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Ask Cryptic: November 2012



  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same old same old talks big about KDF in interviews and blogs or what have you then the truth comes out that someone with power to move the KDF says nope and it continues... might not be Mr. Stahls intentions but its the point that its not going to go anywhere any further.

    I am sure the work horses of Cryptic want to do stuff with KDF but in the ppl at the top its not going to make them rich like the fed side can putting in stuff like federation captains flying every IP ship in the universe so yep... KDF dies off as expected.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same old same old talks big about KDF in interviews and blogs or what have you then the truth comes out that someone with power to move the KDF says nope and it continues... might not be Mr. Stahls intentions but its the point that its not going to go anywhere any further.

    I am sure the work horses of Cryptic want to do stuff with KDF but in the ppl at the top its not going to make them rich like the fed side can putting in stuff like federation captains flying every IP ship in the universe so yep... KDF dies off as expected.

    Don't you mean to say "that's working as Intended?"
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The only way the KDF is going to improve, is for the folks that like that faction to take matters in their own hands and convince their friends to create a Klingon toon, spend some money and play with it at the very least, twice a week.

    The people that make the monetary decisions aren't going to let Dstahl spend any money on improving the faction, if They don't see HARD DATA that shows that there are enough players interested.

    All the moaning and groaning here in the forums, doesn't mean a hill-of-beans, to the folks that make those kinda decisions.

    Cold Hard CASH is the only thing they understand.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    daveyny wrote: »

    ... Their record's not great...

    But They do deliver..,

    .... Eventually.
    (perhaps another TM acquisition?)

    One just has to have the Patience of Job.

    That....sounds like a monumental task for us nerd ragers :D

  • adorkabledoriadorkabledori Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When will the special consoles that are coming with Zen Store ships :

    a. available separated : meaning some fleet versions of the ships are delivered without them and it is way tooexpensive and useless to buy once more the Zen Store version of that ship to obtain that device.

    b. place-able into the device slots as they consume console slots which are making your ship weaker, less powerful or loose science abilities. Putting those in the device slots would be more desirable and after all, using those for only batteries and healing is useless.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I sure hope that PvP Snowball Fight stays after Q's Winter Wonderland. Having something like this on Andoria after the Winter Event ends would be awesome!
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Don't you mean to say "that's working as Intended?"

    Yeah working as intended is right but some people just do like Cryptic and say get a friend to play KDF or spend a lot of money on it LOL. Very illogical flaws with that concept like once you buy so much of the KDF side there is NOTHING left to buy. Most players and majority of new players are not going to play KDF if there its working as intended with an unfinished faction.

    The major problem is that you aren't going to buy half a car so why would you expect someone to tell a friend to buy half a car? LOL... So anyways if they finish it and flesh out the ship line as well as the rest of the faction as they should so they don't have to go on facebook and say... Make your own Federation Starship captain today... If they were able to say join as a Warrior of the Empire there are 100,000's of Klingon fans out there they just aren't going to play something that is worse than Klingon Academy.

    Odds are though this game is just going into more and more grind and nickel and dime the player base and less on actual new content so eventually people are just going to lose interest and the game will just shut down especially with law makers all over the world putting the hammer down on f2p mmorpg's like this format... Buying a virtual product that could be utterly useless or gone the next day that is like selling a car and telling you its a ford mustang and then saying well we had to nerf it... It was too good of a car but we found this old gremlin for you thats just as good as what we "intended" :)

    The same people who call it whining are the ones who cry for a nerf every time the KDF does get something which its calling the kettle black. Its not the ship or weapon that makes it so OP its just that normally the ppl who decide to play KDF and like KDF are just the better players case in point.
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same old same old talks big about KDF in interviews and blogs or what have you then the truth comes out that someone with power to move the KDF says nope and it continues... might not be Mr. Stahls intentions but its the point that its not going to go anywhere any further.
    ... KDF dies off as expected.

    Yep, still sucks to be Klingon.
    I guess I will still have to visit the Alpha War Targ in the stockyards on Qo'Nos and dream...
    Dahar Master Accolade and battle coat still out of reach...

    Cryptic- crushing Klingon dreams since 2010.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    By looks of it an expansion of KDF is now no longer going to happen . In previous Q&A's the general indication was that "season 8 will be all about kdf " .This is now no longer the case just something Stahl "wants " and is "fighting for ". That translates to not going to happen

    Instead they are focusing on getting the Romulan faction into the game and expanding Fed . My suggestion would be to merge factions now . Make a feature episode - one would suffice- whereby Klingon/Fed new accord is end result and KDF joins fed faction .

    The fact a new fed ship is announced pretty much every week ( other example : the steam bundle was fed -only ) while KDF gets zilch in terms of ships,uniforms or anything else is showing that there are simply no plans to complete the faction. Saying you want something but having to let go of the plans for it shows Stahl has less say in these matters than previously thought .

    so mr. Stahl : please merge the two factions now so kdf -players won't feel forgotten .
  • crioijoulscrioijouls Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Q: (midniteshadow7) With many of the stack sizes recently being updated to 100, why is that hypos and the like are still at 20? Can these please be increased as well?

    Dstahl: With most of the Reputation projects requiring items such as hypos, there is definitely a desire to have larger stack sizes. Traditionally we have limited these to 20 because they can be equipped as devices on your bridge officers, essentially providing lots of extra storage if we allow the stack sizes to be too high. We?ll look into it though because it may be ok to change this now.

    I got a better idea. Bump up hypos, shield regens (ground), energy cells, injury regenerators and components to 250 for a stack size, while still keeping them equip-able on our bridge officers.

    While on that, how about bumping up the stack sizes of data samples/traces and the lock boxes to like 1,000, as we can easily get a huge amount of them while running various missions.
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2010
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hmmm cherry picked questions again :( , here's a question for dan which has been asked time and time again and ignored

    : when are you going to get somebody who can texture the ships correctly when the maco shields are fitted ?

  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When will the special consoles that are coming with Zen Store ships :

    a. available separated : meaning some fleet versions of the ships are delivered without them and it is way tooexpensive and useless to buy once more the Zen Store version of that ship to obtain that device.

    b. place-able into the device slots as they consume console slots which are making your ship weaker, less powerful or loose science abilities. Putting those in the device slots would be more desirable and after all, using those for only batteries and healing is useless.

    About part B, I've previously suggested adding new special console slots to all ships to help out with the special console design spam (the number would probably be tier based). Cryptic however, has been highly resistant to changing anything about the current ship design structure unfortunately.
  • hylia#6092 hylia Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    After reading the interview it basically sounds like this "Pony up your hard earned cash and we may or may not do somethings and we might do some KDF stuff(insert snicker)"

    Basically this QA is just the same as the last QA and the one before that ad infinitum my advice is this... Star Citizen, so play STO till it releases but tbh dont spend another GBP/Dollar/Yen etc etc.
    Its all fine and well having nice shinny ships but the sheer lack of content On the KDF side and FEd side is a total joke. Also here we are nearly 3 years down the line and the level cap is still the same, and basically unless you spend your hard end currency you cant get a decent ship unless you save a lot of EC or Dillithum.
    So getting to 50 for some people is basically a complete waste of time. On that note this game just seems to go from bad to worse to holy jesus on a stick.
    Ultimately no matter how much we yell/scream demand/logically argue our point dan and his team are not interested in you/me/us unless you are spending money on there game remember were just the customers its like walking into a super store you get what you get and tough luck if its a POS.
    Ive been thru all the seasons at each of there launches thru the various companies that have owned STO but i have to say with all the bugs/twitches and plain down right screwed upness Season 7 has to be the biggest SNAFU known to mankind.
    Now im sure the fan boys will start screaming for my blood etc etc etc but i really dont care ive been gaming for 33 years alpha and beta testing for over 15, yes i love Trek i grew up with it having it as a game was brilliant(past tense) now its almost a chore to log on.
    Just remember stahl aint Like Helmar over at CCP who at least had the graciousness to admit he cocked up and proceeded to fix it. Why i hear you asking very easy because he and his team listened to his community that's us by the way the people who pay there wages by a funny coincidence. so the question is would you pay a plumber for a job he had botched i know i sure as hell wouldn't.
    Yes new romulus is nice i cant deny that but the game is currently borked on so many levels its not even funny any more and its just turning into a major grind fest for many of the older hands.
    To be honest if i wanted a grind fest i would go play World of Tanks. The worst part STO almost feels like WOT with space ships which lets face it is really sad.
    So whether you agree or disagree that's up to each person but when you step back and take a long hard god damn look i think you will get yourself a big TRIBBLE shock.
    Yes if you want to flame me and demand i be burned at the stake feel free but i think even the most diehard fan boy knows deep down that STO is not in a good place at this specific moment in time. To quote Spock "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one or the few".
    Problem is were the many and aint no one listening which is a shame really... Endex
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why isn't the Tau Dewa Sector not following canon. The Archer System is 31 Light years from Earth, not 50. And the new Romulan Homeworld is in Klingon space? They feeling generous?

    Considering there's no canon regarding the location of the Archer system (which isn't even the same Archer system seen in Enterprise), I don't see what the issue is. And New Romulus is on the border of, not inside, Klingon space.
    It makes me sad to think we could have had the Gorn homeworld, and instead we got what we got.

    It sounded like the Gorn homeworld might still be coming, just later.
    rikwessels wrote: »
    so mr. Stahl : please merge the two factions now so kdf -players won't feel forgotten.

    Never! We will die with honor before we surrender to the Federation!
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Dan told me the Ambassador Class was coming when i P'md him about it, made me feel Special

  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Anniversary FE will be a mission inside a holodeck mission. In the same way that Commander Riker goes back to the Enterprise (tv show) era while on board the Enterprise D, this FE will have us trying to get inside the mind of Sela or something, and we use the Holodeck to recreate the moment the Enterprise C comes back to her own time, with Tasha at tactical, and we relive her abduction. We get a holo emitter for our ship to turn it into the Enterprise C (so you can lust after the Ambassador class then go right out and buy one :rolleyes: ) and try to fight of Romulans. Some voice over work by Denise Crosby, filling in what happened when she went back with the C, that never aired on tv. Mission ends with your toon calling for "arch". Sorry Dan, you've been TRIBBLE ;)

    But, they wont be able to do this cool concept justice without proper acting. So Daniel, where exactly are you on getting "acting" into STO and into the Foundry authors hands? And dont feed us some BS answer either. Getting acting into STO will go a LOOOOOOONG way towards winning back old players and gaining new ones if Cryptic can make better missions that dont involve combat, and the foundry authors, already trying to do this, have better tools at their arsenal.

    In the end Dan, you and Kestral are going to be remembered for the stories you told or didnt tell in STO. Frankly, Gene Roddenberry would have fired you both long ago, because we all know what the first thing he would have asked you is. "But what is it about?" Well, your players have no clue what STO is about. Its the driest most wooden story telling in the history of gaming IMO. Sure, you have "acting" limitations, but you still arent even trying. Evidenced by foundry authors taking your hired author to school when it comes to telling stories with actual heart and soul in them. Why cant you two tell STAR TREK stories? Why are you afraid to tell stories with Star Trek soul in them, and engage controversial topics with a Star Trek slant to them? Why did Cryptic even want the IP and yet ignore the very story telling soul Star Trek was founded on? Yours and Kestral's refusal to tell a quality Star Trek story to us is an attack on the very soul of Star Trek itself. :mad:
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    By looks of it an expansion of KDF is now no longer going to happen . In previous Q&A's the general indication was that "season 8 will be all about kdf " .This is now no longer the case just something Stahl "wants " and is "fighting for ". That translates to not going to happen

    Instead they are focusing on getting the Romulan faction into the game and expanding Fed . My suggestion would be to merge factions now . Make a feature episode - one would suffice- whereby Klingon/Fed new accord is end result and KDF joins fed faction .

    The fact a new fed ship is announced pretty much every week ( other example : the steam bundle was fed -only ) while KDF gets zilch in terms of ships,uniforms or anything else is showing that there are simply no plans to complete the faction. Saying you want something but having to let go of the plans for it shows Stahl has less say in these matters than previously thought .

    so mr. Stahl : please merge the two factions now so kdf -players won't feel forgotten .

    Are you kidding me?? I play KDF because I like playing KDF and I don't like to play Fed., especially in the current momentum that the Fed. is in! I think it's a joke.
    So you're saying because someone over somwhere wants a Romulan faction added that my KDF faction deserves to be discontinued? And while we're at it, how do you intend the KDF players not to feel forgotten while flying a Federation ship under the Federation flag?

    Merging KDF and Fed...if this ever happens I will feel depressed :(

    P.S. On another note, wouldn't they slap themselves in the face with sth. like that since they already brought back KDF ships from the 29 century, so it clearly states that the KDF & Fed. are not alligned? :)
  • thomas12255thomas12255 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    shpoks wrote: »
    Are you kidding me?? I play KDF because I like playing KDF and I don't like to play Fed., especially in the current momentum that the Fed. is in! I think it's a joke.
    So you're saying because someone over somwhere wants a Romulan faction added that my KDF faction deserves to be discontinued? And while we're at it, how do you intend the KDF players not to feel forgotten while flying a Federation ship under the Federation flag?

    Merging KDF and Fed...if this ever happens I will feel depressed :(

    P.S. On another note, wouldn't they slap themselves in the face with sth. like that since they already brought back KDF ships from the 29 century, so it clearly states that the KDF & Fed. are not alligned? :)

    Merge KDF and Fed by just making KDF treated the same as the Fed, e.g. being able to make teams, visit each other's space. The current segregation between the factions is pointless and detrimental to gameplay. By lvl 50 the KDF and Fed's are the same faction anyway, we play the same missions, the same STF's, the same adventure zones.

    {UFP}Thomas45 - Thomas Nixon U.S.S. Majesty Unbound
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    For all the missions which rewards Omega marks (such as the Defera Invasion), do you have any plans to allow cross faction teaming for these missions? It's annoying standing around on Defera for hours with two Feds and one KDF, unable to do anything because you need a team of 3 and can't team cross faction.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Merge KDF and Fed by just making KDF treated the same as the Fed, e.g. being able to make teams, visit each other's space. The current segregation between the factions is pointless and detrimental to gameplay. By lvl 50 the KDF and Fed's are the same faction anyway, we play the same missions, the same STF's, the same adventure zones.

    Yes and this is happening because they don't really have their priorities straight. The fact that the segregation is pointless at the moment is a result of this. That's what I'm saying, instead of the imagination of a Romulan faction at the moment, this has to be adressed as a priority.
    Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the people who are bidding for Rom. faction and as a Trek fan I'm a big supporter of that as well, just wouldn't want the Rommies to end up ranting about content and by level 50 be the same faction with the Fed. & KDF, as you mentioned.

    And in my own humble opinion, I think if the Fed. & KDF ever are merged like that, the Klingon players will once more, get the short end of the stick.
    And once again, in my own humble opinion, as a Trek fan, the current state of the Fed. is about as far from trek as it can get and the Klingon faction is the only thing that still hangs to the original Trek lore as much as it's allowed. So if we have thousands of Fed. officers in purple/pink/glowing green uniforms running around Qo'noS spraying tribbles, it will turn Drozana and kill of that little Trek feeling that is left. Maybe people will disagree, but that would be a sad day for me.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Q: (azurianstar) Why isn't the Tau Dewa Sector not following canon. The Archer System is 31 Light years from Earth, not 50. And the new Romulan Homeworld is in Klingon space? They feeling generous?

    Dstahl: When it comes to ?maps?, canon is a bit fuzzy.

    To quote a fleetie of mine .... :

    Wow, there are so many things wrong with that sector block it's actually unreal. Where to start?

    Nimbus System - Shouldn't be in Romulan space, it should be inside Fed space close to the Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nimbus_III

    Galorndon Core - It shouldn't be that far into Romulan space, it should be VERY close to the Romulan Neutral Zone inside Fed space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Galorndon_Core

    Starbase 234 - Seriously? Inside Romulan space? http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Starbase_234

    Nequencia System - Should be named to "Nequencia Alpha System", should be in Fed space, near Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nequencia_Alpha_system

    Khitomer System - Should be in Klingon Space, taken by the Klingon Empire in 2382 http://www.stowiki.org/2382

    Azure Nebula - Fail. Just Fail. Look at the image of Omega Leonis and you'll see why. http://www.stowiki.org/images/3/37/O...ctor_Block.png

    Beta Thoridor - Should be Beta Thoridar, should be deep inside Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Beta_Thoridar

    Pheben System - Debatable, is part of the Klingon Empire, but I doubt the House of J'mpok would use this sytem on the border of Romulan space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Pheben_systemhttp://www.stowiki.org/Lore#Volume_15

    Archer System - Should be near Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Archer_IV

    Right Dan ... , it is a bit fuzzy ... unless you bother to look things up instead of placing Rome , London , Paris and Moscow all in New Jersey ... because those places sound cool ... . :rolleyes:

    Welcome to Tau Dewa ... where the writers think that you like stupid-fun instead of clever-accurate fun .
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Kudos to you and your fleet mate. ;)
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    shpoks wrote: »
    P.S. On another note, wouldn't they slap themselves in the face with sth. like that since they already brought back KDF ships from the 29 century, so it clearly states that the KDF & Fed. are not alligned? :)
    Quite simply, they just didn't think about that.

    Or (to make us all feel better) the 29th Century KDF ships are actually from a parallel universe where the Klingons are not yet aligned with the Federation. Thus, they're not only future ships, they're future ships from another mirror universe. ;)
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    Quite simply, they just didn't think about that.

    Or (to make us all feel better) the 29th Century KDF ships are actually from a parallel universe where the Klingons are not yet aligned with the Federation. Thus, they're not only future ships, they're future ships from another mirror universe. ;)

    LOL, I laughed so hard at this :D:D

    Would LOVE to hear your opinion about the Vulcan ships from the future that Daniels had briefly shown Archer in ENT. :D
  • redsoniavrelredsoniavrel Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can't post a reply on the article page for some reason...

    Hmm... Happy with nearly all of what I see in the article. Happy with S7 overall - some things need to be tweaked a little but there are million posts saying what I want to say, so I won't repeat it here. I will say that I have a massive excess of Omega Marks. Give me something else to spend them on (Dilithium? EC? Latinum?) or rebalance them and give me more of something else.

    As far as the klingon faction goes, I agree with the sentiment that one has to spend money to make money and this is also in keeping with another phrase I keep seeing around here: 'Build it and they will come'. Using the money lost on KDF ships is, in my honest opinion, a bit of a lame excuse. New KDF ships on which money is made or lost have not been, are not, and will not be the reason people play or don't play KDF. I don't play Fed becuase there are more ships or more uniforms, I play Fed because there is simply more Fed content (ie my universe is bigger=more fun/interesting) and also because by the time I unlocked KDF, I had already grown attached to my character - not to mention the time, effort and in many players' cases, real money invested in it. If I had been able to choose from the start, I may never have played Fed at all. (ok, that very last sentence is a lie, but there will be - many - players out there for whom this will be true - take the Full Romulan Faction Lobby, for example, who if the choice had always been available, would have gone directly to Romulan, probably never touching the other two except maybe to have a look) Add more Klingon content, start them off from Level 1 and make them a full faction with their own unique (totally new) missions - possibly with their own more Klingon sounding background music? - and I for one am convinced that you will see a significant number of players choosing KDF from the start.

    One other thing - a big NO to flying around with a fleet of NPC ships. If how our Boffs behave is anything to go by, I think it will be a long time before it's workable - Imagine we had our boffs running around agroing everything on IGE or KAGE, for example....

    If the logic is that it's unrealistic that Admirals run around doing the dirty work, rename the ranks, disassociate rank from level or both. Unless it's for some massive crazy Borg invasion map similar to the Hive Space STF, and perhaps other select maps I think many will agree (not all) that Star Trek is about one ship, one captain. We have Fleets (guilds) and 20 player fleet actions already if people want to get all RP and command them and what's more, the captains of these ships can answer back :P
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Merge KDF and Fed by just making KDF treated the same as the Fed, e.g. being able to make teams, visit each other's space. The current segregation between the factions is pointless and detrimental to gameplay. By lvl 50 the KDF and Fed's are the same faction anyway, we play the same missions, the same STF's, the same adventure zones.

    pretty much this is what I meant . In order to make that believable you'd have to add an episode at end of klingon storyline ( so before the shared missions ) . Nothing at all has to change with content already present .
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    pretty much this is what I meant . In order to make that believable you'd have to add an episode at end of klingon storyline ( so before the shared missions ) . Nothing at all has to change with content already present .

    I know what you've meant, I'm just saying that I don't like it. I didn't say it would change the present content, but think of how it would influence the future one.
    I may be wrong, but given the history of Cryptic with the KDF, this would probaby mean no more anything specific for any of the KDF races with the ever known answer that they're together with the Fed. now, so use their ships/costumes etc.

    And by the way, how is a good MMO suposed to work with only one faction, I really don't quite get it?
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I skipped over 3/4 of the questions because they are the same old rehashed questions that are asked in every Ask Cryptic. I even had to make sure I wasn't reading a previous one.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    To quote a fleetie of mine .... :

    Wow, there are so many things wrong with that sector block it's actually unreal. Where to start?

    Nimbus System - Shouldn't be in Romulan space, it should be inside Fed space close to the Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nimbus_III

    Galorndon Core - It shouldn't be that far into Romulan space, it should be VERY close to the Romulan Neutral Zone inside Fed space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Galorndon_Core

    Starbase 234 - Seriously? Inside Romulan space? http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Starbase_234

    Nequencia System - Should be named to "Nequencia Alpha System", should be in Fed space, near Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nequencia_Alpha_system

    Khitomer System - Should be in Klingon Space, taken by the Klingon Empire in 2382 http://www.stowiki.org/2382

    Azure Nebula - Fail. Just Fail. Look at the image of Omega Leonis and you'll see why. http://www.stowiki.org/images/3/37/O...ctor_Block.png

    Beta Thoridor - Should be Beta Thoridar, should be deep inside Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Beta_Thoridar

    Pheben System - Debatable, is part of the Klingon Empire, but I doubt the House of J'mpok would use this sytem on the border of Romulan space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Pheben_systemhttp://www.stowiki.org/Lore#Volume_15

    Archer System - Should be near Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Archer_IV

    Right Dan ... , it is a bit fuzzy ... unless you bother to look things up instead of placing Rome , London , Paris and Moscow all in New Jersey ... because those places sound cool ... . :rolleyes:

    Welcome to Tau Dewa ... where the writers think that you like stupid-fun instead of clever-accurate fun .
    Personally, I think Dan has a lot of more important things to be doing than getting little details right. Sure it'd be nice, I get that, but I'd rather they be corrected later than put a stop to everything else.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    To quote a fleetie of mine .... :

    Wow, there are so many things wrong with that sector block it's actually unreal. Where to start?

    Nimbus System - Shouldn't be in Romulan space, it should be inside Fed space close to the Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nimbus_III

    Galorndon Core - It shouldn't be that far into Romulan space, it should be VERY close to the Romulan Neutral Zone inside Fed space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Galorndon_Core

    Starbase 234 - Seriously? Inside Romulan space? http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Starbase_234

    Nequencia System - Should be named to "Nequencia Alpha System", should be in Fed space, near Romulan Neutral Zone http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nequencia_Alpha_system

    Khitomer System - Should be in Klingon Space, taken by the Klingon Empire in 2382 http://www.stowiki.org/2382

    Azure Nebula - Fail. Just Fail. Look at the image of Omega Leonis and you'll see why. http://www.stowiki.org/images/3/37/O...ctor_Block.png

    Beta Thoridor - Should be Beta Thoridar, should be deep inside Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Beta_Thoridar

    Pheben System - Debatable, is part of the Klingon Empire, but I doubt the House of J'mpok would use this sytem on the border of Romulan space http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Pheben_systemhttp://www.stowiki.org/Lore#Volume_15

    Archer System - Should be near Klingon space, not on the border http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Archer_IV

    Right Dan ... , it is a bit fuzzy ... unless you bother to look things up instead of placing Rome , London , Paris and Moscow all in New Jersey ... because those places sound cool ... . :rolleyes:

    Welcome to Tau Dewa ... where the writers think that you like stupid-fun instead of clever-accurate fun .

    You missed out Suliban thats wrong too...

    trek21 wrote: »
    Personally, I think Dan has a lot of more important things to be doing than getting little details right. Sure it'd be nice, I get that, but I'd rather they be corrected later than put a stop to everything else.

    Would that include the hundreds of bugs ticketed and mentioned in the bug thread (many of which or over a year old) that have not been fixed?

    Or just designing more ships for lockboxes :p
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