The second one is a Cloud Leopard, this is an Ocelot:
Though I can understand the mixup, the pic you showed was listed under Ocelot in Google.
Also, there better be an Ocelot pattern soon or I will warp to Earth and tear the throat of every Starfleet cadet I find... (I got fangs, I can do it)
Munchkin! So cute! Look at the teeny tiny legs and that fat elongated body! Must be the cat version of Dachshund! But this cat is cuter, not as cute as the Toyger but still...
Once the next Ask Cryptic comes I'll see if Stahl will answer my question. Asking about manes and M'Ress style hair for the cats, as well as hair for all the other species. Will also ask about new fur and skin patterns.
The second one is a Cloud Leopard, this is an Ocelot:
Though I can understand the mixup, the pic you showed was listed under Ocelot in Google.
Also, there better be an Ocelot pattern soon or I will warp to Earth and tear the throat of every Starfleet cadet I find... (I got fangs, I can do it)
Are u making fun of my Sphynx cousin? :mad::mad::mad:
As I said in the chat, this is an extremely cute cat. I so want that face as well as the pattern!
Why is the Toyger a winner? I want all patterns!
*mesmerized by the Toyger's face*
Munchkin! So cute! Look at the teeny tiny legs and that fat elongated body! Must be the cat version of Dachshund! But this cat is cuter, not as cute as the Toyger but still...
well maybe a little bit.
Thundercats are in Star Wars XD.
WANT! (that poor Toyger though seems to have something in his eye)
Cheetara seems a little chubby. But we should get hair with spots...
Thundercats are on the move...
Has a ring like pattern on its tail and a pattern on the head that differs from the main body.
I want one.
Did you see the Toyger?
I DEMAND that we get more customization stuff, we're cats, we're superior! (OUR shadow will dim the stars and the Romulans can eat dirt!)
Better watch out, you'll get a troll in here.
Fine. But I still want galaxy domination for the cats.
Toyger Cub!
They have a combination of both Cheetah dots and some mixed-in stripes.