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Respec from today's patch not working?

tyrlanityrlani Member Posts: 10 Arc User
So after logging after today's patch I have the "Skills Invalid - Respec" option in my skills window as noted in the patch notes. However, when I click the Respec the skills window closes and I get [System] Banned command RespecPowerTreesInvalid in my chat window.

Anyone else experiencing this? I did a search but didn't find anything so figured I'd post and see.
Post edited by tyrlani on


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, I got the exact same thing on my newly created klingon character.. saved the skills, did mirror event, came back and got the skills invalid respec and then it just closes when I click on it.
  • cyberderpcyberderp Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same thing, It's starting to TRIBBLE me off so wtf Cryptic.
  • michaelteiguemichaelteigue Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah, in my opinion being unable to skill-up makes the game unplayable.
    Cryptic ought to actually read these comments and fix the damned error and, if they are fixing it, then maybe let us know!
    Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
  • eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am having the same problem. Luckily it's on a capped character whose skills are decently playable already, but the respec isn't working.
  • tamberlytamberly Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having the same issue. *sigh* My character is NOT maxed out and I was looking forward to leveling her tonight. What use is that, though, when I can't update her (or her bridge crew's) skills? I've put in tickets about it.
  • thestormsongthestormsong Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just noticed that I have this issue on my engineer as well :(

    Joined in March, 2011. Lifer since December, 2011.
  • sxs01sxs01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Having the same problem.

    And on a related topic, I see no indication of which skills I need to rank up to avoid a similar situation in the future.
  • rsciwrsciw Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Noticed same thing on my CMD char, which obviously I wanted to level tonight...

    Going to the respec person, clearing all and setting to same skillset as before won't work too (obviously), and I don't want to change around too much just now...

    Known issue / fix in line?
  • flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    We are looking into this.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
  • eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for letting us know.
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    We are looking into this.

    ESD bugged shipyard no ship pictures saw several players just head no body
    audio loop in stf infected space when you load mission takes forever
    change uniform bugged
  • flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    This issue should be resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    stf's take super loooooooooooooooong tooooooooooooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
    same with respawn
    someone quit one because I took a long time to respawn
  • cyntalanmcyntalanm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm currently having this issue myself right now, so I don't know if it's been totally resolved.
  • llorcanllorcan Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi, I dont think its working yet either.

    Ealier when I was leveling up my characters skills the button said something like Respec. So i pushed it, then it cleared all my characters skills out to zero. So I added the skills back in, but it wouldnt let me go any further then Lt Commander, and my character is a Commander.

    How do I get all of his skill points back?

  • anticlonusanticlonus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Been having trouble with this since maintenance ended.

    lvl 30 KDF engineer needing to spend their points.
  • interfurryinterfurry Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    -Statement Redacted-

    I'd lost faith in the [Respec] Button as it wasn't working and I assumed it was intrinsically broken.
  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah I noticed it wasnt working on tribble before todays patch went live. Guess they never caught onto it
  • augyfirestormaugyfirestorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    This issue should be resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Still occurring on my end.
  • coffeeblack47coffeeblack47 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My wife is still having this issue, but I am not. The only thing I could think of that I've done differently is that I just created and trained up a new bridge officer. Once I did that the issue seemed to go away for myself and all of my other officers. Could have been a coincidence. :confused: Her issue currently seems to only be on the KDF side - her Fed char can skill up at will.

    I was having the issue as of yesterday, but it seems to have been resolved for me after the fix post-maintenance.
  • hephasteus2121hephasteus2121 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I had the same issue, and it appears to have been fixed today. Except that now when I try to re-upgrade all my skills (somehow I got respec'd) it doesnt recognize me as being a lieutenant general, and so I only have access to the first tier of skill upgrades. This is just as useful as not being able to upgrade skills. Whats up with this?
  • cyntalanmcyntalanm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If you're anything like me, I had to be pointed out by my support ticket that I was essentially being an idiot. ^^;

    The respec system makes sure you invest x skill points into a given rank before unlocking the next. There's a number above the skill tree ranks that list how many points are needed to invest in.
  • gazurtoidgazurtoid Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Also suffering from this - which seems to have also made several of my Captain Powers (like Go Down Fighting, Tactical Initiative, Subnucleonic Beam) on several of my characters disappear. They have disappeared from both the tray, and drag to tray menus.
  • richardcranium63richardcranium63 Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm having the same issue. Opened a support ticket but I'm getting nowhere fast. I keep being told the same thing over & over again. Respec, respec, respec...
    Support keeps quoting the 11-01-2012 patch release notes but nothing I do works.
    Seems to me that not enough testing was done prior to patch release.
    Hey Cryptic! Your patch broke it so quit placating us with lock boxes & other offers to attempt to suck money out of our wallets. Just fix it, dammit!
    Fed/Vulcan: T'jar Voltek Fleet: Section 31
    Fed/Andorian: Lissan Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa Fleet: Section 31
    KDF/Cardi: K'Im Qah da Sian Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
    KDF/Reman: R'Chras Jonzor Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
  • warlertasicwarlertasic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i have the same issues here after 5 days from the patch. i cant play any off my low chars which i might add ive payed for to get ! sort this out !!!!!
  • bagabumbagabum Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have just submitted a ticket and some stuff that I have tried.

    Currently I can not put points into any bridge officer hence I can not promote them

    I can not put points into my char at all

    bottom right shows invalid skills and a respec button = pressing the button does nothing.

    Went to a respec station to attempt a respec station on flotilla and this doesn't work either - I did the respec - asked if it was ok to use respec token (have 5) clicked ok and it appeared to take the one and do a respec. When checking it away from the station nothing had changed and still had 5 respec tokens.

    I am lifetime and purchased the legacy pack.
    My char is level 12 Centurian

    1 thing I did notice is that there was no promotion quests - so not sure if this is related - but I did get a sub quest to get new ship.

    Maybe this will help
    Livia Drusilla - Level 50 Engineer

    Playing STO since Beta

    Leader of S-P-Q-R
  • neithuneithu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You should make your own thread and not respond to year old dead one.
  • atronach1atronach1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    any progress on this im getting this too ?
  • darken1984darken1984 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please, how long?
  • avantgarde01avantgarde01 Member Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This issue is definitely not resolved. Still having it.
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