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I want a KDF 5 fore/5 tactical console fleet somraw raptor as new C-store ship

dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
I want a KDF 5 fore/5 tactical console fleet somraw raptor as new C-store ship.

I think it is the adequate ship that would be the counterpart for the federation kumari pack.

Kumari was built by Cryptic as a 95k hitting escort with a higher turn ratio,shield mod than usual raptors.(4 h interview 1h,20 min mark for 95k mark) Some player in forum say he could get 135k hit from that wing canon thing which in fact is like a hybrid DBB-cannon but as a plus having an AOE effect.
In this moment only KDF fleet raptors have same turn ratio and shield mod but they lack firepower burst compared to kumari.I think that fleet somraw raptor is the best candidate for this change by increasing the firepower.It still will be under kumari pack because there will not have aoe hit nor shield stripping console ,nor other 2 flying pets cannons.On the other hand it still have normal cloak so the price for cloak will be wing cannons (95-135k)+shield stripping console+2 flying cannons.
Fair trade I guess for both sides.
Jhas will be still king of PVP arena due to turn rate so balance won't be affected too much.
My proposition is made so that development costs would be minimal (no aoe effects,no pets,no special consoles) just increased firepower and burst.

Before people start saying again that kdf ships don't sell I think that somebody from Cryptic should do some database mining and see how many fleet somraw raptors were bought in this year by kdf.I say this because I was struck by how many are now in game compared to last year .One day I just stayed above Q'onos and counted somraw's.There were at least 3 .Last year I saw only 2 the whole year so something changed in between.(Fixing the shield mod description did that I guess).

Any good kdf escort ship will sell as long it has comparable shield mod,turn rate and 5 tactical consoles/5 fore weapons .

Edit : Forgot about leadership stacking that changed some federation ships into zombie tank's.So federation ships (including kumari) have better survivability than a similar kdf ship without human boff's
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
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