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Season 7 Predictions

bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
Zen : Dilithium Exchange
Currently it has already begun the slow drop in the value of zen to dilithium. This is a day after a new 5,000 zen ship pack was released and a very bad sign. While it is true that they are returning the Dilithium to STFs I highly doubt anyone will argue that the supply of dilithium has gone down and that demand will increase. And while Zen becoming cheaper is good for me, it is bad for cryptic. I would imagine that as the value drops so will the traded volume as both sides believe their currency is being undervalued on the exchange.

Lock Box/Master Key
Even with the highly desirable Reputation Mark Boost and mirror escorts that we all know will be in the next lockbox I would expect the sale of Keys to drop significantly. There will be three main factors that cause said effect. The first being general consumer fatigue, those that would buy 200 keys for a ship have likely been burned enough times by now that they have learned. Not all but many. Secondly many people (myself) only buy lockbox keys with zen I buy with dilithium and as I said before I expect the volume traded to decrease. And finally with the redesign of the STF loot system they have chased away the player's who really enjoy the rush of the random loot drop. I would guess that style of gamer would be more likely to partake in the lockbox system than those who enjoy a predictable grind.

Fleet Starbases
Because of the doff changes combined with the removal of the console clickers many fleets will be hard pressed to accumulate the resources need to advance their fleet along with the new reputation grind and embassy. I suspect many will try and get their embassy to tier 1 if they can stomach the dilithium costs and then abandon it. I also suspect many fleets have stalled in their starbase progress to begin with and that many many more will as well.

TLDR: Many changes have been made that will cost Cryptic revenue IMHO.
Post edited by bareel on


  • bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is a good post. Its dead on accurate. However, many of us predicted such things weeks ago and frankly we had devs tell us we were wrong. We werent.

    Cryptic easing the brakes a bit today might help a bit but they still are going in the wrong direction and I doubt that they will fully realize their mistakes until its too late and they do irreperable damage to the player base and to the game.
  • tali9999tali9999 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Good post OP.

    I for one is one of these players who like to gamble and used to buy keys and open Lock Boxes because i could not resist.

    However, like most casino lovers, we as customers also like to be given gifts once in awhile as appreciation for our spendings.

    STF Random Loot Bag was in essence my big FREE excitement devs were allowing me to have in this game.

    Without it, i feel very uncompelled to play the game and i assure you that the day as not yet come where i will play STO ONLY to open Lock Boxes.

    So that's my 2 cents. Hope Devs are reading this.
  • bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I cannot lay claim to the euphemisms going around and the players calling the changes to season 7 the Dilithium Depression, or the Dilithium Dilemma or Dilithium gate but it was incredibly obvious that once the players saw them that they would revolt.

    It surprised me as to the absolute instant outrage players felt and saw as they realized that their access to Dilithium was being pulled from the game.

    There were loads of fan boy outcrys about how players could do content they dont like to do to earn dilithium and it was oh so easy but the wide majority of players instantly revolted and screamed about the changes.

    Honestly, I felt that it would have been far better to listen to those that were speaking up before these changes went into place rather than knee jerk reactions afterwards to deal with instant hate and disappointment afterwards. Probably by now, DStahl has lost credibility from the player base and most will see him at best as a shill for PWE and at worst as a bold faced liar. It would be incredibly difficult for him to restore his credibility and believability when he speaks to us in the future. I seriously doubt people will harbor much trust of him in the future. Posts were written warning him about the perils of travelling down this path and frankly they were ignored. Damage to respect and reputation have occured and that probably will never return. I doubt he can regain the respect and loyalty of the player base ever again. Gecko may have been walking that tightrope but he was less vocal in his misinformation.

    Its 36 hours from the launch of sucky 7 and reaction has been overwhelming and mostly negative from all but the die hard of fanboys. Many posts have been written about feeling removed from the game, resistance at being forced to grind missions that players do not like, time gated "requirements", the ubiquitous and never to be forgotten comment of "working as intended".

    The short version of all this negativity is that Cryptic is saying they want to reward players less for playing their game and to give them less dilithium. You have to work harder, play more, and spend more time for less reward.

    Anything you punish or reward less will always result in reductions. If you lower rewards and tie them to time based gates so that you are giving less reward for time spent in this game then you are going to get players spending less time in this game. You lower the rewards and you lower peoples reasons to show up and play.

    Even if Cryptic restores "some" dilithium back into the game via stfs its not going to be enough. Players like having a bit of spending power and having some access to dilithium. This is being lowered and players are adjusting their expectations and enjoyment factor to match the progression.

    Despite hating I told you so's, its necessary to point out that before the foundry came out I made 2 bold predictions and 1. was that players would use it to find exploits and 2. that cryptic would use it as an excuse to punt new content. Both have happened and Cryptics attempt at forcing players to play long foundry missions more as other access to dilithium has been lowered or removed is ample evidence that those predictions have come true.

    Ive never spoken to a player in this game who told me that they have or owned too much dilithium. Most complain that they do not have enough and that it is too hard to get. There are people that tell you how easy it is to get but to me they are just shills and stooges to suggest that their opinions are superior when they start talking about how other people should spend their time.

    Customers and players want enhanced value for the time they spend in game and not reduced value. Love them or hate them, the clickers gave good value for the time spent, and players came to factor this into their expectations of the game and landscape for their enjoyment of it. Another posters said that it was an exploit but a happy exploit that people liked. Removing things that people like is not a great way to run a business. Putting in things they dont like is disastor. People like having a bit of dilithium come their way daily and they dont like being dilithium poor.

    Returning dilithium to stfs will help a bit and I applaud Cryptic for reversing themselves and their policy on it. Its still quite the reduction and I still think people will see sharp and catastrophic reductions in the amount of dilithium they actually earn and refine.

    Again, running the game in a fashion that pushes players into being dilithium poor will not go over well in the long run. The dilithium exchange will continue to see an erosion in the value of zen, crafting thats mostly dead will die further, fleets will reduce projects and/or quit loading them, everything that went right with season 6 and starbases will be reversed and become a moot point, and players will approach this game with a grind mentality rather than a have fun attitude.

    Cryptic would have done well to increase the rewards for the missions they hoped players would play more rather than reduce the rewards for thosee that players liked, enjoyed and used. And yes the clicker console mission was a mission players, liked and enjoyed and used. Believe me or not, the clicker console, mission was probably the most popular mission in the game. I dont care of someone thinks its an exploit or not; it was a popular mission that players felt gave them good value and they played. If cryptic didnt want exploits they should have thought about them before rushing out the foundry. They knew this would happen; they were warned it would happen; and it became part of the landscape. Removing it after players spent a year making it the most popular mission in the game seems shortsited.

    Cryptic devs just tell me Im stupid and wrong and that I dont know a thing about what makes players happy in this game. They tell me that they can throw more grind content at us and the fact that players have more to do and will have to work harder will make them enjoy the game more. The facts are that players that have easy access to items will take them and go play the missions they love. Players that do not and have to constantly grind for them like a mule following a carrot will find something else to do.

    The outcry was instant and it was huge and while mostly focused towards stfs there was an underlying theme I think Cryptic refuses to see. Less dilithium and more grind to get it means less fun for players. You cannot give players less currency to spend and then expect them to enjoy the game more because of it.

    STO needs more fun. Its crying for more fun. Removing fun from the game is a catastrophic fail method of trying to achieve the goal of attracting new players and keeping the ones you have and getting both subsets of customers to play more.

    The bottom line is that STO is a product sold and by reducing dilithium payouts and rewards, Cryptic has installed an absolutely huge price increase to play their game. They are not raising prices based on the purchase of zen. But indeed they are raising the prices for having fun by reducing the value of your time that you share with them.

    This is not a good thing.

    Love them or hate them, Clickers became part of the game, and the value of the dilithium injected into the game were an important part of giving people value for their time spent here.

    You remove value; and you remove fun; and you remove a really good reason for people to play and you just might wake up and see that youve removed your customer who their time in another game where they feel they are being rewarded for their time and are having more fun as they can experience gaming instead of grind.

    Cryptic does not see it this way; they tell me Im wrong; and they truly believe giving players less dilithium makes it fun for them. I keep desperately posting and hoping they will wake up but I dont expect it to happen.

    One way or another; clickers need to return; or Cryptic needs to find better ways to inject dilithium into the game. Or they need to drastically and sharply reduce prices for everything that needs it. The dilithium depression will drop down to the dilithium recession as they reverse a couple of changes but players still will not have as much as they want and things people like such as fleet progression, crafting, exchanging dilithium for zen, and upconverting doffs, will seem to be more out of reach of players. Its a bad trend. Its going to continue. And despite knee jerk changes to reduce awful decisions, we are not going to convince cryptic of their mistakes and get them to change their minds.

    And many, many, players will slowly trickle away to other entertainment options where they are sold a product that respects their time and financial investment and partnership in it.

    Adding 960 dilithium back to stfs is a bandaid on top of a shotgun blast to the gut. It helps a little and the bleeding sill slow a bit. But its not enough. Cryptic needs to be rewarding time played in their game at a higher rate and not a lower rate. If they dont do it then players will find a game that will. People are saying I like this game and I play here because I have friends here. Long term they need to be saying that they play this game because its actually fun. Right now that may not be true. Reward us for our time. Fix it.

  • willy01pwewilly01pwe Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My patch notes for the afternoon of 11/13/12:

    Subscription: Canceled (Gold subscriber since day 1 of Launch, 33+ months)

    Adjusted Perfect World revenues as follows:

    Pre-Nerf - $15 US Dollars per month paid by me
    Now - $ 0 US Dollars per month paid by me

    Purchases: In the past, I had made numerous purchases of Cryptic Points
    (and it's unholy cousin Zen points).

    We have taken a look at the data and decided to reduce this
    number as follows:

    $ 0 US Dollars will be spent on Zen points

    Playing: I have played Star Trek Online almost daily with some breaks
    in my play schedule, but I have been a subscriber UNINTERRUPTED
    since Day One of launch on February 2010.

    We have taken a look at the data (state of the game, attitude of
    developers and management) and factored in the money grabs
    and greed that has crept into the game and made the following

    I will no longer play the game. I will no longer support the game.

    No further updates are planned.
    No Star Trek Series went past Season 7.

    Will Star Trek Online survive Season 7?
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bugshu wrote: »
    I cannot lay claim...


    /golf clap
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    /golf clap

    golf clap?

    golf clap!


    To the OP: You might be right, but I think the dilithium market crash that everyone is predicting is nonsense. Most of us are sitting on massive stockpiles of 300k+ unrefined ore thanks to the STF conversion and cashing in before it happened.

    If it does happen, it won't happen for several months!
    Kirk's Protege.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It will happen by the end of this month, barring a Cstore ship sale/new lockbox with key sale/something else. When a brand new 5000 cpoint bundle ship as anticipated as the Vesta doesn't increase the cost of zen you know there is a problem.

    Keep in mind something else. The clickers are gone. Wonder how that figured into the average refine per character logged in math. Previously some players would log in 5, 10, or even 20+ toons to do the clicker, a doff or two, and academy daily. Now with the clicker gone they are not doing so and that is a huge loss of created dil.

    So yeah, the average per toon per session goes up, but total amount goes down. Demand remains unchanged as those toons never did get geared/etc but we now have a ton of new sinks. Never think the grinder gets as much currency as the farmer as that would be a mistake.

    See that is the most important thing to keep in mind when doing data analysis, knowing how said data actually applies, or the context of the data so to speak. 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax yet half of those still have a higher tax burden as a % of income. Data is fun to twist.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Current exchange rate: 152 dil : 1 zen

    190,000 zen worth of dil sitting at 150 cost will form a short buffer depending on how many zen sellers partake and after that it looks like there be nothing. The adjustment phase has begun.
  • bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The bids on dilithium are low and the asks are high. Anybody that thinks that there would be an instant collaps would have been mistaken. The problem will not be where dilithium is today. The problem will be where dilithium is in 2 months. Right now, the new content is still fresh. When people realize in a few weeks that its more grind than the old system thats when the real problems will arise.

    There is no way that you can remove huge chunks of dilithium from the game without it impacting the price or value of zen unless of course you get a counterbalance of people just buying less of it. If people start buying less zen then the prices will obviously stabilize to correspond with Cryptic handing out less dilithium. Im not sure this what Cryptic intended or hoped for but hey it could happen.

    It doesnt mean those of us that know how markets work were wrong. It just means that the supply of reduced amounts of zen corresponded to the reduced amounts of dilithium.

    I guarantee you that deflating the amount of dilithium in the game will not inflate the amount of Zen purchased to buy it. Rampant inflation in the value of Dilithium will ultimately crush the value of Zen and peoples desire to purchase it.

    Clickers and easy Zen was good for the game. It artificially inflated the value of Zen and gave people a reason to buy it.

    Cryptic thinks Im wrong.

    Im not. Im mean cmon. Economies take time to turn around and STO is no excpetion. People still have reserves of dilithium. As those start to trickle away then the prices will adjust. If players start the exodus then there will be less dilithium injected into the exchange for those hard core zen buyers to purchase and the inflation trends towards the value of dilithium will accelerate. If you want the value of dilithium to remain low and the value of zen to remain high then obviously you need players earning dilithium. Cryptic doesnt want players earning dilithium. They want to crush the value of the only product they have to sell.

    You know there are people that think raising taxes will improve the economy and increase the money supply. This massive reduction of Dilithium in the game is such a Homer Simpson D'oh moment. Its jaw droppingly stupid.

  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bugshu wrote: »
    The bids on dilithium are low and the asks are high. Anybody that thinks that there would be an instant collaps would have been mistaken. The problem will not be where dilithium is today. The problem will be where dilithium is in 2 months. Right now, the new content is still fresh. When people realize in a few weeks that its more grind than the old system thats when the real problems will arise.

    There is no way that you can remove huge chunks of dilithium from the game without it impacting the price or value of zen unless of course you get a counterbalance of people just buying less of it. If people start buying less zen then the prices will obviously stabilize to correspond with Cryptic handing out less dilithium. Im not sure this what Cryptic intended or hoped for but hey it could happen.

    It doesnt mean those of us that know how markets work were wrong. It just means that the supply of reduced amounts of zen corresponded to the reduced amounts of dilithium.

    I guarantee you that deflating the amount of dilithium in the game will not inflate the amount of Zen purchased to buy it. Rampant inflation in the value of Dilithium will ultimately crush the value of Zen and peoples desire to purchase it.

    Clickers and easy Zen was good for the game. It artificially inflated the value of Zen and gave people a reason to buy it.

    Cryptic thinks Im wrong.

    Im not. Im mean cmon. Economies take time to turn around and STO is no excpetion. People still have reserves of dilithium. As those start to trickle away then the prices will adjust. If players start the exodus then there will be less dilithium injected into the exchange for those hard core zen buyers to purchase and the inflation trends towards the value of dilithium will accelerate. If you want the value of dilithium to remain low and the value of zen to remain high then obviously you need players earning dilithium. Cryptic doesnt want players earning dilithium. They want to crush the value of the only product they have to sell.

    You know there are people that think raising taxes will improve the economy and increase the money supply. This massive reduction of Dilithium in the game is such a Homer Simpson D'oh moment. Its jaw droppingly stupid.


    You put it much more eloquently than I ever could thank you. Yes the issue is not the price drop, it is the decrease in volume traded that will impact Cryptic negatively.

    And to not just provide negativity the easiest solution is for cryptic to put a 'daily log in' reward. Carrots cryptic, they work better than the stick.
  • gemackgemack Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bugshu wrote: »
    I cannot lay claim to the euphemisms going around and the players calling the changes to season 7 the Dilithium Depression, or the Dilithium Dilemma or Dilithium gate but it was incredibly obvious that once the players saw them that they would revolt.

    It surprised me as to the absolute instant outrage players felt and saw as they realized that their access to Dilithium was being pulled from the game.

    There were loads of fan boy outcrys about how players could do content they dont like to do to earn dilithium and it was oh so easy but the wide majority of players instantly revolted and screamed about the changes.

    Honestly, I felt that it would have been far better to listen to those that were speaking up before these changes went into place rather than knee jerk reactions afterwards to deal with instant hate and disappointment afterwards. Probably by now, DStahl has lost credibility from the player base and most will see him at best as a shill for PWE and at worst as a bold faced liar. It would be incredibly difficult for him to restore his credibility and believability when he speaks to us in the future. I seriously doubt people will harbor much trust of him in the future. Posts were written warning him about the perils of travelling down this path and frankly they were ignored. Damage to respect and reputation have occured and that probably will never return. I doubt he can regain the respect and loyalty of the player base ever again. Gecko may have been walking that tightrope but he was less vocal in his misinformation.

    Its 36 hours from the launch of sucky 7 and reaction has been overwhelming and mostly negative from all but the die hard of fanboys. Many posts have been written about feeling removed from the game, resistance at being forced to grind missions that players do not like, time gated "requirements", the ubiquitous and never to be forgotten comment of "working as intended".

    The short version of all this negativity is that Cryptic is saying they want to reward players less for playing their game and to give them less dilithium. You have to work harder, play more, and spend more time for less reward.

    Anything you punish or reward less will always result in reductions. If you lower rewards and tie them to time based gates so that you are giving less reward for time spent in this game then you are going to get players spending less time in this game. You lower the rewards and you lower peoples reasons to show up and play.

    Even if Cryptic restores "some" dilithium back into the game via stfs its not going to be enough. Players like having a bit of spending power and having some access to dilithium. This is being lowered and players are adjusting their expectations and enjoyment factor to match the progression.

    Despite hating I told you so's, its necessary to point out that before the foundry came out I made 2 bold predictions and 1. was that players would use it to find exploits and 2. that cryptic would use it as an excuse to punt new content. Both have happened and Cryptics attempt at forcing players to play long foundry missions more as other access to dilithium has been lowered or removed is ample evidence that those predictions have come true.

    Ive never spoken to a player in this game who told me that they have or owned too much dilithium. Most complain that they do not have enough and that it is too hard to get. There are people that tell you how easy it is to get but to me they are just shills and stooges to suggest that their opinions are superior when they start talking about how other people should spend their time.

    Customers and players want enhanced value for the time they spend in game and not reduced value. Love them or hate them, the clickers gave good value for the time spent, and players came to factor this into their expectations of the game and landscape for their enjoyment of it. Another posters said that it was an exploit but a happy exploit that people liked. Removing things that people like is not a great way to run a business. Putting in things they dont like is disastor. People like having a bit of dilithium come their way daily and they dont like being dilithium poor.

    Returning dilithium to stfs will help a bit and I applaud Cryptic for reversing themselves and their policy on it. Its still quite the reduction and I still think people will see sharp and catastrophic reductions in the amount of dilithium they actually earn and refine.

    Again, running the game in a fashion that pushes players into being dilithium poor will not go over well in the long run. The dilithium exchange will continue to see an erosion in the value of zen, crafting thats mostly dead will die further, fleets will reduce projects and/or quit loading them, everything that went right with season 6 and starbases will be reversed and become a moot point, and players will approach this game with a grind mentality rather than a have fun attitude.

    Cryptic would have done well to increase the rewards for the missions they hoped players would play more rather than reduce the rewards for thosee that players liked, enjoyed and used. And yes the clicker console mission was a mission players, liked and enjoyed and used. Believe me or not, the clicker console, mission was probably the most popular mission in the game. I dont care of someone thinks its an exploit or not; it was a popular mission that players felt gave them good value and they played. If cryptic didnt want exploits they should have thought about them before rushing out the foundry. They knew this would happen; they were warned it would happen; and it became part of the landscape. Removing it after players spent a year making it the most popular mission in the game seems shortsited.

    Cryptic devs just tell me Im stupid and wrong and that I dont know a thing about what makes players happy in this game. They tell me that they can throw more grind content at us and the fact that players have more to do and will have to work harder will make them enjoy the game more. The facts are that players that have easy access to items will take them and go play the missions they love. Players that do not and have to constantly grind for them like a mule following a carrot will find something else to do.

    The outcry was instant and it was huge and while mostly focused towards stfs there was an underlying theme I think Cryptic refuses to see. Less dilithium and more grind to get it means less fun for players. You cannot give players less currency to spend and then expect them to enjoy the game more because of it.

    STO needs more fun. Its crying for more fun. Removing fun from the game is a catastrophic fail method of trying to achieve the goal of attracting new players and keeping the ones you have and getting both subsets of customers to play more.

    The bottom line is that STO is a product sold and by reducing dilithium payouts and rewards, Cryptic has installed an absolutely huge price increase to play their game. They are not raising prices based on the purchase of zen. But indeed they are raising the prices for having fun by reducing the value of your time that you share with them.

    This is not a good thing.

    Love them or hate them, Clickers became part of the game, and the value of the dilithium injected into the game were an important part of giving people value for their time spent here.

    You remove value; and you remove fun; and you remove a really good reason for people to play and you just might wake up and see that youve removed your customer who their time in another game where they feel they are being rewarded for their time and are having more fun as they can experience gaming instead of grind.

    Cryptic does not see it this way; they tell me Im wrong; and they truly believe giving players less dilithium makes it fun for them. I keep desperately posting and hoping they will wake up but I dont expect it to happen.

    One way or another; clickers need to return; or Cryptic needs to find better ways to inject dilithium into the game. Or they need to drastically and sharply reduce prices for everything that needs it. The dilithium depression will drop down to the dilithium recession as they reverse a couple of changes but players still will not have as much as they want and things people like such as fleet progression, crafting, exchanging dilithium for zen, and upconverting doffs, will seem to be more out of reach of players. Its a bad trend. Its going to continue. And despite knee jerk changes to reduce awful decisions, we are not going to convince cryptic of their mistakes and get them to change their minds.

    And many, many, players will slowly trickle away to other entertainment options where they are sold a product that respects their time and financial investment and partnership in it.

    Adding 960 dilithium back to stfs is a bandaid on top of a shotgun blast to the gut. It helps a little and the bleeding sill slow a bit. But its not enough. Cryptic needs to be rewarding time played in their game at a higher rate and not a lower rate. If they dont do it then players will find a game that will. People are saying I like this game and I play here because I have friends here. Long term they need to be saying that they play this game because its actually fun. Right now that may not be true. Reward us for our time. Fix it.


    An absollutely fantastic post, every player needs to read this and more then that the devs need to pay attention.

    Again well said.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm not sure I understand your concern because I think that's just your point of view.

    The solutions are easy:

    - Cryptic's revenue isn't and shouldn't be your concern at all. You're here to play and enjoy a game the way you want (for free or with money shortcuts), not to worry about it. If they need more money, you can be sure they will add new ways to earn it: more pay to win ships, more doff packs, reputation tokens, etc. Trust them in their ability to make profits, that's what they are best at.

    - If a player burns out, a new one will buy stuff int he store. That's how games work, it's a flow, and while some players quit, some others join the game.

    - Don't predict doom, because we're still waiting for it. :cool:
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • admiralthorr360admiralthorr360 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's really amazing how Season 7 has changed the game in the most negative way possible. There's dozens of threads about how bad it is and I still find people in Zone chat defending Cryptic like they're robots.

    I really wish Cryptic would make this right and stop robbing the community of their dilithium/fun factor and find new ways to make money; instead of taking the laziest possible way to rake in cash.

    There's so many different ways to do it rather than rip off the community and take things away from them. Makes you wonder if the people working at Cryptic like Star Trek at all or consider it their cash cow/job only. I'd like to think they like Star Trek and can find better ways to make cash + a way to make this right but I might be experiencing wishful thinking; because the moment we all get our starbases done you KNOW they're going to add something else immensely expensive.

    Losing the point in playing a lot of players are....
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I really wish Cryptic would make this right and stop robbing the community of their dilithium/fun factor and find new ways to make money; instead of taking the laziest possible way to rake in cash.

    So how do you think they should "make cash"? If you think they should. Because now, as it is, you can earn a fair amount of dil by just playing the game (since STFs gives a lot of it now) and contribute to your projects or starbase quite easily. It takes time OR money. I couldn't bold OR enough. If you have neither then you might have trouble playing STO but that's how MMOs work anyway.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As a dilithium contributor to the exchange (about 3-4 mil since I started back in April), I have to say I will be stockpiling now just in case they don?t back down on the doff trade ups and stf item costs. I?d still like the shiny new ships, but priorities are priorities and there is probably a lot more f2p guys like me doing the same.
  • admiralthorr360admiralthorr360 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    So how do you think they should "make cash"? If you think they should. Because now, as it is, you can earn a fair amount of dil by just playing the game (since STFs gives a lot of it now) and contribute to your projects or starbase quite easily. It takes time OR money. I couldn't bold OR enough. If you have neither then you might have trouble playing STO but that's how MMOs work anyway.

    Trait Retrain Token (Much Like Skill Respecs)

    DPS Meter Option (Tracks DPS In Stfs/actions + summary of team's dps, seperates crits with regular dps/filter options etc) with permanent/temporary purchase options with Zen.

    Tribble Shelf/Home etc (for people who like collecting tribbles especially for those crazy doff missions (Zen Cost Per 'Warehouse')

    New Costumes For KDF

    New Emote Packs (Emote Hotkey tray would make emotes more of a 'find' so you could pres 1,2,3 etc when on the ground/could witch between regular battle tray etc)

    Just a few ideas; and as for "STFs giving tons of dilithiuM" it's still nerfed and there's still an increased need for dilithium especially with the Romulan / Omega rep system diverting time that could be used for earning dilithium to buy equipment from the Fleet Starbases etc etc... so one can hardly say "tons" especially since 5bnps = 1k dilithium (I got way more with the old system than I do currently).
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just a few ideas; and as for "STFs giving tons of dilithiuM" it's still nerfed and there's still an increased need for dilithium especially with the Romulan / Omega rep system diverting time that could be used for earning dilithium to buy equipment from the Fleet Starbases etc etc... so one can hardly say "tons" especially since 5bnps = 1k dilithium (I got way more with the old system than I do currently).

    1 bnp = 200 dil
    50 omega marks = 500 dil (at T5). On bonus event you get almost 1k worth of stuff.
    one STF = 960 dil.

    That's a huge buff to the average STF rewards, but still people are complaining. I don't get why. I guess another dev blog making math for people would be required to make everyone happy.
    DPS Meter Option (Tracks DPS In Stfs/actions + summary of team's dps, seperates crits with regular dps/filter options etc) with permanent/temporary purchase options with Zen.

    Not sure we're playing the same game. It would make sense on a FPS.

    More cosmetics? I'll come eventually but that's not really what the game needs. The game could use more content, instead of new kdf pants. Anyway new costumes are released at a very high rate. And for the KDF i'd take more episodes instead of costumes, thanks. :D
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • admiralthorr360admiralthorr360 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    1 bnp = 200 dil
    50 omega marks = 500 dil (at T5). On bonus event you get almost 1k worth of stuff.
    one STF = 960 dil.

    That's a huge buff to the average STF rewards, but still people are complaining. I don't get why. I guess another dev blog making math for people would be required to make everyone happy.

    Not sure we're playing the same game. It would make sense on a FPS.

    More cosmetics? I'll come eventually but that's not really what the game needs. The game could use more content, instead of new kdf pants. Anyway new costumes are released at a very high rate. And for the KDF i'd take more episodes instead of costumes, thanks. :D
    Not sure you get the idea of the DPS Meter/Statistics idea but just as it's nice to know where people are in a PVP it'd be nice for a STF or a Fleet action. The meter? It might give you an idea of how your setup is doing if you're new. However it's not the most needed update really but I can see how this might actually be workable somehow with further development on the said idea.

    As for simple mathematics; you're looking at a system that will take days, even weeks to get to tier 5 and add that stipulation for someone who's paid for extra character slots/toons.. and you're seeing prison bars around where a once open field was. It's pure punishment to have your conversion crates locked as well. You shouldn't be restricted from using what you accumulated or earned previously at all.

    Let's not forget that you're spending that 'extra dilithium' to grind up to be able to get 'extra dilithium' as you call it. Being able to see the store and not being able to purchase the items until you reach a tier is better than not seeing it all being in the dark as to the costs of the items as well.

    Grinding for the right to buy equipment I can understand; but to grind and want dilithium from your Omega Marks? Shouldn't be a restriction IMHO. So 'extra dilithium' you preciously refer to is behind the Great Wall Of China; up and over the mountain that is "grind".

    In all honesty I think people have a right to complain about the manner this update was done especially when we were told one thing; while another happened. You might call that life but I call it a lack of manners. You might disagree with me but you better not tell me I have no right to my opinion or viewpoint with all things considered just because you're contented with the new limitations sugar coated as 'new content'.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In all honesty I think people have a right to complain about the manner this update was done especially when we were told one thing; while another happened. You might call that life but I call it a lack of manners. You might disagree with me but you better not tell me I have no right to my opinion or viewpoint with all things considered just because you're contented with the new limitations sugar coated as 'new content'.

    No one said you had no right to be angry, I was just telling you that you could also consider that S7 just changed the way to get stuff, instead of X runs to get your random loot you have to do Y runs, and you can pay to get your dilithium if you don't want to do your Y runs. That's not just a cosmetic change for sure, and yes it's another strain on our limited dilithium ressources, but if you're in a small fleet, that's a choice you can't blame the dev team for.

    With the new huge amounts of dilithium you can get from a STF during the bonus hour, I wouldn't say season 7 is just limiting ressources. It also makes dilithium gathering a lot easier and quicker.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I will not dilude myself, I know a lot of people hate me for supporting crypic and defending them, but I am tired of seeing multiple types of people complain.

    Personally I made 11k dilithium ore in an hour doing daily from defera, tau dwea, stf.s, and sb24.

    But I can see where a lot of people are coming from, however there is a segment which are very large that I believe have no right to complain, this is the segments who used to just log in every day and use many alts to farm quick dil then convert it and just log out....they just log in to farm and leave, those are the most vocal of all.

    But more to the point, if you look at past posts you will find all this rage and threats to quit all about dilithium....but its not about it being removed it was about it being added, and yes there were many posts on how it was bad for cryptic and how it would break cryptic in months when in fact it didnt, so you see why I mock and shrug off those who complain about how the easy dilithium channels are gone.

    I personally do not care what cryptic does, just so long as they keep it FTP and keep it trek.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    topset wrote: »
    To the OP: You might be right, but I think the dilithium market crash that everyone is predicting is nonsense. Most of us are sitting on massive stockpiles of 300k+ unrefined ore thanks to the STF conversion and cashing in before it happened.

    If it does happen, it won't happen for several months!

    Most of us? Hmm, no one I know is sitting on dilithium. I'm certainly not. It's been months since the last time I was in the 6 digits and it's not likely to happen again anytime soon.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only one sitting on tons of Dilithium are those who exploited the FA's.

    As for me, ever since Season 7 started, I went from making 8000 Dilithium per day down to 3000. It's not worth playing this game anymore.
  • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    More cosmetics? I'll come eventually but that's not really what the game needs. The game could use more content, instead of new kdf pants. Anyway new costumes are released at a very high rate. And for the KDF i'd take more episodes instead of costumes, thanks. :D

    More content? Oh yes. But we also desperately need new cosmetics. My pants are so worn out right now that I feel naked. Seems like every single Klingon character looks exactly like his neighbour. New sashes, new hair (Martok, Klaa, Worf's braid) Enterprise Klignon uniforms, and new Gorn ships are what the KDF needs and I'm sure we would all be willing to buy them.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
  • intrepidfox03intrepidfox03 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only one sitting on tons of Dilithium are those who exploited the FA's.

    As for me, ever since Season 7 started, I went from making 8000 Dilithium per day down to 3000. It's not worth playing this game anymore.

    This is the exact opposite for me. See, I keep hearing this 'forced' to play certain content for dilithium. Before, they added the dilithium back to STF's that was a virtual valid point. Well, in S6, I didn't play STF's ad nauseam to cap out each day. I didn't do the clickies because it was an exploit, I didn't travel to B'Tran to do missions. I did doffs, fleet alerts, the odd FA's. I did STF's enough to get the mk xi ground sets, the mk xii armors, & the mk xii MACO shield.

    I keep hearing this smack talk about FA's. If you don't like it, don't play it. Do you play your content for fun or play the Cryptic game of grinding dilithium? Bad mouthing Fleet Actions will not get support from others. I now HIT cap in S7. They even said most top level players have NOT hit cap. Guess what grinders, I was one of those not hitting cap.

    I'm glad dilithium is BACK in STF's, it is in FA's, at the end of BOTH reputation systems.
  • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bugshu wrote: »


    Excellent post.
    The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

    Take back your home,end the grind!

    Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is the exact opposite for me. See, I keep hearing this 'forced' to play certain content for dilithium. Before, they added the dilithium back to STF's that was a virtual valid point. Well, in S6, I didn't play STF's ad nauseam to cap out each day. I didn't do the clickies because it was an exploit, I didn't travel to B'Tran to do missions. I did doffs, fleet alerts, the odd FA's. I did STF's enough to get the mk xi ground sets, the mk xii armors, & the mk xii MACO shield.

    I keep hearing this smack talk about FA's. If you don't like it, don't play it. Do you play your content for fun or play the Cryptic game of grinding dilithium? Bad mouthing Fleet Actions will not get support from others. I now HIT cap in S7. They even said most top level players have NOT hit cap. Guess what grinders, I was one of those not hitting cap.

    I'm glad dilithium is BACK in STF's, it is in FA's, at the end of BOTH reputation systems.

    I never said anything bad about Fleet Actions having Dilithium, just that people were exploiting the system. Thats why they turned off Private Queues.

    I have no problem with Fleet Actions having Dilithium, only when Cryptic took away Diltihium from the STFs and told players they had to do them to get their Dilithum, is what I had the problem with.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    here's what I don't get. Many players here are stating that in the end after the initial S7 launch situation regarding dilithium rewards was rescinded; that somehow there will be less Dilithium available in game; and that will somehow (in Cryptic's eyes) force people to use Zen to buy Dilithium to progress.

    In the end:

    1) The "Investigate Officer Reports" mission exploit was removed (and I used it too, make no mistake); but, in the end, we ALL knew it was an exploit, anD they said over and over they had plans to 'fix' it. <--- So, this would have happened regardless of any Season changes at some point. In the end, it means that to get that 1440 Dilithium and 50 FM; you need to spend about as much time as it takes to get Dil from the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission; and there will be enterprising Foundry authors who adapt and make the quickest /easiest mission to maximize return in the new setup.

    2) B'Tran was removed - so that's one less source per se of 1440 dilithium ouright.

    3) In the end; the outright Dil Reward for Elite STFs was dropped about 200 Dil - BUT they added two more (into the Hive Ground and Space) that you can cycle through; and even the original setup was countdown timer gated. Also, the BNPs are pretty equivalent to EDCs in that there is a project you can run at any tier that converts them to dilithium; and at T5 (if you do the Rep grind) you can start converting Omega Marks to Dill as well.
    In the long run, this seems pretty much a wash for anyone wjho already had all gthe gear STF they wanted; and were grinding for rewards and Dil via STFs.

    4) In the new content they have added content that will give you Dilithium (the Salt Vampire, Tholian Red Alert Daily); and they've added Dilithium rewards to the old Fleet Axctions (SB24/Gorn Minefield/etc.) <--- And yiou can run those pretty quick as well. And again at T5 Romulan Reputation, you can convert Romulan marks to Dilithium as well.

    As for tenh Fleet Starbases and Embassy holdings, they did a number of changes that REDUCED the resource requirements:

    1) All project only require common (White) Doffs; and only require doffs from a Branch (IE Tactical, Security, Engineering, etc.) So, you no logwer need 60 'Sensor Officers', 'Security Officers', etc.; nor do you need Green, Blue or Purple Doffs for Fleet Starbase projects.
    This means that if you want to use the Doff grinder for an upgrade, you're doing it because you want that color Doff for your character, or something else. It's up to you if you find the new cost requirements worth it, but it's no longer needed for Starbase or Reputation projects. Also, with the above changes, particular common white Doffs will no longer cost near a million EC. As for recruitment - yes, the 5 pack General and the Racial recruitment NPCs have a Dil cost associate with them, but there a still a number of 100% free ways to acquire Doffs. <-- If anything this may have been a move to cut down on database transaction activity as you won't have crazy amounts of white doffs on the exchange fpor outrageous prices; and in the end, you'll still have enough of a base for Fleet projects. if anything, it may make Fleet doffs more attractive to some players now.

    2) They removed Dilithium as a needed input of BOTH Reputation; and SDtarbasde projects across the board - so in that area, there are less Dilithium resource sinks.

    If there's a glut of Dilithium depressing prices on the Dilithium exchange; it's not from the changes in the last 48 hours; it's from all the players (myself included) who cashed out their STF rewards prior to S7 launch. On my main STFing characters, I have two weeks worth of 8500K a day (using the SFA NPC, but you can only run it every 2 days for 1000) refining available - regardless of any other Dilithium reward content I do; and I know I'm nowhere near the surplus others probably have.

    It'll be months before we really see the effect (good or bad) on the game economy; but the fact is simple; there's more content, a wider variety of rewards (STFs are no longer the only end-game stuff in the game) ; and honestly, once players start gaming this new content, new dynamics will emerge.

    About the only real easy Dilithium farming source that was removed in the end, was the 10-15 second "Investigate Officer Reports" exploit that we all knew would be closed eventually. Players are of course upset that the quick 1920 dilithium source across 10 Alts routine is gone for good/has been reduced to a quick 480 Dil. Now they'll have to decide which alts they want to actually play.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) The "Investigate Officer Reports" mission exploit was removed (and I used it too, make no mistake); but, in the end, we ALL knew it was an exploit, anD they said over and over they had plans to 'fix' it. <--- So, this would have happened regardless of any Season changes at some point. In the end, it means that to get that 1440 Dilithium and 50 FM; you need to spend about as much time as it takes to get Dil from the "Explore Strange New Worlds" mission; and there will be enterprising Foundry authors who adapt and make the quickest /easiest mission to maximize return in the new setup.

    Yep. I one-starred the missions, then gleefully ran them daily for the free dil. I'd do it again, too; and I'm still glad it's fixed.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Heads up on dilithium outlook: Dan Stahl is posting on Red Alert at this moment and has said they are monitoring the dilithium economy. The average people are collecting seems to be going up.

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    syberghost wrote: »
    Yep. I one-starred the missions, then gleefully ran them daily for the free dil. I'd do it again, too; and I'm still glad it's fixed.

    A-HA !
    So you're the "one star bandit !" . ;)

    Me ... , I had not given the issue a lot of thought until Levi3's little "expose" a few weeks back .
    Until then that whole bit was just ... somehow "beneath me" .
    Then , with Levi's post I thought , "well if the pooch was not screwed until now , it'll definitely get by this ..." , so out of my 14 toons , I ran about 4-6 each day for the last week or two .
    Heh , and I still didn't hit 8000 on any toon . :P
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