See I don't buy the fleet thing because if you really are a Fleet Whale (who, lets face it, are the only people that actually matter in the fleet system), you are probably dedicated to playing as that faction at least 80% of the time anyway. That's going to be your big focus. The people who are jumping around more tend to be more casual and fall into that big pack of players that just join fleets because they are there but aren't real contributors, which is just fine for what it is. Nothing wrong at all with being in fleets for social reasons. But I don't see it actually effecting fleet progression rates that much at all from my experiences with the fleet system so far.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
By introducing a long awaited for faction into the game, Cryptic will provide more options for players to indulge in. There will be more avenues for story content. There will be more avenues for player and fleet assets. There will be more avenues for ship models. There will be more avenues for revenue for Cryptic and PW.
There will not be any of the this so-called "destruction of fleets". There will not be any of this "denying the KDF content". There will be some migration and settling of the player base as those Romulan fans slide over to enjoy their favored faction finally. There will probably also be an influx of new players interested in the Green Team. There may be another outflux of Red Team fans but Cryptic will continue to provide factions with content as the game moves along.
Yes, Romulan fleets will have to start at ground zero in building their starbases. But will they have or need an "embassy" on New Romulus? Or will they have some sort of fleet "office" on New Romulus?
Cardassian/Dominion/Whomever-is-the-next-playable-faction will also have to start building their starbases from scratch. But will they have or need an "embassy" on New Romulus? Or will they have some sort of fleet "office" on New Romulus?
By having new factions introduced, Cryptic will have to address the fleet starbase projects and their resource requirements at some point.
Oh, and the exchange will probably get a lot more cluttered with a lot more gear.
I agree with this as well. Just as in the last two big updates, if this is indeed adding the RSE as a playable faction, it will be that way for the same reason as the last two updates: to add a new system to the game that can be expanded later. Just as starbases begat the embassies, the reputation will bring more reputations as time goes on, and with this, they would be providing the framework to add more races later. While I agree that I would rather have more story content, more diversity isn't a bad thing.
The other thing to remember is that while those of us who are power gamers are usually completionist and want to rush through and get to the "end" of new content as fast as possible, we aren't typical. Most players aren't overly upset that their fleet isn't at T5/3, most of them did not grind through and finish both reputation trees the first week of January and (gasp) most of them didn't level all the way to 50 inside of a month. They don't have 10 alts that they grind daily for dilithium, they don't play 10 STFs a night in private queues to avoid PuGs, and they don't care that their rainbow boat build that they made strictly by looting enemies is inefficient, either.
In other words, the average STO player is going to love any new content they add - probably about a month after we have finished it, because that is when they will bother to read the email telling them that it went live to begin with.
if we get romulan it will be just like the KDF and really do yall want copy and paste mission from the feds like the KDF gets really look at the KDF and then say to your self do you really want copy and paste romulans?
I doubt it will be as flushed out as the KDF is. I think the "faction" will be like 2 levels of original content (if that much). Then do the same missions the Feds have been doing for years.
At least the KDF has --- what 5 levels of their own content and that's stretching it a lot.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
if we get romulan it will be just like the KDF and really do yall want copy and paste mission from the feds like the KDF gets really look at the KDF and then say to your self do you really want copy and paste romulans?
At this point in my STO career, having been around since closed beta and a lifer since LTS were originally offered, yes, I will take a new, independent, playable Romulan faction with even as much content as the KDF currently enjoys.
I'm not only looking forward to finally being able to play a Romulan character, but I want to see just how Cryptic goes about adding in the new faction as this will provide some idea as to how they will be adding in future factions.
if we get romulan it will be just like the KDF and really do yall want copy and paste mission from the feds like the KDF gets really look at the KDF and then say to your self do you really want copy and paste romulans?
As a seasoned FED and KDF player, LTS since beta... yep, I'd be more than happy with that offering. A third faction adds more depth than can be equated to it's individual merits. Cross-factional complexities are the lure for me, and if they can plug in a third faction then it's logical to assume that adding the fourth and fifth shouldn't be any more difficult.
At this point I am amazed they have kept a lid on it. There is so much speculation no one really know what they are going to do. I wish someone would just spill the beans!!!!!
At this point I am amazed they have kept a lid on it. There is so much speculation no one really know what they are going to do. I wish someone would just spill the beans!!!!!
By introducing a long awaited for faction into the game, Cryptic will provide more options for players to indulge in. There will be more avenues for story content. There will be more avenues for player and fleet assets. There will be more avenues for ship models. There will be more avenues for revenue for Cryptic and PW.
There will not be any of the this so-called "destruction of fleets". There will not be any of this "denying the KDF content". There will be some migration and settling of the player base as those Romulan fans slide over to enjoy their favored faction finally. There will probably also be an influx of new players interested in the Green Team. There may be another outflux of Red Team fans but Cryptic will continue to provide factions with content as the game moves along.
Yes, Romulan fleets will have to start at ground zero in building their starbases. But will they have or need an "embassy" on New Romulus? Or will they have some sort of fleet "office" on New Romulus?
Cardassian/Dominion/Whomever-is-the-next-playable-faction will also have to start building their starbases from scratch. But will they have or need an "embassy" on New Romulus? Or will they have some sort of fleet "office" on New Romulus?
By having new factions introduced, Cryptic will have to address the fleet starbase projects and their resource requirements at some point.
Oh, and the exchange will probably get a lot more cluttered with a lot more gear.
Funny how you dumbass's are hyping yourselves up , already planning romulan starbases and ship builds...
You people are going to be so butt hurt after you find out THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A ROMULAN FACTION.
See I don't buy the fleet thing because if you really are a Fleet Whale (who, lets face it, are the only people that actually matter in the fleet system), you are probably dedicated to playing as that faction at least 80% of the time anyway. That's going to be your big focus. The people who are jumping around more tend to be more casual and fall into that big pack of players that just join fleets because they are there but aren't real contributors, which is just fine for what it is. Nothing wrong at all with being in fleets for social reasons. But I don't see it actually effecting fleet progression rates that much at all from my experiences with the fleet system so far.
Being a whale in a small can, uhrm, fleet, I believe in whats being said in this quote.
Even small fleets will continue to exist. Mine will, at least. I will continue the same procedure as i have done uptil now. Spending half of my dil on the building of the station, and the second half on whatever is top priority atm.
Yes, i will spend more time aquiring stuff, but i'm not in a hurry.
Just crossing my fingers regarding placeholders, bugs and whatnot.
Lets all hold hands and send a nice thought to/for the devs, that their update will be successful from the moment they boot up their servers.
Funny how you dumbass's are hyping yourselves up , already planning romulan starbases and ship builds...
You people are going to be so butt hurt after you find out THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A ROMULAN FACTION.
You typed that with such conviction but can you back your assertion up with cold hard indisputable facts based in reality?
Or are you merely following your signature in continuing to bang your head against the wall of reality expecting the wall to give before your flesh does in an insane effort to prove that your head is harder than the wall?
At this point I am amazed they have kept a lid on it. There is so much speculation no one really know what they are going to do. I wish someone would just spill the beans!!!!!
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
I don't think there is an overwhelming number of people who are dead set convinced that a faction is coming. There's a lot more actual evidence of it happening than not, and I personally think it's happening, but I am not going to go and QQ if tomorrow they say the big announcement is new pink Romulan robes and fluffy Eepoh slippers (which would actually be awesome).
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
I don't know how other Romulan fans feel and can not speak for them, but if a playable Romulan faction is not coming with the May update, it won't be really that much of a deal to me as I've already been waiting since at least the summer of 2009 for any mention whatsoever of a playable Romulan faction. Yes, I would feel a tad bit of disappointment but no more than I've ever had with any season or update since STO went live and still not had access to a playable Romulan faction.
In light of tidbits of information found and to go with the reveals and teases that Cryptic has provided, I do think and feel that STO is getting much more closer to having a third faction than it ever has been in the past.
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
I'll be amused either way. Either the Romulan faction does come or it doesn't. If it does the Klingons will rage that Cryptic wasted time making a new faction instead of bulking the Klingon faction. If it doesn't the Romulan fans rage at being mislead. Either way, Cryptic and PWE angers a good portion of their playerbase and that's become my main entertainment since this game went 'Money, money, money!'
One guy in our fleet has a theory that they will add ROMs to both factions.
Only if you have a ROM toon can you captain Romulan ships and etc.
My theory is more mundane - A 2500 zen unlock, free for vets at 400 days. Maybe some tie in to the Rom rep tree as well. Faction starts at level 40 with very few missions and only three or four ships.
My theory is more mundane - A 2500 zen unlock, free for vets at 400 days. Maybe some tie in to the Rom rep tree as well. Faction starts at level 40 with very few missions and only three or four ships.
I thought the annoucement was suppose to be about the New enemy invasion.
The new enemies are the Icoians and the portal jumping Romulans.
This was said to the be finishing the story started on new Romulas and adding a new space adventure zone.
I thought the annoucement was suppose to be about the New enemy invasion.
The new enemies are the Icoians and the portal jumping Romulans.
This was said to the be finishing the story started on new Romulas and adding a new space adventure zone.
So, why all the 'March beneath the Raptor's wings?' 'Will you March?', etc stuff? Why not just 'Fight against the growing shadow?' or something?
I mean, when a game like LOTRO makes an announcement like that they tend to make sure it's not... cryptic. (No pun intended.)
So, why all the 'March beneath the Raptor's wings?' 'Will you March?', etc stuff?
Yeah exactly, they didnt just "not deny it" they were dropping oblique hints that would be highly unlikely to mean anything else. At that point it would not just be irresponsible, it would be trolling the player base. My first Cryptic game, I dunno, but I hope that's not the case.
I got 5 energy credits that says beta for the faction is announced tomorrow
I am really curious how they get all the parts integrated together. D'Tan, Sela, romulan marks and faction alignment, hopefully they dont just punt on all of it.
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
I'm of the same opinion. Otherwise it would show Cryptic has the most asinine pubic affairs department in the the entire industry. The company has had some serious issues in the past in this regard but given the current situation and the community expectations, only the heir to the throne of the King of fools would not have tried to diffuse things by now.
If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
Former member of the Cryptic Family & FriendsTesting Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
Yeah exactly, they didnt just "not deny it" they were dropping oblique hints that would be highly unlikely to mean anything else. At that point it would not just be irresponsible, it would be trolling the player base. My first Cryptic game, I dunno, but I hope that's not the case.
I got 5 energy credits that says beta for the faction is announced tomorrow
I am really curious how they get all the parts integrated together. D'Tan, Sela, romulan marks and faction alignment, hopefully they dont just punt on all of it.
That makes sense as well, although there can't be any tie in to reputation on Tribble, since the rep system is not implemented over there. Still, a two month beta period would make sense.
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
I'm not sure it's too late quite yet. With the Big Green Countdown ending tomorrow in what is almost certainly a Big Green Announcement well before the vaguely set release date of "May", there's plenty of time for the people who are right to gloat, and the people who are wrong to get over it.
They are really pushing it, though, and the short-term backlash if it's not what the blindly hopeful are expecting will be spectacular.
I'm not sure it's too late quite yet. With the Big Green Countdown ending tomorrow in what is almost certainly a Big Green Announcement well before the vaguely set release date of "May", there's plenty of time for the people who are right to gloat, and the people who are wrong to get over it.
They are really pushing it, though, and the short-term backlash if it's not what the blindly hopeful are expecting will be spectacular.
Whatever they do I'm expecting some kind of 'We realize some of you will be disappointed.' thing in there somewhere, addressed either to Romulan fans or to the Klingons who were pushed aside if it is a Romulan faction, followed by some PWE written assurances.
Whatever they do I'm expecting some kind of 'We realize some of you will be disappointed.' thing in there somewhere, addressed either to Romulan fans or to the Klingons who were pushed aside if it is a Romulan faction, followed by some PWE written assurances.
I learned that keeping your expectations high is a bad way of going about things. Keeping your expectations low leaves plenty of room for pleasant surprises. :P
If it is an announcement that Tribble is going to house a Romulan Faction, I doubt I'll do much more than dabble with it a bit.
I went full steam with the DOff System while it was on Tribble and then did it once again on Holodeck when it hit... (though with a quite a bit less enthusiasm)
I am, really looking forward to playing as a Romulan in this game, but I don't think I want to do it Twice... again.
It'll be fun to fly a Rom ship, but I'm going to save all my full-fledged efforts for when it finally hits the Holodeck.
(when ever that is)
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
I agree with this as well. Just as in the last two big updates, if this is indeed adding the RSE as a playable faction, it will be that way for the same reason as the last two updates: to add a new system to the game that can be expanded later. Just as starbases begat the embassies, the reputation will bring more reputations as time goes on, and with this, they would be providing the framework to add more races later. While I agree that I would rather have more story content, more diversity isn't a bad thing.
The other thing to remember is that while those of us who are power gamers are usually completionist and want to rush through and get to the "end" of new content as fast as possible, we aren't typical. Most players aren't overly upset that their fleet isn't at T5/3, most of them did not grind through and finish both reputation trees the first week of January and (gasp) most of them didn't level all the way to 50 inside of a month. They don't have 10 alts that they grind daily for dilithium, they don't play 10 STFs a night in private queues to avoid PuGs, and they don't care that their rainbow boat build that they made strictly by looting enemies is inefficient, either.
In other words, the average STO player is going to love any new content they add - probably about a month after we have finished it, because that is when they will bother to read the email telling them that it went live to begin with.
system Lord Baal is dead
At least the KDF has --- what 5 levels of their own content and that's stretching it a lot.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
At this point in my STO career, having been around since closed beta and a lifer since LTS were originally offered, yes, I will take a new, independent, playable Romulan faction with even as much content as the KDF currently enjoys.
I'm not only looking forward to finally being able to play a Romulan character, but I want to see just how Cryptic goes about adding in the new faction as this will provide some idea as to how they will be adding in future factions.
As a seasoned FED and KDF player, LTS since beta... yep, I'd be more than happy with that offering. A third faction adds more depth than can be equated to it's individual merits. Cross-factional complexities are the lure for me, and if they can plug in a third faction then it's logical to assume that adding the fourth and fifth shouldn't be any more difficult.
Join our cause now!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll all see it, tomorrow...
Funny how you dumbass's are hyping yourselves up , already planning romulan starbases and ship builds...
You people are going to be so butt hurt after you find out THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A ROMULAN FACTION.
omfg sooo this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
system Lord Baal is dead
Being a whale in a small can, uhrm, fleet, I believe in whats being said in this quote.
Even small fleets will continue to exist. Mine will, at least. I will continue the same procedure as i have done uptil now. Spending half of my dil on the building of the station, and the second half on whatever is top priority atm.
Yes, i will spend more time aquiring stuff, but i'm not in a hurry.
Just crossing my fingers regarding placeholders, bugs and whatnot.
Lets all hold hands and send a nice thought to/for the devs, that their update will be successful from the moment they boot up their servers.
You typed that with such conviction but can you back your assertion up with cold hard indisputable facts based in reality?
Or are you merely following your signature in continuing to bang your head against the wall of reality expecting the wall to give before your flesh does in an insane effort to prove that your head is harder than the wall?
If a playable Romulan faction of some sort or other isn't involved, I think Cryptic have been profoundly foolish in not shutting down that line of speculation a long time ago. At this point, the way expectations are running, if its not playable Romulans, but is the biggest and best chunk of content they've ever released, its going to be met by profound disappointment by most of the playerbase. If it is just a huge chunk of new content without playable Romulans, all they had to say a month or so ago was, "Its not a new faction, but you guys are going to love it anyway..." and most folks would be happy with it. So I hope for the sake of the game and public perception, at this point, that its a Romulan faction.
Only if you have a ROM toon can you captain Romulan ships and etc.
I don't think there is an overwhelming number of people who are dead set convinced that a faction is coming. There's a lot more actual evidence of it happening than not, and I personally think it's happening, but I am not going to go and QQ if tomorrow they say the big announcement is new pink Romulan robes and fluffy Eepoh slippers (which would actually be awesome).
I don't know how other Romulan fans feel and can not speak for them, but if a playable Romulan faction is not coming with the May update, it won't be really that much of a deal to me as I've already been waiting since at least the summer of 2009 for any mention whatsoever of a playable Romulan faction. Yes, I would feel a tad bit of disappointment but no more than I've ever had with any season or update since STO went live and still not had access to a playable Romulan faction.
In light of tidbits of information found and to go with the reveals and teases that Cryptic has provided, I do think and feel that STO is getting much more closer to having a third faction than it ever has been in the past.
I'll be amused either way. Either the Romulan faction does come or it doesn't. If it does the Klingons will rage that Cryptic wasted time making a new faction instead of bulking the Klingon faction. If it doesn't the Romulan fans rage at being mislead. Either way, Cryptic and PWE angers a good portion of their playerbase and that's become my main entertainment since this game went 'Money, money, money!'
My theory is more mundane - A 2500 zen unlock, free for vets at 400 days. Maybe some tie in to the Rom rep tree as well. Faction starts at level 40 with very few missions and only three or four ships.
I'm betting more like $50.
The new enemies are the Icoians and the portal jumping Romulans.
This was said to the be finishing the story started on new Romulas and adding a new space adventure zone.
So, why all the 'March beneath the Raptor's wings?' 'Will you March?', etc stuff? Why not just 'Fight against the growing shadow?' or something?
I mean, when a game like LOTRO makes an announcement like that they tend to make sure it's not... cryptic. (No pun intended.)
I got 5 energy credits that says beta for the faction is announced tomorrow
I am really curious how they get all the parts integrated together. D'Tan, Sela, romulan marks and faction alignment, hopefully they dont just punt on all of it.
Probably correct. If it's $50, it will be a 1000 day unlock though
EDIT: Doh, quoted the wrong post.
I'm of the same opinion. Otherwise it would show Cryptic has the most asinine pubic affairs department in the the entire industry. The company has had some serious issues in the past in this regard but given the current situation and the community expectations, only the heir to the throne of the King of fools would not have tried to diffuse things by now.
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
That makes sense as well, although there can't be any tie in to reputation on Tribble, since the rep system is not implemented over there. Still, a two month beta period would make sense.
I'm not sure it's too late quite yet. With the Big Green Countdown ending tomorrow in what is almost certainly a Big Green Announcement well before the vaguely set release date of "May", there's plenty of time for the people who are right to gloat, and the people who are wrong to get over it.
They are really pushing it, though, and the short-term backlash if it's not what the blindly hopeful are expecting will be spectacular.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Whatever they do I'm expecting some kind of 'We realize some of you will be disappointed.' thing in there somewhere, addressed either to Romulan fans or to the Klingons who were pushed aside if it is a Romulan faction, followed by some PWE written assurances.
I learned that keeping your expectations high is a bad way of going about things. Keeping your expectations low leaves plenty of room for pleasant surprises.
I went full steam with the DOff System while it was on Tribble and then did it once again on Holodeck when it hit... (though with a quite a bit less enthusiasm)
I am, really looking forward to playing as a Romulan in this game, but I don't think I want to do it Twice... again.
It'll be fun to fly a Rom ship, but I'm going to save all my full-fledged efforts for when it finally hits the Holodeck.
(when ever that is)
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion