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Cryptic's Sense of Moral Obligation



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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    EDIT: Actually, maybe I do. Perhaps if there was a third project that gave 5000 rep, but cost 3 times what the 2000 rep project costs, and took three days to complete, then I think that would be a nice compromise.

    Now that would work!!!

    or you could change the time-gate to say a Tier XP gate so you can either do it over the the week or in one session but you have a weekly limit to tier progression that would be == to the current 7 day max you can slot for rep.

    But yeah I think your way would be simpler and fit in with the current system and I would totally back that!!!

    i see nothing unfair about that

    its a MMO , time gates are part of genre. with out they you have the hardcore min/maxers playing themselves to death to stay at the top of the pile

    also, if geting you rep is so important its not like it take hours to cycle the projects more like about 5 mins tops. hop on during the week to cycle them

    So wait you think someone who does 3 hours and getting the same reward as someone who does 9 hours is unfair...

    But you think someone who does 5 hours in one sitting should only get 1/5th the progression of someone who does 5 hours over 5 sittings.

    Whilst the current situation won't win Cryptic over anymore players especially those of us who have days where we simply can't log in.... just adding the tweak centersolace suggested would win a hell of a lot of weekend gamers back to this game. For you though you think that would be unfair?
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    thenumber55thenumber55 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now that would work!!!

    or you could change the time-gate to say a Tier XP gate so you can either do it over the the week or in one session but you have a weekly limit to tier progression that would be == to the current 7 day max you can slot for rep.

    But yeah I think your way would be simpler and fit in with the current system and I would totally back that!!!


    So wait you think someone who does 3 hours and getting the same reward as someone who does 9 hours is unfair...

    But you think someone who does 5 hours in one sitting should only get 1/5th the progression of someone who does 5 hours over 5 sittings.

    Whilst the current situation won't win Cryptic over anymore players especially those of us who have days where we simply can't log in.... just adding the tweak centersolace suggested would win a hell of a lot of weekend gamers back to this game. For you though you think that would be unfair?

    welcome to the MMO rep system

    Edit: also the "Weekly Cap" system run off daily players, whats the point of playing everyday if you can get all your stuff done on "Reset Day"
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    welcome to the MMO rep system

    Edit: also the "Weekly Cap" system run off daily players, whats the point of playing everyday if you can get all your stuff done on "Reset Day"

    That wasn't the system centersolace suggested, go back and re-read. I prefer his idea to mine, also I've not played an MMO with this kind of "rep" system, things like LOTRO, Matrix Online, Ultima, EverQuest, and DDO just have leveling really, not this extra adjunct on top so all they tend to require in most cases is just to play quests to level up.

    So really what you are saying is if the rep system was designed so that certain players could do in 3 hours what it took other players to do 9 hours, it'd be fair and "just the way things are"?

    If your argument then is that, if that was the system it would fail and people would hate it and it would TRIBBLE people off, then perhaps you can come to understand that the current way it works fails for and lets down people like myself.
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    thenumber55thenumber55 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That wasn't the system centersolace suggested, go back and re-read. I prefer his idea to mine, also I've not played an MMO with this kind of "rep" system, things like LOTRO, Matrix Online, Ultima, EverQuest, and DDO just have leveling really, not this extra adjunct on top so all they tend to require in most cases is just to play quests to level up.

    So really what you are saying is if the rep system was designed so that certain players could do in 3 hours what it took other players to do 9 hours, it'd be fair and "just the way things" are?

    If your argument then is that, if that was the system it would fail and people would hate it and it would TRIBBLE people off, then perhaps you can come to understand that the current way it works fails for and lets down people like myself.

    most modern MMO's have some form of Metagame

    mostly so once you hit the level cap people dont leave (I.E. Hellgate) so the Devs set up time gated content that requires muti session play

    (getting a "Max Level" toon is nothing to brag about now a days, especially in this game when you can hit VA in about a day in a half)

    making it so your 5 hours on the weekends is Equal to me playing a hour a day mon-fri, means now me(and other daily players) can now just eclipses weekend players even faster and create a even deeper gear divide between Daily/Casual/Hardcore players
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    dixoniumdixonium Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    - Intelligent People

    I stopped taking this argument seriously as soon as I saw this bullet point assigned to one distinct camp.
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    lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Your argument. It doesn't work. Things like Reputation are wholeheartedly geared toward casual players and playstyle. So I don't see these "strange bedfellows" you describe.

    Plus the Doff system makes this the Ron Popiel of mmo's (just set it and forget it.)
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
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    janewaywarriorjanewaywarrior Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Upon further consideration, I've decided that that the original "generalizations" of people were unfair and somewhat rude. I of course do not advocate that PvP and large Fleets are not "Intelligent people". So I want to apologize for that and restate my point.

    What I mean by "Intelligent" is that there are a lot of people on this forum that have my respect, for attempting to suggest ideas on how to improve the game and general experience. For example, getting rid of the rank system in the game, weapons based on mass etc...

    I see so many good suggestions just get totally ignored by Cryptic however it seems that there are some "favorites" who Cryptic seem to listen to more then others. Reading employee reviews of their company illustrates the disturbing trend of Cryptic running more like a University Social then an actual company.

    It is true that Cryptic are not "obligated" to provide the player with anything. However, comments like the one made by Geko (who seems to have consistently limited knowledge of Star Trek) indicate that customer service is not at the forefront and that Cryptic somewhat see you as just "mugs" to milk for more money.

    No Blizzard Employee would EVER show such blatant contempt for the PvP Community and quite frankly, I find that both disgusting and strangely expected from a company that has consistently ranged from "bending the truth" to "blatant lies" over the development of the KDF Faction.

    That level of conduct is exactly what I was trying to highlight, I know that trade laws in the United Kingdom are different from the ones in the United States however there is more then sufficient evidence to bring Trading Standards in, if Cryptic was an English Company.

    Its just a shame the US is more "Buyer Beware".
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    hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To the OP: Corporations do not understand or abide by morals. Their only obligation is to make the maximum amount of profit for their shareholders as possible.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now that would work!!!

    or you could change the time-gate to say a Tier XP gate so you can either do it over the the week or in one session but you have a weekly limit to tier progression that would be == to the current 7 day max you can slot for rep.

    But yeah I think your way would be simpler and fit in with the current system and I would totally back that!!!

    The more I think about it, the more I wonder why Cryptic hasn't done something like that. Sure, it's not as efficient as logging in every day, but it would help the people who can't or don't log in as much still advance faster than they otherwise would be. It would be catering to the lazy (or time crunched) people who tend to be the ones to buy dilithium and the like with real money in the first place. So I don't get it. :confused:
    That level of conduct is exactly what I was trying to highlight, I know that trade laws in the United Kingdom are different from the ones in the United States however there is more then sufficient evidence to bring Trading Standards in, if Cryptic was an English Company.

    Its just a shame the US is more "Buyer Beware".

    I wouldn't say that Cryptic is entirely uncaring about their fanbase, it's just that the ones in charge of PR are not in charge of the game and vice versa. And they don't always get along either. I also think that Cryptic could use some kind of "voting" or "promotion" system where players could offer their support for other player ideas to get put in the game. Kind of why I wish this community was responsible enough for an upvote/downvote system on the forums. Alas, perhaps someday. :rolleyes:
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    janewaywarriorjanewaywarrior Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The more I think about it, the more I wonder why Cryptic hasn't done something like that. Sure, it's not as efficient as logging in every day, but it would help the people who can't or don't log in as much still advance faster than they otherwise would be. It would be catering to the lazy (or time crunched) people who tend to be the ones to buy dilithium and the like with real money in the first place. So I don't get it. :confused:

    I wouldn't say that Cryptic is entirely uncaring about their fanbase, it's just that the ones in charge of PR are not in charge of the game and vice versa. And they don't always get along either. I also think that Cryptic could use some kind of "voting" or "promotion" system where players could offer their support for other player ideas to get put in the game. Kind of why I wish this community was responsible enough for an upvote/downvote system on the forums. Alas, perhaps someday. :rolleyes:

    I totally support this notion, the community does need more power in deciding the direction which the game should take. Cryptic should be much more communicative with their player base and not so "like it or lump it."
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    most modern MMO's have some form of Metagame

    mostly so once you hit the level cap people dont leave (I.E. Hellgate) so the Devs set up time gated content that requires muti session play

    (getting a "Max Level" toon is nothing to brag about now a days, especially in this game when you can hit VA in about a day in a half)

    making it so your 5 hours on the weekends is Equal to me playing a hour a day mon-fri, means now me(and other daily players) can now just eclipses weekend players even faster and create a even deeper gear divide between Daily/Casual/Hardcore players

    Well DDO doesn't do that, the "Meta" game in that is Epic level missions where you get Epic Tokens but once again it's all based on time played not how many times you log in. I don't think this system is a widespread or as good as you think.

    With regards to your latter comment, explain yourself, because from those few lines at the end you make no sense at all unless your under the delusion that I'm arguing that all hours on the weekends are worth more than hours during the week, which makes no sense at all!
    I totally support this notion, the community does need more power in deciding the direction which the game should take. Cryptic should be much more communicative with their player base and not so "like it or lump it."

    If you're interested in this, then send me a PM, I'm in the middle of setting up a system that would at least offer players a foundation from which to communicate with Cryptic.
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't agree with many of the choices they made, least of all season 7 and stf nuking, but they still in business and I get to play for free so who am I to complain.

    They don't give me anything, I don't give them anything totally fair.

    That being said, I am not currently playing since the ground sets accodes remain bugged and they removed the drops from stf.

    But I certainly don't expect them to do a u-turn, the game is in the right lane by all acounts so no reason to go off the beaten path.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    vestereng wrote: »
    That being said, I am not currently playing since the ground sets accodes remain bugged and they removed the drops from stf.

    Those were in the last time I did an STF a week ago. :confused:
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you either had to get everything after s.7 or already had everything (all pieces + optional), you shouldn't experiece problems.

    However, if you were missing say a gun or an optional, the unlock project gets blocked - short of deleting your character and playing it all again, you can't do anything about it, it's gone permanently.

    And I know because I have the same bug on several characters.

    Also the kling chest piece remainds unavailable for certain toons.

    Situation right now, so far their reply is "we can't reproduce it", coming up on 3 months and 3000 views in the thread we have going in the bug section.

    Funny because pre season 7 getting the drops kept me playing - now the drops are gone and reward is blocked = zero incentive to play. Good times.

    Also insert joke about the advertisment about "60% saved time!!!" blog that supposedly rationalized all of season 7.
    So at this point even if it is fixed what about all the time wasted? If you include the 2 months of going through the reputation system we are coming up on half a year.
    Let me say that one more time, half... a... year.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn't providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the nature of the original post/high number of flaming/trolling posts and/or reported posts in this thread; I'm closing this thread down.

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    Community Moderator
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