After all this new patches and new seasons, beams are still a worthless form of firepower. It doens't matter if you are in PVP or PVE, you only deal minimal damage in comparison to cannons, or torpedos. Its useless against players now because they can heal faster than you can deal damage. Its the opposite affect with the cannons. They deal damage faster than you can heal. With that type of imbalance, it makes most of the ships on the Fed side oppsolete in comparison to KDF and cruisers lacking extra weapon slots, Tac BOFF slots, or cannons oppsolete in comparison to escorts. As a cruiser in a PVP match, all you can do is heal. You can't go 1 on 1 with an escort because he will mop the floor with you. He can deal damage to you with his rappid cannon fire faster than you can heal yourself, yet you can barely scratch his hull with your inefficient beams because cryptic has made things to where escorts can heal themselves just as fast as cruisers. If you are lucky to get his shield down he can turn and burn, leaving you in the dust because his engines are way more powerful than yours. If your ship don't have the higher than LT Tac Boff slots, cannons, carries fighters, or have more than two weapons consoles, then you are just going to be another target magnet for those carriers cannons.
completely agree!
also, someone had the best signature ever!
"STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game."
My Tor'kaht is a god in PvE. And does well in PvP too. Comparing my KDF BC to a fed cannon cruiser is like comparing a dinghy to a Battleship. There is no comparison. If it came down to my Tor'kaht vs my Imperial, even my Imperial running cannons (which I would never dishonor her by doing so), my Tor'kaht would win very easily. Even if my Imperial had DHCs it would not be able to utilize them as well as my Tor'kaht. To say nothing of my Odyssey.
But it's a goes without saying when talking about the vast superiority that KDF battlecruisers have over Fed cruisers. It's almost not worth even trying to compare them. KDF battlecruisers are just that much better.
This is pretty much why I tell Federation cruiser captains to fly KDF battlecruisers rather than demanding that Federation cruisers be turned into clones of KDF ones. I'm tired of Feddies taking KDF concepts.
By my reckoning, the KDF have these ship advantages: Battlecloaking+universal boffslot BoPs (which pay a fair bit in stats in order to have these things), battlecruisers, and carriers. The carrier edge has been watered down due to Feddies getting a carrier. The BoP advantage has been watered down by the inclusion of universal boffslots in the most elite ships.
I do not want to see the battlecruiser edge watered down by giving the Feddies a more competitive version of it. Not without the Federation giving up a few of its ship advantages first (such as an actual science ship line, better escorts, and more variety in said escorts). It's a matter of trade-offs, and the Federation hasn't been keeping up its end of the 'trade'.
If the Federation players want to fly a cruiser that will dish out DPS like an escort, they need to stop demanding an unbalanced buff to cruisers and start flying KDF battlecruisers.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
Even without a basic understanding of the basic mechanics it is pretty apparent that beams have issues. I suppose you also believe FAW is working as intended too.
Glad you're fine. That makes well only you.
I'm no troll, this isn't the first time I've commented on this thread. My main toon is a tac with BEAM CRUISERS. And the most of PVP I do is personal duels. I may not be in the top teir in PVP but I'm no push over either.
Here's a simple formula for you guys out there. Ship build, Bo skills and you understanding your ship are the keys to victory. and all the whiners out here haven't learned that. With my second toon who is a eng toon and using a Star Cruisers with mk 11 equipment faced off a eng toon in a MVAM Prommie with mk12 weapons and we TIED and I was mainly using beams, him turrets and cannons and I TIED. For cruisers i say have mainly beam arrays, torps and a turrets or two and maybe a dual beam array.
I'm no troll, this isn't the first time I've commented on this thread. My main toon is a tac with BEAM CRUISERS. And the most of PVP I do is personal duels. I may not be in the top teir in PVP but I'm no push over either.
Here's a simple formula for you guys out there. Ship build, Bo skills and you understanding your ship are the keys to victory. and all the whiners out here haven't learned that. With my second toon who is a eng toon and using a Star Cruisers with mk 11 equipment faced off a eng toon in a MVAM Prommie with mk12 weapons and we TIED and I was mainly using beams, him turrets and cannons and I TIED. For cruisers i say have mainly beam arrays, torps and a turrets or two and maybe a dual beam array.
I can tie a Prometheus with both of my cruisers.
One of them is armed with cannons and turrets; the other is technically unarmed.
You may want to clarify what you mean by a "tie", because there's nothing to be proud of if your cruiser can take it but not hit it.
I do not want to see the battlecruiser edge watered down by giving the Feddies a more competitive version of it. Not without the Federation giving up a few of its ship advantages first (such as an actual science ship line, better escorts, and more variety in said escorts). It's a matter of trade-offs, and the Federation hasn't been keeping up its end of the 'trade'.
It will be very unfair that a significant portion of the Federation playerbase is getting screwed over because of petty inter-faction jealousy. In a game where balance is very often asked for, if one faction has an "edge" over the other in a certain area (BCs versus cruisers), where the hell is our balance then?
It will be very unfair that a significant portion of the Federation playerbase is getting screwed over because of petty inter-faction jealousy. In a game where balance is very often asked for, if one faction has an "edge" over the other in a certain area (BCs versus cruisers), where the hell is our balance then?
Its the reverse for raptors and escorts, while a fed cruiser isn't as good as a kdf cruiser, a kdf raptor can't hold up to fed escorts.
Anyone that has seen my eng's cruiser perform in any STF will know this whole thread is total bull.
Being incapable of building a decent ship doesn't mean its not possible, just that you aren't that capable. Attacking people that do better than you is a sign of a bad player.
No we were both very serious. you just can't stand the fact I just proved the theory wrong
All you've proved is that either cruisers have very low firepower or that escorts have very high durability. By having a battle drag on for over 40 minutes, you've disproven the oft-stated argument that cruisers are good at pressure damage, or that escorts are not good at tanking damage. Mind you, this is saying nothing about your skill, or the skill of your opponent.
Being incapable of building a decent ship doesn't mean its not possible, just that you aren't that capable. Attacking people that do better than you is a sign of a bad player.
What would you say about having to try much harder to do well in a secondary attribute than you would with another ship?
All you've proved is that either cruisers have very low firepower or that escorts have very high durability. By having a battle drag on for over 40 minutes, you've disproven the oft-stated argument that cruisers are good at pressure damage, or that escorts are not good at tanking damage. Mind you, this is saying nothing about your skill, or the skill of your opponent.
What would you say about having to try much harder to do well in a secondary attribute than you would with another ship?
ONCE AGAIN note wasn't using my best ship at the time. anti proton mk11 vs antiproton mk 12, both of us eng. and he had more c store consoles. I'm saying BUILD matters. and note not the first time either. S5 i dueled 2v2 with my Neghvar and my ally a Galor vs an Oddy and a thunderchild. I held my own and was noted for surviving. And do note in my SC vs Prommie fight if my opponet was anything but a eng he would have died. Miracle worker saved him at the last minute many times.
ONCE AGAIN note wasn't using my best ship at the time. anti proton mk11 vs antiproton mk 12, both of us eng. and he had more c store consoles. I'm saying BUILD matters. and note not the first time either. S5 i dueled 2v2 with my Neghvar and my ally a Galor vs an Oddy and a thunderchild. I held my own and was noted for surviving. And do note in my SC vs Prommie fight if my opponet was anything but a eng he would have died. Miracle worker saved him at the last minute many times.
Why are you talking about a situation that happened over a year-and-a-half-ago, and why are you talking about a KDF Battlecruiser?
Yes, build does matter, but you have yet to connect this to the actual performance of beam arrays in PvP. In fact, the conclusion that beam arrays are inferior to cannons is still readily apparent in the scenario that you have described. If you actually want to prove that beams are good, take two cruisers with almost-identical BOff and equipment layouts, load one with cannons/turrets and load the other with beam arrays.
Why are you talking about a situation that happened over a year-and-a-half-ago, and why are you talking about a KDF Battlecruiser?
Yes, build does matter, but you have yet to connect this to the actual performance of beam arrays in PvP. In fact, the conclusion that beam arrays are inferior to cannons is still readily apparent in the scenario that you have described. If you actually want to prove that beams are good, take two cruisers with almost-identical BOff and equipment layouts, load one with cannons/turrets and load the other with beam arrays.
You should give up. I saw the build his opponent was using and it was quite incompetent. He had more c-store consoles, but they were gimmick consoles (barely useful if at all) and the rest of his console layout and weapon layout were inefficient. A half decent PvPer would have smashed the eng-scort with ease. But if he wants to use this as his baseline, then let him continue to be deluded.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
People are missing the one part of the argument that has the most weight.
It doesn't matter how much damage things are doing relative to what or who can tank what or yadda yadda...
The only argument that matters at the end of the day is that beams don't feel fun. They feel bad. In a game that is the only real metric that has any bearing.
Numbers schnumbers, they mean jack if at the end of the day I didn't have an enjoyable experience.
When I use beams I feel like a joke. That should be fixed somehow, for fun's sake.
For numbers I just play better then that, and use cannons, because I'm intelligent enough to solve my own problems when given a solution.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
The only argument that matters at the end of the day is that beams don't feel fun. They feel bad. In a game that is the only real metric that has any bearing.
Numbers schnumbers, they mean jack if at the end of the day I didn't have an enjoyable experience.
When I use beams I feel like a joke. That should be fixed somehow, for fun's sake.
I think this is a large part of the dissatisfaction tbh. Also the fact that you have to work to make them effective.
DHCs put out decent damage without the captain having to do anything except putting a group of them up front and hitting the rapid-fire button. Beams require the captain to manage weapon power much more aggressively in order to get the same base damage. And then you have to manage weapon power even more to get good numbers. And then you have to tweak your setup with particular types of beams and consoles to get very good numbers. And then you are struggling very hard just to compete with the tacscort who isnt even breaking a sweat. Its just more difficult to play beams, and there isn't the same kind of instant gratiication that comes from DHCs on an escort, in fact there's a little bit of feeling like a sucker for working so hard when you could just get an Andorian with 5 DHCs and be laughing.
I think this is a large part of the dissatisfaction tbh. Also the fact that you have to work to make them effective.
DHCs put out decent damage without the captain having to do anything except putting a group of them up front and hitting the rapid-fire button. Beams require the captain to manage weapon power much more aggressively in order to get the same base damage. And then you have to manage weapon power even more to get good numbers. And then you have to tweak your setup with particular types of beams and consoles to get very good numbers. And then you are struggling very hard just to compete with the tacscort who isnt even breaking a sweat. Its just more difficult to play beams, and there isn't the same kind of instant gratiication that comes from DHCs on an escort, in fact there's a little bit of feeling like a sucker for working so hard when you could just get an Andorian with 5 DHCs and be laughing.
I'm going to disagree a little here. The problem isn't beams or cannons at all, its the massive disparity between incompetent and an expert player. In most games you might get 50% difference in skill from one player to another? STO its 1000%, go PUG some elite STFs, combatlog and find DHC users putting out 1-2k DPS, and compare that to a 15k DPS escort. There are cruisers regularly doing less than 1k DPS while mine can hit up to 10k.
Bad builds are boring. Cannon or beams if you are hitting for nothing, its just not exciting. I have a lot of fun in a beam boat once I got it set up right.
Escorts aren't an I win button, I see them out DPSed by good cruisers all the time, most people just can't fly them effectively. Having the escort build 75% correct makes you literally only 20% of the damage, which makes you a failure.
I'm going to disagree a little here. The problem isn't beams or cannons at all, its the massive disparity between incompetent and an expert player. In most games you might get 50% difference in skill from one player to another? STO its 1000%, go PUG some elite STFs, combatlog and find DHC users putting out 1-2k DPS, and compare that to a 15k DPS escort. There are cruisers regularly doing less than 1k DPS while mine can hit up to 10k.
Bad builds are boring. Cannon or beams if you are hitting for nothing, its just not exciting. I have a lot of fun in a beam boat once I got it set up right.
Escorts aren't an I win button, I see them out DPSed by good cruisers all the time, most people just can't fly them effectively. Having the escort build 75% correct makes you literally only 20% of the damage, which makes you a failure.
What if you take the same player/build and switch from beams to cannons (along with requisite boff abilities) and the damage is increased significantly? My Excelsiors' Single cannon/ Turret build is way more effective than my dbb or ba builds. Even using techniques to maximize arc/coverage, the beams are noticeably weaker.
Good or bad player/build or not, Beams will do less damage compared to cannon builds.
Its the reverse for raptors and escorts, while a fed cruiser isn't as good as a kdf cruiser, a kdf raptor can't hold up to fed escorts.
Anyone that has seen my eng's cruiser perform in any STF will know this whole thread is total bull.
This. In terms of PvP, the Federation has the advantage in escort-level ships and science ships. The KDF advantages are in battlecruisers and BoP, with the minor first-strike advantage of the in-built cloak.
In a place like Ker'rat, with the Federation almost always outnumbering the KDF, it more than balances out. In an arena, it probably depends on the pilots and how they use their ships. BoPs are still viable in arena PvP, but it takes skill to pull it off without getting blasted to pieces repeatedly. Battlecruisers are fine attackers and self-tankers, and can probably be used as healers. . .but that's a waste of potential. Better to use a carrier for that, imo.
Federation escorts outperform raptors in direct combat (slight edge in turning, more ship options, probably slightly more shield on some models), and their science ships are a nightmare in the right hands. They also got carrier options, something that used to be a KDF exclusive. . .and the Federation was still capable of holding their own in PvP without carriers.
My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
This isn't about faction, but weapon types. Im sure there are plenty of people that would use their Bortas'qu and some of the piggier KDF ships alot more if beamswere more effective.
This. In terms of PvP, the Federation has the advantage in escort-level ships and science ships. The KDF advantages are in battlecruisers and BoP, with the minor first-strike advantage of the in-built cloak.
In a place like Ker'rat, with the Federation almost always outnumbering the KDF, it more than balances out. In an arena, it probably depends on the pilots and how they use their ships. BoPs are still viable in arena PvP, but it takes skill to pull it off without getting blasted to pieces repeatedly. Battlecruisers are fine attackers and self-tankers, and can probably be used as healers. . .but that's a waste of potential. Better to use a carrier for that, imo.
Federation escorts outperform raptors in direct combat (slight edge in turning, more ship options, probably slightly more shield on some models), and their science ships are a nightmare in the right hands. They also got carrier options, something that used to be a KDF exclusive. . .and the Federation was still capable of holding their own in PvP without carriers.
What's stopping a Klingon player from using a battlecruiser like a healer?
Both factions have their relative advantages and disadvantages, and have things that the other does not. I'll admit that KDF is somewhat underdeveloped compared to Starfleet (which I consider to be somewhat bloated with content), but you are still crying foul over every advantage you perceive the Federation to have. In the case of Federation cruisers however, you must realize that cruisers are only capable of doing one thing well. Furthermore, unlike KDF battlecruisers, Federation cruisers do not appear to have been designed with carriers in mind; if you have recently compared Fed's options for carriers to their cruisers, you'll notice that carriers are actually better than the cruisers in practically every respect worth noting.
I keep looking for a beam setup that actually doesn't make me fly away and switch out my loadout mid mission. I haven't found it. People say they have it. I never see it.
I want to find it. Every time I try one it makes me want to cry. Please, beam gods, share your secrets!
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I keep looking for a beam setup that actually doesn't make me fly away and switch out my loadout mid mission. I haven't found it. People say they have it. I never see it.
I want to find it. Every time I try one it makes me want to cry. Please, beam gods, share your secrets!
That is exactly what I have been asking for, yet those who claim to have the right set-up never seem to post it. Go figure.
Well I dont have a setup that breaks 10k consistently, but I am able to get 7-8k pretty regularly with room for more tweaking. From what I have figured out, getting maximum peak damage requires putting everything into a single column. Basically you can have wide damage across multiple types, or you can have narrow damage of a single type (excluding pets), and if you want to get big numbers from a single single type then you need to drop the non-contributing assets. EG, stop mixing beams and torps, go full one or the other, and max your damage into that type. If you want to use weapons, maximize your weapon hard-points that face the target. Pets will give you more damage but if you give up hardpoints to have a carrier you are going to do less beam damage. Its not something that is appealing to me so I am not interested in doing it, but if you notice all of these 10k ships have the same thing, they are all running 100% plasma weapons with plasma consoles and are skilled into that setup, EG all damage is compressed into a single type column.
completely agree!
also, someone had the best signature ever!
"STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game."
This is pretty much why I tell Federation cruiser captains to fly KDF battlecruisers rather than demanding that Federation cruisers be turned into clones of KDF ones. I'm tired of Feddies taking KDF concepts.
By my reckoning, the KDF have these ship advantages: Battlecloaking+universal boffslot BoPs (which pay a fair bit in stats in order to have these things), battlecruisers, and carriers. The carrier edge has been watered down due to Feddies getting a carrier. The BoP advantage has been watered down by the inclusion of universal boffslots in the most elite ships.
I do not want to see the battlecruiser edge watered down by giving the Feddies a more competitive version of it. Not without the Federation giving up a few of its ship advantages first (such as an actual science ship line, better escorts, and more variety in said escorts). It's a matter of trade-offs, and the Federation hasn't been keeping up its end of the 'trade'.
If the Federation players want to fly a cruiser that will dish out DPS like an escort, they need to stop demanding an unbalanced buff to cruisers and start flying KDF battlecruisers.
I'm no troll, this isn't the first time I've commented on this thread. My main toon is a tac with BEAM CRUISERS. And the most of PVP I do is personal duels. I may not be in the top teir in PVP but I'm no push over either.
Here's a simple formula for you guys out there. Ship build, Bo skills and you understanding your ship are the keys to victory. and all the whiners out here haven't learned that. With my second toon who is a eng toon and using a Star Cruisers with mk 11 equipment faced off a eng toon in a MVAM Prommie with mk12 weapons and we TIED and I was mainly using beams, him turrets and cannons and I TIED. For cruisers i say have mainly beam arrays, torps and a turrets or two and maybe a dual beam array.
I can tie a Prometheus with both of my cruisers.
One of them is armed with cannons and turrets; the other is technically unarmed.
You may want to clarify what you mean by a "tie", because there's nothing to be proud of if your cruiser can take it but not hit it.
It will be very unfair that a significant portion of the Federation playerbase is getting screwed over because of petty inter-faction jealousy. In a game where balance is very often asked for, if one faction has an "edge" over the other in a certain area (BCs versus cruisers), where the hell is our balance then?
Its the reverse for raptors and escorts, while a fed cruiser isn't as good as a kdf cruiser, a kdf raptor can't hold up to fed escorts.
Anyone that has seen my eng's cruiser perform in any STF will know this whole thread is total bull.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
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That's nice.
How many puppy souls did it cost you to make a decent Federation cruiser?
Unless of course, you aren't actually talking about a Federation cruiser.
Both had 1 kill and the battle took 45 mins minium and we were hitting eachother and nearly kill eachother then mircale worker.
That's nice.
I'm pretty sure that the other guy let you kill him, or wasn't nearly as careful as he should have been.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
No we were both very serious. you just can't stand the fact I just proved the theory wrong
All you've proved is that either cruisers have very low firepower or that escorts have very high durability. By having a battle drag on for over 40 minutes, you've disproven the oft-stated argument that cruisers are good at pressure damage, or that escorts are not good at tanking damage. Mind you, this is saying nothing about your skill, or the skill of your opponent.
What would you say about having to try much harder to do well in a secondary attribute than you would with another ship?
ONCE AGAIN note wasn't using my best ship at the time. anti proton mk11 vs antiproton mk 12, both of us eng. and he had more c store consoles. I'm saying BUILD matters. and note not the first time either. S5 i dueled 2v2 with my Neghvar and my ally a Galor vs an Oddy and a thunderchild. I held my own and was noted for surviving. And do note in my SC vs Prommie fight if my opponet was anything but a eng he would have died. Miracle worker saved him at the last minute many times.
Why are you talking about a situation that happened over a year-and-a-half-ago, and why are you talking about a KDF Battlecruiser?
Yes, build does matter, but you have yet to connect this to the actual performance of beam arrays in PvP. In fact, the conclusion that beam arrays are inferior to cannons is still readily apparent in the scenario that you have described. If you actually want to prove that beams are good, take two cruisers with almost-identical BOff and equipment layouts, load one with cannons/turrets and load the other with beam arrays.
You should give up. I saw the build his opponent was using and it was quite incompetent. He had more c-store consoles, but they were gimmick consoles (barely useful if at all) and the rest of his console layout and weapon layout were inefficient. A half decent PvPer would have smashed the eng-scort with ease. But if he wants to use this as his baseline, then let him continue to be deluded.
It doesn't matter how much damage things are doing relative to what or who can tank what or yadda yadda...
The only argument that matters at the end of the day is that beams don't feel fun. They feel bad. In a game that is the only real metric that has any bearing.
Numbers schnumbers, they mean jack if at the end of the day I didn't have an enjoyable experience.
When I use beams I feel like a joke. That should be fixed somehow, for fun's sake.
For numbers I just play better then that, and use cannons, because I'm intelligent enough to solve my own problems when given a solution.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
DHCs put out decent damage without the captain having to do anything except putting a group of them up front and hitting the rapid-fire button. Beams require the captain to manage weapon power much more aggressively in order to get the same base damage. And then you have to manage weapon power even more to get good numbers. And then you have to tweak your setup with particular types of beams and consoles to get very good numbers. And then you are struggling very hard just to compete with the tacscort who isnt even breaking a sweat. Its just more difficult to play beams, and there isn't the same kind of instant gratiication that comes from DHCs on an escort, in fact there's a little bit of feeling like a sucker for working so hard when you could just get an Andorian with 5 DHCs and be laughing.
I'm going to disagree a little here. The problem isn't beams or cannons at all, its the massive disparity between incompetent and an expert player. In most games you might get 50% difference in skill from one player to another? STO its 1000%, go PUG some elite STFs, combatlog and find DHC users putting out 1-2k DPS, and compare that to a 15k DPS escort. There are cruisers regularly doing less than 1k DPS while mine can hit up to 10k.
Bad builds are boring. Cannon or beams if you are hitting for nothing, its just not exciting. I have a lot of fun in a beam boat once I got it set up right.
Escorts aren't an I win button, I see them out DPSed by good cruisers all the time, most people just can't fly them effectively. Having the escort build 75% correct makes you literally only 20% of the damage, which makes you a failure.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
What if you take the same player/build and switch from beams to cannons (along with requisite boff abilities) and the damage is increased significantly? My Excelsiors' Single cannon/ Turret build is way more effective than my dbb or ba builds. Even using techniques to maximize arc/coverage, the beams are noticeably weaker.
Good or bad player/build or not, Beams will do less damage compared to cannon builds.
This. In terms of PvP, the Federation has the advantage in escort-level ships and science ships. The KDF advantages are in battlecruisers and BoP, with the minor first-strike advantage of the in-built cloak.
In a place like Ker'rat, with the Federation almost always outnumbering the KDF, it more than balances out. In an arena, it probably depends on the pilots and how they use their ships. BoPs are still viable in arena PvP, but it takes skill to pull it off without getting blasted to pieces repeatedly. Battlecruisers are fine attackers and self-tankers, and can probably be used as healers. . .but that's a waste of potential. Better to use a carrier for that, imo.
Federation escorts outperform raptors in direct combat (slight edge in turning, more ship options, probably slightly more shield on some models), and their science ships are a nightmare in the right hands. They also got carrier options, something that used to be a KDF exclusive. . .and the Federation was still capable of holding their own in PvP without carriers.
Please, enlighten us to what "set-up right" is.
What's stopping a Klingon player from using a battlecruiser like a healer?
Both factions have their relative advantages and disadvantages, and have things that the other does not. I'll admit that KDF is somewhat underdeveloped compared to Starfleet (which I consider to be somewhat bloated with content), but you are still crying foul over every advantage you perceive the Federation to have. In the case of Federation cruisers however, you must realize that cruisers are only capable of doing one thing well. Furthermore, unlike KDF battlecruisers, Federation cruisers do not appear to have been designed with carriers in mind; if you have recently compared Fed's options for carriers to their cruisers, you'll notice that carriers are actually better than the cruisers in practically every respect worth noting.
I want to find it. Every time I try one it makes me want to cry. Please, beam gods, share your secrets!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
That is exactly what I have been asking for, yet those who claim to have the right set-up never seem to post it. Go figure.