We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.
EDIT: I asked for more information about the Andorian weapons change, and have updated the notes below.
- Andorian Phaser Weapons in the Dilithium store should now have the appropriate stats for Mk XI items.
- This is a slight decrease from their current statistics.
- This is retroactive for existing equipment.
- Updated the Plasma Flamethrower:
- Equipping the Plasma Flamethrower now gives you a full tank of fuel the first time you equip it after entering an area.
- Swapping weapons and swapping back will not refill your fuel.
- Drastically increased the Plasma Flamethrower's chance to inflict a Plasma DoT on the target.
- To compensate, slightly lowered the DoT damage per tick.
- The Plasma Flamethrower should now properly hit its targets at its maximum range.
- Bridge officers will now behave more intelligently with the Plasma Flamethrower.
- Players in a fleet should be able to get to their fleet's Holdings page from the Fleet front page.
- The Holdings page should show the fleet's current tier progress.
- Clicking on a tier should give information on that tier.
- Clicking on a project will show the donation buckets and the progress of each bucket.
- If a player has donation privileges they should be allowed to contribute just as they would in game.
- By default, anyone over a recruit should have donation privileges, but this is controlled by Fleet leaders.
- If a player is allowed to manage fleet holdings, they should be able to see what project is coming up next.
- Each Holding should have a Provisions page and a Leaderboard page which function much as they do in-game.
- There are some limitations to managing Fleet Holdings in Gateway.
- Currently donating Duty Officers and certain other items is disabled.
- New projects cannot be slotted from Gateway.
- Successfully contributing to a project incorrectly brings you back to the tier page.
- The donation slider displays incorrect values for certain items.
- Players can select project slots that are marked "Not Available", however they just show blank boxes.
So does this mean that the ones we have are not changed?
Does this mean that the weapons on my ship will be altered?
And what *are* the correct stats?
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Thanks for killing my work productivity.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
Apparently the weapons were mk 12 stats and not the mk 11 stats they were supposed to be. I thought it was just the perk of Andorian weapons having higher base damage due to their militaristic ways and aggression. But just an error.
I hope this means they are leaving the weapons we already bought alone, and just changing it so any new weapons are the ones that are fixed. Though don't know for sure yet till someone checks on tribble.
Edit: Just logged onto tribble and yeah they changed the values for all andorian weapons from dil store.
If they had just changed the stats I would be fine with it since they were announced as MkXI from the start....
But a dev said they want to put advanced andorian phaser weapons in the fleet store..... if I had known that, I would have never bothered with the much more expensive dill store versions.
I don't take too much not of whether they're Mk XI or Mk XII. I buy them solely based on the stats that are presented when you're given the option to buy. I know I'm not the only one who does that.
The error was on the Devs, not the player... Make it right Cryptic
Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13
They changed the ones on my ship as well:
DHC Comparison
I am not happy.
This is an equitable solution, not the best one for me, but I'll deal.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
I wouldn't go this far quite yet. Unless Cryptic bought one of the best strategy games ever made, promptly shelved it, pretended it didn't exist but kept it alive for legal reasons related to their purchase of the game for over three years, didn't post a single fix or update during at least the last two years the game was running, then killed it all to bastardize its code for lesser games which they also treat like garbage.
If they have... well then, I agree. But for a company to earn my wrath as much as SOE takes a special talent.
Not bitter about Star Chamber: The Harbinger Saga one bit. No sir.
Still thinking about doing something in the Foundry in tribute to it, though.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
hum.... I hope you're going to fix the bug where you can see other players Gateway pages by changing the URL as if not.... a new form of grieifing will appear
THIS! Right here.
I bought these weapons based on the stats. Now the stats are getting screwed? That's a great big ol' middle finger to the customer.
^THIS +10
^ I call BS since you can get mk xii purple weapons as drops in elite stfs, which all my just leveled noob toons can do without any fancy rep yet.
^ MONEY grab or to cover up any acknowledgement to quality control?
^MORE importantly what about the in-house test server, which they are testing season 8-ish on? -_-
^THIS +100
It makes me sad that a game I love to play {24 toons last count but i still have open slots
Good Hunting all
original post
Sorry but while you may "reserve the right to change stats" etc. - this sort of action is nothing short of highway robbery. You advertised something - we purchased it in good faith - and now you are going to severely nerf it because you apparently made a mistake. And its taken how long to address this after the weapons release??? .
Cmon guys, these decisions and the way you are handling some of these issues is getting beyond a joke. How about you show a little bit of respect for your playerbase for a change instead of constantly treating us with contempt.
This is working as intended. If you don't wish for your stats to be visible on gateway, set it so in your in game privacy settings.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I am really not going to be happy about this "fix"... >:|
Add Advanced and Elite to fleet stores, just add procs.. only bump damage up slightly...
Nobody loses and the devs can still add them
Those weapons were only supposed to be different visually... they cost the same as the other MkXI purple weapons from the dill store.
Changing the URL doesn't allow you to effect their character. Its purely observation.
Its not a bug, its a feature. They plan on adding a private feature.
just shows the devs are not listening again with will make players who purchased said weapons feel ripped of just like I do , I am ready for dropping sto because they claim to listen but do not
I'm seriously thinking about it too.
Are you saying players shouldn't go off base stats of purchased item alone?
This change isn't player error, its Dev error.... its not far fetched to request compensation.
(An example that's happened to me in the past)
I purchased a Collector's Edition of a game, Gamestop didn't have my copy on the release date. I was compensated with 10% discount coupon, because it was not my fault. They said they'd have the copy when I pre-ordered. The fault fell on Gamestop, they attempted to appease me with a compensation. I got my copy a few days later...
It would bolster Cryptics PR image greatly if they were proactive to things likes this. It's been tarnished over and over again over the years. Damage control would go a long way....
All I was saying is that the only intent behind those weapons were different visuals. Cryptic made a mistake with the stats. Now they're handling it quite badly.
If they put andorian phasers into the fleet store like a dev mentioned, I could have saved more than half the dillithium I spent for my weapons.
...And I don't even own any of the Andorian ships.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Now you're saying I paid over 100K dilithium (the equvalent, in Zen, of over $10) for items that will become WORSE than the gear I bought them to replace?
Are you nuts? Do you think this is an acceptable way to treat your customers?
I accept that changes to stats may be necessary, but if so, there should be a vendor who will buy the items back and refund the full cost.
This was entirely your mistake, and it absurd to simply convert expensive items like this into vendor trash without compensation.