Congratulations, with this:
Duty Officers:
- The Dilithium cost associated with Reassignments has been increased:
- White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
- Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
- Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium
- The "General Recruitment" assignment available on both faction Academy zones has been altered:
- Duration increased from 20 hours to 48 hours.
- The cooldown is unchanged.
- An input cost of 1000 Dilithium has been added.
You have effectively killed the DOFF system for lower level players or beginning - mid-range DOFFers. You have also killed it for anyone that is not in a Fleet (yes solo players do play this game).
And with this:
- The Dilithium reward has been removed from the Chart the B'Tran Cluster, Vice Admiral - Daily, mission.
You have effectively killed what little Exploration was left in the game. So, I do not want to see any excuses later on that, "Well no one does exploration so it is low on our priority list." This move, coupled with the removal of rewards in S5 pretty much move Exploration (which is surprisingly a big part of Trek) into the bin with Crafting.
Bravo, big clap for for marring an otherwise nice update with these last minute "knee-jerk" riders.
White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium
The "General Recruitment" assignment available on both faction Academy zones has been altered:
Duration increased from 20 hours to 48 hours.
The cooldown is unchanged.
An input cost of 1000 Dilithium has been added.
I thought I could at least enjoy playing pokeDOFFS
How silly of me.
I bet anyone who is bothered by this now that greens/blues/purples have been removed from starbases is only 1 group of people:
those taking fleet commons - or cheap exchange commons and grinding them up to blues and purples to SELL!!
tough luck.
Good move Cryptic!
I'll assume they aren't happening now and rage appropriately when it does.
Except I thought fleet doffs couldn't be upgraded that way?
Ahhh...a Knight in Shining armor defending Cryptic's honor.
they do not have any honor. only greed. well lets see how long that greed will keep this boat sailing.
hyperbole does not help when trying to raise an issue.
Exploration ... what exploration? Scanning anomalys and killing some random NSC's to get Dilithium does not sound like exploration to me :-P
You can still explore the B'Trans sector. You just can''t do "Explore strange new worlds" and "Chart the B'Tran sectore(Vice-admiral)" together.
So, stop whining , learn to read, learn to play, stop grinding and enjoy more foundry missions :-)
Right - because they also removed the "Strage New Worlds" daily that awards 1440 Dilithium for doing a 3 system exploration mission in any Star Cluter area....
Oh, wait, that's right, they didn't.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
White to Green: Now 500 Dilithium
Green to Blue: Now 2500 Dilithium
Blue to Purple: Now 5000 Dilithium"
Seriously was this really necessary? New horendous dilithium costs for everything? Have you ever thought that if you're increasing the demand for dilithium that heavily that it might be FAIR to increase supply AND the daily refinement cap as well?
Anyways here are some new ideas where you could demand some dilithium as well:
- warping to a new sector block : 1000 dil
- changing to another ship : 2000 dil
- unsuccessful STF : 5000 dil
- paying for a promotion: 5000 dil
- using a transwarp gate : 1000 dil
- repairing your ship : 1000 dil (minor) 3000 dil (medium) 5000 dil (major)
- renaming your ship : 2000 dil
- failed doff assignment : 1000 dil
- beaming down/up : 500 dil
- installing a new deflector : 2500 dil
- installing a new engine : 2500 dil
- installing a new shield system : 3000 dil
I'm sure people will come up with more brilliant ideas. This will bring you closer to your goal to stop dilithium to zen conversion completely.
Nah, they don't want to stop that. But until season 6 and T4 Starbases, dilithium was nearly worthless. You just have converted everything into Zen so that the store was nearly free ;-)
With the increased value of dilithium and removing some bugged possibilitys to get free and easy dilithium , the devs created some incentive for weak willed players to buy Zen points and change them into dill.
they don't want solo players, and this may be partially or wholly pwe forced. pwe has this idea that by forcing everyone into guilds/fleets will keep them playing longer and buying more.
hence the incentives with cheaper doffs, dilithium rewards for fleet actions, and other perks from being in a fleet that are now difficult, expensive or impossible to obtain solo.
social modeling mmo style, brought to you by 'Doctors' pwe/cryptic. too bad it doesn't work, and has never worked in every other mmo it's been attempted in.
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
I'm happy with it.
By 2007, the team introduced an invention system to City of Heroes and City of Villains. The nerfs were gone and the old, generic zones had been refurbished. "There is one nerf that I did that we lost a couple thousand people on," he admits. "It was called enhancement diversification... and that really did make people mad."
ED received strong negative feedback from the player community. The response thread to ED on the official City of Heroes message forum exceeded 3,500 replies in the first 36 hours, and soon after grew so large that a second thread was required due to forum software limits.
ED imposed a point of sharply diminished returns on how far each individual aspect of each power could be improved. Prior to ED, a player could focus all enhancements on only one of a power's aspects and receive fully cumulative benefits. Cryptic's stated reason behind ED was "to promote the use of more different types of Enhancements in powers".
Critics derided ED for its universal reduction of the maximum possible effectiveness of all characters, making it a global nerf that many defensive powers had now been significantly weakened for two Issues in a row, frustrating especially those who specialize in such powers and invalidated many of their existing tactics; that some powers cannot legally or usefully accept more than one type of Enhancement and thus cannot be "diversified"; that it was deceitful to enact such a severe change less than a month after Jack Emmert officially announcing "we've finished making large changes to the power sets";and that ED was too fundamental a change to implement so long after the original launch.
Some, but not all, of the negative effects of Enhancement Diversification were negated with the release of the Invention system in Issue 9, allowing players to create one enhancement that affects multiple statistics at once with bonuses for a full set that would affect global (across all powers) statistics thus allowing powers to increase a given statistic beyond the point of diminishing returns, while still honoring the limits created with ED during Issue 6.
Just wondering
I completely agree, once I try out S7 in game later today it will be a big influence on my decision whether to finally quit this game or continue.
The distance between the player elite and the peons just got a whole lot bigger.
Yeah...I liked this game because it was so solo it's boldly going where EVERYONE has gone before into forced socialization as a way to keep people subscribed longer. In my case it's going to backfire on them quite handily...not another cent will I spend on Zen. I'll spend what zen I have, but that's it.
It was a good tool to use occasionally (just like dismissing was) when you needed it for a quick change in population. Now options are very limited in what to do with unwanted DOFFs.
The whole levelling process is so screwed up it is amazing, they could literally require 4x the xp for the levelling process and still have enough content on the Federation side. It is a good idea and would make them more money but I guess they haven't thought of that...
Who is going to pay for ships when they'll outgrow it in just a few hours? Not many
Who wants to pay for mid level equipment when 5 levels down is more than strong enough to beat the overly easy content? Who even wants to spend freely earned EC for that equipment that just doesn't even matter?
People can hit the level cap in 10 hours of playing if they want to, its a joke.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
You forgot
- Start a doff mission : 500 dil
See the problem with that is newer people to the game like myself are very limited on doff knowledge. This is currently the ONLY way I have found to get doffs and upgrade them and they have killed it. There is no way I am going to spend that much dilithium, which isn't easy to stockpile to begin with for newer players, on doffs. This has in fact killed doffing for me and many other new players I have talked to. It is way to expensive to get started now.
DOFF issues:
I did not say it would kill all of DOFFing, the people who already have good DOFF rosters will continue as business as usual. It will kill, hence disuade DOFFing for people because the dilithium bar is even higher who:
Now there are many alternative that could have happened to retain the bar lower where it was intended so as many people could use the system. However, two factors synergized to cause this cascade of additional bad design decisions to re-balance the system. Instead of fixing what was broken, additional things were broken instead. It was just bad/rushed design. They are:
I guarantee you the most common up converted DOFFs were common Space/Warfare Specialists, Advisors, Bartenders, Chefs, Entertainers, and Traders?perhaps some diplomats and scientists. I?ve done it and anyone here who feigns a higher moral standard probably did it too to some extent (otherwise we would not see these changes) . The civies are a no brainer as before the embassy there really was no other sink for them. The Warfare Specialists were simply due to the glut of them from buying Fleet DOFFs and no Exchange category for them. How else will people get rid of them? The change in the amount of dilithium you get from dismissal only exacerbated the upconverter.
The synergy between these two additional bad design decisions has led to:
There were other solutions to solve this:
Any one of those would have been far more acceptable, yet none were chosen and we went from the cycle of:
Now here we sit, if someone wants to start DOFFing, They will have a tremendous entrance bar of dilithium to overcome, with fewer avenues to acquire it. The five-pack is not worth 1,000 dilithium. I was holding off on posting this until I got two very rares but this weekend I will post the odds for the results for the vast majority of the pack I have opened (your chances of getting a purple are less than 1 in 1000). So 1,000 dilithium and 48 hours for mostly a pack of 2-5 whites and 0-3 greens.
So no, it will not kill DOFFing for those established but it will kill/dissuade those who are starting. That is a shame because it was not the intent of the system. On the positive side, this should have fixed the issue of balance numerically, but nonetheless has left the system just as damaged. I can only see one more thing being done and if that happens, others that were more vocally supportive of this change will switch.
More explanation about exploration is next...
Exploration used to serve the following four functions:
Although exploration was plagued with its own set of problems and bugs:
Exploration is the biggest part of Star Trek yet this system received no support since launch. Over time, people became somewhat bored with it as it never evolved. So it is safe to say Exploration has been withering since launch. That is extremely sad for this IP. Now, Exploration has taken several additional hits (bad design choices) that have made the system even worse/less used.
They are:
Now, any one of those is bad enough, but four negative changes to an already broken and bugged system is worse. Why should people do Exploration now? Well now it is just a fun side or to aid in leveling. As seen in posts on these forums this will suffice for a small group of the vocal minority. However, it does set Exploration in a very bad position where we could see a chicken or the egg argument. Now I predict you will see heavy use of the Delta Volanis cluster by the silent majority and many of the vocal majority for the Strange New Worlds mission (I know I will be doing it). Why travel anywhere when the mission can now be completed next door to Earth? That leaves all the other exploration systems unused and without reward.
Again, many things more positive could have been done to help Exploration rather than damage it.
The following would have greatly benefited Exploration in the short-term:
This would have brought Exploration up in par a bit pending a full revamp.