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KDF Honor Guard uniform reset

pmadi32382pmadi32382 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
edited December 2012 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I've opened a ticket in game about this but not gotten anywhere. My issue is that while playing one of my KDF characters and equipping one of my uniforms, whenever I enter a new area the uniform is reverted to the KDF HG uni. On the first screen when you can select your characters it shows the uniform I have selected while in the game, but as soon as the game loads or I enter a new area, the KDF HG uni is displayed. I have tried everything I can think of including just changing all of the character's uniforms to basic and not HG and that hasn't helped either. Again any changes I make to a uniform slot are displayed while I'm in the tailor screen and after I exit that screen as well, but I soon as a new area is loaded the HG uni is again displayed. I've tried using the in game short cut of selecting your uniform from the 'health bar icon menu' but to no avail. Additionally this does not occur with any of my other characters and wasn't happening to this character prior to about a month ago. I haven't deleted or edited any game files in that time either. I'm hoping someone here may have a solution that doesn't involve re-installing the game.
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