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  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Any chance you could add that to torpedo/mine weapons? It would be nice if torpedo boats could do some extra Kinetic damage when shields are up. Why use torps if energy weapons do Kinetic to hull when shields are up only perhaps with a 10% proc due to slow fire rate? It seems energy builds get the best of both worlds with this change while we torpdeo boats lose out.

    I have updated this power to make it work with Torpedoes and Mines. It will have a 5% proc rate with Torpedoes and Mines.
    You do realize that this is in contrast with both your own portrayal of Romulan NPCs so far (all known NPCs use disruptors, and all ships larger than a Scorpion use plasma torpedoes, but ONLY torpedoes) AND canon?

    I'm aware of the current state of the NPCs in the game as well as Romulan weapons in canon.

    Let me clarify my statement - the new Romulan Star Empire reputation focuses on new unique Plasma Torpedoes and Plasma/Distruptor hybrid directed energy weapons. This represents new technological developments. We may or may not end up retrofitting old Romulans with this new technology.

    There is precedent in canon for Romulans using Plasma weaponry, such as the torpedoes in Balance of Terror.
    Yea i could see a full team focusing on the knockback to be quiete an issue... 30% chance to crit on ground with buffs and gambler and a 20% chance to knockback and thats before consumables and weapon crit chances even, a full team doing that could be mega annoying. Makes me wonder if theres some immunity to that knockback in place like for rifle butt. Any chance you could say something about the knockback archon?

    This ability will trigger Knock Back Resistance, similar to a Rifle Butt. This isn't in the current build on Tribble, but it's implemented on our end and you should see it on your side soon.
    Im also wondering about the 50% chance of a shield heal on taking a crit.. that sounds like a really powerful ability.. with its +151 shields its like +40% filling shields, crits on ground happen quiete frequently if theres not some cooldown-debuff in place (like with the borg-space set shield heal proc) this could totally nerf fast firing weapons in ground pvp.. i.e. omega carbine.

    I recently added an internal cooldown to prevent it from procing too frequently. I will clarify the tooltip to make this more obvious.

    I play in PvP myself, and I'm aware that some of these powers have PvP ramifications. If we wanted to make our new advancement systems only have an impact on PvE, that would severely restrict our options.

    We could disable these powers in PvP, but ultimately I feel like that would just make these systems less compelling and intuitive. There are arguments for both sides.

    I'm very interested in making at least one PvP specific reputation at some point in the future, but I can't give any specific dates on when that might happen.
    Same with the new kits btw.. would be cool to get some chance testing em to give some feedback before they hit holodeck.. not sure if theres enough time to grind the embassy up in time.

    I'd certainly love feedback on this stuff. I'm not sure if we're going to do anything to accelerate progression on Tribble or not.
    Im also wondering if theres any sort of respec option planed yet for those reputation choices.. or if we are going to be stuck with what we choose forever.

    Respecs will not be available when the system launches, but we've discussed them and I'm certainly hoping to see them further down the line.
    Also be nice if there was a choice depending on profession.

    I'm a huge fan of character customization and choice in power selection, but in this early implementation of the system we'd rather dedicate our resources toward making sure these Tier 5 abilities are both appealing and functional. If we feel that giving more choices in the future can be done in a balanced fashion, we'll probably do it.
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Will the Reputation unlocks (passives) be able to be re-traited/re-specced AT LAUNCH of Season 7 ?
  • edited October 2012
    This content has been removed.
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I think you are missing the point, Romulans do use Plasma Torpedoes but their energy weapons are Disruptor based and should remain so, also if anything Romulan Disruptor technology is more antiproton as they leave behind residual antiproton particles.
    Anything can leave behind Antiprotons if its got enough energy. Just need to smash atoms around and some quarks will recombine into antiprotons and antineutrons.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,260 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have updated this power to make it work with Torpedoes and Mines. It will have a 5% proc rate with Torpedoes and Mines.
    Thank you for responding to feedback. Sounds like a good change, cannot wait to play test it.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm aware of the current state of the NPCs in the game as well as Romulan weapons in canon.

    Let me clarify my statement - the new Romulan Star Empire reputation focuses on new unique Plasma Torpedoes and Plasma/Distruptor hybrid directed energy weapons. This represents new technological developments. We may or may not end up retrofitting old Romulans with this new technology.

    There is precedent in canon for Romulans using Plasma weaponry, such as the torpedoes in Balance of Terror.

    Since plasma-disruptor hybrid directed energy weapons are a part of the Romulan Star Empire reputation system, is there any chance of the plasma-phasers being made and added to Omega Force?
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
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  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    amosov78 wrote: »
    Since plasma-disruptor hybrid directed energy weapons are a part of the Romulan Star Empire reputation system, is there any chance of the plasma-phasers being made and added to Omega Force?

    Not at this time, but it's possible we might add other hybrid weapons in the future.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Bonus shield pen to torps and mines. Mmm tasty. :D

    I hope this doesn't include energy weapons now after the change.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

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    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm very interested in making at least one PvP specific reputation at some point in the future, but I can't give any specific dates on when that might happen.

    While PvP content would probably be a nice thing... I hope before anything of that happens a few dev ressources will be allocated to first fix the still existing major issues in ground pvp, here a short list for you:

    a) dodge stacking. Caitian dodge trait + omega armor dodge bonuses + omega team set dodge bonus (you can increase dodge by having your teammates wear it) + gambler makes cats alot more survivable then any other race. Needless to say that in a game were 1 to 4 shots can kill it makes quiete a bit of a difference if one race can easily tank twice that amount due to dodge stacking.

    Its down to the point were theres almost not a single ground game happening that doesn't include a couple cats in it. This race is favored way to much for pvp in my opinion.. since this feels "to good to be true" could you maybe check if the dodge formula is alright archon?

    b) covert. most traits give minor but usefull bonuses on ground - except covert. Covert turns normal cloaking module cloak into perfect cloak by itself. No amount of perception helps to see through it, regardless of range. If you thought you fixed it back then with removing cloak stacking - the main issue is not fixed at all yet.. perfect cloak is still there and still as OP as ever.

    Should perfect cloak really exist? should one character trait really be a must-have for every single ground pvp tac?

    To give some space analogy.. just think of an escort that can decloak at your 6, one/two shot you within one second and battlecloak immediately away into perfect non counterable stealth to escape the retaliation of your teammates. (that "immediately" is achieved by kit-switching still).

    c) Kit-switching still needs a fix in pvp.. not just because of the cooldown bypassing problems but also because it still allows some unintended buff stacking for some classes. A simple fix for that issue could be to put all powers on a kit - after switching - on a 1 min cooldown that cant be affected by tac ini, that should totally discourage switching for any cooldown advantage.
    I'd certainly love feedback on this stuff. I'm not sure if we're going to do anything to accelerate progression on Tribble or not.

    Question: are the new mk X, XI and XII kits different in powers or just scaled up versions?

    While i could see us reaching mk X kits easily on tribble im not so sure about the higher versions, which would totally limit testing.

    Accelerated progression - or a simple test-merchant to buy the new kits for testing; in example in the last week of the testing would be pretty awesome tho.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    The 5% Placate here is a bug - that was there as a placeholder. The alternative to Shield Regeneration is actually a 2.5% chance for your energy weapons to proc Kinetic damage with 100% shield penetration.

    So, you just gave my Regent using DMGx3, CritD Anti Proton beams the ability to do up to and over 60k damage to any ship in the game with beam overload3, through the shields as if they weren't even there.

    And 120k+ with a tricobalt torpedo, mine, or even 40k+ with a photon/quantum. With an even higher increase in the rate of procs.

    Or, the DC and DHCs used in escorts, with their extremely high rate of fire. Getting a critical on one of those is bad enough, getting it as a kinetic with 100% shield penetration...

    That...does not sound like a very good idea.

    You might as well paint a bullseye on your hull if you're in PVP and just drop the shields.

    The entire point of shields, is to protect. If you can bypass that completely and destroy your enemy in literally a single shot, you just killed any semblance of balance.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012
    I have updated this power to make it work with Torpedoes and Mines. It will have a 5% proc rate with Torpedoes and Mines.

    Any chance of increasing that for the mines with extra-long cooldowns?
    Respecs will not be available when the system launches, but we've discussed them and I'm certainly hoping to see them further down the line.

    Thats a no then. Seeing as you guys have been saying this exact thing about the retrait option for the last 3 years im going to take this as a firm NO.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So, you just gave my Regent using DMGx3, CritD Anti Proton beams the ability to do up to and over 60k damage to any ship in the game with beam overload3, through the shields as if they weren't even there.

    And 120k+ with a tricobalt torpedo, mine, or even 40k+ with a photon/quantum. With an even higher increase in the rate of procs.

    Or, the DC and DHCs used in escorts, with their extremely high rate of fire. Getting a critical on one of those is bad enough, getting it as a kinetic with 100% shield penetration...

    That...does not sound like a very good idea.

    You might as well paint a bullseye on your hull if you're in PVP and just drop the shields.

    The entire point of shields, is to protect. If you can bypass that completely and destroy your enemy in literally a single shot, you just killed any semblance of balance.

    I'm pretty sure it works like Dem or plsma torp procs. I.e. it does a small amount of damage based of the base weapon damage to the hull.

    that said within reason i hope they make the proc scale in magnitude with effects like BO or THY or it's going to give CRF/CSV/FAW serious advantages over them. It's allready an issue with the balance of weapons with the [borg] proc.

    Also can we make sure iot scales with weapon RoF, as you've allready noticed this is a big issue with the current [borg] procs.

    Also, since your anwsering question. Any clarification on weather Target Subsystems will work with Kenetic Cutting Beam?
  • michaelsdstmichaelsdst Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Respecs will not be available when the system launches, but we've discussed them and I'm certainly hoping to see them further down the line.
    Lack of respec is fatal. A wrong click can mess up your day, like no other in ST. With the current items, services, etc. bound to the character and not to the account, I can not even quickly make a new character to correct any error in my choices of reputation abilities.

    Please, make a priority.
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