Just revert this game back to the good old pay to play model, will you? I'd pay to get rid of all these asian-grinding-mechanics the way it was before the overlords took over. You know, the time shortly before you laughed in people's faces who payed money for this game
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Surely you must understand that when new content is being developed that what the devs say and what is on Tribble is subject to change? Hell, even things that are on Holodeck are subject to change!!
A dev could say that we're going to be able to fly the yellow submarine and that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen. Why? Things are subject to change.
As such, Borticus may have said that you could buy the entire Borg set for 3 Cannibal Tribbles but that doesn't make it gospel fact that it's going to happen.
There's a little thing in the RL market called "buyer(s) confidence" .
When that is up -- business is usually booming -- thus life is good , for the seller (in this case Cryptic) .
When buyer confidence is down or shaken however ... -- the opposite happens .
Right now too many things are in flux (aka "subject to change") , and ... while I hesitate to say that buyer/player confidence is at an all time low , it is seemingly shaken .
From day to day , you can't trust if the mission you're going to play will award X or Y (or nothing at all when broken) .
From day to day prices go up , down and sideways .
It's like looking at a circus act ... , and to be honest , at this point I'm glad this mess is just a game ... , because if this was real world economics , ppl at Cryptic would be getting ejected so fast they would not have time to grab a cup on the way out the door .
It is quite expensive which sucks but at least you know your getting them instead of doing bunches and bunches of elites hoping and praying.
I have 4 toons and with the old system I never had to wait 2 month and spend so much dilithium to have at leat one complete maco/omega set. Moreover think that you could have the borg set using just a few EDC.
I like the idea of a reputation system, I can accept you need 2 months to reach tier 5, but if the prices are the ones posted, items are too expensive:
1) 250.000 dilithium is the overral reward of about 260 elite stf... before season 7 I never had to run so much stf to get a complete set and even if someone had to run so many stf he also had acquired 250k dilithium.
2) 250k dilithium is also about 1760 zen points at the current rate...
so, all in all... with season 7 you need the same time (or more) you needed in the past and you pay the items much, much, much, much more.
And this is only for the engine, the deflector and the shield.... you also need at least 6 weapons.
Still sure this way is better than the previous one?
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
Surely you must understand that when new content is being developed that what the devs say and what is on Tribble is subject to change? Hell, even things that are on Holodeck are subject to change!!
A dev could say that we're going to be able to fly the yellow submarine and that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen. Why? Things are subject to change.
As such, Borticus may have said that you could buy the entire Borg set for 3 Cannibal Tribbles but that doesn't make it gospel fact that it's going to happen.
The term "Subject to change" is just legal mumbo jumbo. Roughly translated it means: "We can do whatever we want to you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it because you agreed to this".
Just like all the confusing legal terms and everything in terms of service (TOS) and end user licensing agreements (EULA). It is a way for a company to save their own TRIBBLE if they do something bad, and/or illegal, to the consumer. It prevents the consumer from taking any legal action against them because, well, we agreed to it.
"Well if you don't agree to it then go play something else" one might say, but the fact is most, if not all, corporations do this sort of thing. There have been controversies about companies putting things in their EULAs that state you can't file a class action lawsuit against the company if they do anything bad like overcharge you, increase your fees without telling you first, or other ways to rip you off which would be illegal if they did.
You want a good example of this watch the South Park episode Humancentipad. It pokes fun at people for not reading the EULAs and how a company can legally get away with doing anything they want (like sewing your lips to someone's ****), knowing nobody reads EULAs and there isn't a thing we can do, legally.
"Subject to change" could mean they might decide later to just increase all of the Dilithium costs tremendously. And because of this simple phrase it means they didn't actually promise us the prices would be "as stated" and we "agreed" to this, so we can't do anything like sue them for false advertisement.
P.S. No I don't ever read EULAs myself because, like I stated, I don't understand if they are talking about copyright, hot dogs, or aliens with 3 hooters.
IF you do a quick search in the forum then you'll find players (and their names shall not be written) were complaining about game being too easy and too quick. These are the same people who complained about STFs being too easy as well.
Now killling tac cube in ISE takes some time, dedication and your virtual souls
Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
What happens? Simple. Each player makes their own decision as to whether they stay or go. You're not bound to play this game. There are other games out there, in addition to real life. People on this forum are behaving as if they'll die if the game isn't to their liking.
Newsflash!! You won't die, people!!
Do you hear me, you jerks?! LIVES ARE ON THE LINE!!!
*The machine also turns off if the commuter bus we're riding on slows to under 50mph.
I have 4 toons and with the old system I never had to wait 2 month and spend so much dilithium to have at leat one complete maco/omega set. Moreover think that you could have the borg set using just a few EDC.
I like the idea of a reputation system, I can accept you need 2 months to reach tier 5, but if the prices are the ones posted, items are too expensive:
1) 250.000 dilithium is the overral reward of about 260 elite stf... before season 7 I never had to run so much stf to get a complete set and even if someone had to run so many stf he also had acquired 250k dilithium.
2) 250k dilithium is also about 1760 zen points at the current rate...
so, all in all... with season 7 you need the same time (or more) you needed in the past and you pay the items much, much, much, much more.
And this is only for the engine, the deflector and the shield.... you also need at least 6 weapons.
Still sure this way is better than the previous one?
Face it, Season 6 was WAY MORE rewarding when it comes to gear and Dilithium and that, even if it was entirely RANDOM LOOT based.
Anyone please try to prove the contrary. I dare you. Anyone who was doing STFs were getting rewards on the spot for doing them, there were no delays and believe it or not, it was was also more compelling and exciting in the end.
The Reputation system is only and ONLY a way to reward you less for more work/time invested. Yes, the passive skills are not too shabby but it simply is not enough for all the trouble to go through. And it is not even fun!
I've pretty much given up on STF's.
Previously they were a quick, fun blast and a good way to evolve tactics, test loadouts, earn dilithium and get the odd loot drop.
Now it's too much like hard work.
The wait times for the assignments to complete are ludicrously high, the stuff now costs more dilithium than you can earn in STF's alone (so the whole system doesn't even pay for itself) and the rewards simply don't justify the effort involved.
That coupled with the fact that the Fleet Actions that DO drop good gear are completely broken has really taken the shine off this game for me.
What is there left to do?
Look for another game I'm afraid. Don't worry, you won't be alone in this.
As soon as s7 went live I stated that I will wait till I refine all my dil before making decision if I stay or go. Now it looks like it may not take that long.
May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should. moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
They tried 26 hours but after seeing what Cryptic was up to , the Bajorans asked for their clock back ?
You forgot to mention "repackaged goods" .
There's a little thing in the RL market called "buyer(s) confidence" .
When that is up -- business is usually booming -- thus life is good , for the seller (in this case Cryptic) .
When buyer confidence is down or shaken however ... -- the opposite happens .
Right now too many things are in flux (aka "subject to change") , and ... while I hesitate to say that buyer/player confidence is at an all time low , it is seemingly shaken .
From day to day , you can't trust if the mission you're going to play will award X or Y (or nothing at all when broken) .
From day to day prices go up , down and sideways .
It's like looking at a circus act ... , and to be honest , at this point I'm glad this mess is just a game ... , because if this was real world economics , ppl at Cryptic would be getting ejected so fast they would not have time to grab a cup on the way out the door .
Aye , that's true I suppose for MMO's .
But sometimes ppl confuse "change" with "evolution" . Not every change is evolution .
I have 4 toons and with the old system I never had to wait 2 month and spend so much dilithium to have at leat one complete maco/omega set. Moreover think that you could have the borg set using just a few EDC.
I like the idea of a reputation system, I can accept you need 2 months to reach tier 5, but if the prices are the ones posted, items are too expensive:
1) 250.000 dilithium is the overral reward of about 260 elite stf... before season 7 I never had to run so much stf to get a complete set and even if someone had to run so many stf he also had acquired 250k dilithium.
2) 250k dilithium is also about 1760 zen points at the current rate...
so, all in all... with season 7 you need the same time (or more) you needed in the past and you pay the items much, much, much, much more.
And this is only for the engine, the deflector and the shield.... you also need at least 6 weapons.
Still sure this way is better than the previous one?
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
The term "Subject to change" is just legal mumbo jumbo. Roughly translated it means: "We can do whatever we want to you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it because you agreed to this".
Just like all the confusing legal terms and everything in terms of service (TOS) and end user licensing agreements (EULA). It is a way for a company to save their own TRIBBLE if they do something bad, and/or illegal, to the consumer. It prevents the consumer from taking any legal action against them because, well, we agreed to it.
"Well if you don't agree to it then go play something else" one might say, but the fact is most, if not all, corporations do this sort of thing. There have been controversies about companies putting things in their EULAs that state you can't file a class action lawsuit against the company if they do anything bad like overcharge you, increase your fees without telling you first, or other ways to rip you off which would be illegal if they did.
You want a good example of this watch the South Park episode Humancentipad. It pokes fun at people for not reading the EULAs and how a company can legally get away with doing anything they want (like sewing your lips to someone's ****), knowing nobody reads EULAs and there isn't a thing we can do, legally.
"Subject to change" could mean they might decide later to just increase all of the Dilithium costs tremendously. And because of this simple phrase it means they didn't actually promise us the prices would be "as stated" and we "agreed" to this, so we can't do anything like sue them for false advertisement.
P.S. No I don't ever read EULAs myself because, like I stated, I don't understand if they are talking about copyright, hot dogs, or aliens with 3 hooters.
IF you do a quick search in the forum then you'll find players (and their names shall not be written) were complaining about game being too easy and too quick. These are the same people who complained about STFs being too easy as well.
Now killling tac cube in ISE takes some time, dedication and your virtual souls
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
Do you hear me, you jerks?! LIVES ARE ON THE LINE!!!
*The machine also turns off if the commuter bus we're riding on slows to under 50mph.
Face it, Season 6 was WAY MORE rewarding when it comes to gear and Dilithium and that, even if it was entirely RANDOM LOOT based.
Anyone please try to prove the contrary. I dare you. Anyone who was doing STFs were getting rewards on the spot for doing them, there were no delays and believe it or not, it was was also more compelling and exciting in the end.
The Reputation system is only and ONLY a way to reward you less for more work/time invested. Yes, the passive skills are not too shabby but it simply is not enough for all the trouble to go through. And it is not even fun!
Previously they were a quick, fun blast and a good way to evolve tactics, test loadouts, earn dilithium and get the odd loot drop.
Now it's too much like hard work.
The wait times for the assignments to complete are ludicrously high, the stuff now costs more dilithium than you can earn in STF's alone (so the whole system doesn't even pay for itself) and the rewards simply don't justify the effort involved.
That coupled with the fact that the Fleet Actions that DO drop good gear are completely broken has really taken the shine off this game for me.
What is there left to do?
Look for another game I'm afraid. Don't worry, you won't be alone in this.
As soon as s7 went live I stated that I will wait till I refine all my dil before making decision if I stay or go. Now it looks like it may not take that long.
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"