Just played Vault Ensnared on one of my KDF characters.
Everytime the fly in messages about the web status (20% 40% 60% 80% complete) come on the screen Obiseks Voice Over starts to talk weird stuff about me being an Interloper and being allied with Sela and Sela is controlling me and stuff like that.
That is VO from The Vault Episode Mission... somebody clicked on the wrong audio file when setting up that mission.
So I was going to create a new thread about this topic, because it has been annoying me for sometime. I keep wanting to slap Obisek for being an idiot, and making absolutely no sense. His dialogues go all over the place, as if someone took old voiceover content and just figured 'Hey cut and paste whatever, they won't know the difference'. Ok, cryptic. PWE... We know the difference. I don't nitpick over small things, like the terrible misspelling of synthesize during the Breen Arc, however I just can't handle this anymore.
This is a great mission, and the voice acting is good, it is just chopped up cut and pasted like an audible Frankenstein's monster, and it makes no sense whatsoever. Please Cryptic, I'm begging you to fix this for my own personal sanity, and the sanity of the rest of the player base. Now that the rewards are actually worth it for doing this mission, I'm finding I can't stand listening to this. Next time I run the mission, I'll write down the nonsense that Obisek says and enter it here, just so its exactly clear why this is so ridiculous. There are sentences that have been put together that have no logic to them, and no context.
Only time I've ever seen that happen is when I'm playing my KDF Klingon. And it does it every single time. That's a sure fire way, in my experience, to reproduce this. Just do the event on a KDF character and see if Obisek talks to you instead of giving the percentage of the web completion. :eek:
In fact, I think it this was reported here in the forums either during the Tribble test weekend before season 7 went live, or shortly after.
Just another one of those season 7 bugs that never got fixed. :rolleyes:
Nouveau riche LTS member
This is a great mission, and the voice acting is good, it is just chopped up cut and pasted like an audible Frankenstein's monster, and it makes no sense whatsoever. Please Cryptic, I'm begging you to fix this for my own personal sanity, and the sanity of the rest of the player base. Now that the rewards are actually worth it for doing this mission, I'm finding I can't stand listening to this. Next time I run the mission, I'll write down the nonsense that Obisek says and enter it here, just so its exactly clear why this is so ridiculous. There are sentences that have been put together that have no logic to them, and no context.
In fact, I think it this was reported here in the forums either during the Tribble test weekend before season 7 went live, or shortly after.
Just another one of those season 7 bugs that never got fixed. :rolleyes: