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Friday Screenshot Available - 2/15/2013



  • valiant797valiant797 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    It's too much of a coincidence that the screenshot was released just one day after the fleet mark issue. In a way, Cryptic is trying to draw attention away from complaints about small fleets and the need for a quick replacement for the fleet mark rewards removed from IOR's. These are very legitimate concerns that new shinies aren't going to make go away. Anyways, I'm done commenting about that.

    Back on topic: I will admit the ship looks amazing, but I do wish we had some new content to try it on.

    Coincidence? Because it's the FRIDAY screenshot (which looks awesome BTW). Something Brandon has actually been pretty darn reliable about maintaining every week.

    <signature under reconstruction>
    Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)

    Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
  • tribbleorlfltribbleorlfl Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any chance we can also get the long-promised revamped Andoria social zone to go along w/ the Kumari? Give us a reason to use all our holiday gear again, maybe create some relay ice races (for fleet marks!) and give us our ushaan matches? My Andorian captain wants to come home, but currently has no reason to.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    valiant797 wrote: »
    Coincidence? Because it's the FRIDAY screenshot (which looks awesome BTW). Something Brandon has actually been pretty darn reliable about maintaining every week.


    it could have been any screehshot, but they chose the shiney we've been waiting for since 2010 and before. Still not convinced. Want me to pass you my tin foil hat?
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    scififan78 wrote: »
    Can we PLEASE keep this particular thread related to the screenshot? I understand everyone's disappointment but, this thread is about the upcoming Andorian ship. Let's please keep it that way. There are plenty other threads to complain about the FM situation.

    And onto the topic. Ship looks great! I too hope that keep the original skin for one of the variants.

    I do see your point and, in most circumstances, I would agree with you.

    Problem is, this latest change is affecting people globally. It is not just a small part of the game, it is a huge part of the game.

    We have had no reply on the other thread for some time, so it is not surprising that some people are starting to find any platform to express their displeasure.

    If we feel we are not being listened to, if we feel that the change was made with zero regard for the huge impact it makes on a majority of players, it is in everybodys best interests that this get addressed sooner rather than later.

    It is literally breaking the game for many, many people......a shiny new ship, even one that is just being trotted out on an established schedule, just looks like an attempt to distract.

    Trust has been broken, restoring that trust must be the highest priority.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not to put too fine a point on it Bran, but a large portion of your playerbase is in open revolt, in no small part because of Stahl's statements. We've effectively been told that smaller fleets have zero hope of any tangible starbase progress, and that there will be no meaningful changes to fleet mark payouts prior to May.

    Do you really want your message to your players be "come back in three months"?

    It also has to do with the fact we've basically been told our play-style doesn't match their internal metrics... so we are being punished.

    I will call for it again -- MORE fleet-mark and omega-mark grind content RIGHT NOW. Drop what you are currently working on, and generate some more maps for us to run.

    Then we won't NEED daily-exploits. People stopped grinding because they are board to tears with the same missions --- the same STFs as well.

    It comes down to this: WE WANT WAYS TO EARN MARKS -- you (cryptic) withholds them simply because we're not meeting some arbitrary point on a graph generated by someone who doesn't actually play the game long-term.

    Then we were told to jump in the lake in regards to small fleets.

    This on top of a "long weekend" with certain key features broke due to another poorly executed patch.

    I'm going to sit back and see exactly how Cryptic pulls themselves out of this one. I don't think they can. This is basically the end of STO, starting now.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    themarie wrote: »

    I'm going to sit back and see exactly how Cryptic pulls themselves out of this one. I don't think they can. This is basically the end of STO, starting now.

    If Cryptic had a dime every time someone said that the game would be Free to do everything because they just make money off the royalties.
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    If Cryptic had a dime every time someone said that the game would be Free to do everything because they just make money off the royalties.

    This is actually the first time that the Producer has gone on public record telling us we are being punished for not meeting internal metrics. This is the first time he's publicly announced that internal metrics and datapoints are more important than the playerbase's wishes and feedback -- and that small fleets can jump in the lake because he doesn't consider them part of the overall picture.

    Sure they've stumbled before -- but this time they stepped on a landmine. Dan should have had someone else post on his behalf. Someone much more diplomatic.
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited February 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    We knew from last week the ship was going to show up today.

    To be honest, I've had this shot planned for 2 weeks to be released today.


    Brandon =/\=
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited February 2013
    The all Andorian (plus an Andorian-looking android and an Aenar) crew that I created back when this ship was first rumored thanks you. Looks fantastic.
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    This is actually the first time that the Producer has gone on public record telling us we are being punished for not meeting internal metrics. This is the first time he's publicly announced that internal metrics and datapoints are more important than the playerbase's wishes and feedback -- and that small fleets can jump in the lake because he doesn't consider them part of the overall picture.

    Sure they've stumbled before -- but this time they stepped on a landmine. Dan should have had someone else post on his behalf. Someone much more diplomatic.


    We've known since the start of season 6 that fleets under 25 were going to have it very very very hard now I understand why they took out the FM form the foundry and I agree should have been put somewhere else, but small fleets no matter what were going to have it bad compared to big fleets.

    See you during the 4th anniversary

    Now back to that Sexy sexy ship.
  • noknagusnoknagus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wont be buying any ships until the FM issue gets resolved. I've been wanting the kumari since it was to come out in December but I'm not spending any money till the issue is addressed and I don't mean three months from now.
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    noknagus wrote: »
    I wont be buying any ships until the FM issue gets resolved. I've been wanting the kumari since it was to come out in December but I'm not spending any money till the issue is addressed and I don't mean three months from now.

    I'm not sure what the big fuss over the removal is. Were that many people using it for fleet marks? You know there's plenty of easier, quicker ways?

    I'm currently part of a small fleet. By small, I mean we have 2 active members, and the other person isn't really all that active. I haven't been doing Foundry missions at all lately, and by the time our fleet projects actually get the dilithium needed to progress, I've got more than enough fleet marks purely from doffing. I have about 10,000 fleet marks on each character at this point with something like 4 million fleet credits earned so far between all my characters.

    On topic, that looks like a really sleek ship, and I love it for the looks. I just hope the stats and gameplay will be something that fits my preferred playstyle.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tangolight wrote: »
    I'm not sure what the big fuss over the removal is. Were that many people using it for fleet marks? You know there's plenty of easier, quicker ways?

    I'm currently part of a small fleet. By small, I mean we have 2 active members, and the other person isn't really all that active. I haven't been doing Foundry missions at all lately, and by the time our fleet projects actually get the dilithium needed to progress, I've got more than enough fleet marks purely from doffing. I have about 10,000 fleet marks on each character at this point with something like 4 million fleet credits earned so far between all my characters.

    On topic, that looks like a really sleek ship, and I love it for the looks. I just hope the stats and gameplay will be something that fits my preferred playstyle.

    I'm curious to know whether or not you've maxed out your doff tiers. How many purples and blues do you have? Don't you think that people who don't have it maxed out yet won't be criting as much as you, so they won't be getting as many marks?
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    I'm curious to know whether or not you've maxed out your doff tiers. How many purples and blues do you have? Don't you think that people who don't have it maxed out yet won't be criting as much as you, so they won't be getting as many marks?

    All the tiers are maxed, and yes, I have a lot of purple doffs now, so it's true not everyone will be getting quite as much as I am.

    That said, you'll find that if you ask around in the Academy or Duty Officer forums that most people agree it's generally fairly easy to get 10k CXP in a day or two if you pick the correct assignments to go for and slot as well as you are able to maximize your crit chances.
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So is this the ship that breaks the no more than 4 forward or aft weapon slots Mr. Stahl referenced in the latest Ask Cryptic. If this has more than 4 forward weapons on an escort we'll be seeing some interesting threads on the forums.
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sparhawk wrote: »
    So is this the ship that breaks the no more than 4 forward or aft weapon slots Mr. Stahl referenced in the latest Ask Cryptic. If this has more than 4 forward weapons on an escort we'll be seeing some interesting threads on the forums.

    There's no confirmation of this, but personally, that'd be my guess. I'm predicting 5 fore, 2 aft weapon slots.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tangolight wrote: »
    All the tiers are maxed, and yes, I have a lot of purple doffs now, so it's true not everyone will be getting quite as much as I am.

    That said, you'll find that if you ask around in the Academy or Duty Officer forums that most people agree it's generally fairly easy to get 10k CXP in a day or two if you pick the correct assignments to go for and slot as well as you are able to maximize your crit chances.

    Not that easy if you?re new to the game and just have common quality Doffs.

    i do wish people would stop assuming that their highly developed characters are the standard by which all other things should be judged.

    For myself, i have one toon getting on for your status, and I do convert CXP into FM as often as I can. However, in my fleet I am the exception.

    These changes are hitting small fleets and new players disproportionately hard.

    This kind of callous disregard for a broad section of the player base will have an impact on z-store sales, including this nice new ship.
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tangolight wrote: »
    There's no confirmation of this, but personally, that'd be my guess. I'm predicting 5 fore, 2 aft weapon slots.

    That would be my guess also since it's an escort if this was the ship Mr. Stahl was talking about.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sparhawk wrote: »
    So is this the ship that breaks the no more than 4 forward or aft weapon slots Mr. Stahl referenced in the latest Ask Cryptic. If this has more than 4 forward weapons on an escort we'll be seeing some interesting threads on the forums.

    The way its been going for power creep on escorts I expect this to be the first T6 ship:

    40k hull
    17 turn
    1.2 shield mod
    5 forward weapon slots
    4 aft weapons
    11 consoles (5 Tac, 3, sci, 3 eng)
    20+ power to weapons

    Andorian Berserker Console - doubles flight speed and Dmg for 15 seconds

    That will allow her to put out a 50k DPS alpha strike

    Escort tac captains will be happy!
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    Not that easy if you?re new to the game and just have common quality Doffs.

    i do wish people would stop assuming that their highly developed characters are the standard by which all other things should be judged.

    For myself, i have one toon getting on for your status, and I do convert CXP into FM as often as I can. However, in my fleet I am the exception.

    These changes are hitting small fleets and new players disproportionately hard.

    This kind of callous disregard for a broad section of the player base will have an impact on z-store sales, including this nice new ship.

    Considering how long it takes to take a brand new character and get them up, it doesn't really take all that long. Certainly a lot less time than it took for me when the amount and quality of available assignments was a lot lower.

    I was just playing some of my newer alts yesterday, and noticed that right when I hit level 7 and got access to the duty officer system, I could already see assignments with 50 dilithium and/or high CXP rewards. Even starting from scratch, it doesn't have to take very long to get up to a decent pace.

    As well, I would argue that small fleets and new players don't go that well together. I imagine a lot of new players are getting into random larger fleets that invite people, in which case there's not as much of a burden on them. A new player, in a small fleet with nothing but other newer players? Unless it's a group of friends that know each other, there's no reason not to just find a bigger fleet, or even a small one that's not full of new players. (Like mine! I've got a recruitment thread and everything...but still, only 2 active players in my fleet - including me.)
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i do wish people would stop assuming that their highly developed characters are the standard by which all other things should be judged.

    To be honest this game doesn't even really start until you hit level 50 so I can see why a lot of people do just that.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think it will have side mounted cannons for broadsiding.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    tangolight wrote: »
    Considering how long it takes to take a brand new character and get them up, it doesn't really take all that long. Certainly a lot less time than it took for me when the amount and quality of available assignments was a lot lower.

    I was just playing some of my newer alts yesterday, and noticed that right when I hit level 7 and got access to the duty officer system, I could already see assignments with 50 dilithium and/or high CXP rewards. Even starting from scratch, it doesn't have to take very long to get up to a decent pace.

    As well, I would argue that small fleets and new players don't go that well together. I imagine a lot of new players are getting into random larger fleets that invite people, in which case there's not as much of a burden on them. A new player, in a small fleet with nothing but other newer players? Unless it's a group of friends that know each other, there's no reason not to just find a bigger fleet, or even a small one that's not full of new players. (Like mine! I've got a recruitment thread and everything...but still, only 2 active players in my fleet - including me.)

    There is some truth in what you say....but a couple of problems too.

    Getting the big rewards requires critical successes......significently harder to do with common or even uncommon quality Doffs.

    Those blue and purple doffs are not as easy to come by, they take a bit of time, some nous and getting a little lucky on the exchange. Far from impossible, but not handed over on a plate either.

    My primary toon, played for an hour or two on average a day, took months to get to the point where I could critically succeed reliably.

    Second point is regarding the small-big fleet thing. These latest changes explicitally discriminate against small fleets, this is a huge issue. Any MMO thrives when a variety of playing styles are supported. Locking down the system to only allow big fleets to progress at a reasonable speed works against the best interests of the game.
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    There is some truth in what you say....but a couple of problems too.

    Getting the big rewards requires critical successes......significently harder to do with common or even uncommon quality Doffs.

    Those blue and purple doffs are not as easy to come by, they take a bit of time, some nous and getting a little lucky on the exchange. Far from impossible, but not handed over on a plate either.

    My primary toon, played for an hour or two on average a day, took months to get to the point where I could critically succeed reliably.

    Second point is regarding the small-big fleet thing. These latest changes explicitally discriminate against small fleets, this is a huge issue. Any MMO thrives when a variety of playing styles are supported. Locking down the system to only allow big fleets to progress at a reasonable speed works against the best interests of the game.

    That's true, although the chain assignments and star cluster chains are a good way to get those blues and purples. As well, I'm not sure how many other people do this, but whenever you hit a tier in CXP, you can buy new doffs from the store. My first time doing this, I bought all the green doffs I thought would be useful. Sure, they cost dilithium, but not really all that much for the uncommon doffs.

    I ended up skipping buying the blue doffs and saved up all my dilithium after that to buy the purple ones from the store, and once I started doing that, my crit rates started to become a lot more common. And this was before a lot of chains and other assignments were added, so I think it would take even less time now. I'll also note that I generally only spend about 15 minutes per character on doffs a day. It's usually a case of 'pick up all the best assignments I can find in my current zone, and if I need to go somewhere, like ESD or SFA, any good assignments along the way, get any recruitment assignments that I can at SFA, and log out'. I think that's entirely reasonable for a casual player, and if there's still plenty of time to do regular missions and whatnot so it's not all just grinding. Then, when I'm about to log out, if I'm not maxed out on doff assignments, I'll just fill up with whatever I can find in my current area, even if they're not as high reward assignments.

    As for the fleets thing, I disagree here that it 'explicitly discriminates against small fleets' as you say. I'm in multiple small fleets and this change doesn't affect me at all, because I never used Foundry missions as my source for fleet marks. (Between all my characters, I'm in 3 separate fleets, 2 Federation and 1 Klingon. And, believe it or not, '2 active players' is actually the largest of those fleets. One other one is 2, and one is...just me.)

    If I log on, and see the Fleet Mark event happening, and since it lasts 2 hours, that's more often than not, and if I have time, I'll quickly run through the Colony Invasion on each of my alts, and sometimes the Starbase Blockade. That usually nets me a few hundred fleet marks in about an hour. Of course, I have an advantage in having multiple characters here, so I can do a 5-10 minute Colony Invasion run, then switch characters and do it again, but even with just 1 or 2 characters, you can get as many marks in that time, if not more, than you would doing the old foundry daily.

    Besides, as dstahl mentioned earlier, most small fleets are dilithium capped, not fleet mark capped. And that's certainly the case for all my fleets. Projects languishing for days and weeks because I need more dilithium to put in it, not fleet marks.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    I'm going to sit back and see exactly how Cryptic pulls themselves out of this one. I don't think they can. This is basically the end of STO, starting now.

    If I had a dime for every time someone on these forums posted this kind of Hyperbole I'd be the envy of every Ferengi!

    Every change they have ever made has been hearladed as the end of STO creation!

    Klingon's as a monster play faction? THE GAME IS OVER!

    C-Store Ships? THE GAME IS OVER!

    Seasons 1-7? THE GAME IS OVER!

    Dilithium Economy? THE GAME IS OVER!


    Changes to Dilithium? THE GAME IS OVER!

    Foundry? THE GAME IS OVER!

    Enterprise F Contest? THE GAME IS OVER!

    Enterprise F Design? THE GAME IS OVER!

    I could probably do this for hours and hours, but I think the point has been made.

    The vocal unhappy portion of these forums are cray cray, this is why they follow metrics and the feedback from the many of the reasonable posters. If they listened to the hyperbole they'd all quit their jobs or commit seppuku en masse.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    reximuz wrote: »

    The vocal unhappy portion of these forums are cray cray, this is why they follow metrics and the feedback from the many of the reasonable posters. If they listened to the hyperbole they'd all quit their jobs or commit seppuku en masse.

    A quick clarification......are you defining 'reasonable' as 'not unhappy with the recent change'?

    I like to think I've been broadly reasonable in this thread and I am VERY unhappy with the apparent decision to increase the divide between big and small fleets.

    Very reasonable fixes have been suggested many times over in this thread.

    While QQing and dev bashing for the sake of it is clearly unhelpful...in this specific case I believe it is justified.

    This was a poor decision, poorly executed for what, on the face of it, are reasonable reasons.

    The main thing most of us are angry about is that the mechanism was taken away without its replacement being implemented.

    It may not have been ideal, but it was originally put in place for a good reason. That original reason still exists....there simply isn't enough good ways to get reasonable amounts of FM in the game.

    I would have zero problem with this if the alternative systems had been implemented at the same time. I'm guessing the vast majority of posters here would agree.
  • roamingmuttroamingmutt Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll probably save up for this but I really hope it has a bridge. A lot of people in my fleet are wanting some new bridges and interiors.
  • jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    It may not have been ideal, but it was originally put in place for a good reason. That original reason still exists....there simply isn't enough good ways to get reasonable amounts of FM in the game.
    Hold your horses. Originally there were no FMs for Foundry missions.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jjumetley wrote: »
    Hold your horses. Originally there were no FMs for Foundry missions.

    I am aware of that.

    They were put in because there was not enough sources of FM.

    They have been taken out before an alternative system is in place.

    So, essentially, we are back in the same place as we were before they put them in.

    Still not enough sources of FM.
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Be cool if we could convert Omega or Romulan marks into FM.. even a 10:1 ratio would be nice.
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