Maybe even sooner. If I were them I'd want to get that disappearing NPC bug fix in ASAP. If only to get us to stop pestering BranFlakes on Twitter, lol.
I just want to pipe in here that I am really pleased with how my entry is coming along, and that I should have it published and out in perhaps as short as 2 days.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's take on their entries as well as just getting another mission out there! I'm really excited.
I have time commitments with family coming up, and at the last minute changed my idea to a mission I still intend to complete that explores the future KDF that spawns the Korath and Roshenko class ships. I just don't have time to do it justice so I would rather withdraw and tell you to be on the look out for 2 upcoming KDF missions from me soon after the new year.
First will be the KDF version of my Foundry Challenge #5 entry, "Spectres, Episode Six : Whatever Happened to the U.S.S. Reuben James?" and the other will be the mission I mentioned above tentatively called "The Incident at Gila IV"
BOTH will deal heavily with exactly what this contest is looking for. I'm sad that I won't have time to finish either before the deadline, but hope that if this contest and the whole idea behind it seems as cool to you as it does to me, that you will check them out when they publish.
Good Luck to all the authors still in the contest.
I can't wait to play all your missions !
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
30 - 45 min
I had a great time with this as well as putting down my thoughts for the Klingon Temporal Faction. Looking forward to seeing how other people handled the thought! Thank you for hosting this contest!
It's the 22nd for me at least. If you're going to participate in the contest. This is your last chance to get your missions published and an announcement posted in this thread. We will begin playing them this weekend. Thank you in advance for taking the time to create a KDF foundry mission. We appreciate good KDF storytelling.
Woot! Are you going to post a finalized list of the mission taking part? I'm not sure at this point if it is Bazag, Myself, and Dalolorn or if Dalolorn backed out.
Also, make sure the mission version you judge of mine is the 12-22-2012 updated version. Some pretty crucial spelling errors I am glad I caught. I'd hate for the old one to be judged instead!
Woot! Are you going to post a finalized list of the mission taking part? I'm not sure at this point if it is Bazag, Myself, and Dalolorn or if Dalolorn backed out.
Also, make sure the mission version you judge of mine is the 12-22-2012 updated version. Some pretty crucial spelling errors I am glad I caught. I'd hate for the old one to be judged instead!
For the Glory of the Empire!
Yeap ... and I'm also looking forward to playing through all of them.
Here are the missions. I'm happy to say, everyone get a prize, but what is yet to be discovered. So stay tuned.
Name: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
Mission: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
30 - 45 min
Mission name: A Rescue in Time
Minimum level: Any? Is that possible when using Romulans, Devidians (for a bossfight that isn't really Devidian) and True Way??
Description: Oh come on, read it yourself. I don't have time to quote it right now.
To my warrior brothers and sisters of the Empire ... Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor have determined our winners!
FIRST PLACE: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
SECOND PLACE: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
Author: dalolorn
Minimum level: Any? Is that possible when using Romulans, Devidians (for a bossfight that isn't really Devidian) and True Way??
Description: Oh come on, read it yourself. I don't have time to quote it right now.
Congratulations to XR-377 as although Bazag had a great mission ... Time Will Tell won by unanymous vote!
It was a VERY compelling story that left us wanting more! ... We look forward to crafting this one at a later date into a future episode of Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor (pending your authorization for us to do so)!
XR-377 .... Let me know which of the following prizes you want as your grand prize.
-- Requisition for a Temporal Science Ship
-- Requisition for a Temporal Shuttle
-- Requisition for an assortment of four different cross faction consoles.
-- Klingon Mirror Battle Cruiser
-- Klingon Mirror Qin Raptor
Bazag ... We also truly enjoyed your mission, especially the game of "Stomp the Bob" as we moved down the corridor. (I've never never never had so much fun going down a single hallway )
Baz, let me know your #1 and #2 choice for your prize, in case your first choice matches XR-277's choice.
And that leaves "A Rescue In Time."
Dalolorn, we enjoyed the start of your mission as well as where it was heading, but unfortunately we just could not get past the part where you had to trigger the holographic wall. For all of us, the mission became broken at that point.
Soriedem tried sending you a message with hopes you could get it patched, but as it remained broken ... We had to withdraw it from the main competition.
However, because we recognize the work that went into it, we wanted to make sure you were recognized with a consolation award and you will be receiving a Klingon Mirror Qin Raptor.
Just let me know where to mail it.
To all three authors ... THANK YOU THANK YOU for entering the contest!
Qapla' !!!
BTW ... I can be reached in game via Gen. Hauk@P-A-T-H-I-N-D-E-R
To my warrior brothers and sisters of the Empire ... Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor have determined our winners!
FIRST PLACE: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
SECOND PLACE: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
Author: dalolorn
Minimum level: Any? Is that possible when using Romulans, Devidians (for a bossfight that isn't really Devidian) and True Way??
Description: Oh come on, read it yourself. I don't have time to quote it right now.
Congratulations to XR-377 as although Bazag had a great mission ... Time Will Tell won by unanymous vote!
It was a VERY compelling story that left us wanting more! ... We look forward to crafting this one at a later date into a future episode of Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor (pending your authorization for us to do so)!
We are already working out some of the logistics involved, early conversations. Nothing concrete. Additional information will follow.
Bazag ... We also truly enjoyed your mission, especially the game of "Stomp the Bob" as we moved down the corridor. (I've never never never had so much fun going down a single hallway )
No matter how hard I tried, I could not stomp on the booger. Dang, he's fast!
Dalolorn, we enjoyed the start of your mission as well as where it was heading, but unfortunately we just could not get past the part where you had to trigger the holographic wall. For all of us, the mission became broken at that point.
Soriedem tried sending you a message with hopes you could get it patched, but as it remained broken ... We had to withdraw it from the main competition.
However, because we recognize the work that went into it, we wanted to make sure you were recognized with a consolation award and you will be receiving a Klingon Mirror Qin Raptor.
I was enjoying the scavenger hunt. I want to know how it ends. Please go back and resolve the issue. If you need help, I believe I may have an idea of what may have happened there.
This was a great contest and I was happy to take part in it! I loved the direction in dealing with a Klingon Temporal Faction and flushing them out! Klingon missions are fun to write! I also enjoyed the encounter with Bob the Blob as well.
However, I am proud to proclaim that Victory is Mine!
I've responded to Pathfinder via in game mail already.
Thank you for hosting this contest, I know I had a blast and I am proud of my mission I made.
PS: If I can ask, the final battle has a very different selection of options for how you could influence it's endings. I'm curious at which ones you picked, although, I think I have an idea.
You did a wonderful Job on your mission and it deserved it's win. I can't wait for this to be turned into a GoS ep. I'm sure epicness will ensue.
Of course my first choice was the option that you chose. I put it there knowing that it would likely be your choice but just incase in wasn't. I ended up going with the consoles.
First of all, I haven't been playing STO for a while, so I never got around to removing that thing and moving it to Qo'noS altogether.
Second, because of the first thing, I don't really need a reward. In retrospect, I probably wasn't going to open it because of the reason for the first part.
Still, I think I'm going to apply that fix now, as I have absolutely nothing else to do.
Qapla'! :P
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
We've had three weeks of downtime which means the NEW DEADLINE is now Saturday, Dec. 22.
Get those entries finished!!!!!!!!
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
Qapla'! Can't wait to play the missions.
Is the holding pattern back on ?
Well, guess I don't have to bother then, because the world's gonna be long gone. :rolleyes:
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's take on their entries as well as just getting another mission out there! I'm really excited.
Name: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
I have time commitments with family coming up, and at the last minute changed my idea to a mission I still intend to complete that explores the future KDF that spawns the Korath and Roshenko class ships. I just don't have time to do it justice so I would rather withdraw and tell you to be on the look out for 2 upcoming KDF missions from me soon after the new year.
First will be the KDF version of my Foundry Challenge #5 entry, "Spectres, Episode Six : Whatever Happened to the U.S.S. Reuben James?" and the other will be the mission I mentioned above tentatively called "The Incident at Gila IV"
BOTH will deal heavily with exactly what this contest is looking for. I'm sad that I won't have time to finish either before the deadline, but hope that if this contest and the whole idea behind it seems as cool to you as it does to me, that you will check them out when they publish.
Good Luck to all the authors still in the contest.
I can't wait to play all your missions !
Mission: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
30 - 45 min
I had a great time with this as well as putting down my thoughts for the Klingon Temporal Faction. Looking forward to seeing how other people handled the thought! Thank you for hosting this contest!
For the Empire!
Also, make sure the mission version you judge of mine is the 12-22-2012 updated version. Some pretty crucial spelling errors I am glad I caught. I'd hate for the old one to be judged instead!
For the Glory of the Empire!
Yeap ... and I'm also looking forward to playing through all of them.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
Name: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
Mission: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
30 - 45 min
Mission name: A Rescue in Time
Minimum level: Any? Is that possible when using Romulans, Devidians (for a bossfight that isn't really Devidian) and True Way??
Description: Oh come on, read it yourself. I don't have time to quote it right now.
Edit: @handle: dalolorn
FIRST PLACE: Time Will Tell
Author: XR-377
Level: 31+
When K.D.F. High Command asks you to investigate a strange anomaly near Qo'noS you find yourself face to face with a dark future for the Empire. Will you find the guides you need to make sure it doesn't come to pass?
SECOND PLACE: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Lvl req: Any
Time: Approx 20 mins
Author: Bazag
Description: Read it in game!
Author: dalolorn
Minimum level: Any? Is that possible when using Romulans, Devidians (for a bossfight that isn't really Devidian) and True Way??
Description: Oh come on, read it yourself. I don't have time to quote it right now.
Congratulations to XR-377 as although Bazag had a great mission ... Time Will Tell won by unanymous vote!
It was a VERY compelling story that left us wanting more! ... We look forward to crafting this one at a later date into a future episode of Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor (pending your authorization for us to do so)!
XR-377 .... Let me know which of the following prizes you want as your grand prize.
-- Requisition for a Temporal Science Ship
-- Requisition for a Temporal Shuttle
-- Requisition for an assortment of four different cross faction consoles.
-- Klingon Mirror Battle Cruiser
-- Klingon Mirror Qin Raptor
Bazag ... We also truly enjoyed your mission, especially the game of "Stomp the Bob" as we moved down the corridor. (I've never never never had so much fun going down a single hallway
Baz, let me know your #1 and #2 choice for your prize, in case your first choice matches XR-277's choice.
And that leaves "A Rescue In Time."
Dalolorn, we enjoyed the start of your mission as well as where it was heading, but unfortunately we just could not get past the part where you had to trigger the holographic wall. For all of us, the mission became broken at that point.
Soriedem tried sending you a message with hopes you could get it patched, but as it remained broken ... We had to withdraw it from the main competition.
However, because we recognize the work that went into it, we wanted to make sure you were recognized with a consolation award and you will be receiving a Klingon Mirror Qin Raptor.
Just let me know where to mail it.
To all three authors ... THANK YOU THANK YOU for entering the contest!
Qapla' !!!
BTW ... I can be reached in game via Gen. Hauk@P-A-T-H-I-N-D-E-R
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
We are already working out some of the logistics involved, early conversations. Nothing concrete. Additional information will follow.
No matter how hard I tried, I could not stomp on the booger. Dang, he's fast!
I was enjoying the scavenger hunt. I want to know how it ends. Please go back and resolve the issue. If you need help, I believe I may have an idea of what may have happened there.
For the Empire!
This was a great contest and I was happy to take part in it! I loved the direction in dealing with a Klingon Temporal Faction and flushing them out! Klingon missions are fun to write! I also enjoyed the encounter with Bob the Blob as well.
However, I am proud to proclaim that Victory is Mine!
I've responded to Pathfinder via in game mail already.
Thank you for hosting this contest, I know I had a blast and I am proud of my mission I made.
PS: If I can ask, the final battle has a very different selection of options for how you could influence it's endings. I'm curious at which ones you picked, although, I think I have an idea.
You did a wonderful Job on your mission and it deserved it's win. I can't wait for this to be turned into a GoS ep. I'm sure epicness will ensue.
Of course my first choice was the option that you chose. I put it there knowing that it would likely be your choice but just incase in wasn't. I ended up going with the consoles.
Second, because of the first thing, I don't really need a reward. In retrospect, I probably wasn't going to open it because of the reason for the first part.
Still, I think I'm going to apply that fix now, as I have absolutely nothing else to do.
Qapla'! :P
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.