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Truth is and will always be we bicker and argue..

zorena#3961 zorena Member Posts: 254 Arc User
edited December 2012 in PvP Gameplay
We bicker and argue amongst ourselves in the fleets in pvp chats in zone chats and sometimes its out of frustration, It happens to all of ous, but the responsible people for how bad balance in pvp is even without the pay2win TRIBBLE is Gecko.

Change is needed, we just dont have the right person there to help ous, instead he increase the TRIBBLE with the consoles/ships and the other junk.

People regard me as an exploiter and fine sure you know we all did use it, some people weren't just aware of it but I actually did bug report the Attackpattern-Zigz incidient. The only thing that made them change it was it was brought up on the PVP forums and had big flames going for like 200 posts..

How can we as players sit around and say don't do bad things with these powers when? sometimes its not even as obvious as faw1.0 was we had 200 posts in that thread and most of them in the start was it was totally fine to use.

I don't mean that I think new ships and consoles are bad in everyway tho, I mean I would love to have new ships and consoles and engines and all sorts of things Its just the goal for the current consoles/ships and stuff its just to sell and it have a bad impact on pvp as it currently is done.
Post edited by zorena#3961 on


  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Personally, I pride myself on not getting caught-up in that kind to unnecessary chest thumping.

    It's the humble guys/ gals that blow me apart in seconds that impress me. When I see them doing it consistently without the need to be known, I see the glimmer of the true magic of PvP at its raw potential.
  • dant158#3249 dant158 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Key word. STO has loads of it, trouble is the studio in charge is categorically failing to realise it.
    Sure, STO may be making the balance sheet (no, not Gekos' lolbalance sheet, the economic one) look good for now, but I'm talking about the potential to be one of the literal best pvp games out there. The space combat mechanics are excellent, if we could just change the guys in charge... :(
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    zorandra wrote: »
    We bicker and argue amongst ourselves in the fleets in pvp chats in zone chats and sometimes its out of frustration, It happens to all of ous, but the responsible people for how bad balance in pvp is even without the pay2win TRIBBLE is Gecko.

    Change is needed, we just dont have the right person there to help ous, instead he increase the TRIBBLE with the consoles/ships and the other junk.

    People regard me as an exploiter and fine sure you know we all did use it, some people weren't just aware of it but I actually did bug report the Attackpattern-Zigz incidient. The only thing that made them change it was it was brought up on the PVP forums and had big flames going for like 200 posts..

    How can we as players sit around and say don't do bad things with these powers when? sometimes its not even as obvious as faw1.0 was we had 200 posts in that thread and most of them in the start was it was totally fine to use.

    I don't mean that I think new ships and consoles are bad in everyway tho, I mean I would love to have new ships and consoles and engines and all sorts of things Its just the goal for the current consoles/ships and stuff its just to sell and it have a bad impact on pvp as it currently is done.

    You're not an exploiter Zorandra...

    I got your back.
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited December 2012
    Yeah Z, who is calling you an exoiter?

    *shares hax*

    Now your an exploiter.
  • rooster75rooster75 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Personally, I pride myself on not getting caught-up in that kind to unnecessary chest thumping.

    It's the humble guys/ gals that blow me apart in seconds that impress me. When I see them doing it consistently without the need to be known, I see the glimmer of the true magic of PvP at its raw potential.

    This is the most intelligent post written in these forums for a long, long time.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    rooster75 wrote: »
    This is the most intelligent post written in these forums for a long, long time.

    Agreed. He has a firm grasp on things.

    Though I can see Z's (may I use that name) angst at the system when Devs state that a little OP is needed to sell new product.

    Besides I never considered Z an exploiter on any of the time I crossed paths. I just figured I fought a better player.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • th3xr34p3rth3xr34p3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I may not pvp all that often as of late or at all (used to on and off since beta) since I perfer the pve side of things; but alot of the players I know from the forums here and ingame I know are fun to game with in both aspects, I do agree that pvp overall in sto needs a rebuild from the ground up esp on the fact there needs to be more incentive for people to play it more often.

    Would love to see a pvp map of the month/week system based on the top rated foundry map to give people more maps to play, among other improvements.

    Actually if there is a position open one of you should apply for it. ;)
    [SIGPIC]Click to visit Subspace-Radio[/SIGPIC]
    Twitter | Blog | Original Join Date: Dec 2007 | Gaming Setup | Raptr Profile | Gamer DNA
    The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Personally, I pride myself on not getting caught-up in that kind to unnecessary chest thumping.

    It's the humble guys/ gals that blow me apart in seconds that impress me. When I see them doing it consistently without the need to be known, I see the glimmer of the true magic of PvP at its raw potential.

    Whether they kill me with raw skill or even a superfluous amount of cheese - as long as there's no bragging, etc, etc, etc - I take my lumps, try to get better, and come back for more.

    With the skilled guys and gals, it kind of makes me think of all the "cool" heroes in various movies that just get the job done. It's something to be respected.

    With the cheesefest folks, it's what Cryptic's done with the game - so it's what it is. May not like it, but as long as there's no bragging - it's easy to focus the disdain on Cryptic for their lack of concern and consideration for PvP. When they brag...well, I want to rip their legs off and club them about the face with their bloody appendages (no, not really - I'm not that kind of violent psycho... I take my meds, nicotine and caffeine - I'm all good)...
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Not to sound all Loveboat on you or anything...
    Personally, I pride myself on not getting caught-up in that kind to unnecessary chest thumping.

    It's the humble guys/ gals that blow me apart in seconds that impress me. When I see them doing it consistently without the need to be known, I see the glimmer of the true magic of PvP at its raw potential.

    but that has to be one of the most beautiful posts I've read on these threads. For serious like double rainbows moment.

    +10 kudos to you
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    You're not an exploiter Zorandra...

    I got your back.

    if only people believed that when i say it... :(
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited December 2012
    Things were always pretty far from perfect but its getting so silly anymore that the few folks who actually do fly clean are almost instantly overshadowed by the rest of the nonsense around them. All of this new stuff could have been fun and interesting without hurting PvP but they chose not to invest the effort into doing it well.

    I don't harbor any serious resentment against anyone. I just can't understand the appeal of resorting to the kinds of things that cryptic has unleashed on PvP. We need more people to play if we want any attention but we keep piling on the TRIBBLE that creates the attitudes that chases them away.

    There was a time when I'd run at minimum the PvP dailies on 5 different toons a day. Now I take breaks from PvP regularly and each one seems to last longer than the last. I'd love to PvP like I used to but I don't like the way it makes me feel about some people out there. So I try to stay out of it... Mostly.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • dank65dank65 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Personally, I pride myself on not getting caught-up in that kind to unnecessary chest thumping.

    It's the humble guys/ gals that blow me apart in seconds that impress me. When I see them doing it consistently without the need to be known, I see the glimmer of the true magic of PvP at its raw potential.


    Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
    LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I hate to say it but I just do not see a probable solution to the 'balance' issue anytime soon from cryptic. The only true reasonable way they could balance pvp and pve would be to have separate mechanics where specific consoles/etc operated differently than they do in PvE. Wait a second, they already tried that with the skill tree revamp and then borderline ignored it after.

    But their is hope, the grassroots community push that I see happening on these boards with the tournaments, leagues, and bootcamp that are being attempted are the best hope for a good times pvp so to speak. Sadly the amount of ... infighting within those attempts may just doom them.

    It saddens me. It seems that our cultures have changed to the point that we demand everything be 100% the way we want it and we lack the capability to simply appoint and entrust a leader to make the right call even in a video game. Even if we disagree with one decision out of ten from our leaders we find it unacceptable and create confrontation.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is even if the league says 'no tric mines' but you think there is nothing wrong with them, or if they say 'anti-matter spread console is fair' and you think it isn't, don't let that single disagreement sabotage the entire attempt. Cryptic has already proven themselves incapable of setting the rules someone else must be entrusted to create new ones.

    Its late and I"m rambling incoherently apologies.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Speak for yourself Z, i'm never the first to hear about exploits, but you hear how. You're saying temptation is hard and sometimes we all all fall pray? Nope, on your own there.

    Although, being able to switch faction when the klingons are in minority to bring balance to Kerrat? Put the cuffs on i'll go quietly!
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I agree Zorena. We can try, but we have tried - and it didn't work out. I remember tournaments breaking apart because people suddenly turned out not to agree witht he rules anymore, claiming that fleet X was just rigging the rules in its favour, and stuff like that.

    Try to be the best player you can be, be excellent to others - that's the only thing you can both demand and fulfill yourself.

    Anything else is out of your control. And a large part is in control of Cryptic's development team.

    Mustrum "CYA - probably b*tching about moaning about weapon balance in Mechwarrior Online" Ridcully
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • zorena#3961 zorena Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Speak for yourself Z, i'm never the first to hear about exploits, but you hear how. You're saying temptation is hard and sometimes we all all fall pray? Nope, on your own there.
    No you clearly do not understand, I was playing a tactical character (Zorena) and all my +damage modifier skills (Attack pattern alpha, Go down fighting and Tactical fleet had a buff to + all damage resist and science skills), It wasn't even about trying to use it as much as possible it was just something that everyone had to do.

    Exploits or whatever you called it, it was in the game everyone had to use their captain buffs surely, some people didn't know what they did in full but that isn't my fault.
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I agree Zorena. We can try, but we have tried - and it didn't work out. I remember tournaments breaking apart because people suddenly turned out not to agree witht he rules anymore, claiming that fleet X was just rigging the rules in its favour, and stuff like that.

    i remember thats basically what happend after the "tsi funday".

    extend shields up until that point was just thought to be aminor annoyance. then when tsi ran a team using it on every ship, it was then said that using extend shields was bad.

    but like i said, up until that point it was just an annoyance.

    then since that time, every time a funday has been tried that ONE issue is brought up and the thing falls apart.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    zorandra wrote: »
    No you clearly do not understand, I was playing a tactical character (Zorena) and all my +damage modifier skills (Attack pattern alpha, Go down fighting and Tactical fleet had a buff to + all damage resist and science skills), It wasn't even about trying to use it as much as possible it was just something that everyone had to do.

    Exploits or whatever you called it, it was in the game everyone had to use their captain buffs surely, some people didn't know what they did in full but that isn't my fault.

    No no you misunderstand, I didn't mean "you" as in your own person, I mean "you" as in the generic PVPer :)
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • grindsmygears1grindsmygears1 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    maicake716 wrote: »
    i remember thats basically what happend after the "tsi funday".

    extend shields up until that point was just thought to be aminor annoyance. then when tsi ran a team using it on every ship, it was then said that using extend shields was bad.

    but like i said, up until that point it was just an annoyance.

    then since that time, every time a funday has been tried that ONE issue is brought up and the thing falls apart.

    Just realized the reason you guys bring so much cheese is to go with all this whine...:rolleyes:

    You guys had a brilliant idea with the extend escort team. What you fail to realize which others have pointed out is that people that put on an event should not also play in that event. If they win the event, **** is almost always going to fly. I was grateful you guys were putting those event together and wish the community would support more fundays, even if you guys play in them. When you win your own event though, please don't be so shocked that people are going to cry foul. Ego will always look for something to blame, and winning the event your running and making rules for makes it so easy to point fingers.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just realized the reason you guys bring so much cheese is to go with all this whine...:rolleyes:

    You guys had a brilliant idea with the extend escort team. What you fail to realize which others have pointed out is that people that put on an event should not also play in that event. If they win the event, **** is almost always going to fly. I was grateful you guys were putting those event together and wish the community would support more fundays, even if you guys play in them. When you win your own event though, please don't be so shocked that people are going to cry foul. Ego will always look for something to blame, and winning the event your running and making rules for makes it so easy to point fingers.
    Maybe it would help if people wouldn't always assume malevolence rather than ignorance first, so if something seems "rigged", maybe it was just because no one had tried it before?

    And considering the small number of teams that were in that tournament, I do not think it would exactly help tournaments if the organizers are not allowed in it.

    There was just too much whining going on there, and going by that experience, that will not change by a miracle just because we all hold hands together in some thread and promise to get better. It will only be fixed if the game mechanics, including all powers, cosnoles ships and skills are designed for PvP competition and balance. Since that will never happen, you can only hope that the next community tournament will only break apart after the last match. It will make things feel bitter afterwards, but at least it was fun while it lasted.

    But Cryptic seems to have figured out that there is no money to be made with PvP - at least not with balanced PvP. Too much work, too little gain. If their observation is true, that's a shame, but it is what it is.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just realized the reason you guys bring so much cheese is to go with all this whine...:rolleyes:

    You guys had a brilliant idea with the extend escort team. What you fail to realize which others have pointed out is that people that put on an event should not also play in that event. If they win the event, **** is almost always going to fly. I was grateful you guys were putting those event together and wish the community would support more fundays, even if you guys play in them. When you win your own event though, please don't be so shocked that people are going to cry foul. Ego will always look for something to blame, and winning the event your running and making rules for makes it so easy to point fingers.

    it was labled "tsi funday" because i was lazy in being creative.

    i personally didnt take part in the event, and neither did zorena (if i recall correctly) we flew and filmed and recored.

    i had no knowledge of anyones team set up until the day of the event (i know who was on the teams in what ships but not what they were using)

    i know that now but when ive even tried to hold just a "funday" event that extend shields thing was brought up and i cancelled the event because lets face it, im human and it actually hurt that people think I stacked it somehow.

    maybe ill toss together a funday event after the new year but i dont know. the last one almost went through until crytpic threw a major wrench into the works the day before the event was to happen.

    the point being is that it flat out sucks that any event that i try to hold will always be seen as a "tsi" event even when i clearly state i sever myself from tsi for the duration of the event. i mean, what else really can i do?

    the rules for the event were also an experiment. we learned that without Scramble sensors being allowed to be taken there was no need for multiple science teams on a team because there could only be 2 sci captains. so 2 sci teams at the most to deal with 2 sub nukes. that led to a whole lot of engineering teams and tactical teams being used.

    cause and effect. ban one of the bo powers and the entire dynamic changes. we learned that. thats also why there was so much extend shields, there was a limit to the number of shockwaves so you knew that you had a window to operate from and could overwhelm the counters to it.

    the second funday was made into something different by qew because they didnt like the idea of ship restrictions (even though we had them on ventrillo to hash out the ship restrictions). that kind of hurt when after they gave their input and it was listened too they decided it wasnt good enough and flat out said no. so i turned the day over to them and they held their own event (which was completely different from the funday)

    and the only way i can see holding a funday now would be to say- no consoles and no ship higher then teir 3.

    but even then i'm sure ways could be found around even that to make the game miserable for some.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • upyournacelles2upyournacelles2 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    And considering the small number of teams that were in that tournament, I do not think it would exactly help tournaments if the organizers are not allowed in it.

    well this tournament proved that it sure didn't help it to allow it. I played a lot of competitive paintball, and I know that when our field put on events, it would have never worked for us to field a team in the very event we're running. It may be received well at first, but if won the tournament we'd never get a good turnout again.

    There was just too much whining going on there, and going by that experience, that will not change by a miracle just because we all hold hands together in some thread and promise to get better. It will only be fixed if the game mechanics, including all powers, cosnoles ships and skills are designed for PvP competition and balance. Since that will never happen, you can only hope that the next community tournament will only break apart after the last match. It will make things feel bitter afterwards, but at least it was fun while it lasted.

    its pvp. Pvp=too much ego. Doesn't matter how balanced a game is, people will always try to find excuses as to why they lost. In another game I'm playing that is way more balanced than this game is, I've been leveling up a new "vehicle". Well a new device i had no idea about came out that happens to work in this vehicle. All of a sudden I'm being called a fotm'er even though I've been leveling this vehicle for the last two weeks and wrecking people with it. When I explained that I've had been running this before they announced the release of this device, I was called a liar. Ego>reason in a pvp oriented game. You know why people like bigredjedi stand out in a sea of other garbage in these threads? Lack of ego in a sea of it.

    But Cryptic seems to have figured out that there is no money to be made with PvP - at least not with balanced PvP. Too much work, too little gain. If their observation is true, that's a shame, but it is what it is.

    Pvp works gain<p2w gain I think is more accurate. There are plenty of pvp games out there that aren't perfect, but are pretty well balanced and continue to work to that end while introducing new balanced aspects to the games dynamics. These games are doing well and games like wot are even expanding into planes and battleships.
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