Star Trek online forum is a disaster after season 7...
After the release of season 7 all you can read in the forum is how season 7 is bad and how you strugle to earn dilithium , ec and how hard the STF is.
Why is there no tutorials that will show players how and where to earn ec and dilithium , maybe a new tactic against STF enemy , as well as new builds and what powers are best against them?.
There is soo much posts on this forum against season 7 , we can just rename this STO-forum into I-HATE-SEASON-7-FORUM
I second this motion
Anyone else think we ought to rename the forums I-HATE-SEASON-7-FORUM?
But seriously - people are still thinking about the changes and still trying to voice their frustrations and concerns. I think they're also waiting to see whether Cryptic is going to do anything to address those concerns.
I'm not crazy about Season 7 - I think it's a step backward and it's Cryptic taking a path that will ultimately drive away a segment of the player base (most notably the long-time lifers or subscribers and the 'hardcore' players).
Maybe that's what they want - time will tell.
small click
been shooting out all kinds of stuff, not on general board tho, howvewr the new shuttle powers are excellent
couldn;t have asjked for more3
don;t do fleet or stf TRIBBLE anywaqy - a pvp man - enought dlithium from pvp to last the next 37 years
viva la seven
oh yeah, helpfull posts - one thing is that vets will be scrambled a bit or may just lay off for awhile cause those types have a cow if they lose
so its time for the newer moire dynamic
the superior
apparently pwe does listen to us and they re-instated dilithium in STFs. perhaps other changes will be made too.
via Imgflip Meme Generator
As a breach of rules to suggest playing other games. I'm not breaching that rule, I'm not suggesting anyone should change, on the other hand I am seriously thinking about letting go sto and go Diablo 3.
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
if you really need help running content on new romulus, then you need to check yourself at the door. running around new romulus is like playing hello kitty island adventures. it's not for me, thanks.
Now, as for how to help, I'm still working on that. For the most part, you can do what you used to do, except now there's no more exploits on B'Tran and Officer Reports.
1. Doffs - Load it up with as many missions as you can that grant more than the base 5. Turn over contraband, send off some colonists, rack up as many of the 50 dilithium assignments as you have available. When you log in the next day, scoop up your 3000-3500 dil. Good start.
2. Lore - Click to win 480 Dil.
3. Do an exploration tour - This is pretty quick, and now that B'Tran isn't especially profitable you can just do it anywhere. No need to worry about Borg slowing you down.
4. Starbase 24 and other FAs - Run Starbase 24 every 30 minutes while you do other stuff. Decent groups can plow through pretty quick. I've only rarely had a group that struggled. Other FAs only if you want and you can actually get a group
5. Eta Eridani trilogy and Deferi trilogy - Get practiced and these don't take long.
6. Events - Mine for dilithium only when the event is active. Then theres the big boy: Academy. Get good at the Academy event. You can pull well over 5k dilithium in an hour out of this. It is your bread and butter, do it whenever it comes up.
7. STFs - Done with all that other stuff? Run some STFs then. I always said using STFs as your primary way to get dilithium was silly. There are so many faster and less frustrating ways to do this (unless you run with a group that you know can do them fast). For the most part, getting dilithium on STFs is a bonus/consolation for the fact that they take an investment of time away from doing actual dilithium granting tasks.
Now, all that said, I do wish there were dilithium rewards on just about everything. Even token ones, 240 dil, something. Just so people don't feel so conflicted whenever they run content that doesn't help them reach their 8k cap.
I don't hate NOT doing STF's anymore.
I don't hate doing the pre-s7 dilith grind again.
I DO enjoy the extra time I have IRL, by not logging in and playing STO as much as I used to.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Cryptic should hire you to write Stahl's blogs for them :P
Actually, scratch that he's a master of that kind of spin anyway.
Spreading Dilithium rewards out + adding additional sinks = Dilithium earnings cut.
Did you just start playing this game when season 7 launched or after it launched??
Pre-season 7 you could grind out (by grind I mean fast) 8k dilithium in half an hour to an hour no problem, not to mention score a good amount of loot to trade in for dilithium and easily 100k or more ec all in that time and a huge variety of different methods.
Season 7 pretty much takes 3 times as long for 1/4 of the stuff so of course people are going to complain, and that's not even getting into now having a total of 3 systems that require large/huge amounts of resources.
you want ec, 500k fleet creds will net you about 16 mil if you play the common duty officer slave market right, want romulan marks, grind out radiation samples, fleet marks and omega marks check the pve queue, dilithium......hope you got most of the day.
equipment: well since they took all the end game weapons and gear away til you grind 10 hours a game for a few months buy whatever you can find on the exchange til you unlock the rep systems.
New tactics for STFs: yeah don't die.
Tactics for Season 7: win the lottery and buy dilithium, quit your job, divorce your spouse, forget about sleep and GRIND!!!!
because there is no way to have fun making EC, dilithium and marks...
S7 is mainly (or even only) based on the idea that players should repeat a lot lot lot of times the same contents, gain huge amount of fleet mark, romulan mark, omega mark, dilithium and EC, then click a few buttons and waiting 2 days to have some cosmetic features.
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
I personally love all the nerfs, pricing scales,and unholy timers...I spend more time now dealing with real life issues, than playing this game.
And the game breaking bugs? AWESOME!!! I love my 102% Completed starbase assignment not clearing out.Leveling up an alt to 50, and having to drop, and reclaim a ship twice before it allowed me to slot boffs.Spawning at a fleet action, and told to leave the map in 10 seconds.Sorry, try again in half an hour.
I have mixed feelings about S-7,but the fact this game is sooo F'd up with bugs right now, and the complete indifference to fixing them is what really has me PO'd.:mad:
If you ask me: Because everytime someone does, the next patch, or the patch after that makes sure that tut is useless.
Everytime someone gives a guide to quick and easy Dil, it gets nerfed, reduced or removed.
With the exception of the Star-base special projects and upgrades this generally didn't cause a ruckus.
Now it takes longer, and more content requires dilithium which fosters aggravation. The costings of the Omega engines being 80K someone has said? Fleet shields etc are approx 25K that's an achievable figure you could do in 4-7 days even as a casual players.
Fleet weapons 10K 2-4 days. Again some waiting but a finite achievable within a week figure.
Assimilated Console 15K, 10 might have been better but again an achievable figure. Its the swing to long term ie more than a week for a single player that has undermined player satisfaction.
Things like Starbase dilithium sinkholes are a problem for a small fleet. Which many are well under 20 active members. The costs of these just demotivates small groups to even try. Not every fleet has a Zen sugar daddy.
The 2nd part of the frustration is the loss of easily attainable fleet marks and I think two easy fixes here, add 480 dilithium reward to fleet actions, Romulan mark missions. Increase Officer the watch to give 50 fleet marks not just five and add 480 dilithium too. You get 480 for answering a question correctly at starfleet academy after all which takes even less time.
3rdly Add equipment drops across all missions,.
With a level playing field as regards rewards then players really can choose what they want to play. Taking away dilithium to give fleet marks is just creating another fleet mark event. If a consistent reward system was in place this would reintroduce choice whilst avoiding previous problem (ala cryptics view)of exploitable dil sources.
There has been negative posts about all three above and I think I am trying to suggest a reasonable balanced achievable solution to all but the most unreasonable player.
What do the rest of you think? Would the above help or not.
The above problems have overshadowed the new content, the new starbase embassy holdings, the new reputation system. Adding 640 dil for a ground mission to be more attractive is a good idea. If people get playing them then there might be feedback on how to improve ground action etc. This is what we should be talking about.
people are greedy
so they project that onto the game
without reading one line , without looking up one item, most fcan play this game , get stuff and pvp
It's the cheapest way to make money. This style is the least risky, doesn't require huge overhead or project delays. And it forces forces players to stick around for a long time.
No one should be shocked that this is the future of STO. Almost a year back Dstahl mentioned that they didn't have enough resources to keep the featured episodes rolling, let alone anything else not directly impacting profitability. That moment should have been your first clue that the game would be following this model in the future.
Join Date: Sept 2008
"Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
Nouveau riche LTS member
Since PMs aren't working for me for some reason - would you be so kind and point me toward Stahl's post containing this info?
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"