idea plain and simple, can't you PVPers stay in your dark corner and play with the 5% of the playerbase that enjoys PVP and leave the rest of us alone?

    I will say this, its very annoying to hear the PVP crowd whine and moan all the time that they want changes, when they are a minority a very small one at that. This entire request is based purly on PVP QQ which IMO is just stupid.

    As far as Romulans working with the Klingots it makes no sense in Star Trek at all, the Klingons don't want an Ally they want a slave, but they know if they try to conquer Romulan space out right they end up in a state of full blown war with the Federation, one they couldn't win, despite what you klingots think, this isn't a state of open war, because I'm not getting any missions to do orbital bombardments of your industrial facilities yet.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    chalpen wrote: »
    Why would any of the new romulans join the kdf?
    Less missions, ships, customization.
    Unles you force the romulans to join the kdf, the kdf will remember the "good old days of the 18%"

    The Romulan content should take a new captain to level 40 without having to worry too much about Federation or Klingon missions. So number of missions should be a non-issue. As for ships... if getting to fly a Starfleet vessel is a deciding factor for you, why play a Romulan at all? Customization is mostly tied into races, which the Romulans won't use, and uniforms, which the Romulans can't use.

    On the Klingon side of things... the KDF has better special consoles and more end-game missions. My Rommie is going to roll KDF, and if Cryptic decided to balance the PVP queue's by forcing Romulans to queue as Klingons, I wouldn't mind much.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    no world PVP that is one thing that is a terrible idea plain and simple, can't you PVPers stay in your dark corner and play with the 5% of the playerbase that enjoys PVP and leave the rest of us alone?

    I will say this, its very annoying to hear the PVP crowd whine and moan all the time that they want changes, when they are a minority a very small one at that. This entire request is based purly on PVP QQ which IMO is just stupid.

    As far as Romulans working with the Klingots it makes no sense in Star Trek at all, the Klingons don't want an Ally they want a slave, but they know if they try to conquer Romulan space out right they end up in a state of full blown war with the Federation, one they couldn't win, despite what you klingots think, this isn't a state of open war, because I'm not getting any missions to do orbital bombardments of your industrial facilities yet.

    FYI: i am NOT a PVPer.
    PVP in STO sux, and i don't touch it as long as i don't have to. (only in Jupiter Force Fleet events really... those are well organized and one or two times a month. There we make up our own rules, like shuttle PvP or Jem'Hadar vs. Fed etc. but nobody gets me into the PvP queue)

    I don't mind playing against other players, i played a lot of competetive games since the days of Star Trek Elite Force / Unreal Tournament 2004 / Battlefield etc. ok that was more shooter genre but who cares. I'm not opposed to play PvP IF IT IS DONE WELL.

    In STO it is not. And it is not getting better by doing nothing.

    And i can assure you there are more than 5% of the Playerbase like me who just lean back and wait for Cryptic to finally do something to PvP that makes it fun.

    "This entire request is based purly on PVP QQ which IMO is just stupid."

    mmmh... nope i pretty clearly stated in the OP that it is about Queue times in general, PvE and PvP, i don't make a distinction there only because i mostly ignore the one that hides in shame behind the bermuda triangle menu.

    I'm mostly annoyed that i can't get fleetactions to pop at all and that it can take 10 minutes for any Fleet Mark grind mission to start if you try to play at the wrong time of the day.

    Personally i'm mostly DOffing and working on my little DOff Sheet anyway + the occasional STF.
  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    Ships -> you want to fly FED / KDF ships with your Romulan? WHY?
    Because nothing beats a Mirror Patrol Escort for looks, that's why!

    Granted, I probably won't be bothering with a Romulan unless you must fly a warbird to be competitive in PvP and warbirds are exclusive to Romulans.
    Joined: January 2010

    Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    imho the Captain has to fit to the Ship


    i have only 2 exceptions
    my Gorn flies a Nausicaan Ship. but then both Ships are non-canon and therefore i can just imagine it the other way around... and Gorn Ships are SCI, i hate SCI ships, and a TAC captain in a Sci ship? naaah...

    And my Orion got sick of the slow boring gameplay of the Orion Ships so she got a Breen Ship... there is no playable Breen Captain... so... *shrug* then she is a Orion Pirate and stole the ship, who cares.

    but in general, my Galor has a Cardy captain, my D'Kora has a Ferengi captain + crew, my Jem'Hadar AlienGenFake Captain has all 3 Jemmy ships by now, the proper Lobi outfit and the others are fitting to their Ships too.

    I made a Caitian, leveld him up to 50 bought the 2000 (?) Zen Atrox Carrier... hated the Ship, dismissed it after multiple respecs and BOff layouts ... then i hat that Kitty Captain sitting in the 1000 day vet ship... until i got bored of it... and ultimately i delted the Character because he was just a failed experiment.

    So... yah i'm pretty serious about it, Captain + Crew have to fit the Ship, i honestly get annoyed if too many Bajoran DOffs creep into my Galor Class DOff Roster

    So my Romulan will fly Romulan Ships and nothing else.

    I probably could do with half the characters... but... oh well had nothing to do in the "Year of Hell" so i rolled one alt after the other.

    At 5 i said i had enough... at 7 i said i had too many... at 11 i just gave up.
    Now i kept it at 10 for a while... and now the throw Romulans at me... now i have to do at least one more... and if there are any decent Reman Ships (Scimitar LOOK but smaller... like in that Comic ) it will be 2 more Chars for sure.
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