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  • adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I disagree with the Op's opinion but they are entitled to it as I am mine.

    The game moves way too fast lvl 1-50 . Much of the fun is getting to lvl 50....

    The crafting system is utter garbage.

    The ground combat still is bugged with issues that have been here sincde launch. BOFF's that dissappear on the planet surface or appear up in the sky only to die a few seconds later. Missions you cant complete and must restart..hoping that they will complete next time.

    A borked need/greed loot system..much of this does not exist in other MMO's(to the extent it does here)..this could be due to players in this game but I am highly suspect it is not. I play 2 other MMo's and the stuff that happens here is nonexistant.

    Loot is too generic(with the exception of class kits). Loot is not imginative. loot does not feel ST'ish to me.

    The game penalizes players in PUGS who are forced to endure inactive players with a penalty if they leave. When in reality the inactive players should be penalized. Why penalize the good players?

    PVP remains dead, a mere shadow of its former self. With very little on the horizon to be hopeful for. I do read the questions answered monthly...

    The UI, in terms of targetting is still terribly bad.....try targetting a mob u can see but have something in front of it..there is a magical mystical outline surrounding the closer item......

    The AI of pets is the worst I have seen yet.....Photonic fleets do not engage......cmbat pets wonder off across the zone......Combat pets , as they are summoned, autofire on a target even if you have them set to passive..they, after they shoot, stop shooting luckily.

    The SOUNDTRACk is lackluster at best.....other MMO's have catchy music...EQ2 is the best overall IMO..real orchestras real music.....not opera man.

    Starship interiors are horrendouly out of proportion, I am aware of the issues but if you cant do it right why do it at all? Must I have 45 crew beam into the hallways and wander in a circle back and fourth. Must my BOFF's sit in a chair and look like they are actually sitting abouve the chair.
    I get in the elevator head to engineering and then head back to the bridge..I beam back to the bridge?

    Lack of persistant zones....i.e. starbases, adventure zones,

    KDF content....either buck up and complete them or drop them entirely.....iMother always said do something right or dont do it at all.

    The good:

    Doff system is adequate......feels borrowed from other games.....feels like a card collecting game TBH. I enjoy my 11 allien artifacts every 5'ish days:P

    Starbases are ok......I do not like that we cannot customize them ourselves. Many other MMO's allow you to personalize them..instead we get 200k dil projects for mannequins or fishtanks which are arbitrarily placed for us...

    No need for RW purchases. If you grind hard you will make what you need to be self sufficent..I really do enjoy this aspect.

    Starship variety..is very good but it still feels limited.......we need more Founding Fed ships..Andorian, Vulcan etc

    Graphics....are solid and pleasing to my eyes.

    System lag..yes it is good...how else do you think I am able to get a doff mission 5 times before it dissappears....no hack just fast fingers...

    A dilithium exchange..also very good idea...one of the main reasons I stay...i like to hoarde.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
  • bluedarkybluedarky Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't get why people want persistent zones for their starbases, it's standard policy in a game like STO that if a zone isn't used for a while (defined as 5-15 minutes in most games) it unloads it from memory and reloads it again when someone wants to go in.

    The same even goes for the major social maps like ESD, Quo'noS and Sector Space, try being the first person to log into DS9 after maintenance and it'll take a few minutes to load whilst the server loads the relevant files and creates the first instance.

    Without this you suddenly have around 500 starbases permanently loaded into the servers memory providing no function other than allowing people to have a persistent starbase.

    And people moan about the lag now...
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