Season 7 is a bedrock for the Romulan faction I'd bet all my EC's on us getting next year. The outcry for a new faction is massive and the potential money is massive too. They're adding a new sector block, new rommie weapons, doffs, boffs, skills etc. It's obvious the Romulan faction is planned.
I've heard some people say this, I think their hopes are misplaced though. I think a Romulan faction was planned a long time ago; but since planning is cheap in comparison to actually going through with it, all that planning was sat on by Cryptic until they realized that just ONE rep grind was too little. The whole Romulan/Tholian angle seems forced to me, but it did help them cannibalize what work was done for the Romulan faction to set up a Romulan rep grind. If a Romulan faction was still planned I'd bet the rep grind would be Reman, not Romulan.
Some sort of mini faction might still see the light of day I suppose, but a full faction is something I don't see happening.
Edit for being more on topic:
Maybe the Vesta will have paper thin hull?... unlikely.
Or have weak shields? .....also very unlikely.
Hmm, maybe we're all just assuming it'll get DHCs? Has it been confirmed that cannons aren't in fact just that? The 180 degree variety?
Interesting. What is your source for that? Who tested the ship, and what do you know about those people's expertise?
Until Fallout posted just now, what I said was completely true. The PvP community in STO is extremely small.
In fact what I said is still true because the closed beta presumably hasn't started yet. Like everything else, Cryptic is just developing this thing without any outside input and then they'll likely release it the way they want to regardless of feedback. There was a whole thread about their behaving in this way just a few days ago.
That is arguing under the presumption that only PvPers know the mechanics intimately. That is highly unlikely.
It is more about that average pvper, knows much more than average pver. With that in mind, a pvper would be much better choice for testing than some pet loving pver who does not care for the balance at all.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
That is arguing under the presumption that only PvPers know the mechanics intimately. That is highly unlikely.
Anyone who knows the mechanics of the game PvPs because it is the most fun thing to do in STO. And people who don't have a good understanding of the mechanics either fail at PvP (or take advantage of overpowered stuff) or listen to people who do (either via builds or just general chat/forums and of course testing stuff in game (against others, looking at pop-ups and simple math)). And I think that mechanics makes it sound harder than it is, the concepts are really easy to grasp you just need to look.
That is arguing under the presumption that only PvPers know the mechanics intimately. That is highly unlikely.
pvp'ers are the only ones who have been in a situation were they experience any sort of extremes within the system, to give the entire scope of the game mechanics context. actually being challenged makes all the difference.
EVERY pve'er is in a fog and has no idea were anything beings and end, they are never actually challenged, they are never forced to use more then about 10% of their ships potential. in stfs and other qued content, they just rely on others to carry the team. every time im on a team with them, they arent even 1/10 the player i am. my contribution to most stfs is twice what the other 4 on my team contribute.
having pve'ers test the vesta is like asking an infant to solve a trigonometry problem.
speaking of season 7 destroying pvp, i discovered a huge nerf to damage dealing, especially non escort damage dealing. it appears the weapons energy 125 hard cap is back in place on tribble. further testing needed.
i am so angry. i cant post exactly how i feel about this, i would get banned if i did.
125 hard cap is back ? Well various hull resistance debuffs (FOMM,Sensor Scan,APD,APB) got reduced as well...
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
In STO the gulf between PvErs and PvPers is so pronounced that they're essentially different games running on the same visual engine. The only PvE content that very vaguely approximates PvP is No Win, and that's mainly because you can't just mash autofire/Kirk your way out of it. This really isn't typical for games and it's a bit of a shock coming from the titles I used to seriously play.
Here's an example of the way PvPers see nuances and numbers in the engine, and the immense difference in the way casuals will see those same figures.
Imagine Cryptic released two 'scorts simultaneously. One's pay-to-win selling point is that it comes equipped with four Quint Cannons (lol) with [Dmg] x 18 mods. The other simply has a base turn rate of 25. Which is going to be more powerful in the perception of the PvEing public? Which will PvPers rightly see for what it is?
There are differences like those Naldoran posted about in the Tribble board where you simply can't see them unless you've put in your time and played enough real PvP games to know what the numbers mean. 3% extra crit chance probably sounds nice but forgettable to a PvEer; it's positively drool-inducing to someone who knows better.
What people need to do now is not to jump to conclusions and assume the worst.
Let the pacth on tribble become totaly availble, and then we can argue further if S7 is a pvp doom or not.
Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
What people need to do now is not to jump to conclusions and assume the worst.
Let the pacth on tribble become totaly availble, and then we can argue further if S7 is a pvp doom or not.
What, and waste all the effort Cryptic has put into conditioning us to assume the worst? I think not! :P
_________________________ TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz- Svarog | Veles | et al.
speaking of season 7 destroying pvp, i discovered a huge nerf to damage dealing, especially non escort damage dealing. it appears the weapons energy 125 hard cap is back in place on tribble. further testing needed.
i am so angry. i cant post exactly how i feel about this, i would get banned if i did.
Maybe that's their attempt to offset dropping out 6-7+ procs? Personally, I would have preferred not having the cap while not having all those procs... meh.
What people need to do now is not to jump to conclusions and assume the worst.
Let the pacth on tribble become totaly availble, and then we can argue further if S7 is a pvp doom or not.
Don't you DARE bring a reasonable attitude into a DOOM thread - how many MMO forums have you read over the years? Unbridled doom threads are the staple of any update patch as change is SCARY.....:eek::D:P;)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I'm thinking before the 12th... the LTS sale ends the 12th. Maybe the 9th?
I'm putting my guess with yours, right in the next two weeks is when expect we get the news to us that STO is being borked, and that there's supposed to be something good about all the new grind.
Thankfully Cryptic has a huge pool of players who will pay for internet connectivity to play a single player game that gives them no new content except time gateing, grinding and eye candy.
If Cryptic/PWE was smart they'de adapt their game model after one that works, instead of those that don't (CoH, SWG)
Thankfully Cryptic has a huge pool of players who will pay for internet connectivity to play a single player game that gives them no new content except time gateing, grinding and eye candy.
If Cryptic/PWE was smart they'de adapt their game model after one that works, instead of those that don't (CoH, SWG)
So far the model they have has tons of people wanting to play a single player game wraped as an mmo.
Should get another big boost in May with the next ST movie.
LOL says the RP'er who grinds dilithium day in and day out, plays the exchange market and doesn't spend a cent of his own money on the game.
Actually the first part about grinding day after day is true - and it seems that is the type of player Cryptic wants
Second part is not true: I have spent over $400 real dollars on this game and have a monthly gold sub - something Cryptic also wants
What Cryptic does not want is what I hear throughout this whole thread:
"I don't need to upgrade, I can get by just fine with the old stuff"
"We don't want to have to keep getting new stuff to be able to compete"
If I were Dan Stahl I would say that this is the kind of players I don't want in the game.
Maybe you are have not clued in yet on why he keeps saying PvP next time and there is no next time. Threads like this where people complain about not wanting to spend more money on shiney new toys = useless to him in my opinion!
I've heard some people say this, I think their hopes are misplaced though. I think a Romulan faction was planned a long time ago; but since planning is cheap in comparison to actually going through with it, all that planning was sat on by Cryptic until they realized that just ONE rep grind was too little. The whole Romulan/Tholian angle seems forced to me, but it did help them cannibalize what work was done for the Romulan faction to set up a Romulan rep grind. If a Romulan faction was still planned I'd bet the rep grind would be Reman, not Romulan.
Some sort of mini faction might still see the light of day I suppose, but a full faction is something I don't see happening.
Edit for being more on topic:
Maybe the Vesta will have paper thin hull?... unlikely.
Or have weak shields? .....also very unlikely.
Hmm, maybe we're all just assuming it'll get DHCs? Has it been confirmed that cannons aren't in fact just that? The 180 degree variety?
Until Fallout posted just now, what I said was completely true. The PvP community in STO is extremely small.
In fact what I said is still true because the closed beta presumably hasn't started yet. Like everything else, Cryptic is just developing this thing without any outside input and then they'll likely release it the way they want to regardless of feedback. There was a whole thread about their behaving in this way just a few days ago.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
how do these people even know they were selected?
It is more about that average pvper, knows much more than average pver. With that in mind, a pvper would be much better choice for testing than some pet loving pver who does not care for the balance at all.
Anyone who knows the mechanics of the game PvPs because it is the most fun thing to do in STO. And people who don't have a good understanding of the mechanics either fail at PvP (or take advantage of overpowered stuff) or listen to people who do (either via builds or just general chat/forums and of course testing stuff in game (against others, looking at pop-ups and simple math)). And I think that mechanics makes it sound harder than it is, the concepts are really easy to grasp you just need to look.
pvp'ers are the only ones who have been in a situation were they experience any sort of extremes within the system, to give the entire scope of the game mechanics context. actually being challenged makes all the difference.
EVERY pve'er is in a fog and has no idea were anything beings and end, they are never actually challenged, they are never forced to use more then about 10% of their ships potential. in stfs and other qued content, they just rely on others to carry the team. every time im on a team with them, they arent even 1/10 the player i am. my contribution to most stfs is twice what the other 4 on my team contribute.
having pve'ers test the vesta is like asking an infant to solve a trigonometry problem.
speaking of season 7 destroying pvp, i discovered a huge nerf to damage dealing, especially non escort damage dealing. it appears the weapons energy 125 hard cap is back in place on tribble. further testing needed.
i am so angry. i cant post exactly how i feel about this, i would get banned if i did.
Here's an example of the way PvPers see nuances and numbers in the engine, and the immense difference in the way casuals will see those same figures.
Imagine Cryptic released two 'scorts simultaneously. One's pay-to-win selling point is that it comes equipped with four Quint Cannons (lol) with [Dmg] x 18 mods. The other simply has a base turn rate of 25. Which is going to be more powerful in the perception of the PvEing public? Which will PvPers rightly see for what it is?
There are differences like those Naldoran posted about in the Tribble board where you simply can't see them unless you've put in your time and played enough real PvP games to know what the numbers mean. 3% extra crit chance probably sounds nice but forgettable to a PvEer; it's positively drool-inducing to someone who knows better.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Let the pacth on tribble become totaly availble, and then we can argue further if S7 is a pvp doom or not.
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
What, and waste all the effort Cryptic has put into conditioning us to assume the worst? I think not! :P
TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
Svarog | Veles | et al.
I see the effort and raise you alot of ****
PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
indeed!! Is it capped exactly at 125, or did we get the old 135 hard cap back?
Maybe that's their attempt to offset dropping out 6-7+ procs? Personally, I would have preferred not having the cap while not having all those procs... meh.
At this point all we can do is keep monitoring and hope we dont hear
That's my hope and dream at this point.
You realize that this game was created by the same guys that do world of tanks and that its pay to win model is the exact same?
If you love pay to win... MWO and WoT are the games for you.
Don't you DARE bring a reasonable attitude into a DOOM thread - how many MMO forums have you read over the years? Unbridled doom threads are the staple of any update patch as change is SCARY.....:eek::D:P;)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
>>ya know these devs really don't do complete testing before pushing it on everyone.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I'm thinking before the 12th... the LTS sale ends the 12th. Maybe the 9th?
I'm putting my guess with yours, right in the next two weeks is when expect we get the news to us that STO is being borked, and that there's supposed to be something good about all the new grind.
Thankfully Cryptic has a huge pool of players who will pay for internet connectivity to play a single player game that gives them no new content except time gateing, grinding and eye candy.
If Cryptic/PWE was smart they'de adapt their game model after one that works, instead of those that don't (CoH, SWG)
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
So far the model they have has tons of people wanting to play a single player game wraped as an mmo.
Should get another big boost in May with the next ST movie.
OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
Actually the first part about grinding day after day is true - and it seems that is the type of player Cryptic wants
Second part is not true: I have spent over $400 real dollars on this game and have a monthly gold sub - something Cryptic also wants
What Cryptic does not want is what I hear throughout this whole thread:
"I don't need to upgrade, I can get by just fine with the old stuff"
"We don't want to have to keep getting new stuff to be able to compete"
If I were Dan Stahl I would say that this is the kind of players I don't want in the game.
Maybe you are have not clued in yet on why he keeps saying PvP next time and there is no next time. Threads like this where people complain about not wanting to spend more money on shiney new toys = useless to him in my opinion!