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Stop Beating Around the Bush - Just nerf Tacs



  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Good point. Still, I don't think the cruisers could win, even if the escorts made a mistake.

    Five cruisers (cross healing all the while) chain tractor beam, EWP and target engines targetting one escort at at a time. Cruisers - 15, Escorts - 0 ... just sayin.

    There is only ONE thing is STO that is truly OP .... TEAMWORK!
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The problem isn't tactical players, the problem is Cryptic and PWE. They have been butchering the game since F2P with their magical DOFF specialists and continued lockbox fiestas. Do you think it is ever going to stop?

    How many promises have they really kept when it comes down to the old content? A few bug fixes that their new content created? Speaking of their "new" content, look they ditched that just as fast as the subscription model.

    They need to ditch this "ima make as many consoles and doff specialists as possible to make balance impossible" model and go back to a more appearance based model. People WILL pay to have a pretty skin for their ship.


    Now we have a new faction coming up, that will also be neglected. It is nothing more than gimmicks now, because that is how we attract the brainwashed public, gimmicks. Content? What name so? Long term goals? Never. Short term $$$$$ gains? Always.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Five cruisers (cross healing all the while) chain tractor beam, EWP and target engines targetting one escort at at a time. Cruisers - 15, Escorts - 0 ... just sayin.

    There is only ONE thing is STO that is truly OP .... TEAMWORK!

    I wonder what would happen if you dropped a Grav Well on the cruisers...

    My money's on the escorts. Although mass healing cruisers is a challenge, it's nothing that two or more Subnucs can't take care of, and one mistake by the cruiser team would be catastrophic. Escorts are better able to resist what cruisers can throw at them, and they can bug out (haha) to save their own arses, if all else fails.
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    The problem isn't tactical players, the problem is Cryptic and PWE. They have been butchering the game since F2P with their magical DOFF specialists and continued lockbox fiestas. Do you think it is ever going to stop?

    How many promises have they really kept when it comes down to the old content? A few bug fixes that their new content created? Speaking of their "new" content, look they ditched that just as fast as the subscription model.

    They need to ditch this "ima make as many consoles and doff specialists as possible to make balance impossible" model and go back to a more appearance based model. People WILL pay to have a pretty skin for their ship.


    Now we have a new faction coming up, that will also be neglected. It is nothing more than gimmicks now, because that is how we attract the brainwashed public, gimmicks. Content? What name so? Long term goals? Never. Short term $$$$$ gains? Always.

    I've only just joined a few months ago.

    Exactly how long has this been going on?
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    eraserfish wrote: »
    I've only just joined a few months ago.

    Exactly how long has this been going on?

    It was always there somewhat, but manageable, but it got severe after F2P. At first F2P started out not so bad, I was actually hopeful, then it got gradually worse. STO is now nothing more than a propagandist's dream come true.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    It was always there somewhat, but manageable, but it got severe after F2P. At first F2P started out not so bad, I was actually hopeful, then it got gradually worse. STO is now nothing more than a propagandist's dream come true.

    This is sadly true. Before PWE when it was just cryptic they stuck true to the "C-store is for cosmetic items only."

    Then PWE took over and we fell deep into pay 2 win territory. After that F2P was inevitable as subscribers are generally unwilling to pay to be the underdogs.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Before F2P things were pretty easy going, although sometimes it felt like places were ghost towns. I was happy to see so many new people during F2P stuff.

    It went well for awhile, sure we had a lockbox, that didn't bother me that much. The dilithium exchange was there but it wasn't required.

    Then the StarBase release came out, it turned into a huge grindfest for awhile but there were ways to keep up with it without having 100+ people grinding for it. Then the special feature projects which weren't required but asked for insane sums of dilithium. This was a clear attempt to make Dilithium Exchange used more. It just meant you did a few more elite STFs on multiple characters.

    It was manageable and not life sucking.

    This then later provoked the fleet mark nerf, and then the great Dilithium Nerf of 2012. Making the grindfest ten times longer than before. Killing off small fleets, and increasing Cryptic's cashflow.

    But to quote them "this isn't to nerf players ability to gain dilithium, it is to help make dilithium more readily available for all." or something like that. At least that is how I remember it.

    At that point all flags were up, there is no end to the greed, the propaganda, and punishment of players who speak out against it. I mean look at their recent gimmick, a countdown to content that will be later released. A ruse, a way to gather hype. Propaganda at its best. What more can you say? What more can you expect?

    If anything, these past months... Cryptic has gotten worse, not better.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    It was always there somewhat, but manageable, but it got severe after F2P. At first F2P started out not so bad, I was actually hopeful, then it got gradually worse. STO is now nothing more than a propagandist's dream come true.

    People still play this game?

    Amazing, because the attitudes of Cryptic and some of its developers essentially amount to belittling insults and some rather unpleasant insinuations towards some of its playerbase.

    - Beams are working as designed.

    - Dual Heavy Cannons won't be nerfed.

    - Something something trinity.

    I've come to the conclusion that either they're delusional, desperately understaffed (I've heard that only one guy is in charge of adjusting abilities and thus balance), or that they simply don't care.

    Either way, I've made something of an ultimatum for myself. If Cryptic turns things around by the time May comes around, I'll celebrate by buying a $25 game card and will resume periodically buying game cards. However, if nothing worthwhile happens, I'll just leave because it's only going to get more poisonous from there.
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yet another bash cryptic forum.... NEXT!!
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    You can buy anything from the C-Store by converting dilithium to Zen without ever spending a cent. That's not pay to win.~By grinding your life away~added by mewi

    Fixed ;o! Sorry but you have to be more reasonable about it.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    You can buy anything from the C-Store by converting dilithium to Zen without ever spending a cent. That's not pay to win.

    In a sense, it is "pay to win" because it can net you a notable advantage over the competition.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Five cruisers (cross healing all the while) chain tractor beam, EWP and target engines targetting one escort at at a time. Cruisers - 15, Escorts - 0 ... just sayin.

    There is only ONE thing is STO that is truly OP .... TEAMWORK!

    So uh...the Escorts won't be crosshealing?

    The reason nobody would die and it would be a stalemate is because there's nobody there to drop the SNB. :(
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    You can buy anything from the C-Store by converting dilithium to Zen without ever spending a cent. That's not pay to win.

    If somewhere in the direct transaction chain (IE: a subscription doesn't count) real money must be spent to attain a statistical, ability-based or other advantage, it's pay to win.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It would not surprise me if his definition of learning to play is to pop APA and then sit on the spacebar. If people who have spent months attempting to get viable builds have found that these ships are just too uncompetitive, I would believe them over some one-liner wally.

    I've played tac and eng and getting into science. You have to understand the play style. For cruisers. since their turn rate isn't the best I use a combo beam array and turrets. you just need 2 turrets but only if you have room. my average build for the high level cruisers is 2 turrets, beam arrays, and dual beams. depending on cruiser I could do RCS then I focus on a balance to defends against all types of weapons types and shield enhancers. weapons of choice are either tets or antiproton. and officers are geared for healing and attack. and I barely touch TT.
  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited March 2013
    Only if said person wins because of the item too.

    You also have to remember that a Zen ship or even a fleet ship doesn't have to cost anyone any real world cash. Lockbox ships don't either but you have to either be extremely lucky or buy from the exchange where someone most likely paid real cash for it.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    no what I do think is you need to learn how to play your class iv seem lots of sci/engi toons do serious damage as well as tank everything thrown at them, why not use feed back pulse 3 and return all that dps back to the tac/escort use polaron wepons to drain there energy with energy syphon and that tac/escort cant turn or do any dps due to having no energy

    Funny you say that. I was just in a PvP with a Vesta. I had 125 Aux and I have 9 in particle generators and I use one purple Mk XII particle generator console. I was attacked by an Andorian escort piloted by a tac captain AWAY from the main battle, as in just him, just me. As he closed in to attack attack I hit Feedback pulse III, Tactical Team I, EPtS II and Pol Hull I.

    In less than 5 seconds he had ripped through my shields, destroyed my hull and had 93% of his hull left. It's an Andorian escort, a supposed glass cannon. Now tell me that escorts are not OP. If you do, then you're in serious need of help.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A new and more interesting idea:

    Lets nerf everyone who cries nerf or posts a nerf X thread and only allow them to use nerfed uncommon MK I gear.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    Why is it so difficult to understand that Tactical captains are meant to do damage? That's their role. Read the text when rolling a new character - Tacticals do damage. Period.

    How do you define "too powerful"? What evidence do you have to show them as broken and in need of fixing? The notion that Science or Engineering captains need buffs is a false one too.

    I don't know about Science, but Engineering is in need of an adjustment.

    Unlike Science or Engineering, none of a Tactical captain's abilities can be considered weak or undesirable. They get an ability that lowers BOff cooldowns, as well as three different abilities that increase damage output. Unlike Engineering, they don't have to wait two minutes for their abilities to cooldown. Compare Nadion Inversion (the ability that makes full beam broadsides viable) to Attack Pattern Alpha.

    Success in this game is determined by the wreckage you leave behind, because that lets you win PvP fights, efficiently accomplish missions and optional objectives, and get the best loot. Tactical does the most damage by default; Science and Engineering have nothing that comes close, and are left to pick up scraps.
    valoreah wrote: »
    But that competition has access to the same items without ever paying a cent. People who spend real money are just getting an item faster versus spending a month grinding for it. It's still the same gear/ship no matter how you go about buying it. That is not what pay to win is.

    Let's say you have two people joining the game at the same time. Someone who puts money into the game will progress faster, unlock and purchase the best loot sooner, and so on. One month in, the person who puts in money will be at a definite advantage compared to the person who did not. Pay to win is all about securing an advantage by expending real-world currency. All free to play games are like this, and the only thing that varies is how fair they are to those who do not pay with cash.

    Please don't try to argue the point further.
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've played tac and eng and getting into science. You have to understand the play style. For cruisers. since their turn rate isn't the best I use a combo beam array and turrets. you just need 2 turrets but only if you have room. my average build for the high level cruisers is 2 turrets, beam arrays, and dual beams. depending on cruiser I could do RCS then I focus on a balance to defends against all types of weapons types and shield enhancers. weapons of choice are either tets or antiproton. and officers are geared for healing and attack. and I barely touch TT.


  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    View Post
    You can buy anything from the C-Store by converting dilithium to Zen without ever spending a cent. That's not pay to win.~By grinding your life away~added by mewi
    Fixed ;o! Sorry but you have to be more reasonable about it.

    Even if you never bought more character slots and are just using the free ones, the amount of "grind" for endgame/BiS-gear is still ridiculously low, especially if you take into account that there isn't any content and item progression.

    Anyone claiming that STO is "p2W" or that "grind-time" is too high is completely clueless and exaggerating. Those people should take a look at any mmo outside of STO, where you really have to invest time (or money) to progress and where the gear they grinded (or bought) gets obsoleted 3 months after it was released.
  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Even if you never bought more character slots and are just using the free ones, the amount of "grind" for endgame/BiS-gear is still ridiculously low, especially if you take into account that there isn't any content and item progression.

    Anyone claiming that STO is "p2W" or that "grind-time" is too high is completely clueless and exaggerating. Those people should take a look at any mmo outside of STO, where you really have to invest time (or money) to progress and where the gear they grinded (or bought) gets obsoleted 3 months after it was released.

    Putting cash into the game will allow you to unlock Fleet assets far more quickly than someone who doesn't. With it, you can run the lockbox lottery until the odds give out, or buy some Zen store items and sell them for EC on the exchange to buy the very best items. You can use it to buy items that allow you to level faster, gain fleet resources more quickly, and so on.

    However you put it, paying real-world currency secures a comparative advantage over those who don't, and that is p2w in of itself. STO is more fair than many MMOs about this, but the p2w element is still there.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    eraserfish wrote: »
    Let's say you have two people joining the game at the same time. Someone who puts money into the game will progress faster, unlock and purchase the best loot sooner, and so on.

    It really doesn't matter if someone joins at the same time or not. Anyone who an established character will have a larger advantage over those 2 poor people your comparing now. The longer you have been playing paid or not the more advantages you have. All "P2W" does is give a person a chance to catch up with those who have spent a long time in game. Even those who have been here since beta have some of these new item and have probably spent less money since it has gone f2p. The only difference is now the items are not account wide.

    What you really should be comparing is a new character for a lifetimer who can spend 5 minutes claiming all his legacy c-store items and have a decked out character before entering the tutorial vs. a new f2p character. Now there is a disadvantage. No p2w there but it is still noticeable.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    eraserfish wrote: »
    Putting cash into the game will allow you to unlock Fleet assets far more quickly than someone who doesn't.

    I feel sorry for the guy who has to pay money to get enough dilithium to get fleet items.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    eraserfish wrote: »
    STO is more fair than many MMOs about this, but the p2w element is still there.

    I'm sorry but that is so far from the truth. This is how Cryptic has bought you on the idea of dilithium. It isn't free, it is spend hours, upon hours of grinding your face into the dirt and drag yourself through recycled content that cryptic keeps pumping out.

    Not to mention the argument you just made to "get best gear" is to buy c-store items to sell for EC, to buy best gear in the game.

    Did I mention they nerfed ways of gaining EC in-game too?

    Got to do it all with dilithium and c-points now. That is the point of dilithium, it isn't to help players, it is to ensure that somewhere, somehow, someone is spending c-store points to convert to dilithium to buy the "new" content. I am saddened that there are still those out there that are sold on this idea.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    eraserfish wrote: »


    They hit shields, now do I use it for most of my ships, no but for my KDF carrier yes, and I have Omeaga mk 12 set on my Armitage with tets. pretty effective.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mewi wrote: »
    I'm sorry but that is so far from the truth. This is how Cryptic has bought you on the idea of dilithium. It isn't free, it is spend hours, upon hours of grinding your face into the dirt and drag yourself through recycled content that cryptic keeps pumping out.

    Not to mention the argument you just made to "get best gear" is to buy c-store items to sell for EC, to buy best gear in the game.

    Did I mention they nerfed ways of gaining EC in-game too?

    Got to do it all with dilithium and c-points now. That is the point of dilithium, it isn't to help players, it is to ensure that somewhere, somehow, someone is spending c-store points to convert to dilithium to buy the "new" content. I am saddened that there are still those out there that are sold on this idea.

    but your wrong. I only have to spend time to get the dil than i can convert it to c points and get the same stuff. I didn't pay a dime.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    Why is it so difficult to understand that Tactical captains are meant to do damage? That's their role. Read the text when rolling a new character - Tacticals do damage. Period.

    How do you define "too powerful"? What evidence do you have to show them as broken and in need of fixing? The notion that Science or Engineering captains need buffs is a false one too.

    That's not the entire issue, it's one thing to do damage it's entirely another to be a cannon that's made of reinforced steel and not glass. That's the issue I and many others have with it. You can literally tank with an escort now. I know I've seen it done countless times.

    They need to separate attack patterns and evasive patterns into two separate skills, reduce the escorts defense by 15% across the board and remove the ability of tactical boosts to science and engineering skills while simultaneously boosting the damage and holds on those skills and boosting the time subsystem targets on science ships last and then we'll see some real balance happening. Until then it's a moot argument to try to say it's balanced now because clearly it's not.
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    but your wrong. I only have to spend time to get the dil than i can convert it to c points and get the same stuff. I didn't pay a dime.

    You paid in time my friend, and that equals money for Cryptic. Time = Money. They know this, that is why they have you as their slave, running recycled content over... and over... and over again, for hours, and hours and hours.
    Even if you never bought more character slots and are just using the free ones, the amount of "grind" for endgame/BiS-gear is still ridiculously low, especially if you take into account that there isn't any content and item progression.

    Anyone claiming that STO is "p2W" or that "grind-time" is too high is completely clueless and exaggerating. Those people should take a look at any mmo outside of STO, where you really have to invest time (or money) to progress and where the gear they grinded (or bought) gets obsoleted 3 months after it was released.

    Imagine that, one of STO's oldest players, and one of the top PvPers in STO... saying that this game is P2W. I don't care that it is P2W, I care that their motivation is only to make cash by whatever scummy means they can come up with. Keyword: Scummy

    Lower staff, virtually eliminate customer support, reduce bug fixes, pump out new untested overpowered eyecandy content IE: Specialization doffs, lockboxes, etc, recycle old content and call it new, nerf in-game currency rates, implement untradable c-store compatible currency, nerf untradable c-store compatible currency, kill small fleets to ensure dilithium costs are always at a premium, make untold sums of real life currency from currency conversion system known as Dilithium Exchange, break every game mechanic and state it is in working order.

    The Star Trek IP is gone in STO.

    Paramount should make a new sci fi called Greed, I'm sure Cryptic would quickly take the IP into their warm laps.

    It is all there, clearly written out. Sure I expect gaming companies to be greedy, but the sheer magnitude of Cryptic's Greed has surpassed all other MMOs I have ever played. That tells a lot, because I have played an uncountable amount.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They need to separate attack patterns and evasive patterns into two separate skills, reduce the escorts defense by 15% across the board and remove the ability of tactical boosts to science and engineering skills while simultaneously boosting the damage and holds on those skills and boosting the time subsystem targets on science ships last and then we'll see some real balance happening. Until then it's a moot argument to try to say it's balanced now because clearly it's not.

    No. When someone can do an 10k fleet galaxy-r with an aux2bat build then it is not an issue with escorts that can tank because they still aren't as tanky as that galaxy. The issue is that there are no enemies with a degree of difficulty between insta-invisi-torp-kill and the standard npcs we instantly kill. They tried to make things harder. Into the hive with the wave of tac cubes to start shows that a healer/tank can be practical. But why run it when you can do ISE/CSE/KASE with a better time to reward ratio.

    We have High DSP cruisers and high powered aux2bat cruisers. We need content, that can reflect that without the the community screaming the content is too hard and the npcs in them nerfed with cryptic agreeing.
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