To provide a companion to the current debate happening in the
male cropped jackets thread, I ask this: Why are women in this game forced to show skin? Why don't they have the option to cover up if they so choose? Similarly, why don't men have the option to not wear an undershirt? We have the original series command tunic already. What's the harm?
Easy, those options weren't modeled. Perhaps you've noticed how costumes in STO are not modular AT ALL like in CO, so everything has to be modeled in. If its not modeled you don't get the option for it. Look at the trill spots glitch with the crop jacket, it shows that somehow, the torso is somehow one piece instead of a base body mesh with the clothing on top.... talk about NOT wanting to make costuming easy, especially since its handled so well in CO.
Forced? Don't buy it, get short or long instead. You have to specifically buy the option for the cleavage uniform variants. I'm not sure what you mean by forced. These vanity items are all optional.
The point is that women are shoehorned into showing cleavage if they want an open jacket. They don't have the option to wear an undershirt like their male counterparts. In a similar vein, men can't not wear undershirts. Some of us would like equal options on both ends of the spectrum.
Lol, talk about a blast from the past eh folks? Can someone link the original images that inspired players to demand the open jacket uniform? Maybe that way people will see how far we STILL need to go:D.
Come join the 44th Fleet.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Same answer as in the male midriff thread: The babymen are the ones throwing the money around and don't want to see that sort of equality in their utopian fantasy world where everyone is equal.
More options = more incentive to buy in. There is literally no downside to this.
Actually, they need to know if enough people WILL buy in because the option is there before spending resources on it, or else you have more Klink ships no one bought. That's the downside.
And yes, it doesn't seem like an awful lot of effort to add an extra undershirt texture, but that's the way it crumbles right now. Would we REALLY see a boost in sales of open-jacket uniforms if the options you wanted were added in, or would you lot who ALREADY have open-jacket uniforms but were unsatisfied simply be pacified?
And it's less modeling effort.
If both options were available, it's like the cleavage option would be picked more often than the non-cleavage option.
A minimum clothing requirement (everything covered)
And a "no smutty names " rule
This is the problem. Why is it mandated that female characters have to cater to sex appeal?
Here's the original "inspiration" for the open top uniforms.
Thats what they were MEANT to look like when the long timers of this game voted for them a few years back.
And i do remember the good old days with the "OMG cryptic nerfed the cleavage" topics when we got the opentops
Certainly at some point it becomes less work to code a new costume system than to model Trill spots and whatnot into every costume piece individually. And with a modular costume system, it would be trivial to model the jacket and undershirt separately and allow players to combine them at will.
They HAVE to ?
Hmmm, I must've missed the corporate hit man with the gun to my head forcing me to make my female characters pretty with lots of sex appeal!
This annoys me even more than the midriff tops, all the captain wanted to do was open the top a bit to relieve the pressure from the tight collar and her undershirt vanished.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
YOU need to get the **** out of my game. :mad:
He's a good Poe isn't he?
At least I hope he's a Poe because otherwise it's hard to image he's able to get the computer running without licking his mouse for good luck first.
yes , please . The same applies to any open jacket variant : the spots simply disappear ( that's sloppy design )
Fair, morally justified, befitting the Startrek mythos? Maybe not.
Good for the bottom line? Yup.
IMO, the only way that you could justify both and still have a decent bottom line if they were to appeal to both sexes preferences.
That means a variety of oversexed female uniforms and stuff women would actually like. But also a variety of male character models and clothnig that appeals to women. There can be quite a difference between what women and men find "good looking" about a man. A man is looking for his heroic power fantasy, a woman looking for a romantic fantasy. Likewise, a man is looking for a romantic (or merely sexual) interest in a female character, while a woman wants to see a hero as well. And these things can be in conflict, sometimes surprisingly so.
male "fantasies":
female "fantasies"
But I also have an Orion lady that I have all pimped out and ready to pimp slap someone. She has a particular backstory which explains why she dresses like one of the slave girls. So there are reasons as to why some people would want particular looks even if others do not agree with them.
[Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent
Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
The names aren't usually smutty, at least not those I've seen. However I do usually have a childish s****** when I see a female character with the 'Moist' title running around ESD semi naked.
A man should not lick his mouse for several reasons
firstly the mouse is covered with small invisible communists in fur hats (or possibly Germs)
Second the mouse is connected to an electrical supply and water and electricity is not a smart combination
Third it will of course anger the elders
finally licking the mouse will make it slippery
My character Tsin'xing
You keep missing the point entirely. There are no options for a woman to wear an undershirt with an open jacket uniform. Ergo, she's being forced to cave into Cryptic's misguided and decidedly un-Trek attempts to sell sex appeal to the heteronormative demographic.