Task Force Spectre first fleet to finish Starbase, Industrial Fabricator , Communications Array , Transwarp Conduit, Shipyard. We are the first fleet to finish everything. Great work fleet. we are second to none
Thanks, you are the second fleet after ours to complete all upgrades. Pretty cool! :cool:
We're not the 2nd fleet, you are. Look again, we are the 1st to complete everything. Sorry I had to do this, I felt like you were trying to rub it in my face.
We're not the 2nd fleet, you are. Look again, we are the 1st to complete everything. Sorry I had to do this, I felt like you were trying to rub it in my face.
We're not the 2nd fleet, you are. Look again, we are the 1st to complete everything. Sorry I had to do this, I felt like you were trying to rub it in my face.
Sorry, I had to do this -- Link: Oh, you mean the way you did to everyone on STO? You had to rub it in everyone's face. Sure, what your fleet did was an amazing accomplishment; however; the journey you took to get there was somewhat controversial. Your fleet members should take most of the credit, for they were the ones who busted their humps. Do not forget to thank everyone who helped along the way.
As a former member of Task Force Spectre, (left on my own terms), I can assure everyone that not everything in this fleet is roses. Even though Task Force Spectre may have a green lawn, what is lying underneath it is not to be desired. Every fleet hits bumps in the road. What makes the difference between an honest success and tainted victory is humility. If you reached the end without being humbled, the victory you obtain will be filled with bloated pride and arrogance. Acknowledging your successes, while also recognizing your failures, will determine the type of individual (or fleet) you are at the end.
Remember, its not the destination that is important, but the journey you take to get there that is important.
Congratulation to 'the fleet members' who worked hard, for without your effort, patience, and dedication Dura wouldn't have a fleetbase. Stop to take in this moment, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Sorry, I had to do this -- Link: Oh, you mean the way you did to everyone on STO? You had to rub it in everyone's face. Sure, what your fleet did was an amazing accomplishment; however; the journey you took to get there was somewhat controversial. Your fleet members should take most of the credit, for they were the ones who busted their humps. Do not forget to thank everyone who helped along the way.
As a former member of Task Force Spectre, (left on my own terms), I can assure everyone that not everything in this fleet is roses. Even though Task Force Spectre may have a green lawn, what is lying underneath it is not to be desired. Every fleet has bumps in the road. What makes the difference between an honest success and tainted victory is humility. If you reached the end without being humbled, the victory you obtain will be filled with bloated pride and arrogance. Acknowledging your successes, while also recognizing your failures, will determine the type of individual (or fleet) you are at the end.
Remember, its not the destination that is important, but the journey you take to get there that is important.
Congratulation to 'the fleet members' who worked hard, for without your effort, patience, and dedication Dura wouldn't have a fleetbase. Stop to take in this moment, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You can rest assured that we will never forget the journey to our destination. It has been some of the most fun and exciting times in my mmo career. We will never forget the hard work and sacrifices we put in. Nor have we ever forgotten the hard work andbsacrifice that Dura himself has put into the fleer. And by no means did we only celebrate completion, but we have celebrated our families progression and personal growth as well. And you can also rest assured that Dura has in no way at all claimed the glory for himself. He has and will continue to make us all know our importance in our fleet. Dura has thanked the fleet moretimes than I can think over the 8 months. Sometimes i wonderif we thank him enough for what he has done for all of us.
You can rest assured that we will never forget the journey to our destination.
After a group of us left Task Force Spectre, we attempted to pull a fleet together. Everything started on a positive note. I learned some valuable lessons. Once fleet owners and members get pulled into multiple directions, the stress level of everything goes up a hundred fold. Fleet owners are faced with the yearnings of the crew. Fleet members are faced with the goals set by the fleet owners. Although all the pieces may seem to fit together nicely, the unexpected has a way of tearing things apart. Regardless about how much the fleet owner and members prepare, the smallest misstep can cripple the strongest foundations.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member dynamics.
While I may have some private issues with Spectre's ownership, I do respect the hard work and dedication its crew put into reaching tier five. Since I am still friends with many of Spectre's members, I just want to congratulate everyone for reaching the end. Everyone stuck around for the hard stuff, and that speaks volumes about your dedication and perseverance.
You can rest assured that we will never forget the journey to our destination. It has been some of the most fun and exciting times in my mmo career. We will never forget the hard work and sacrifices we put in. Nor have we ever forgotten the hard work andbsacrifice that Dura himself has put into the fleer. And by no means did we only celebrate completion, but we have celebrated our families progression and personal growth as well. And you can also rest assured that Dura has in no way at all claimed the glory for himself. He has and will continue to make us all know our importance in our fleet. Dura has thanked the fleet moretimes than I can think over the 8 months. Sometimes i wonderif we thank him enough for what he has done for all of us.
I am in the fleet since the start, and I can say that Duramaster is one of the member of TFS that gave the most of his personal time and care to the members,
personally helping lots of peoples to progress, helping them in building their ships and settings...
also giving them lots of free parts, giving away ships, consoles, weapons...
he is always thinking ahead, what the fleet would need to progress smoothly...
some peoples wanted more and more for free... and some where jealous... some didn't understood, some where lazy, so they left...
its their choice...
I also put lots of hours for the fleet, and enjoy it!!! lots of good peoples lots of jokes...!
I am proud to be a member of the fleet!
some peoples wanted more and more for free... and some where jealous... some didn't understood, some where lazy, so they left...
Well, those are not the reasons why the ones I know left. Many of the members I know left, for they felt that there was too much emphasis on grinding. All the fleet's advertising and private messages said, "Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind..." Even though we had some fun moments, the fleet felt like it was being run like a sweatshop. As a matter of overall fact, I suggested to Dura that he should hire a private message writer. Since he had a problem with connecting, I thought maybe someone else should put a human side to his messages. Many of the messages he sent out seemed cold and demanding.
So, do not think that your reasons are the only ones.
While this achievement is one to be admired, the road you took to hit tier five is filled with controversy.
Sa`azym you still talking TRIBBLE. you left our fleet 3 times first time cause the rule was 100,000 fc on our leaderboard and you said that was to hard. I showed you how to get 100,000 you was happy you came back the last time you left. you took a total of 8 players out of 456 fleet members. how did that go i know read post 255. you trusted the wrong person that what happen she came back to tfs. and cause more drama. she will never return to the fleet. I made 99% of the fleet happy nothing i could do for the 1%. why are you still think of tfs you left over 6 months ago?
i quote linyive post 255
After a group of us left Task Force Spectre, we attempted to pull a fleet together. Everything started on a positive note. I learned some valuable lessons. Once fleet owners and members get pulled into multiple directions, the stress level of everything goes up a hundred fold. Fleet owners are faced with the yearnings of the crew. Fleet members are faced with the goals set by the fleet owners. Although all the pieces may seem to fit together nicely, the unexpected has a way of tearing things apart. Regardless about how much the fleet owner and members prepare, the smallest misstep can cripple the strongest foundations.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member dynamics.
While I may have some private issues with Spectre's ownership, I do respect the hard work and dedication its crew put into reaching tier five. Since I am still friends with many of Spectre's members, I just want to congratulate everyone for reaching the end. Everyone stuck around for the hard stuff, and that speaks volumes about your dedication and perseverance.
Sa`azym you still talking TRIBBLE. you left our fleet 3 times first time cause the rule was 100,000 fc on our leaderboard and you said that was to hard. I showed you how to get 100,000 you was happy you came back the last time you left. you took a total of 8 players out of 456 fleet members. how did that go? you trusted the wrong person that what happen she came back to tfs. and cause more drama. she will never return to the fleet. I made 99% of the fleet happy nothing i could do for the 1%. why are you still think of tfs you left over 6 months ago?
Actually, I first left your fleet because the 100,000 fc rule felt difficult, but you convinced me to come back into the fleet. After going through the system, I realized the flaw in my logic. I have no problem with admitting the mistake.
Do you see the difference between you and I? I have no problem with admitting my mistakes. Do you?
Why are you still think of tfs you left over 6 months ago?
Have you seen how many threads you have opened to gloat about your success? I can count three on the first two pages. You are being too prideful. Your threads are a little hard to miss.
Actually, I left your fleet because the 100,000 fc rule felt difficult, but you convinced me to come back into the fleet. After going through the system, I realized the flaw in my logic. I have no problem with admitting the mistake.
Do you see the difference between you and I? I have no problem with admitting my mistakes. Do you?
Have you seen how many threads you have opened to gloat about your success?
i admit when i am wrong also tried of people assuming. if i never care why would i have wasted my time showing you what we have our rules in place for. Easy to blame one person especially fleet admiral.
i don't gloat i do the threads and the video for the fleet to show our hard work paid off. T.F.S should be proud of there accomplishment. Our leaderboard shows Tfs was not done by one person but done by many. I will not keep going back and forth with you. You do have flaw logic I don't and why cause all my discussions are made as a group on teamspeak .
i admit when i am wrong also tried of people assuming. if i never care why would i have wasted my time showing you what we have our rules in place for. Easy to blame one person especially fleet admiral
As I previously said within this thread, I admire and respect the success of your crew. Your fleet members have worked really hard, and they should be commended for their dedication and commitment. Since some of them are my friends, I am very happy for what they have achieved.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member relationships, for sometimes it takes away from the overall fun. Fleet owners have to deal with the wants and desires of members. Fleet members have to deal with the fleet owner's objectives. Its not always an easy relationship. Stress can skyrocket due to the simplest things. Your fleet has worked through the hard stuff, and that says a lot for their character.
Treat them better than you did us. Never take them for granted.
I think Dura has every right to be proud of what his leadership has achieved. I love being a member of tfs and have met the best people here. i never feel pressured to grind, and i have never had so much fun in sto before.
Cold and demanding?????? He has done nothing but dedicate all of his time to helping others and building an amazing fleet, i can't imagine him being the way described previously. But then again i have taken the time to get to know the man, can the jealous haters say the same?
Everything i have learned of Dura and his fleet, is kindness, generosity, unlimited collective knowledge and heaps of fun, i couldn't ask for more.
Also as a female i must add that i have never felt uncomfortable due to any comments made by higher officers, they are all lovely.
I think Dura has every right to be proud of what his leadership has achieved. I love being a member of tfs and have met the best people here. i never feel pressured to grind, and i have never had so much fun in sto before.
Cold and demanding?????? He has done nothing but dedicate all of his time to helping others and building an amazing fleet, i can't imagine him being the way described previously. But then again i have taken the time to get to know the man, can the jealous haters say the same?
Everything i have learned of Dura and his fleet, is kindness, generosity, unlimited collective knowledge and heaps of fun, i couldn't ask for more.
Also as a female i must add that i have never felt uncomfortable due to any comments made by higher officers, they are all lovely.
Task Force Spectre and proud!!!! :D:D
True and well said!!!
That's what's keeping me playing..., for more than a year! :cool:
Task Force Spectre is recruiting. The House Of Spectre is recruiting. Legion Of Spectre is recruiting. Moving full steam ahead unstoppable. unbreakable.
like dura said we r recruiting for every faction, fed, kdf, and rom all the time. there are basically no restrictions except you have contribute and dont be a an idiot. we have complete t5 starbase on the fed side, t4 starbase on kdf and rom. if you are interested you can contact me at @starfleetownsall or post a reply for kdf side or rom side. i leave tfs to dura
Kudos to TFS, even as a non-member, it's awesome to see what a good big crew of dedicated players can achieve in a rather short time. I can nothing but congratulate you on what you have achieved so far and still going strong.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Come on people, we're opening the doors to new members for any and all factions: Federation, Klingon & Romulan.
Join one of the finest fleets in STO. Quality through and through from the leadership of our Grand Dictator to the latest recruit, and everyone in between.
Its not been easy, and a huge commitment from everyone involved. Not cheap either, Well done all
oh yea not cheap at all.
We're not the 2nd fleet, you are. Look again, we are the 1st to complete everything. Sorry I had to do this, I felt like you were trying to rub it in my face.
No worries, I got it wrong.
Congrats on completion.
As a former member of Task Force Spectre, (left on my own terms), I can assure everyone that not everything in this fleet is roses. Even though Task Force Spectre may have a green lawn, what is lying underneath it is not to be desired. Every fleet hits bumps in the road. What makes the difference between an honest success and tainted victory is humility. If you reached the end without being humbled, the victory you obtain will be filled with bloated pride and arrogance. Acknowledging your successes, while also recognizing your failures, will determine the type of individual (or fleet) you are at the end.
Remember, its not the destination that is important, but the journey you take to get there that is important.
Congratulation to 'the fleet members' who worked hard, for without your effort, patience, and dedication Dura wouldn't have a fleetbase. Stop to take in this moment, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
no problem I take my hat off to you and your fleet. how you did it was super hard but you did it congratulation to Pride of the federation
You can rest assured that we will never forget the journey to our destination. It has been some of the most fun and exciting times in my mmo career. We will never forget the hard work and sacrifices we put in. Nor have we ever forgotten the hard work andbsacrifice that Dura himself has put into the fleer. And by no means did we only celebrate completion, but we have celebrated our families progression and personal growth as well. And you can also rest assured that Dura has in no way at all claimed the glory for himself. He has and will continue to make us all know our importance in our fleet. Dura has thanked the fleet moretimes than I can think over the 8 months. Sometimes i wonderif we thank him enough for what he has done for all of us.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member dynamics.
While I may have some private issues with Spectre's ownership, I do respect the hard work and dedication its crew put into reaching tier five. Since I am still friends with many of Spectre's members, I just want to congratulate everyone for reaching the end. Everyone stuck around for the hard stuff, and that speaks volumes about your dedication and perseverance.
Congrats and enjoy the moment.
I am in the fleet since the start, and I can say that Duramaster is one of the member of TFS that gave the most of his personal time and care to the members,
personally helping lots of peoples to progress, helping them in building their ships and settings...
also giving them lots of free parts, giving away ships, consoles, weapons...
he is always thinking ahead, what the fleet would need to progress smoothly...
some peoples wanted more and more for free... and some where jealous... some didn't understood, some where lazy, so they left...
its their choice...
I also put lots of hours for the fleet, and enjoy it!!! lots of good peoples lots of jokes...!
I am proud to be a member of the fleet!
So, do not think that your reasons are the only ones.
While this achievement is one to be admired, the road you took to hit tier five is filled with controversy.
Link: Now you know why I left this message.
If Dura is going to open up multiple threads for gloating, he will also have to acknowledge the controversy that got him there.
Some of us remember history differently.
i quote linyive post 255
After a group of us left Task Force Spectre, we attempted to pull a fleet together. Everything started on a positive note. I learned some valuable lessons. Once fleet owners and members get pulled into multiple directions, the stress level of everything goes up a hundred fold. Fleet owners are faced with the yearnings of the crew. Fleet members are faced with the goals set by the fleet owners. Although all the pieces may seem to fit together nicely, the unexpected has a way of tearing things apart. Regardless about how much the fleet owner and members prepare, the smallest misstep can cripple the strongest foundations.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member dynamics.
While I may have some private issues with Spectre's ownership, I do respect the hard work and dedication its crew put into reaching tier five. Since I am still friends with many of Spectre's members, I just want to congratulate everyone for reaching the end. Everyone stuck around for the hard stuff, and that speaks volumes about your dedication and perseverance.
Congrats and enjoy the moment.
Do you see the difference between you and I? I have no problem with admitting my mistakes. Do you?
Have you seen how many threads you have opened to gloat about your success? I can count three on the first two pages. You are being too prideful. Your threads are a little hard to miss.
i admit when i am wrong also tried of people assuming. if i never care why would i have wasted my time showing you what we have our rules in place for. Easy to blame one person especially fleet admiral.
i don't gloat i do the threads and the video for the fleet to show our hard work paid off. T.F.S should be proud of there accomplishment. Our leaderboard shows Tfs was not done by one person but done by many. I will not keep going back and forth with you. You do have flaw logic I don't and why cause all my discussions are made as a group on teamspeak .
As I previously said within this thread, I admire and respect the success of your crew. Your fleet members have worked really hard, and they should be commended for their dedication and commitment. Since some of them are my friends, I am very happy for what they have achieved.
I do not envy the fleet owner and fleet member relationships, for sometimes it takes away from the overall fun. Fleet owners have to deal with the wants and desires of members. Fleet members have to deal with the fleet owner's objectives. Its not always an easy relationship. Stress can skyrocket due to the simplest things. Your fleet has worked through the hard stuff, and that says a lot for their character.
Treat them better than you did us. Never take them for granted.
Congrats Task Force Spectre.
Cold and demanding?????? He has done nothing but dedicate all of his time to helping others and building an amazing fleet, i can't imagine him being the way described previously. But then again i have taken the time to get to know the man, can the jealous haters say the same?
Everything i have learned of Dura and his fleet, is kindness, generosity, unlimited collective knowledge and heaps of fun, i couldn't ask for more.
Also as a female i must add that i have never felt uncomfortable due to any comments made by higher officers, they are all lovely.
Task Force Spectre and proud!!!!
Thank god for that!
True and well said!!!
That's what's keeping me playing..., for more than a year! :cool:
We had one but it was not keep up with we are in the progress of rebuilding a new one.
I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Eternal Cessation@incorruptible137
Join one of the finest fleets in STO. Quality through and through from the leadership of our Grand Dictator to the latest recruit, and everyone in between.