This link show I got the ship on my first Toon, I bought it on the C Store a while ago, but I cant get it on any other toon and it doesnt show I bought it on the C Store on any toon. The top picture goes with the new Toon I am playing. The bottom picture shows I have the ship with my first toon. I dont know what is going on and I want to know if any body has had this problem with some items they bought before the Perfect World account and Cryptic Accounts got merged. I havent had a toon to level 50 in a while, I only have the 2. But I would still like to use the ship on my new toon.
Thank you for anybody who can help me out with this.
By the looks of your picture, the C-store is still showing a price of 2,000 Zen. Are you sure you didn't purchase the fleet version of this ship? Fleet ships are single character only. If you want it on another character you have to purchase it for that character. You also need to be logged in on the character you want to buy it for because you can't transfer fleet ships to other toons or buy another of that type if you already have it commissioned on that character.
Here is a way to tell: The C-store version comes with a cloaking device. The fleet ship version does NOT come with the cloaking device but, if you've purchased the C-store version, you can take the console off of it and use it on the fleet version. Does your ship have a cloaking device console?
Completely wrong. Only fleet ships and lockbox ships work that way. All C-store ships and character uniforms are account unlocks and you only have to buy them once. I have the Excelsior Retrofit, ToS light cruiser, and Exploration Cruiser Retrofit I can claim on all federation characters without having to buy it again. I also have purchase a lot of uniforms once in the C-Store and have them available on all characters of the proper faction without having to buy them again. The items you need to purchase more than once in the C-store are thins like lockbox keys, duty officer packs, bridge officers, bank/inventory slot increases, skill point boosts, and so on - mostly consumable type items.
If you read the descriptions on various items in the C-store it will tell you if it's an account unlock or single item purchase that can't be replaced if you lose/sell/trade it.
I have also bought these ships and can use them on both characters:
Federation Caitian Atrox Carrier
USS Enterprise(preorder bonus)
Federation Ship: Peregrine Fighter
Heavy Escort Carrier: Armitage Class
The Wrath of Khan Movie Uniform
Legacy Unlocks
Red Matter Capacitor
Tribble of Borg
Title Ambassador
Title Crash Test Tribble
Klingon(playable federation klingon) I got this when the game when free to play
All of that was either got originally before the game went f2p, besides the Carriers and the Fighter, everything else I bought and can claim on each Federation Character I have.
The only one is the Tactical Escort Retrofit. Like I stated before I have a cloaking device on it so its the one from the C Shop. That is the only item from the C Shop I cant reclaim on my account to any level 50 Federation Character.
If you did, then it must be a bug, put in a help ticket.
If it was before Season 5, you probably got it with a VA token. If that is the case, then it is not considered purchase and only considered a character unlock. Just like any of the other ships available for unlocking.