Or better: Just make it ONE pulse every 4 seconds, and have that pulse carry the damage from a current full cycle.
Slow hammerblows, steady, unyielding. wham .wham. wham. wham. like a hamemr striking the iron (and constant pressure damage is what all escort captains want cruisers to do, this would be it. The base end dps is nominally the same, naturally the power drain issue will go away and we can have a more detailed look at the damage and if it needs further down or up scaling) Has the nice side effect of doing away with the disco beam spacecombat.
That would definitely look a lot nicer and would sure be more inline with the special effects from the shows. +1
That still doesn't fix the main problem though. With the current way the game is setup, the power from each weapon would still be reserved until all the weapons cycle. The last few to fire would still suffer the same lack of power. But it would sure look a lot nicer.
And since BAs have been derped so hard and so many people have been either asking for a drain reduction or damage return, one does have to wonder if the devs really even care at this point.
I think they are not deaf to the issue. I suspect the zero energy cost romulan rep plasma BA and the Omega rep energy boosting 2pc set bonus are answers to it. What a happy coincidence that the embassy also gives a console that can add bonus to plasma as well...it even comes in + and - threat versions for those cruiser pilots that do not want to tank...
Personally, I would prefer a turning boost to fed cruisers before any further changes are done.
I think they are not deaf to the issue. I suspect the zero energy cost romulan rep plasma BA and the Omega rep energy boosting 2pc set bonus are answers to it. What a happy coincidence that the embassy also gives a console that can add bonus to plasma as well...it even comes in + and - threat versions for those cruiser pilots that do not want to tank...
Personally, I would prefer a turning boost to fed cruisers before any further changes are done.
I agree, the experimental Rommie BA was a very nice gift from them (despite the massive cost, but hey, you get what you pay for right and nothing good in life is free). However, I personally really am not too interested in using plasma. Especially after I got this rather nice set of mk XII purple Phaser BAs off the exchange a week ago.
But that still doesn't really address the issue being brought up here about weapon power usage, which is insane despite the ones being affected by it being mostly support craft. Not even support craft should suffer as hard as cruisers do.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
I agree, the experimental Rommie BA was a very nice gift from them (despite the massive cost, but hey, you get what you pay for right and nothing good in life is free). However, I personally really am not too interested in using plasma. Especially after I got this rather nice set of mk XII purple Phaser BAs off the exchange a week ago.
I agree its rather annoying, but its typical Cryptic. Besides, this way they can double dip if they ever want to release a similar set later, or for other energy types.
But that still doesn't really address the issue being brought up here about weapon power usage, which is insane despite the ones being affected by it being mostly support craft. Not even support craft should suffer as hard as cruisers do.
Its not a direct fix, but if fits right in with the way so many of Cryptic's "fixes" tend to not actually fix a problem but rather dealing with a symptom. TBH I prefer they do something like this to them actually trying to alter any of the more ancient code or mess with balances probably no one in the current dev team was around when they were decided upon.....with their track record can you imagine them "experimenting" with stuff??!!
That would definitely look a lot nicer and would sure be more inline with the special effects from the shows. +1
That still doesn't fix the main problem though. With the current way the game is setup, the power from each weapon would still be reserved until all the weapons cycle. The last few to fire would still suffer the same lack of power. But it would sure look a lot nicer.
It would fix the problem. The problem is not that last few weapons firing at low power that is perfectly fine, it is that three out of four shots from your FIRST weapon are at that minimal power.
Well the other thing they might consider is fixing power overcapping. If you can scrounge up +60 power to weapons, your weapon power level should not be affected at all by firing 6 beam arrays. But it is. Because overcapping doesn't work the way it should. :rolleyes:
That would definitely look a lot nicer and would sure be more inline with the special effects from the shows. +1
That still doesn't fix the main problem though. With the current way the game is setup, the power from each weapon would still be reserved until all the weapons cycle. The last few to fire would still suffer the same lack of power. But it would sure look a lot nicer.
I think they are not deaf to the issue. I suspect the zero energy cost romulan rep plasma BA and the Omega rep energy boosting 2pc set bonus are answers to it. What a happy coincidence that the embassy also gives a console that can add bonus to plasma as well...it even comes in + and - threat versions for those cruiser pilots that do not want to tank...
Personally, I would prefer a turning boost to fed cruisers before any further changes are done.
I agree, the experimental Rommie BA was a very nice gift from them (despite the massive cost, but hey, you get what you pay for right and nothing good in life is free). However, I personally really am not too interested in using plasma. Especially after I got this rather nice set of mk XII purple Phaser BAs off the exchange a week ago.
But that still doesn't really address the issue being brought up here about weapon power usage, which is insane despite the ones being affected by it being mostly support craft. Not even support craft should suffer as hard as cruisers do.
Comments in RED
It would fix the problem. The problem is not that last few weapons firing at low power that is perfectly fine, it is that three out of four shots from your FIRST weapon are at that minimal power.