would u stop comparing a country to a continent, thats comparing apples to oranges. In fact USA has about 5 times the population of the UK how about them apples. lol
That's irrelevant. UK's not part of Europe anyway, is it? 8-P
People really need to stop whining about lag and stability problem.I never had any problem with this game(not talking about bug cuz there may be some)or any online game at all in 15 years of playing online games.Get a better connection or internet provider or even a better network card.And now about the time zone,just get used to it and is it gonna kill you to take a break of 2 hours...
To be fair, it happens sometimes, and I have a very solid provider.
But then again, I expect it to happen, and it isn't as bad as I would expect it to be.
The flip side, though, is the issue of getting disconnected (or taking forever) in transitioning maps. "Server not responding." I suspect (but don't know for sure) that there is some degree of hand-off between servers, and that isn't going as smoothly as it should. It's my hioe that this is one of the things that they are working on.
I really hate it when stereotypes fit, but dear Americans, "American Idiot" isn't something the rest of the world just makes up to annoy you. q.e.d. up there...
I figure if you're going to lower yourself to name calling I will just go to my old standby...
American idiot, neato, he got the population totals wrong, Germans started a genocide and most of Europe stood by and watched. I'll take the American idiot to the Euro idiots any time. By the way, if you don't know the words to the German national anthem... thank an American idiot... idiot.
RE: "Waah Waah the downtime is inconvenient for me:"
A company is going to do their maintenance when it best suits them to do so. I assume that there are a few possible things taken into consideration:
1. Where the company, servers, and engineers are located.
2. Where the game sees its least amount of logged on users.
Now the decision could be based on either or both of those things. But I really doubt it is based on "Let's see if we can really TRIBBLE off the europeans."
Yes, America isn't the center of the world. But *shocked gasp* neither is europe. In fact, as the plant is a sphere, I don't think there are any players actually playing from the center of the earth.
Look, accept this simple bit of reality and deal with it: No matter when maintenance is scheduled, it will inconvenience someone. Quit feeling like you are persecuted, and just accept that maintenance has to happen. And if you happen to be one of the people inconvenienced by it, then in the immortal words of Denis Leary, "Life sucks - get a helmet." But to come on here every single stinkin' week crying like a baby over 2 whole hours that you can't play - it's really pointless and annoying. Grow up.
That's irrelevant. UK's not part of Europe anyway, is it? 8-P
To be fair, it happens sometimes, and I have a very solid provider.
But then again, I expect it to happen, and it isn't as bad as I would expect it to be.
The flip side, though, is the issue of getting disconnected (or taking forever) in transitioning maps. "Server not responding." I suspect (but don't know for sure) that there is some degree of hand-off between servers, and that isn't going as smoothly as it should. It's my hioe that this is one of the things that they are working on.
yes it is lol
I figure if you're going to lower yourself to name calling I will just go to my old standby...
American idiot, neato, he got the population totals wrong, Germans started a genocide and most of Europe stood by and watched. I'll take the American idiot to the Euro idiots any time. By the way, if you don't know the words to the German national anthem... thank an American idiot... idiot.
A company is going to do their maintenance when it best suits them to do so. I assume that there are a few possible things taken into consideration:
1. Where the company, servers, and engineers are located.
2. Where the game sees its least amount of logged on users.
Now the decision could be based on either or both of those things. But I really doubt it is based on "Let's see if we can really TRIBBLE off the europeans."
Yes, America isn't the center of the world. But *shocked gasp* neither is europe. In fact, as the plant is a sphere, I don't think there are any players actually playing from the center of the earth.
Look, accept this simple bit of reality and deal with it: No matter when maintenance is scheduled, it will inconvenience someone. Quit feeling like you are persecuted, and just accept that maintenance has to happen. And if you happen to be one of the people inconvenienced by it, then in the immortal words of Denis Leary, "Life sucks - get a helmet." But to come on here every single stinkin' week crying like a baby over 2 whole hours that you can't play - it's really pointless and annoying. Grow up.
Continental Europe isn't getting much love from the UK. Never has.
The English Channel is wider than the Atlantic Ocean... 8-/
Brandon =/\=