I crited the other day on a Perform a klingon opera with my klink. with two Jem Hadar and a Gorn. Can you imagine how epic that would have been. klingon opera performed by two jemmies and a gorn. Whats your favorite doff crit!
Not just one but multiple times, but the Drinks on the Town doff mission. I seemingly never get a crit success on this misson except when i send out the Exocomp.
Not just one but multiple times, but the Drinks on the Town doff mission. I seemingly never get a crit success on this misson except when i send out the Exocomp.
It's been a while but I'm pretty sure I had a Drinks on the Town that sent all of them to sickbay. Frackin' nuggets can't hold their liquor.
I had a failure for a shipboard concert that said: "There has been an unusual increase in the amount of crew members requesting amnesia-inducing medications".
You'd think they'd just seen a Justin Bieber concert.
General Kang once said that you have never experienced Shakespeare until you have done so in Klingon.... so why not Opera?!
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
Crit on Unauthorized Raid on Bolian Farming Colony. All 3 (Two Jem'hadar and a Klingon) injured. 6 Bolian Prisoners, all with Congenial, and no Contraband.
So let's get this right... 6 farmers, BOLIANS mind you, injured 2 Jem'hadar and a Klingon... well now we know why they're happy.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Lost 3 Doffs while re-enacting Hamlet on-board. A fleet mate lost everyone he assigned to the same mission. When is someone going to fix the Holodeck safeties already!
Critical Success on 'Attend Nausicaan Promotion Celebration'. Three deaths and 2 in Sickbay.
I also have a prisoner I keep trying to execute (on my KDF of course). I've tried at least 4 times. Every time I get a Disaster result and the prisoner comes back to my ship unharmed.
Edit: Oh, and I've had someone killed while 'Confiscating Contraband From Crew'.
Crit on Unauthorized Raid on Bolian Farming Colony. All 3 (Two Jem'hadar and a Klingon) injured. 6 Bolian Prisoners, all with Congenial, and no Contraband.
So let's get this right... 6 farmers, BOLIANS mind you, injured 2 Jem'hadar and a Klingon... well now we know why they're happy.
Slightly off-topic, but Bolians will never drop contraband (probably too cowardly to risk carrying it), same as Vulcans (who are too logical to have it).
My favorite was the mission "Establish Culinary Credentials" Where my chef attempted to cook Cajun food for the crew of his Klingon ship. the poor 2 saps that tried the food ended up in sickbay.
I had a good long look at the "Execute for Incompetence" mission after that but decided it built character.
Took some photos with my phone at the time, shared them with friends who then decided to check out STO for the duty officers alone.
I've had tons of lulzy crits. Top 4 most hilarious so far:
Positives: Critical 'Dabo!', using purple Vulcan holo, injured. What, was the Dabo table rigged by Rom's company again so you couldn't ask it to meditate logically in front of you without showering you with sparks?
Critical 'Raid on Ammuniition Depot': 45 Medical Supplies, 5 Water Purification, 5 Antigen commods. That's... some very strange ammunition. What were you gonna do, drop them in the path of my Interceptors and hope one of the pilots gets loot crazy? ...On second thought, they would've stopped shooting and looted them anyhow.
Critical 'Leave on Bajor': sent 3 purple Klingons including 2 chefs and 1 bartender, 1 Orion chef, 1 Lethean Sec. officer. All returned injured, however. On second thought, don't introduce Klingon cooking to Bajorans.. and replace that guard.
Critical 'Leave on Drozana Station': sent 4 purple Orions, 1 blue Betazoid. Apparently the Betazoid almost won the catfight.
Then the really good ones:
Critical 'Install Deputy on Cardassia Prime': sent 1 white Cardassian Diplomat but was injured shortly after arrival. Probably the Ferengi earrings were offensive.
Critical 'Disable Bolian Freighter': sent a purple Klingon Proj.Weap. officer and a purple Orion Trac.Beam. officer. Both injured. 5 Bolian prisoners as a result, nothing else. They were unharmed, chatty... and probably very pleased with their handiwork. Probably carried both officers back into the raiding Toron shuttle and even kept them stable so they could be picked up and their freighter seized for hauling tribbles to Drozana.
Critical 'Strike Against Fugitive Suport Network: sent a purple Gorn/Orion/Klingon team... they returned with a Romulan Ale, 5 Contraband, 1 male and female Orion, 1 male and female Klingon..... and a female Vorta. Wat. No, srsly, WAT
NEGATIVES: hoooo boy, do I have some stupid ones...
Critical Failure 2nd Establish Culinary Credentials 'Prepare an Earth Cajun Meal': sent 2 purple officers, 1 blue. All came down with 'food poisoning', but I suspect heresy was involved somehow. It probably didn't help that my chef was Human, and serving Lethean and Orion Diplomats.
Critical Failure 'Disable Vulcan Freighter': 1 purple Borg Proj.Weap. officer, 1 green Gorn Trac.Beam officer, one was injured by a REC (randomly exploding console, yeah, Toron shuttles these days aren't built to the greatest standards), the other caught a very nasty Hologram virus that made him think he was an entertainer for a day. And pulled his artificial ACL. I must question whether or not the Vulcans were in the middle of Ponn'Far...
Critical Failure 'Confiscate Contraband': 1 white Klingon, 1 white Gorn. Both killed with a Low casualty chance, 1% disaster, had matching traits. That was one pissed off tribble hoarder. On the next round of Confiscate, found 3 Tuffli tribbles and an EZ Bake Oven. Those things are really small these days.
Edit: Forgot a few.
Critical Failure 'Treat For Serious Illness': purple Klingon Doctor with Aggressive, patient was a Gorn with Resilient & Unruly. The patient was treated once. THEN again after the doctor punched his face in. And once more because he resisted the second treatment. Yes. He was injured, injured again, and finally given a gold sticker for breaking the Doctor's fingers on the last punch. While impressive... the Doctor was treated very quickly thereafter. With six rounds of Blood Wine and a recommendation for armored gloves.
Critical Failure 'Ferasan Weapon Manufacturing Techniques': sent 2 blue Fabrication, Nausicaan and Klingon, 2 blue Armory officers, Human and Vulcan... apparently disagreements occurred and they all hit each other with forge euipment until no one was standing. Or moving.
Critical Failure 'Holodeck Reproduction of Hamlet': 19 varying officers, no holograms. 2 Gorn, 1 Nausicaan, all white, killed in the line of duty. All purples and greens injured. Mysteriously, the blues, including a Reman, Romulan, Hunter, and a single Jem'Hadar were found on the opposite end of the ship, unharmed.
Thought I throw this one in, a while ago I did a disable vulcan freighter, critted with the following rewards: beam array, turret photon launcher, an armour console, a dozen industrial replicators, an impulse engine, shield array, 40 medical supplies and two prisoners
So they flew the freighter back intacted, good work.
Slightly off-topic, but Bolians will never drop contraband (probably too cowardly to risk carrying it), same as Vulcans (who are too logical to have it).
Actually I have gotten contraband off of disable vulcan freighter and raid on vulcan science facility.
So all I can guess is that the Klingons decided to actually kill the Jem'hadar during the Boarding "simulation", and the Orion got caught in the ensuing battle, after which it came down to the Jemmy and the purple Klink (ironically a female) and neither of them won or lost.
Boarder disabled, ship safe. No wonder I got a critical success XD.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
i love the negotiate mining treaty or trade relations ones i have a team of a borg security and a cardassian and gorn diplomat they never fail for some reason. i guess they can show those jedi guys something about hostile negotiations.
i also have enjoyed sending odd teams to decorate the hydropinics bay this holiday season although the all borg team had the best success.
some of them crack me up like the engineering ones where stubborn is a failure trait.. what good engineer is not stubborn.
i enjoy doffing as a klingon most of all somewhere it makes me smile to sell off your colonists to orion slavers oh sure the empire has found you new homes right this way these orions will be giving you a ride there HAHAHAHA
Lets seen, there's the alcoholic Excocomp that I keep sending on shoreleave... Whenever I send him out the mission crits.
I have an all-Gorn diplomatic team on the Fed side that crits every time.
Verne Brown (engineer) seems to more often trigger a crit (GREAT SCOTT).
On the other hand... I have a couple missions I consider suicide missions. Updating the translator always ends in disaster, so does turbolift repairs. Doesn't matter who I send, you WILL spend time in sickbay if you survive. :eek:
Finally, on the subject of contraband. Someone in chat equated contraband to drugs and raised the objection that there would be so much of it.
Contraband is anything illegal to posses or ship. In real life examples would include certain industrial chemicals, rocket-launchers, porno, banned books/recordings/bootlegs of legal books/recordings and large quantities of otherwise legal medications.
I like to imagine the Klingons are very strict about what they allow in their empire... for example anything that ms-interprets their culture, anything Romulan, live animals such as tribbles, and so on. That's why my KDF officer brings so much of it in.
My Orions, simply steal it from one source (10,000 copies of "The Joys Of French Cooking") and passes it on to another smuggler.
The Federation... tends to educate it's citizens and "cure" people of the need for illegal recreation, exotic pets and xenoporn. Thats why the Federation doesn't have nearly as much contraband in circulation. That's why finding a unauthorized hypospray full of THC is such a big deal.
Regarding contraband, I've been noting down what my marauders have brought back for the last 2 months, and NEVER seen contraband from either the Vulcan freighters or the Vulcan Science Station (and that includes critical successes).
I'll admit I was wrong about Bolians in my earlier post, though.
Greens don't die (unless you execute them, either for incompetence or for being a Changeling).
Regarding contraband, I've been noting down what my marauders have brought back for the last 2 months, and NEVER seen contraband from either the Vulcan freighters or the Vulcan Science Station (and that includes critical successes).
I'll admit I was wrong about Bolians in my earlier post, though.
Greens don't die (unless you execute them, either for incompetence or for being a Changeling).
Well pics are impossible since that was a few days ago and my DOff Assignment log doesn't go back that far, especially with the plethora of 45 minute raids I do. Sorry. And as I said, I lost some greens without shooting them out the airlock/executing them, so I either got bugged, something got changed, or I have no bloody idea. And again, pics impossible courtesy of the sheer number of DOff missions I have done over the past couple days.
So I guess it didn't happen and I am a bare-faced liar...
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Well pics are impossible since that was a few days ago and my DOff Assignment log doesn't go back that far, especially with the plethora of 45 minute raids I do. Sorry. And as I said, I lost some greens without shooting them out the airlock/executing them, so I either got bugged, something got changed, or I have no bloody idea. And again, pics impossible courtesy of the sheer number of DOff missions I have done over the past couple days.
So I guess it didn't happen and I am a bare-faced liar...
I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just really confused how 2 different things that can't (or at least shouldn't be able to) happen, happened to you over the course of a few days.
FWIW, in all the Vulcan freighters and stations I've raided (or at least, all the ones I've raided over the time I've been tracking the results) I've never seen them bring back contraband. They've dropped almost enough variety to build an entire ship's fittings though, and enough prisoners to keep Rura Penthe going until it runs out of dilithium :P:
Vulcan Freighter
Communication Arrays
Medical Supplies
Self Sealing Stem Bolts
Water Purification Systems
Ship Engine
Ship Shield
Ship Weapon
Ship Science Console
Ship Tactical Console
Astrometric Probes
Communication Arrays
Medical Supplies
Self Sealing Stem Bolts
Ship Shields
Ship Weapon
Ship Console (no idea which slot it goes in, I didn't make a specific note when I found it :mad:)
Cripple Vulcan Science Station
Industrial Energy Cells
Medical Supplies
Ground Armour
Industrial Replicators
Medical Supplies
Self Sealing Stem Bolts
Weather Control Systems
Ground Armour
Ground Shield
Sending one of the (then new) Tholian Warfare DOffs (can't remember exactly which one) on the Bajoran Marathon... and winning...
Otherwise, nothing particularly notable...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Desaster - 2 injured, Entertainer dead.
Someone must have been cheating. But why did they kill the Orion?
It's been a while but I'm pretty sure I had a Drinks on the Town that sent all of them to sickbay. Frackin' nuggets can't hold their liquor.
Caitian, El-Aurian, Vorta, Cardassian, and Tholian.... sounds like an interesting dinner to me.
My character Tsin'xing
You'd think they'd just seen a Justin Bieber concert.
Confiscate contraband crit - small hypo.
Elite Defense Stovokor
So let's get this right... 6 farmers, BOLIANS mind you, injured 2 Jem'hadar and a Klingon... well now we know why they're happy.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
I also have a prisoner I keep trying to execute (on my KDF of course). I've tried at least 4 times. Every time I get a Disaster result and the prisoner comes back to my ship unharmed.
Edit: Oh, and I've had someone killed while 'Confiscating Contraband From Crew'.
I had a good long look at the "Execute for Incompetence" mission after that but decided it built character.
Took some photos with my phone at the time, shared them with friends who then decided to check out STO for the duty officers alone.
That must have been one hell of a party.
My character Tsin'xing
Positives: Critical 'Dabo!', using purple Vulcan holo, injured. What, was the Dabo table rigged by Rom's company again so you couldn't ask it to meditate logically in front of you without showering you with sparks?
Critical 'Raid on Ammuniition Depot': 45 Medical Supplies, 5 Water Purification, 5 Antigen commods. That's... some very strange ammunition. What were you gonna do, drop them in the path of my Interceptors and hope one of the pilots gets loot crazy? ...On second thought, they would've stopped shooting and looted them anyhow.
Critical 'Leave on Bajor': sent 3 purple Klingons including 2 chefs and 1 bartender, 1 Orion chef, 1 Lethean Sec. officer. All returned injured, however. On second thought, don't introduce Klingon cooking to Bajorans.. and replace that guard.
Critical 'Leave on Drozana Station': sent 4 purple Orions, 1 blue Betazoid. Apparently the Betazoid almost won the catfight.
Then the really good ones:
Critical 'Install Deputy on Cardassia Prime': sent 1 white Cardassian Diplomat but was injured shortly after arrival. Probably the Ferengi earrings were offensive.
Critical 'Disable Bolian Freighter': sent a purple Klingon Proj.Weap. officer and a purple Orion Trac.Beam. officer. Both injured. 5 Bolian prisoners as a result, nothing else. They were unharmed, chatty... and probably very pleased with their handiwork. Probably carried both officers back into the raiding Toron shuttle and even kept them stable so they could be picked up and their freighter seized for hauling tribbles to Drozana.
Critical 'Strike Against Fugitive Suport Network: sent a purple Gorn/Orion/Klingon team... they returned with a Romulan Ale, 5 Contraband, 1 male and female Orion, 1 male and female Klingon..... and a female Vorta. Wat. No, srsly, WAT
NEGATIVES: hoooo boy, do I have some stupid ones...
Critical Failure 2nd Establish Culinary Credentials 'Prepare an Earth Cajun Meal': sent 2 purple officers, 1 blue. All came down with 'food poisoning', but I suspect heresy was involved somehow. It probably didn't help that my chef was Human, and serving Lethean and Orion Diplomats.
Critical Failure 'Disable Vulcan Freighter': 1 purple Borg Proj.Weap. officer, 1 green Gorn Trac.Beam officer, one was injured by a REC (randomly exploding console, yeah, Toron shuttles these days aren't built to the greatest standards), the other caught a very nasty Hologram virus that made him think he was an entertainer for a day. And pulled his artificial ACL. I must question whether or not the Vulcans were in the middle of Ponn'Far...
Critical Failure 'Confiscate Contraband': 1 white Klingon, 1 white Gorn. Both killed with a Low casualty chance, 1% disaster, had matching traits. That was one pissed off tribble hoarder. On the next round of Confiscate, found 3 Tuffli tribbles and an EZ Bake Oven. Those things are really small these days.
Edit: Forgot a few.
Critical Failure 'Treat For Serious Illness': purple Klingon Doctor with Aggressive, patient was a Gorn with Resilient & Unruly. The patient was treated once. THEN again after the doctor punched his face in. And once more because he resisted the second treatment. Yes. He was injured, injured again, and finally given a gold sticker for breaking the Doctor's fingers on the last punch. While impressive... the Doctor was treated very quickly thereafter. With six rounds of Blood Wine and a recommendation for armored gloves.
Critical Failure 'Ferasan Weapon Manufacturing Techniques': sent 2 blue Fabrication, Nausicaan and Klingon, 2 blue Armory officers, Human and Vulcan... apparently disagreements occurred and they all hit each other with forge euipment until no one was standing. Or moving.
Critical Failure 'Holodeck Reproduction of Hamlet': 19 varying officers, no holograms. 2 Gorn, 1 Nausicaan, all white, killed in the line of duty. All purples and greens injured. Mysteriously, the blues, including a Reman, Romulan, Hunter, and a single Jem'Hadar were found on the opposite end of the ship, unharmed.
So they flew the freighter back intacted, good work.
Actually I have gotten contraband off of disable vulcan freighter and raid on vulcan science facility.
And this just in:
Jem'hadar Boarding Simulation: Critical Success, 2 Injured, 2 lost.
Injured: Jem'hadar Assault Squad Officer (blue), Klingon Security Officer (purple)
Lost: Klingon Security Officer (green), Orion Security Officer (green)
So all I can guess is that the Klingons decided to actually kill the Jem'hadar during the Boarding "simulation", and the Orion got caught in the ensuing battle, after which it came down to the Jemmy and the purple Klink (ironically a female) and neither of them won or lost.
Boarder disabled, ship safe. No wonder I got a critical success XD.
Are you sure? Only white quality doffs can be lost, not greens and higher quality.
Elite Defense Stovokor
I've had greens die before. It may have been a bug, but tbh, I never missed them, they were very easily replaced.
i also have enjoyed sending odd teams to decorate the hydropinics bay this holiday season although the all borg team had the best success.
some of them crack me up like the engineering ones where stubborn is a failure trait.. what good engineer is not stubborn.
i enjoy doffing as a klingon most of all somewhere it makes me smile to sell off your colonists to orion slavers oh sure the empire has found you new homes right this way these orions will be giving you a ride there HAHAHAHA
I have an all-Gorn diplomatic team on the Fed side that crits every time.
Verne Brown (engineer) seems to more often trigger a crit (GREAT SCOTT).
On the other hand... I have a couple missions I consider suicide missions. Updating the translator always ends in disaster, so does turbolift repairs. Doesn't matter who I send, you WILL spend time in sickbay if you survive. :eek:
Finally, on the subject of contraband. Someone in chat equated contraband to drugs and raised the objection that there would be so much of it.
Contraband is anything illegal to posses or ship. In real life examples would include certain industrial chemicals, rocket-launchers, porno, banned books/recordings/bootlegs of legal books/recordings and large quantities of otherwise legal medications.
I like to imagine the Klingons are very strict about what they allow in their empire... for example anything that ms-interprets their culture, anything Romulan, live animals such as tribbles, and so on. That's why my KDF officer brings so much of it in.
My Orions, simply steal it from one source (10,000 copies of "The Joys Of French Cooking") and passes it on to another smuggler.
The Federation... tends to educate it's citizens and "cure" people of the need for illegal recreation, exotic pets and xenoporn. Thats why the Federation doesn't have nearly as much contraband in circulation. That's why finding a unauthorized hypospray full of THC is such a big deal.
Regarding contraband, I've been noting down what my marauders have brought back for the last 2 months, and NEVER seen contraband from either the Vulcan freighters or the Vulcan Science Station (and that includes critical successes).
I'll admit I was wrong about Bolians in my earlier post, though.
Greens don't die (unless you execute them, either for incompetence or for being a Changeling).
Well pics are impossible since that was a few days ago and my DOff Assignment log doesn't go back that far, especially with the plethora of 45 minute raids I do. Sorry. And as I said, I lost some greens without shooting them out the airlock/executing them, so I either got bugged, something got changed, or I have no bloody idea. And again, pics impossible courtesy of the sheer number of DOff missions I have done over the past couple days.
So I guess it didn't happen and I am a bare-faced liar...
FWIW, in all the Vulcan freighters and stations I've raided (or at least, all the ones I've raided over the time I've been tracking the results) I've never seen them bring back contraband. They've dropped almost enough variety to build an entire ship's fittings though, and enough prisoners to keep Rura Penthe going until it runs out of dilithium :P:
Sending one of the (then new) Tholian Warfare DOffs (can't remember exactly which one) on the Bajoran Marathon... and winning...
Otherwise, nothing particularly notable...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]