Archived Post wrote: »It would be nice if the combat logs would tell you what skills were used on you so you could learn and adapt.
From full shields to none. Why are all my timers running etc...
If that info is buried in the log maybe an option to make those lines a different color?
seriously.... why the hell does it do that?
Do you even Science Bro?
It's just a visual filter - the other stuff's still being logged. It's like the chat log moving up when nothing that you see is being said.
Would definitely be nifty if it didn't though - usually a case of doing a Ctrl-A/Ctrl-C and pasting it into notepad on the second screen...meh.
As for the logs showing more - those logs could get pretty big, pretty fast if they were showing everything, no? Cause it would be showing everything being used on everybody - everything that everybody's using... since we only have /combatlog 0 or /combatlog 1 and need to use a third party parser to take a look at what we did or what was done to us... plug-ins would have to be reworked to tackle the info on several levels.
Course, being able to do the copy/paste for the filtered in-game log (instead of the game written log) - something like that might work...depending on the buffer size of that window. It seems like a pretty healthy buffer though, no?
yeah but in the middle of agame where you're trying to figure out why you just died with full health and shields and you cant scroll.....
its a PITA!
Do you even Science Bro?
But yeah, in regard to the scroll - I'm surprised there's no pause button there to stop the scrolling. That would definitely be helpful for all sorts of quick glances during those brief pauses in combat.
maybe u appreciate minimaxs skillz at copying and pasting from the rolling log alil more then maikai!!!!
That being said, having more detail in the combat log would definitely be helpful. Seeing records of common abilities like SNB, FOMM, etc. being applied can help anybody to take apart a death and see where they can improve -- both on the attacking and defending sides.
first and foremost clear the check boxes so only your personal damage shows up. then wait till u are out of combat. stops rolling then. gl
there is, use this