If I use the Change Character option instead of logging out and back in I loose both Fleet and Officer chat channels. All my characters I am switching between are in the same fleet. If I change characters the old fashion way by logging out and then back in I don't loose the chat channels. All other channels I have are still in place regardless, this only effects fleet channels as far as I can tell.
You're not the only one. I find this happens the most when I "Change Characters" from my KDF toon (who is not in a fleet) to my Fed toons (who is in a fleet). Using "/f <message" still works though.
I'm also amused on how I can see my Fed toon's fleet chat while I'm on my KDF toon.
Member since November 2009... I think. (UFP) Ragnar
I'm also amused on how I can see my Fed toon's fleet chat while I'm on my KDF toon.
(UFP) Ragnar