so to my surprise tier 3 unlocked the project for the very rare scorpions. as I wanted them, I queued them up, and started filling the stuff in.
however I cannot put in uncommon engi or ops doffs. no matter what I do. I have loads in my inventory, and I bought fresh (unbound) ones from the exchange, and I cant give any of them...
I hope this is not going to stall me as long as the godamn boffs are doing with my fleet
I'm having the same problem as well. I just opened tier 3 not a few minutes ago, bought my doffs fresh from the exchange and can't seem to donate them either. I keep going over everything to make sure I have the right doffs and I'm sure I do but still nothing.
Oh god first the starbase boff project bug, and now the rep system has a doff bug.
Are you loading Fleet doffs into that project? Or maybe this only allows Fleet doffs and not stuff generated by the doff grinder? Or maybe it doesn't accept doffs from a certain doff pack?
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Don't have any fleet doffs, so that's not a problem. And I can't see why it would require fleet doffs since some people aren't in fleets and that would keep them from completing the project in the first place. Unless you can buy fleet doffs on the exchange? Haven't been in a fleet long or looked for doffs in awhile, so *shrug*. The description says any uncommon green engineering or operations duty officers. I bought them off the exchange, just random engineering and operations doffs.
so to my surprise tier 3 unlocked the project for the very rare scorpions. as I wanted them, I queued them up, and started filling the stuff in.
however I cannot put in uncommon engi or ops doffs. no matter what I do. I have loads in my inventory, and I bought fresh (unbound) ones from the exchange, and I cant give any of them...
I hope this is not going to stall me as long as the godamn boffs are doing with my fleet
A friend of mine encountered this problem - the project actually needs common doffs even though uncommon are listed.
Are you loading Fleet doffs into that project? Or maybe this only allows Fleet doffs and not stuff generated by the doff grinder? Or maybe it doesn't accept doffs from a certain doff pack?
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
A friend of mine encountered this problem - the project actually needs common doffs even though uncommon are listed.
I will try this asap
I wouldnt be surprised, considering that S7 is full of half-misinformation
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force
Player since December 2009
Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force
Player since December 2009
This fixed me up to in my other post, thanks for the suggestion!!! Annoying label issue, if I had common doffs I guess this would of gone unnoticed.