It's Tac-heavy and out turns the Vetsa while having better shields than most escorts. Stick a VM1+Doff up there in the LTC slot w/ Ens Engineer for rotating... pretty much whatever you like (my money's on EPtA and EPtS with an RSP or Aux2Sif in the LT slot) and it ought to get by just peachy. Well, you can hope anyway. It's still out turning a Fleet Vor'cha.
The shields and hull and all that stuff aren't really the issue...
What it comes down to (for me at least) is this:
An escort's role is damage
A cruiser's role is tankyshank/healing
A (Klinkydink) "battlecruiser" performs both to satisfactory levels of effectiveness
The proposed Breen ship is not really a "battlecruiser". It has no slots for survivability to make up for its turn and its sluggish speed, the saving grace that allows Klink snoozers to shine. In fact it's just a plain ol' escort, one whose layout we already more or less have in the existing game.
Other than the fun console I can't see what's unique or compelling about the ship. I suppose a comparison to the Besta is fair but honestly I think the latter performs its task much better (disruption)
The shields and hull and all that stuff aren't really the issue...
What it comes down to (for me at least) is this:
An escort's role is damage
A cruiser's role is tankyshank/healing
A (Klinkydink) "battlecruiser" performs both to satisfactory levels of effectiveness
The proposed Breen ship is not really a "battlecruiser". It has no slots for survivability to make up for its turn and its sluggish speed, the saving grace that allows Klink snoozers to shine. In fact it's just a plain ol' escort, one whose layout we already more or less have in the existing game.
Other than the fun console I can't see what's unique or compelling about the ship. I suppose a comparison to the Besta is fair but honestly I think the latter performs its task much better (disruption)
Klink cruisers might have the possibility of running more defense but there are very successful builds out there without them. Actually I see more of them running WP or DEM pretty high. The new breen ship will be more like a fleet vorcha. It just replaces toys like DEM and maybe WP with a little more tac and sci. Also sci offers some options for self heals. And the turn rate is better than a fleet vorcha or even a vesta.
I don't know how this ship will perform in an actual premade battle but it will do fine in PUGland. I am really looking forward to trying this thing.
I can't see what's unique or compelling about the ship.
The Chel Grett's a Warship/Heavy Destroyer.
Vs. Chimera:
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.1 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
Vs. Peghqu':
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.167 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
It's not a case of looking for that point somewhere between a Cruiser and an Escort. It's looking for that point somewhere between a Battle Cruiser and a Destroyer.
The Warship/Heavy Destroyer type of ships...provide options.
Put an Eng in an Assault Cruiser/Battle Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put an Eng in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
Put a Sci in an Assault Cruiser/Battle Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put a Sci in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
I'm sure a Tac looking at it, wouldn't feel quite the same.
Put a Tac in a Destroyer/Escort/Raptor...
Put a Tac in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer. Hrmmm...
Course, there's always the Kirk.
Put a Kirk in an Assault Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put a Kirk in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
To an extent, it almost feels like this type of ship is in response to when Player B has been telling Player A that Player A is doing it wrong.
Vs. Chimera:
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.1 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
Vs. Peghqu':
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.167 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
It's not a case of looking for that point somewhere between a Cruiser and an Escort. It's looking for that point somewhere between a Battle Cruiser and a Destroyer.
The Warship/Heavy Destroyer type of ships...provide options.
Actually I think comparing it to the Chimera/Peghqu' explains a lot of what I mean...
If you run the Chimera as a Lt. Com. Tac and an Ens. Eng, you're really just in a slow escort. (Though the Chimera/Peghqu' have interesting toy consoles, so there's that). For all intents and purposes this is the same as the Breen layout.
Now if you run the Lt. Com. as an Eng, you start approaching something interesting. There's a player here on the boards who uses this setup for his vet ship and it's the only one I'd truly be scared of facing in the queues.
I guess I'm just saying don't be fooled by the size/superficial stats of many of STO's ships... call it a 'destroyer' if you like but I think you're going to find it'll fly exactly like a Joe Schmoe escort.
I guess I'm just saying don't be fooled by the size/superficial stats of many of STO's ships... call it a 'destroyer' if you like but I think you're going to find it'll fly exactly like a Joe Schmoe escort.
I think it's akin to the Vesta discussions in various threads.
There are folks that approach the Vesta as an Escort.
There are folks that approach the Vesta as a RSV.
They have different views on the ship and what you can do with it.
It's not a case of calling it a Destroyer, because it's not a Destroyer. It's a Warship/Heavy Destroyer. It's not going to fly like a Destroyer (which falls more in with Escorts and Raptors). It's going to fly like a faster RSV (a faster MDSSV).
If I put on my Tac hat, it just lacks appeal. If I put on my Sci hat, it gives me another option to a RSV and a potentially better option to an Escort. If I put on my Eng hat, that's where it looks like it provides the best option.
Like I said before, consider the following and what you can pull off with playstyles:
Eng in Cruiser.
Eng in Escort.
Eng in Science.
Eng in Carrier.
Eng in Support.
Eng in BoP.
Eng in Raptor.
Eng in Battle Cruiser.
Eng in Destroyer.
Then look at an Eng in the Chel Grett.
They have their selfish survivability (really wish Cryptic would make Eng Space more like Eng Ground) - they have 6 Tac BOFF slots - and they can still offer up crosshealing with the 3 Sci slots (ST, TSS, HE).
For a lot of the complaint threads about Eng and Cruisers... well, the Heavy Destroyer line of ships appear to be Cryptic trying to appease them.
To me, it's an Eng boat. I'm sure others see it differently, and Hell - the build I did in the other thread's a Sci build (I like RSVs and came at it from a RSV PoV).
I for one am scraping the DHC for this and I'm going single cannon/rear turt build. I've been using that on most of my sci/cruisers and its been working extremely well so with the set up this ship has I'm looking forwards to it
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
I wonder if you couldn't turn this into an effective torp boat. Wider arc + weaps power to engines to compensate for the turn, VM or PSW, quants or plasma for Tacs, trannies For Great Science...
Only prob is that it has a hell of a lot of weapon slots. Do torps and mines still share cooldowns?
I haven't used torps in years but from what I can tell the only dangerous trannies are that Breen torp and tran mines in general, mostly because the base damage and the shield pen is higher.
I think it's still a bit of a troll build for Tacs because they can't really spike and they're too easily counterable. Also isn't much of a team option since you can't nuke off most hull hardens.
Only prob is that it has a hell of a lot of weapon slots. Do torps and mines still share cooldowns?
Neither share them, but Mines trigger a 12s shared CD.
With 3x PWO(Torp), it's kind of funny how fast you can fire Rapid Trans. Heck, even slower torps go pretty fast. There's an activation timer on firing each, but it's not like...
Mines though - hit Mine A, it's 12s before you can hit Mine B. Even if you reduce the recharge, you're still stuck with that pesky 12s triggered CD.
Also, with TS and THY - you can hit say TS, not fire the torp - the triggered CD on THY will expire before the TS buff does. You can fire a TS and THY at the "same" time if you have two different launchers - only the activation timer (0.5s/1.0s) will separate them.
You can actually pull the following off with proper timing (I just checked to make sure it still worked) with three torps (I did it with plasma):
Hit THY, but don't fire it. It starts the 30s buff countdown and triggers the 15s shared CD on TS.
When the triggered 15s CD finishes on TS, hit it. Don't fire yet though.
The next part's important. You either need a torp on your actionbar or the weapons block showing. The actionbar's going to show the 30s TS buff counting down and the triggered 15s CD on THY. The torps themselves though, will show how much time is left on the original THY buff. When that gets down to 5-4s, then fire.
The first torp will fire - a THY'd torp.
About .5-1s later, the second torp will fire - a TS'd torp.
You'll have 1-2s left on the triggered CD from TS on the THY.
So after 1-2s, you can fire another THY'd torp.
Within a period of 3-5 seconds, you can fire a THY - a TS - and a second THY.
I used to run 3x Rapid Trans and a Breen Cluster.
And don't forget, in regard to the PWO-Torp DOFFs - they work like AtB.
Again, using the three plasma torp example above:
Torp A fires - has chance to reduce recharge from PWO-T DOFF(s).
Torp B fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp B and Torp A.
Torp C fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp C, Torp B, and Torp A.
Torp A fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp A, Torp B, and Torp C.
Even with 3 PWO-Ts (Green), you can find them triggering out of sync because of this.
Torp A, Torp B, Torp C, Torp A, Torp B, Torp A, Torp B, Torp A, Torp B, Torp C, etc, etc, etc - depending on if/when the PWO-Ts trigger.
I think it's still a bit of a troll build for Tacs because they can't really spike and they're too easily counterable. Also isn't much of a team option since you can't nuke off most hull hardens.
The ship I used to fly was a Fleet Escort, back when the Patrol was the Fleet. I actually ran a Borg/Breen 2+2 for the bonus damage to the Trans. 3 Rapid Trans and a Cluster up front, a Trans Mine, a Rapid, and a Cluster aft. I used a Sci captain for the Sensor Scan debuff and the Subnuke strip.
When you're running triple torp DOffs, don't you end up hitting the torp ceiling, though? (Two seconds, I think). If I remember right the rapid reload launcher won't push any further.
When you're running triple torp DOffs, don't you end up hitting the torp ceiling, though? (Two seconds, I think). If I remember right the rapid reload launcher won't push any further.
I usually run 2 - not sure why I stuck 3 in there (I have like six of them, every time I get a DOFF lately - it's a freaking green PWO DOFF).
Let me check though...
Had them going from 3s remaining on the recharge to activating again.
You do run into the activation timer though.
If Torp A's firing, Torp B can't fire. It's that rough 0.5s activation. You can count them off firing 1-Missippi, 2-Missippi, 3-Missippi... torp, torp, torp.
Again, that's with 8s recharge plasma using 20% -3s recharge DOFFs (x3).
I'm going to drop it down to 2 of the DOFFs. Wasn't as smooth with 2 as 3...pesky 20%. However, it did allow me to confirm that both of them could trigger on the same torp. Couldn't tell with three, since they were just chewing away the recharge. With 2, was able to see the recharge go from 6s to activating.
Heh, course - I'm going to need more caffeine to do any more tests. I was watching the timers over to the side and not paying attention to the fact my front shield was gone and I was down to 13%
edit: An issue I ran into with 4 torps was the 4th never fired. Probably the reason I went with the Breen on my Trannie previously. I'm not sure what the CD is on the Romulan Hyper-Plasma torp and don't know if the PWO-T affects the recharge on the Omega torp.
It's kind of annoying with the PWO-T DOFFs as well White 20% 2s, Green 20% 3s, Blue 20% 4s (not sure what Purp is - looked on STOwiki - 20% 5s). So Blues would throw it off - likely the 3rd torp not firing. But since it's still a 20%, you'd lose the smoothness even if you were running better quality but fewer. Given that activation timer - 3 White might even be better than 3 Green for those plasma torps.
I might grab some Rapid Trans - because I just ran two Greens with 3 Rapids and I believe it was smooth.
Against all the shield healing that goes on, I'm not sure about how anything but Trans would actually work out.
Though, this has me wondering about setting up that THY-TS-THY alpha by opening with a BO and using Quantums... how something like that might work against a beefier target (as long as the BO doesn't shoot wide right, meh).
I was going to post this in another thread where there was a side-discussion on balance taking place in a turn rate thread; but I didn't want to go further off topic there. They joked about a lockbox EBC and the Chel Grett.
While cloaked, approach the target. Activate THY#1, wait the 15s triggered CD and activate THY#2. Apply additional buffs.
Apply debuffs.
Fire off the THY Omega, THY Hyper, Bio, Tric, Breen... and Graviton. Deploy the Disruptor Turret.
EM and fly past the target (getting ahead of your targetables). PDS, Theta, AA, and AMS as you pass. DPB the trics. Deploy the Scorpions. Activate Photonic Fleet. Sensor Scan.
After you fly past, fire off the Cluster, Hargh'peng, and you should be ready to THY the Trans.
Turn and Subnuke.
C'mon, sure I'd never PvP again if they did an EBC lockbox - but I think the build above would result in the most epic of posts on the forums...
...course, I could just be burned out from racing spiders. 16 more days...meh.
The shields and hull and all that stuff aren't really the issue...
What it comes down to (for me at least) is this:
An escort's role is damage
A cruiser's role is tankyshank/healing
A (Klinkydink) "battlecruiser" performs both to satisfactory levels of effectiveness
The proposed Breen ship is not really a "battlecruiser". It has no slots for survivability to make up for its turn and its sluggish speed, the saving grace that allows Klink snoozers to shine. In fact it's just a plain ol' escort, one whose layout we already more or less have in the existing game.
Other than the fun console I can't see what's unique or compelling about the ship. I suppose a comparison to the Besta is fair but honestly I think the latter performs its task much better (disruption)
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Klink cruisers might have the possibility of running more defense but there are very successful builds out there without them. Actually I see more of them running WP or DEM pretty high. The new breen ship will be more like a fleet vorcha. It just replaces toys like DEM and maybe WP with a little more tac and sci. Also sci offers some options for self heals. And the turn rate is better than a fleet vorcha or even a vesta.
I don't know how this ship will perform in an actual premade battle but it will do fine in PUGland. I am really looking forward to trying this thing.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
The Chel Grett's a Warship/Heavy Destroyer.
Vs. Chimera:
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.1 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
Vs. Peghqu':
-Lt Sci +Lt Tac/-LCdr Uni +LCdr Sci
+1500 Hull/+0.167 Shield/-1 TR/-0.04 IMod/+5 Eng Power
+1 AFT Wep/+1 Sci Console/-100 Crew
It's not a case of looking for that point somewhere between a Cruiser and an Escort. It's looking for that point somewhere between a Battle Cruiser and a Destroyer.
The Warship/Heavy Destroyer type of ships...provide options.
Put an Eng in an Assault Cruiser/Battle Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put an Eng in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
Put a Sci in an Assault Cruiser/Battle Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put a Sci in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
I'm sure a Tac looking at it, wouldn't feel quite the same.
Put a Tac in a Destroyer/Escort/Raptor...
Put a Tac in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer. Hrmmm...
Course, there's always the Kirk.
Put a Kirk in an Assault Cruiser. Hrmmm...
Put a Kirk in a Warship/Heavy Destroyer...
To an extent, it almost feels like this type of ship is in response to when Player B has been telling Player A that Player A is doing it wrong.
Actually I think comparing it to the Chimera/Peghqu' explains a lot of what I mean...
If you run the Chimera as a Lt. Com. Tac and an Ens. Eng, you're really just in a slow escort. (Though the Chimera/Peghqu' have interesting toy consoles, so there's that). For all intents and purposes this is the same as the Breen layout.
Now if you run the Lt. Com. as an Eng, you start approaching something interesting. There's a player here on the boards who uses this setup for his vet ship and it's the only one I'd truly be scared of facing in the queues.
I guess I'm just saying don't be fooled by the size/superficial stats of many of STO's ships... call it a 'destroyer' if you like but I think you're going to find it'll fly exactly like a Joe Schmoe escort.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I think it's akin to the Vesta discussions in various threads.
There are folks that approach the Vesta as an Escort.
There are folks that approach the Vesta as a RSV.
They have different views on the ship and what you can do with it.
It's not a case of calling it a Destroyer, because it's not a Destroyer. It's a Warship/Heavy Destroyer. It's not going to fly like a Destroyer (which falls more in with Escorts and Raptors). It's going to fly like a faster RSV (a faster MDSSV).
If I put on my Tac hat, it just lacks appeal. If I put on my Sci hat, it gives me another option to a RSV and a potentially better option to an Escort. If I put on my Eng hat, that's where it looks like it provides the best option.
Like I said before, consider the following and what you can pull off with playstyles:
Eng in Cruiser.
Eng in Escort.
Eng in Science.
Eng in Carrier.
Eng in Support.
Eng in BoP.
Eng in Raptor.
Eng in Battle Cruiser.
Eng in Destroyer.
Then look at an Eng in the Chel Grett.
They have their selfish survivability (really wish Cryptic would make Eng Space more like Eng Ground) - they have 6 Tac BOFF slots - and they can still offer up crosshealing with the 3 Sci slots (ST, TSS, HE).
For a lot of the complaint threads about Eng and Cruisers... well, the Heavy Destroyer line of ships appear to be Cryptic trying to appease them.
To me, it's an Eng boat. I'm sure others see it differently, and Hell - the build I did in the other thread's a Sci build (I like RSVs and came at it from a RSV PoV).
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I CAN wait to get my ship.. I can wait that 24+ Days to get the 1,000 Q photos..
And I feel sorry for that have enough Lobi to spend it on that many.:rolleyes:
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Only prob is that it has a hell of a lot of weapon slots. Do torps and mines still share cooldowns?
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I haven't used torps in years but from what I can tell the only dangerous trannies are that Breen torp and tran mines in general, mostly because the base damage and the shield pen is higher.
I think it's still a bit of a troll build for Tacs because they can't really spike and they're too easily counterable. Also isn't much of a team option since you can't nuke off most hull hardens.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Neither share them, but Mines trigger a 12s shared CD.
With 3x PWO(Torp), it's kind of funny how fast you can fire Rapid Trans. Heck, even slower torps go pretty fast. There's an activation timer on firing each, but it's not like...
Mines though - hit Mine A, it's 12s before you can hit Mine B. Even if you reduce the recharge, you're still stuck with that pesky 12s triggered CD.
Also, with TS and THY - you can hit say TS, not fire the torp - the triggered CD on THY will expire before the TS buff does. You can fire a TS and THY at the "same" time if you have two different launchers - only the activation timer (0.5s/1.0s) will separate them.
You can actually pull the following off with proper timing (I just checked to make sure it still worked) with three torps (I did it with plasma):
Hit THY, but don't fire it. It starts the 30s buff countdown and triggers the 15s shared CD on TS.
When the triggered 15s CD finishes on TS, hit it. Don't fire yet though.
The next part's important. You either need a torp on your actionbar or the weapons block showing. The actionbar's going to show the 30s TS buff counting down and the triggered 15s CD on THY. The torps themselves though, will show how much time is left on the original THY buff. When that gets down to 5-4s, then fire.
The first torp will fire - a THY'd torp.
About .5-1s later, the second torp will fire - a TS'd torp.
You'll have 1-2s left on the triggered CD from TS on the THY.
So after 1-2s, you can fire another THY'd torp.
Within a period of 3-5 seconds, you can fire a THY - a TS - and a second THY.
I used to run 3x Rapid Trans and a Breen Cluster.
And don't forget, in regard to the PWO-Torp DOFFs - they work like AtB.
Again, using the three plasma torp example above:
Torp A fires - has chance to reduce recharge from PWO-T DOFF(s).
Torp B fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp B and Torp A.
Torp C fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp C, Torp B, and Torp A.
Torp A fires - has chance to reduce recharge for Torp A, Torp B, and Torp C.
Even with 3 PWO-Ts (Green), you can find them triggering out of sync because of this.
Torp A, Torp B, Torp C, Torp A, Torp B, Torp A, Torp B, Torp A, Torp B, Torp C, etc, etc, etc - depending on if/when the PWO-Ts trigger.
The ship I used to fly was a Fleet Escort, back when the Patrol was the Fleet. I actually ran a Borg/Breen 2+2 for the bonus damage to the Trans. 3 Rapid Trans and a Cluster up front, a Trans Mine, a Rapid, and a Cluster aft. I used a Sci captain for the Sensor Scan debuff and the Subnuke strip.
When you're running triple torp DOffs, don't you end up hitting the torp ceiling, though? (Two seconds, I think). If I remember right the rapid reload launcher won't push any further.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
I usually run 2 - not sure why I stuck 3 in there (I have like six of them, every time I get a DOFF lately - it's a freaking green PWO DOFF).
Let me check though...
Had them going from 3s remaining on the recharge to activating again.
You do run into the activation timer though.
If Torp A's firing, Torp B can't fire. It's that rough 0.5s activation. You can count them off firing 1-Missippi, 2-Missippi, 3-Missippi... torp, torp, torp.
Again, that's with 8s recharge plasma using 20% -3s recharge DOFFs (x3).
I'm going to drop it down to 2 of the DOFFs. Wasn't as smooth with 2 as 3...pesky 20%. However, it did allow me to confirm that both of them could trigger on the same torp. Couldn't tell with three, since they were just chewing away the recharge. With 2, was able to see the recharge go from 6s to activating.
Heh, course - I'm going to need more caffeine to do any more tests. I was watching the timers over to the side and not paying attention to the fact my front shield was gone and I was down to 13%
edit: An issue I ran into with 4 torps was the 4th never fired. Probably the reason I went with the Breen on my Trannie previously. I'm not sure what the CD is on the Romulan Hyper-Plasma torp and don't know if the PWO-T affects the recharge on the Omega torp.
It's kind of annoying with the PWO-T DOFFs as well White 20% 2s, Green 20% 3s, Blue 20% 4s (not sure what Purp is - looked on STOwiki - 20% 5s). So Blues would throw it off - likely the 3rd torp not firing. But since it's still a 20%, you'd lose the smoothness even if you were running better quality but fewer. Given that activation timer - 3 White might even be better than 3 Green for those plasma torps.
I might grab some Rapid Trans - because I just ran two Greens with 3 Rapids and I believe it was smooth.
Against all the shield healing that goes on, I'm not sure about how anything but Trans would actually work out.
Though, this has me wondering about setting up that THY-TS-THY alpha by opening with a BO and using Quantums... how something like that might work against a beefier target (as long as the BO doesn't shoot wide right, meh).
So I pictured this partial build:
Sci Captain
Fore: Omega, Hyper, Bio, Tric Launcher
Aft: Hargh'peng, Breen Cluster, Trans, Tric Mine
Devices: Scorpions, Disruptor Turret
Consoles: AMS, AA, Theta, Breen, Borg, 0Point, Graviton, PDS, EBC
While cloaked, approach the target. Activate THY#1, wait the 15s triggered CD and activate THY#2. Apply additional buffs.
Apply debuffs.
Fire off the THY Omega, THY Hyper, Bio, Tric, Breen... and Graviton. Deploy the Disruptor Turret.
EM and fly past the target (getting ahead of your targetables). PDS, Theta, AA, and AMS as you pass. DPB the trics. Deploy the Scorpions. Activate Photonic Fleet. Sensor Scan.
After you fly past, fire off the Cluster, Hargh'peng, and you should be ready to THY the Trans.
Turn and Subnuke.
C'mon, sure I'd never PvP again if they did an EBC lockbox - but I think the build above would result in the most epic of posts on the forums...
...course, I could just be burned out from racing spiders. 16 more days...meh.