I just thought I'd post this to show that now, with their improved Torpedo Firing arcs giving you no way to avoid getting hit with Torpedos (which I approve of, and hopefully brings new value to Tank Cruiser builds) - NPCs are still doing damage well beyond a Tankable threshold.
Here are some highlights from a recent ISE:
[Combat (Team)] Tactical Cube deals 149617 (207193) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
[Combat (Other)] Tactical Cube deals 342293 (203411) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
I'm all for a challenge, but 342k damage is beyond excessive.
This was the final Tactical Cube in ISE.
Damage of this level does the opposite to tank and healer builds, it makes them irrelevant as the damage is of such a magnitude as to one shot kill any player regardless of build.
There's nothing you can realistically do to survive a 340k+ torpedo.
i have to agree, while tanking is fun, i find that it's a bit difficult to do when they're tossing out that kind of damage. Especially since my main is a tac in an escort it becomes even more frustrating since you cant escape the one shots and too much dps draws more aggro than most tanks can hold.
I just thought I'd post this to show that now, with their improved Torpedo Firing arcs giving you no way to avoid getting hit with Torpedos (which I approve of, and hopefully brings new value to Tank Cruiser builds) - NPCs are still doing damage well beyond a Tankable threshold.
Here are some highlights from a recent ISE:
[Combat (Team)] Tactical Cube deals 149617 (207193) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
[Combat (Other)] Tactical Cube deals 342293 (203411) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
I'm all for a challenge, but 342k damage is beyond excessive.
This was the final Tactical Cube in ISE.
Damage of this level does the opposite to tank and healer builds, it makes them irrelevant as the damage is of such a magnitude as to one shot kill any player regardless of build.
There's nothing you can realistically do to survive a 340k+ torpedo.
do not forget: tactical cube can disable your shield and if you do not have HE it's over!!!
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Plasma fire seems to be increased on The Hive, even overcoming the 40% armor hull resistance without additional bonus. And it is very rapid on damage.
Plasma fires also seem to take a **** ton longer to go out (Tact escort retro flyer here, no space for HE over Engineering team and Reverse shield Polarity).
I timed it, I took a single hit from a gate and lit up, got out of range and cleared the probes.
I was on fire for a full 63 seconds.
Something is wrong witht he timers on EVERYTHING in the game right now.
Plasma fires also seem to take a **** ton longer to go out (Tact escort retro flyer here, no space for HE over Engineering team and Reverse shield Polarity).
I timed it, I took a single hit from a gate and lit up, got out of range and cleared the probes.
I was on fire for a full 63 seconds.
Something is wrong witht he timers on EVERYTHING in the game right now.
but hazard emitters is a science skill and should have no bearing on your engi team and rsp. also, ignoring it is like entering pvp without chainable tactical team. it's just a big no-no that severely gimps your survivability =(
I know of a Fleet star cruiser user who takes the tac cubes torp so it will boost the DPS done to the cube.
But thats a unbelievable tanky ship with and insane tanking skill speck on the pilot. It can take an elite Dontra thalaron blast point blank and then heal up to full in seconds. Moral of story is hull resists are hard to get up in the high numbers but on a engi cruiser with maco shields and skill cycling will do it and that crit high yeald might drop the ship to 3/4 health and a low shield facing, which is going to go right back to full in the next two skills. Thats what those torps are balanced against, your escort with a single epts1 and Brace on cooldown just dont get hit by that you wont live.
Plasma fire seems to be increased on The Hive, even overcoming the 40% armor hull resistance without additional bonus. And it is very rapid on damage.
They seem to be increased in general, I don't have the log unfortunately but the plasma fire was ticking for 600-700 but it had sudden jumps up to 7000.
They seem to be increased in general, I don't have the log unfortunately but the plasma fire was ticking for 600-700 but it had sudden jumps up to 7000.
7000 hull in a single tick!
SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
(Tact escort retro flyer here, no space for HE over Engineering team and Reverse shield Polarity).
Eng. Team?? Over HE... in an escort?? I think we may have found one of the problems. That said, the abundance of huge damage torps, invisible and visible is alarming. Even Spheres are throwing 30K invisitorps these days. And beyond that the Borg ARE doing more damage. More damage than the nerfed Borg Set would account for.
Yeah, I am all for the Borg being difficult, that's not a problem, but there are still a lot of insta-kills, or nearly so.
I said in a tribble thread about Hive space, that if you can directly counter something, it should be able to insta-kill you (heavy plasma torp for example). If you cannot directly counter it (aka, shoot it or deal damage to it), it should not be able to insta-kill you. At least not a cruiser, with full shields and hull, being a tank (as it should be).
Sci ships should be healing, or CCing, or whatever, escorts should be laying a big hurt and DPS on stuff, and the cruiser would be soaking damage.
Everyone will take damage, and the Borg SHOULD hurt, I don't deny it, but just having everything hit for ridiculous, over-the-top damage that no amount of resist can seem to stop, just ruins any real fun or enjoyment of it. Insta-death, as Bort once said, 'makes it frustrating, not challenging'.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
It's definately invisi-torps, I keep a good eye out for destructible torps and I always shoot them down. I'm flying the Steamrunner as an engy, I've got EPTS1 and 2, and Engy team 2 and Hazard Emitters 1, plus of course miracle worker. In ISE, once the Tac cube is out it's a roll of the dice if I'm going to get toasted. I can handle plasma fires and sustained fire, but then mr. Invisi-torp hits me and there is no reaction that can save me. This happened once today, I flew back in and was immediately hit again.
Heavy destructible torps, the giant ones from Unimatrix vessels and Donatra's death beam should be the only thing dealing out instant kills to any ship, period. If an escort can get one-shot with full shields and hull (and a Mk X Maco set or above plus a good set of armour consoles), that's not strategy. The idea is the escorts take a beating so the sci and engy can heal them. You can't heal them if they get one-shot by regular weapons.
Of course I rarely see people heal eachother so usually it's just the escort keeping itself alive as best it can after a hard hit, but hey even if you have just a second or two to turn a stronger shield facing towards the enemy while you suck your thumb for a sec, that makes more sense and is more engaging, and certainly less frustrating then getting toasted instantly from full health. I've been running elite STF's since February, this is not new and I have no idea why this issue is still around.
To give tank builds a challenge while still giving escorts a chance, the only way to make that work is with faster cooldowns on smaller attacks. Fleet events are great cause if you fly into a big mess of ships, their combined small weapons owns you. Each cube should operate the same way, the difference being the occasional heavy, destructible insta-kill torp.
Anyways, in short, PW please fix invisi-torps and never go back to them, they are terrible for gameplay enjoyment.
on the into the hive space mission, it's a bit nuts too because the two large ships from the alerts have the massive plasma charge, and usually it's not an issue, but lately they've been getting regen's like crazy, i'd drop it's health and in a second or two it's back at full and didn't even slow down.
I decided to take my oddy out the other day (very good tank, takes 3 high powered escorts in pvp to take down) the borg fired 2 torps at it, 1 I took out with EWP the other FAW missed, it took 90% off me through full shields the remaining 10% went with 1 tick of burn.
IF shields affect the damage on these things then I dread to think what it would do to bare hull... I went back to my Excelsior as that lasts longer in a fight if that takes down two torps the borg throw at it (Fires 1, waits for EWP to fade then fires another) then it blows up for no apparent reason showing 300k+ damage.
There is definitely something wrong here, 1 shot kills and invisi-torps are not hard, just annoying. (Yes I count the first scenario as 1 shot kill)
sometimes i can survive such attacks (and turn it against the cube itself; only works with visible torps of cause) by doing following:
-stay totally (0k) close to the cube
-don't use aoe's ("welcome" the torp)
-soon after a torp appears (ca. 2k far) hit rsp and bfi (back bfi up with doff's)
-after being slapped, hit he
i use this tactic in estf's with escorts and any other shiptype. sometimes work, sometimes not. i do not have a dps-meter or such. but whenever it works the torps damage hit the cube also (nice amount of % of it's own health).
as stated, this doesn't help with invisibles, but may some of you'll just enjoy blowing cubes with their own torps as i do ...
I just thought I'd post this to show that now, with their improved Torpedo Firing arcs giving you no way to avoid getting hit with Torpedos (which I approve of, and hopefully brings new value to Tank Cruiser builds) - NPCs are still doing damage well beyond a Tankable threshold.
Here are some highlights from a recent ISE:
[Combat (Team)] Tactical Cube deals 149617 (207193) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
[Combat (Other)] Tactical Cube deals 342293 (203411) Kinetic Damage to [NAME] with Plasma Torpedo - Heavy III.
I'm all for a challenge, but 342k damage is beyond excessive.
I WOULD complain but I still crit harder than this so I don't feel its right to do so.
BTW I'm happy today cos I got a half a million damage crit
The standard torps only hit for about 60k raw which is tankable/survivable.
Main problem that I'm noticing is how much of a pain it is to keep the burns cleared. They either need to have another way to cleanse plasma or lower the cooldown on hazard emitters.
Also, I am noticing that at times I get more than 1 burn dot applied to my hull for a single torpedo hit. Like a single sphere shoots at me and in under two seconds I have 4 plasma fires going. It doesn't happen all the time but it does happen.
And lastly in PvE and a support/healer ship backing it up an escort will out-tank a cruiser. Higher defense rating = more damage mitigation.
Over the top torps from the Borg are one thing. That's a problem.
The TRIBBLE UI in this game is another. On any ship that I can, I have two tac teams and two EPTS chained together on the same key bind.
Unfortunately, I think its about 50/50 if any of it will work. Say the Borg hit me and a shield facing goes down. I hit the keybind twice which should mean I have tac team and EPTS going. But since the UI is utter TRIBBLE, it never engages right and I blow up with that second magical Borg hit.
And its not just this, put scatter volley and cannon rapid fire on the same keybind. I bet you they will see both cooldown to 15 seconds each most of the time without the Energy weapons doffs that reset those quicker because the UI is retadred and just sets them both at the same time.
If Cryptic wants to make the Borg harder, I'm cool with it. But they need to fix the UI problems on our end at the same time. Seriously, most of this TRIBBLE has sat on the back burner for 3 years. The UI problems I mentioned just make fighting the Borg even more frustrating then they already are and those have got even worse now that my rewards are some dilithium, a BNP, and some marks. Its so damn anticlimactic now.
If so - ffs! We deserve to know AHEAD OF TIME so we can adjust our builds accordingly. :mad:
Add to the fact that we weren't "Playing as Intended" with the Borg+STF set combo that was nerfed out of existence, we are getting it both ways now...
Lol? Adjust our builds accordingly? Sorry but all my builds still works like a charm.
Nerfed out of existence? I still have the hull heal from the 2 borg set. Still don't need the random and nearly useless shield proc.
So, YOU are the problem. And not the "nerfs".
The borgs got buffed. There is no easy happy camping place above or under the Tac cube.
Now you have to pay a little more attention to your positioning. Group together to chain fire CSV1. Or FaW or ...
ESTF are still easy and boring.
BUFF the borgs!!! They need more damage!!!
And less spike damage and invisible torps .
So that tanks and healers are more usefull.
Although I don't deny there's something extremely wrong with borg plasma torpedos in general, as I just got blown up by this:
do not forget: tactical cube can disable your shield and if you do not have HE it's over!!!
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Plasma fires also seem to take a **** ton longer to go out (Tact escort retro flyer here, no space for HE over Engineering team and Reverse shield Polarity).
I timed it, I took a single hit from a gate and lit up, got out of range and cleared the probes.
I was on fire for a full 63 seconds.
Something is wrong witht he timers on EVERYTHING in the game right now.
but hazard emitters is a science skill and should have no bearing on your engi team and rsp. also, ignoring it is like entering pvp without chainable tactical team. it's just a big no-no that severely gimps your survivability =(
But thats a unbelievable tanky ship with and insane tanking skill speck on the pilot. It can take an elite Dontra thalaron blast point blank and then heal up to full in seconds. Moral of story is hull resists are hard to get up in the high numbers but on a engi cruiser with maco shields and skill cycling will do it and that crit high yeald might drop the ship to 3/4 health and a low shield facing, which is going to go right back to full in the next two skills. Thats what those torps are balanced against, your escort with a single epts1 and Brace on cooldown just dont get hit by that you wont live.
1) Neither of those torpedoes hit me. That's why the names are removed.
2) Good luck targeting an invis-torp.
3) Good luck targeting a torp when you're within 2km.
They seem to be increased in general, I don't have the log unfortunately but the plasma fire was ticking for 600-700 but it had sudden jumps up to 7000.
7000 hull in a single tick!
Eng. Team?? Over HE... in an escort?? I think we may have found one of the problems. That said, the abundance of huge damage torps, invisible and visible is alarming. Even Spheres are throwing 30K invisitorps these days. And beyond that the Borg ARE doing more damage. More damage than the nerfed Borg Set would account for.
I said in a tribble thread about Hive space, that if you can directly counter something, it should be able to insta-kill you (heavy plasma torp for example). If you cannot directly counter it (aka, shoot it or deal damage to it), it should not be able to insta-kill you. At least not a cruiser, with full shields and hull, being a tank (as it should be).
Sci ships should be healing, or CCing, or whatever, escorts should be laying a big hurt and DPS on stuff, and the cruiser would be soaking damage.
Everyone will take damage, and the Borg SHOULD hurt, I don't deny it, but just having everything hit for ridiculous, over-the-top damage that no amount of resist can seem to stop, just ruins any real fun or enjoyment of it. Insta-death, as Bort once said, 'makes it frustrating, not challenging'.
Heavy destructible torps, the giant ones from Unimatrix vessels and Donatra's death beam should be the only thing dealing out instant kills to any ship, period. If an escort can get one-shot with full shields and hull (and a Mk X Maco set or above plus a good set of armour consoles), that's not strategy. The idea is the escorts take a beating so the sci and engy can heal them. You can't heal them if they get one-shot by regular weapons.
Of course I rarely see people heal eachother so usually it's just the escort keeping itself alive as best it can after a hard hit, but hey even if you have just a second or two to turn a stronger shield facing towards the enemy while you suck your thumb for a sec, that makes more sense and is more engaging, and certainly less frustrating then getting toasted instantly from full health. I've been running elite STF's since February, this is not new and I have no idea why this issue is still around.
To give tank builds a challenge while still giving escorts a chance, the only way to make that work is with faster cooldowns on smaller attacks. Fleet events are great cause if you fly into a big mess of ships, their combined small weapons owns you. Each cube should operate the same way, the difference being the occasional heavy, destructible insta-kill torp.
Anyways, in short, PW please fix invisi-torps and never go back to them, they are terrible for gameplay enjoyment.
# of times I've been hit by a invisible heavy plasma torp in the past 6 months: zero
Regular torps, sure... But not the heavy plasmas. If its that much of a problem for you, run an aoe build.
IF shields affect the damage on these things then I dread to think what it would do to bare hull... I went back to my Excelsior as that lasts longer in a fight if that takes down two torps the borg throw at it (Fires 1, waits for EWP to fade then fires another) then it blows up for no apparent reason showing 300k+ damage.
There is definitely something wrong here, 1 shot kills and invisi-torps are not hard, just annoying. (Yes I count the first scenario as 1 shot kill)
sometimes i can survive such attacks (and turn it against the cube itself; only works with visible torps of cause) by doing following:
-stay totally (0k) close to the cube
-don't use aoe's ("welcome" the torp)
-soon after a torp appears (ca. 2k far) hit rsp and bfi (back bfi up with doff's)
-after being slapped, hit he
i use this tactic in estf's with escorts and any other shiptype. sometimes work, sometimes not. i do not have a dps-meter or such. but whenever it works the torps damage hit the cube also (nice amount of % of it's own health).
as stated, this doesn't help with invisibles, but may some of you'll just enjoy blowing cubes with their own torps as i do
Looks like you managed to get far into the thread without reading at all.
Well done.
I WOULD complain but I still crit harder than this so I don't feel its right to do so.
BTW I'm happy today cos I got a half a million damage crit
Main problem that I'm noticing is how much of a pain it is to keep the burns cleared. They either need to have another way to cleanse plasma or lower the cooldown on hazard emitters.
Also, I am noticing that at times I get more than 1 burn dot applied to my hull for a single torpedo hit. Like a single sphere shoots at me and in under two seconds I have 4 plasma fires going. It doesn't happen all the time but it does happen.
And lastly in PvE and a support/healer ship backing it up an escort will out-tank a cruiser. Higher defense rating = more damage mitigation.
The TRIBBLE UI in this game is another. On any ship that I can, I have two tac teams and two EPTS chained together on the same key bind.
Unfortunately, I think its about 50/50 if any of it will work. Say the Borg hit me and a shield facing goes down. I hit the keybind twice which should mean I have tac team and EPTS going. But since the UI is utter TRIBBLE, it never engages right and I blow up with that second magical Borg hit.
And its not just this, put scatter volley and cannon rapid fire on the same keybind. I bet you they will see both cooldown to 15 seconds each most of the time without the Energy weapons doffs that reset those quicker because the UI is retadred and just sets them both at the same time.
If Cryptic wants to make the Borg harder, I'm cool with it. But they need to fix the UI problems on our end at the same time. Seriously, most of this TRIBBLE has sat on the back burner for 3 years. The UI problems I mentioned just make fighting the Borg even more frustrating then they already are and those have got even worse now that my rewards are some dilithium, a BNP, and some marks. Its so damn anticlimactic now.
Was there a "Stealth Buff" to the STF Borg? :eek:
If so - ffs! We deserve to know AHEAD OF TIME so we can adjust our builds accordingly. :mad:
Add to the fact that we weren't "Playing as Intended" with the Borg+STF set combo that was nerfed out of existence, we are getting it both ways now...
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Lol? Adjust our builds accordingly? Sorry but all my builds still works like a charm.
Nerfed out of existence? I still have the hull heal from the 2 borg set. Still don't need the random and nearly useless shield proc.
So, YOU are the problem. And not the "nerfs".
The borgs got buffed. There is no easy happy camping place above or under the Tac cube.
Now you have to pay a little more attention to your positioning. Group together to chain fire CSV1. Or FaW or ...
ESTF are still easy and boring.
BUFF the borgs!!! They need more damage!!!
And less spike damage and invisible torps .
So that tanks and healers are more usefull.
1) Your ship does not have 1.5 million points of hull, unlike the Borg.
2) The borg do not have feelings, they don't get frustrated by game mechanics.
Pics or it didn't happen :P
How does someone get a 500k damage crit? That's just insane.
Really lucky Quantum Torps.
Admittedly, I don't use damage consoles, but even if you stack 5x +25% consoles on your ship, a Quantum is rarely going to top 150k on criticals.